We found this doe last night 12 hrs after the shot.
Diesel was not a rockstar on this one unfortunately. She never got locked onto the correct line. Luckily she is very good at alerting to blood. I decided to sway her back and forth in the general direction we thought the deer went. Diesel would alert to blood when we got close to some. Normally 50ish yards between blood spots. This is how we advanced the entire line until we found their deer.
The thing about having a dog team out is we will do everything possible to find your deer. So if for some odd reason our dogs struggle we will grid the area with you. We are here to help.
Sometimes you have to scream in excitement when you do a good job 🤣 Billy Crocker Jr. Is putting a lot of work into this big guy this year. 💪💪
After a few non-recoveries due to property lines or non fatal shots, we were excited when a hunter we know offered a guaranteed win. We used this chance to let the wife get some practice behind Diesel. Thanks again to the hunter for allowing us to come track his deer. 💪
Good job Caroline Temple Reily on your first recovery.