These next several weeks, and the few months prior, are all about getting ready for @aquashella Dallas this year! We are bringing a huge selection of goods to the show including Pleco Ceramics high quality fish! Come check us out at Booth 303, next to @scalznatureartist, or at!
#jlaquaticsllc #aquashelladallas2024 #aquashella #ebofoodspaste #ebopremiumfishfood #ebofoodsus #plecoceramics #plecoceramicsfish
Watch me pack today’s orders in 90 seconds! If you like to peak behind the scenes, hit the like button and drop a follow!! Check out everything you see, AND MORE, at! Thanks for watching!
#jlaquaticsllc #ebofoodsus #drbassleer #zissaqua #plecofood #coryfood #aquariumfood #aquariumsupplies #aquariumbreeding
I recently decided to take a new direction with part of the fish room and I’m going back to my roots! Ancistrus breeding! Here you see a small spawn from my trio of Long Fin Lemon Blue Eye (Ancistrus Sp.) using a @plecoceramics small cave. This spawn, ~15, is much smaller than an average Ancistrus spawn, in my opinion. But it’s the first of many to come! You can find these caves plus so much more breeding supplies and food at! Link in Bio!
#jlaquaticsllc #ancistrusbreeding #bristlenosepleco #plecoceramics #plecoceramicscave #lemonblueeyepleco #plecobreeding #ebofoodsus #premiumfishfood
Some beautiful Hypancistrus (L471, L201, Contradens??) trapping in one of our Rectangular Catfish Caves! You can find these caves in small and medium, plus so much more at, link in bio!
#jlaquaticsllc #handmadecayfishcave #plecocave #plecospawn #ebofoodsus #rectangleplecocave #plecohide #plecoeggs