It appears that the microchip company, Save This Life, may be out of business and currently unresponsive to phone or email inquiries.
📌Waggin' Tails adopters do not need to worry! We have never used this chip but, its a good time to check your own 24PetWatch chip info and update contact info, if needed 🤔
📌Chip numbers starting with 900164 and 991001 are likely from Save This Life. If this chip brand was inserted into a pet you have, PLEASE RE-REGISTER WITH A DIFFERENT COMPANY to ensure your pet's safety if ever lost.
📌You can re-register a Save This Life chip at 24PetWatch here: https://mypethealth.com/auth/login
More details on registering with 24PetWatch here ---> https://www.24petwatch.com/blog/pet-microchip-registry-how-to-easily-register-your-chip
📌An alternative chip registry: www.freepetchipregistry.com