Belbergere Belgians

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Belbergere Belgians Breeder and exhibitor of BSD Groen. Health, temperament and structure are of high importance. Dogs

Case Series Survival Outcomes of Dogs with  Appendicular Osteosarcoma Treated with  Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medic...

Case Series Survival Outcomes of Dogs with Appendicular Osteosarcoma Treated with Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine: Retrospective Analysis of 7 Cases

CIVT provides world-leading education in natural medicine, including three accredited online post-graduate qualifications, industry-recognised certifications

Breakthrough in Gastric Cancer Research in Belgian Shepherd Dogs

Breakthrough in Gastric Cancer Research in Belgian Shepherd Dogs

Veterinary researchers Paul Mandigers and Sanne Hugen from the Expertise Center for Animal Genetics, in collaboration with researchers from Cornell University in the USA, have identified DNA markers that influence the risk of gastric cancer in Belgian Shepherd dogs.

Progress report on new medications for seizures and epilepsy: A summary of the 17th Eilat Conference on New Antiepilepti...

Progress report on new medications for seizures and epilepsy: A summary of the 17th Eilat Conference on New Antiepileptic Drugs and Devices (EILAT XVII). I. Drugs in preclinical and early clinical development

For >30 years, the Eilat Conference on New Antiepileptic Drugs and Devices has provided a forum for the discussion of advances in the development of new therapies for seizures and epilepsy. The EILAT...

Canine Parvoviral Enteritis Mortality in Shelter Dogs Receiving Conventional Medical Therapy Compared to Integrative Tre...

Canine Parvoviral Enteritis Mortality in Shelter Dogs Receiving Conventional Medical Therapy Compared to Integrative Treatment with the Chinese Herbal Medicine, Zhi Li Tang: A Pilot Study

By Yen Adamenkova, Deng-Shan Shiau & 1 more. The results from this study suggest integrating Zhi Li Tang (ZLT, Red Back Door) with conventional treatment of CPV enteritis could reduce mortality from CPV infections in shelter dogs.

Effect of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus coagulans spores on induced allergic contact dermatitis in dogshttps://onlineli...

Effect of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus coagulans spores on induced allergic contact dermatitis in dogs

RESEARCH NEWS - Probiotic Supplements as an Alternative to Corticosteroids to Treat Allergic Contact Dermatitis in Dogs

Graphical Abstract: Dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) was injected subcutaneously into 20 healthy adult dogs to induce allergic contact dermatitis. Dogs were divided into four groups including control, pro...

Interesting read.The SDMA Test – What Abnormal Results Mean And What They Don’t Mean

Interesting read.
The SDMA Test – What Abnormal Results Mean And What They Don’t Mean

The SDMA Test – What Abnormal Results Mean And What They Don’t Mean Ron Hines DVM PhD Kidney Disease In Your Dog & Cat- Its Diagnosis And Treatment Kidney Problems In Your Cat – Renal Failure (CRF) Cat & Dog Owner Comments On The SDMA Test Renal Tech Through 2023, human nephrologists at the Na...

Behavioral comorbidities treatment by f***l microbiota transplantation in canine epilepsy: a pilot study of a novel ther...

Behavioral comorbidities treatment by f***l microbiota transplantation in canine epilepsy: a pilot study of a novel therapeutic approach

IntroductionAnxiety and cognitive dysfunction are frequent, difficult to treat and burdensome comorbidities in human and canine epilepsy. F***l microbiota tr...

Assisting decision-making on age of neutering for German Short/Wirehaired Pointer, Mastiff, Newfoundland, Rhodesian Ridg...

Assisting decision-making on age of neutering for German Short/Wirehaired Pointer, Mastiff, Newfoundland, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Siberian Husky: associated joint disorders, cancers, and urinary incontinence

Spaying female and castrating male dogs, hereinafter referred to as neutering, is a US convention for the first year in the dog's life. Research on 35 breeds of dogs revealed that early neutering increases risks of joint disorders, such as hip dysplasia (HD), elbow dysplasia (ED), or cranial cruciat...

This morning I woke to the sad news of Yvette Brixhe’s (La Chenestre) passing in Mexico.I became friends with Yvette, fi...

This morning I woke to the sad news of Yvette Brixhe’s (La Chenestre) passing in Mexico.

I became friends with Yvette, first through email, then through fb when Soli, Nellie’s daughter came to live with her in Belgium. Throughout the years, we kept in touch and shared news of Soli, and my Nellie and Satine and offspring.
I know how sad she was when Soli left her only a few years ago, but she was happy to be taking a part of her in her grandson Fladjy when she moved to Mexico.

RIP Yvette, and be with your beloved dogs that are waiting for you.

Soli at 15yrs.

Django, Arwen sleeping side by side.Sleeping wrong way, going to have to disturb so I can get into bed. Where they have ...

Django, Arwen sleeping side by side.

Sleeping wrong way, going to have to disturb so I can get into bed. Where they have their head - is my side.

Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome and PreventionDr Jean Dodds.

Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome and Prevention
Dr Jean Dodds.

Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CCD) is a gradual and common degenerative disease in dogs that is similar to Alzheimer's and can be slowed.

Lawsuit Claims Hill’s Pet Food And Veterinarians Fabricated Grain-Free Diet ScareAnd they have a slew of evidence to bac...

Lawsuit Claims Hill’s Pet Food And Veterinarians Fabricated Grain-Free Diet Scare
And they have a slew of evidence to back up their claims.

And they have a slew of evidence to back up their claims.


Learn about pannus in dogs and how you can contribute to research into this eye disease at Cornell University.

Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.


Librela is a new monoclonal antibody drug for osteoarthritis pain in dogs. It works well for some, but there's a real risk of severe side effects ...

As professional dog trainers, our job is to tell clients what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. Due to the rising popularity of the Belgian Malinois, we're receiving more and more inquiries asking us to help "fix" these dogs as they mature into adults. They're biting house guests, chasing the children, and getting into bar fights at the dog park.... and their families are feeling hopeless and frustrated, realizing they bit off more than they could chew.

We understand the appeal. They're beautiful, athletic dogs with hilarious personalities and they're smart as can be. Videos of their impressive training and abilities regularly go viral on the internet. Done correctly, you'd be hard pressed to find a more loyal breed. But these dogs are not without extreme challenges that can make them completely unsuitable for the average home.

For those of you that know us, you know that we are incredibly passionate about the breed. For those of you that don't, a little background on us. Lisa Lucero won the USA Mondioring Nationals in 2021 with her Malinois, Hero; and competed in Romania in the International competition with him in Oct. 2021 - placing in the top 15 in the world. She has been in the Malinois breed for twelve years, with her third competition dog of the breed. Shaina Zimmerman won the MR1 Nationals in 2019 with one of her Malinois, Atom, took 3rd place at MR3 in 2021, and has two dogs currently competing in Mondioring and French Ring. Both have also been involved in rescue and placement of the breed, as well as puppy selection and rearing for some of the top breeders in the country. Shaina's female Malinois just had a litter of puppies for a well known kennel, and she is currently raising one of those puppies until he is placed in an appropriate home. Prior to Malinois, Lisa and Shaina both competed with working line German Shepherds. We have titled in AKC and ASCA Obedience and Rally, in addition to protection sports. We have trained with the best of the best in the country, and in the world. The point is, we have extensive breeding and training experience with Malinois.

We aren't going to sugarcoat what it takes to be successful with a young Malinois in a pet home. One of our well-respected colleagues, that we refer to for private lessons and group classes (since we do not offer those services) has decided to refer out all Malinois inquiries that come in as she has had almost no success helping people with these dogs as pets. The breed has gained exponentially in popularity since the rise of the public's exposure to them. Unfortunately, this has led to many more of them being bred and put out into the world - from those in shelter situations, to those being purchased from working line breeders, to those being bred by less scrupulous breeders looking to cash in on their popularity. It's easy to find breeders regularly mixing Malinois with Dutch Shepherds and German Shepherds, touting them as the perfect family protector and companion, selling them to ill-prepared families. They are a truly singular breed in their needs, and in how their brains work. Even those from the very best breeders require a completely different type of life and training than most trainers offer, or most homes are willing to provide. While we do not subscribe to the theory that Malinois need hours of intensive training and exercise every day, we do know that they need more structure and understanding of training theories and genetic behaviors than most homes are willing to learn and implement.

Malinois are purposefully bred to be a bit neurotic, with a lot of drive, suspicion, and aggression. This can be a hard balance to get right, as genetics have a huge influence on behavior and despite the most thoughtful of breeding, the result can be undesirable. Some Malinois like dogs. Some like people. If you're lucky, you end up with a dog that likes both (we call this a UNICORN)... but most often, they dislike both. And that doesn't make them a bad Malinois.

No matter how social a Malinois is (or appears to be), dog parks and daycare are not appropriate outlets for their energy. These dogs are obsessive -- of their toys, their interactions, and their environments. Putting them in situations where they are able to obsess over dogs, people, and items will inevitably result in behaviors such as barking and lunging on walks, aggression due to possession of their toys, running off after dogs while off leash, etc.

Any interactions our own dogs have with other dogs and strangers are well thought out, and for the benefit of the dog. This is not a breed to hang out at a backyard BBQ with intoxicated houseguests who don't understand high drive dogs. Even sober overzealous greeters can get into trouble with a Malinois. (HAIIII PUPPPY!)

While I am not saying owning a Malinois is akin to a tiger that needs to be kept in a cage, I am telling you that they require a much higher level of obedience control, and coaching other people how to interact (management) than other dogs in order to be mentally well adjusted, happy dogs, to prevent dog fights, and bites to people. Even an accidental bite can have devastating consequences for a dog and it is our job to respect this breed for what it is, and for what it isn't, and to avoid and/or intervene in bad situations. While we can help our clients get rock-solid obedience training, direct them to appropriate training outlets, and help them live the best life together, we cannot, and will not, help them make a Malinois what they are not (a Golden Retriever, by example). It is not possible, and it would be unprofessional and unethical for us to take a clients money promising to do so.

To drive it home, here is a good post from a breeder friend of ours that has gone viral numerous times over the years:

"For those that need to hear it....MALINOIS BITE!
No, there’s nothing ‘wrong’ with them. They are bred this way. They do this from 5 weeks on. They also have lots of energy, are very reactive, very pushy and usually carry quite a bit of aggression. They are not known as ‘tolerant dogs’. They don’t care if that’s your kid’s toy. It’s theirs now. P**s off!
They are not like German Shepherds. They are nothing like your Rottweiler you had years ago that you got to sit and stay. They are not Lassie. They are not Rin Tin Tin. Just stop with that.
They jump like REALLY well. See all those cool videos online of them doing crazy parkour s**t? See all those high walls they scale? Your stupid fenced in yard is a joke. I watch 5 month old Malinois puppies that can climb 6ft fences no problem. These are very athletic and agile dogs. There are reasons they are securely confined when not closely supervised by responsible owners. This is one.
And here comes the ‘well, if they are so terrible than how come you have them?’
Well, guess what? I’m a professional trainer. My life revolves around training dogs. I literally eat, breath and sleep this stuff. Everyday. 24/7. It’s an obsession and a lifestyle. I have the need for a breed that matches that intensity. If I didn’t, you bet your ass I wouldn’t have Malinois. In fact, I started out with other breeds first. I went out to sport training clubs and was a dedicated member for years before I got a Malinois. I spent lots of time around the breed with professional trainers before getting my own.
If you’re still romanticizing about getting your own Malinois after reading all this. Fine. Do it right. Don’t be a schmuck and just go out and get one from the first jerk drooling to sell your naive ass a BYB puppy. JOIN a training club. Spend LOTS of time around them. Learn how to actually train a dog using your brain instead of jerking it into a sit. Get a proper set up. Make sure you have several REPUTABLE breeders lined up. Make sure you know exactly what you’re getting into. Then take the plunge and hopefully enjoy the rewards of dedication and planning. Or don’t...because you found out this isn’t for you and you can’t commit. No shame in that.
The point here...don’t make a round peg try to fit in a square hole. Don’t make a selfish, uneducated decision because you are impulsive and don’t care if another living being suffers due to your crap choice at the time. The safety blanket for this breed is gone. Yes, that’s right. The Malinois rescues are overwhelmed. The shelters are getting owner surrender and stray Malinois left and right. They are now on the blacklist for many insurance companies and landlords. It’s not slowing down. Nobody will want your Malinois when you finally decide that maybe you made a mistake. So keep that in mind when admiring that pretty brown hero dog with the black mask."
-Stephanie OBrien
Loucyn Malinois

Happy 11th birthday to the ALLFAXEDUP litter.It has not been the easiest of years. Here is wishing for a happy and healt...

Happy 11th birthday to the ALLFAXEDUP litter.

It has not been the easiest of years. Here is wishing for a happy and healthy 11th year.

On some good news for Arwen.
Last vet visit, clinically all clear and lymph nodes and thyroid were normal size 😁. T4 blood in house was still high, BUT, what we are now predominantly thinking, is that as the fT4 and cTSH were ok via lab, her thyroid blood work does not compute with the in house labs - apparently rare, but does happen. Or, that she has a normal high T4. There were. couple of other thoughts, but these seemed less likely.
So a whole lot of worry, and expenses later, it looks like she will be with us for a while longer. 😁😁😁.
Django is doing very well too.

Birthday Breakfast of Chicken Feet, Buffalo, Chicken Egg


I mentioned a few weeks ago we were planning a retrospective analysis of dry and raw-fed dogs in a single veterinary hospital - in essence, by comparing their vet records from the previous year, we will see who uses the vet more and for what. We will then get this study published in a top journal and use it to further the raw movement globally, to the great benefit of millions of cats and dogs.

The picture painted by many is that research is incredibly, prohibitively expensive for the public to do but in reality, most of the really valuable studies, such as this one, are far from it. The data is already there. Already collected by vets. We just have to look. Our small team can get this done for $48,500

We need your help to do this.

The fact is, all of us - from the owner of a pet enjoying real food each day and now saving you a fortune at the vets to the pet shop that can't keep raw in stock or the pet food manufacturer with a nice, positive bank sheet - all have profited in their own way from such works before.

Please donate (and learn more about the study) here...

Unfortunately, the entire system is rigged to ensure that little studies like these do not happen. Bar Helsinki University, no veterinary departments are interested in investigating, let alone publishing issues with products made by the sponsors of their department. It simply doesn't happen, clearly.

All we have is a small handful of studies in this regard, most of them produced by Dog Risk in Helsinki, and then people like me and RPM, Habib and Becker and all the AWESOME raw-feeding groups working tirelessly to help people new to the game, then take these studies and blast the results to the world. Because when vets and the public alike are shown the truth they are clearly smart enough to grasp it, as exploding sales in raw (and declining sales in dry) clearly show.

We can't wait for our captured institutions to protect us from the multinationals. We must take back control of science. This means doing it ourselves because the secret truth is science is very simple. It doesn't need the lofty brick-and-mortar university set-up. Far from it. There are numerous scientists out there who work outside of them - scientists like Vicky Adams, a highly published veterinary epidemiologist, who is governing this project. It means you can get stuff done quicker and significantly cheaper (50% of every research dollar to a university goes to admin, and much of the rest can be used to prop up the studies of their major benefactors), but it means instead of relying on industry cash, you need to appeal to the public for the truly worthy projects.

We will get this study done in 5 months, start to finish, but we have been given 30 days to raise the $48,500 in order to do it.

It's called citizen science folks - science for the people, by the people. Let’s take action. Let's take back a little control.

Let's get this done. Please donate and enjoy the warm feeling that you will get having given more dogs a chance at a healthier life (and that you stuck it to the man!).

Times are tough for many so promise me this, if you can't donate as little as a dollar, please share this post with your dog food manufacturer or pet shop and ask them to donate and share. Their business is thriving because of works like these. When this study comes out and we start screaming about it, their sales will improve. In essence, we are doing their marketing for them. I feel at least the manufacturers should be getting on board with this. They have more capital and will benefit the most financially from it. If and when they donate they can broadcast it from their social media platforms, showing us they truly care about the cause we care so passionately about. So please, whoever you buy your whole (raw/cooked) dog food from, email them this study and / or tag them in this post.

Rodney Habib
Dr. Karen Becker
Planet Paws
Dr. Judy Morgan's Naturally Healthy Pets
The Natural Pet Doctor
Dr. Peter Dobias
W. Jean Dodds' Hemopet, Petlifeline, Hemolife & Nutriscan
Paleo Ridge Raw Dog Food
The Natural Canine Kitchen
Raw & Holistic Cat & Dog Support Group
Raw Feeding For Dogs Made Simple (U.K)
Wylie Wellness Centre Brentwood
Keep the Tail Wagging - rawfeederlife
The Natural Canine Kitchen
Happy Dogs Aigle
Ingenious Probiotics
Natures Menu
Bella & Duke
Raw Fed Dalmatians
Honey's Real Dog Food
NO BULL Just Natural Health for Dogs

Seresto Pet Flea and Tick Collars Still on the Market but with Mitigation Measures

Seresto Pet Flea and Tick Collars Still on the Market but with Mitigation Measures

Seresto pet flea and tick collars are still on the market after being tied to possible deaths. Find out the new measures the EPA has implemented.


We were presented the early findings of a new study from Dog Risk, University of Helsinki, that concludes, "our results show that the consumption of raw dog food at an early age has a significant effect on reducing the development of tartar later in life".

Significant considerations include:

- moving them to raw as early as possible

- more time spent outside exploring (and chewing?!)

- mothers diet during pregnancy and lactation (this one's complicated by the fact if you're happy to feed a pregnant bitch with dry food you're more than likely going to feed pups in and about the same thing)

- maternal history of tartar - mums with tartar were 7 times more likely to have pups with tartar (again confused by assumed diet choice here but also bringing up conversations of a) a bad oral biome being handed to the pups through licking and/or b), a possible genetic factor, supported by the fact some breeds seem more affected than others.

The genetic predisposition for tartar interests me (if just because, in the rare instance Canident doesn't work to clean your dogs teeth, I want to know why!). It seems there can be genes at play in gum disease. Scientists have identified 38 genes associated with the increased risk of developing periodontitis. One in particular, the FAM5C gene, more commonly known for inflammation and myocardial disease, has recently been linked to aggressive periodontal disease though this may be the chicken / egg scenario, a bad mouth being one of the biggest drivers of inflammation in your body...).

For now, the studies clearly show it's very largely about diet. Ditch the kibble that skips off the teeth and the canned mush that stick to them, and feed them real food. That's first.

Lacking opposable thumbs and arms that bend at jaunty angles, dogs struggle to brush their own teeth in the morning. They need abrasion (aka "hassle factor"). A lot of raw is ground, not exactly solving the problem (though now at least their food isn't rammed full of cheap, tattar fuelling carbs / sugars) but it happens that folk that feed raw tend to feed raw meaty bones, the dog's normal toothbrush, which is potentially the deciding factor.

Feeding raw meaty bones cleans your dog's teeth - quickly, safely and cheaply, offering dogs a huge nutrient boost (glucosamine, chondroitin, hyaluronic acid, collagen, glucagon, gluthainone, vitamin C, also a rare source of many minerals include copper, manganese and selenium). Here's supportive studies on that and how to do it safely (never feed cooked bones).

In some cases, you might need more support. In those instances, I strongly recommend Canident - deeply nutritious, highly effective, money-back instantly if it doesn't work. You can't lose. We ship our tracked, compostable tubs worldwide in days...

If you can, please look for the stuff made "for Dogs First Ltd by Well Fed Pets" in Northern Ireland. It is written clearly on the side of the tub.

There are two companies now making Canident, part of our recent separation agreement. Bit messy I grant you, but necessary while we work out the best way forward. I supervise production up in NI. This means, I now only stand over - meaning our money-back guarantee only applies to - stuff made and sold by us or any of our stockists (see below). If you're buying from us, and so many of you have been with us since the very start, thanks so much for your continued support. It's much appreciated.

Australia and New Zealand clients, you can source Canident and the rest of our range from NatureDog Raw Dog Food in Australia.

Asker Hund og Helse
Barkin Bistro
Boston & Co
Barks and Bubbles
Bubbles Pet Care
Canine Creations
Canine Raw & More
Chalkland Vets Ltd
Clip'n'Dip Grooming Salon
Doodle Dogs Boutique
Dorset Raw Pet Foods
Dr Judy Morgans Naturally Healthy Pets
Embark On Raw Feeding
Equillibrium Malta Integrative Veterinary Services Center
Fetch Your Pets Need
Fifi & Fido Pet Boutique
Gosforth Bark
Grampian Pet Services
Greens Wellness Centre For Pets
Happy Dogs Aigle
Harleys Holisitc Hounds
Hearty Appetite Ltd
Henley Raw Dog Food
HolisticVet Ltd
Integrative Animal Solutions
Laura Zacik
Mad About Dog Training
Maximum k9 Service
Mersey Raw Ltd
Naturally Healthy Dogs
Naturally Healthy Pets (Dr Judy)
Nature Dog
Nurture Them Naturally
Paleo Ridge
Paws Naturally
Pawsome of Topsham
Petcare Vets Ltd
Petes Natural Dog Shop
Poochie Paws
Precious Paws Boutique
Pug & Hound Pet Apothecary
Raw Feeding Plus Ltd
Raw Feeding Vet Society
Raw Natural Feeding NI
Simply Raw Feeding
Skipdhu Raw Pet Food
Stefs Pet Panty
The Dog House
Taylors Pet Food
Thistle k9 Supplies Ltd
Top K9 Nosh
Trophy Pet Foods
UpRaw Pet Foods
Wallis Diervoeding
Wiggins & Co
Wholesome Canine
Woofs a Daisy Ltd
Murphys Doggy Deli
Natural PetCare
Dog and Hair
House of Paws Pet Boutique
The Dog House Grooming Studio and Boutique
Lily Pad Pet Shop & Grooming

Some more sad news from the ALLFAXEDUP litter.I received an email early this morning from Kahlua’s mother (in Dubai), to...

Some more sad news from the ALLFAXEDUP litter.

I received an email early this morning from Kahlua’s mother (in Dubai), to say that Kahlua had unexpectedly passed away.

“ He wasn’t ailing and didn’t have any issues. He did show signs of slowing down and after chasing Bailey this morning just collapsed and passed away within minutes. “

Kahlua (kahki puppy) was a special sweet boy that held a special place in my heart while he was with me. I cannot thank his life long guardians enough for the love and attention that they gave throughout the too short a time he was with us.

Forever in our hearts.

“Belbergere Faxellent”


We are the consumer journal for the microbiome health of dogs. Read our current issue.

RALGAPA1 Deletion in Belgian Shepherd Dogs with Cerebellar AtaxiaNew findings from research in Bern-Switzerland:Dear Lad...

RALGAPA1 Deletion in Belgian Shepherd Dogs with Cerebellar Ataxia

New findings from research in Bern-Switzerland:

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

We are pleased to inform you about research progress regarding a hereditary disease in Belgian Shepherd dogs. Recent research efforts in this breed have identified a genetic defect that causes a neurological disease with monogenic autosomal recessive inheritance. A test for the disease is already commercially available under the name “Cerebellar Ataxia (CA1)”. Affected puppies develop uncoordinated movements and gait abnormalities of varying severity, which remain visible into adulthood.

More information about the disease and the genetic defect can be found in our scientific publication:

Explanation of the genetic test result:

There are two copies of each gene in the genome of a dog. One copy is inherited from the father and one from the mother. If a trait is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, it means that an animal will only get the disease if it receives defective gene copies from both the father and the mother. Thus to produce an affected puppy, both parents (father and mother) must carry the defective gene. However, the carriers with only one copy of the defect will not be affected themselves.

Cerebellar Ataxia (CA1) - Autosomal recessive inheritance

Genotype: wt/wt (clear)

This animal does not carry the genetic defect and has no risk of developing “CA1”. The dog cannot pass the genetic defect to its offspring.

Genotype: wt/del (carrier)

This animal carries one copy of the defective gene. The dog has no risk of “CA1”, but passes the genetic defect on to its offspring with a probability of 50%. Such an animal should only be mated to a clear animal.

Genotype: del/del (affected)

This animal carries two copies of the defective gene and is affected by “CA1”. In our experience, affected animals suffer from uncoordinated movements and gait abnormalities of varying severity.

Carriers have a 50% probability of passing the defective gene copy to their offspring. If two carriers are mated, there the offspring will have a risk of 25% to be affected. Therefore, the mating of two carriers should be strictly avoided.

Carriers do not have to be categorically excluded from breeding. However, carriers should only be mated to clear dogs so that no homozygous affected puppies will be produced.

Kind regards,

Matthias Christ

Several genetically distinct forms of cerebellar ataxia exist in Belgian shepherd dogs. We investigated a litter in which two puppies developed cerebellar ataxia. The clinical signs stabilized at around six weeks of age, but remained visible into adulthood. Combined linkage and homozygosity mapping....



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