Iris Huskamute

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Iris Huskamute A page for for friends and fans of Iris the dog.

Hello Internets, is me, Iяis Huskamute. I am making tradition Chris Mass massage to the nation from my country residence...

Hello Internets, is me, Iяis Huskamute. I am making tradition Chris Mass massage to the nation from my country residence in Someset.
I sorry I not mek postings for a while, but unpawtunately Stiv is bit pawly because he have hopperation. In one way is good, because now he walking really slowly and I can keep up with him 🤣
Anyway, we coming down to Someset for Chris Mas witch is good because I like it here and I like Anti-mute. We only doing little walks. Yesterday we go down len and today we go down Priors Park woods. Stiv let me off lid for while, but then I bit confused and I can't remember way home. Stiv is put me back on lid and tek me home instead.
We all have Chris Mas dinner, then we opening presents 🎁. Dizzy is helping everyone else with pepper. She is good at tek pepper off presents. We all get doggy socks with treats and toys, but I getting favourite present - a squikky ball! I play for while but I have be careful so notty collies is not stealing it.
They bit unhappy, because they ask Santa Paws for a quad bike for heard ships, but they not get one. Stella is happy with chewy bone.
I hope all of you are having lovely Chris Mas anyway and hope you all get squikky ball or toy and something nice for eating. See you next time, Iяis 🐺

Hello 'mute fans, is Iяis Huskamute here. Apawrently is my born day today. Is some confusing, because on one pawsport is...

Hello 'mute fans, is Iяis Huskamute here. Apawrently is my born day today. Is some confusing, because on one pawsport is say 10 December, but on the old pawsport it say 16 December, so maybe I have too birthday, like Queen Elizabeth have. I don't no about King Charles, because I not sure why small Spaniel is King. Should be bigger dog. Like Huskamute.
Anyway, I wanted cake, with candles on top, but Stiv say 12 candles is fire hazard and the way I am lately he might put a turd 💩 on top of it instead. He say he have plenty to choose from.
I have birthday biscuits anyway, which I sharing with Dizzy and Stella, because I generous dog.
I have new play mat as well, to lie on in conserve tory. Stiv say I ruin old mat and this one is chip. Is also comfortably. Anyway, happy birthday to me!

Hello everybody, sorry I late this wik. I getting very slow this days. Jus lately I have trouble getting up sometimes. I...

Hello everybody, sorry I late this wik. I getting very slow this days. Jus lately I have trouble getting up sometimes. I have good days and bad days. Sometimes I even doing little runs and sometimes is struggling. Stiv say I not long for this word. I not sure what he mean. Other day I falling over and can't get up and Stiv is helping me. Sometimes when he lift up my back end is hurting. Then is problem with 💩 😔
We have some nice weather this wik though, lovely and cold. Other morning is minus five, just right for Huskamutes. I have little walks down back passage in bit of snow. Is not much though, I want to mek snow dog, but not enough! Maybe later!

Good mornings. I sher mammary from five year ago, with uncle Glen, who is going over rennbow bridge cupple years ago :'(...

Good mornings. I sher mammary from five year ago, with uncle Glen, who is going over rennbow bridge cupple years ago :'(
Is funny, this morning is bit snow in Killerwinster and is slippy. I coming down road with Stiv, Stella and Zarko and I sleep and falling over on my bum. I not so stubble on my back end this days...

Hello people's, Iяis here! We have nice wiken in Someset again. Rest of wik is 💩 literary. Sorry Stiv and Jeel, I can't ...

Hello people's, Iяis here! We have nice wiken in Someset again. Rest of wik is 💩 literary. Sorry Stiv and Jeel, I can't help it real.
Anyway, we going to Anti-mute four the wiken, we trying to go maybe once a month because Anti-mute is loving me. I think she loving me more than Stiv!
Is nice tim, is bit cold outside but I mek Stiv go up feeled on cutting up trees for the fire. I stay indoors and mek sure the fire not going out. Is important job. Fire dog.
Sat day is bit noying because people is out shooting things so I have to hiding under table. Plus notty dog Tess kip showing me her tummy and lady bits. Is so rude 😳 I say to her I don't want to see her lady bits, but she in cist.
Sat day night we walking all way down the len and round the triangle. It near church. I struggle bit on way back because is nearly two miles. When I young dog Stiv used to tek me down to triangle on bicycle and I running all the way. Not now 😪. Letter Anti-mute is going out for Christmas do and Stiv and Jeel is going down pubs for mil. I no what they have, because they bring back doggy bag with bu**er and chips again.
Today, sun day, Anti-mute is mek rose bif and rose potato. We all have bit as well, yum! Anti-mute is a brilliant cooker ❤️
Tonight we coming back to Killerwinster and we all tyre. Stella and Dizzy go up Lobelia, but I stay home now. Stiv say next time we go to Someset is for Chris mas. I so excite!
Bye for now, Iяis 🐺

Well... Is not much exciting this wik. Is still renning a lot. On Whens day Stiv and Stella going out at 5 in morning bu...

Well... Is not much exciting this wik. Is still renning a lot. On Whens day Stiv and Stella going out at 5 in morning but they back half hour later because is "puss it down" Stiv say. He very wet and Stella very wet two. That day we only get little walks.
Because is winter lot of walks is in dark, but this morning we is down back passage and we find a shopping trolley! Stiv say is some lazy bigger who is dumping. Is mek me very angry 😠 Stiv is called super market and tell them, otherwise he say we have to wheel it back. I wonder if I can sitting in it for ride 🤔?
Maybe we have more excitement next wik anyway...
Bye, Iяis 🐺

Is nother mammary from 8 year ago. This days I can't mek it up sters anymore :(

Is nother mammary from 8 year ago. This days I can't mek it up sters anymore :(

Hello everybody, Iяis here. Stiv say "I bet is short post tonight Iяis, all you do is slip and ship on the carpet". Is m...

Hello everybody, Iяis here. Stiv say "I bet is short post tonight Iяis, all you do is slip and ship on the carpet". Is maybe a little true, I do a lot of slipping and may be I am having some accidents, but my excuse is I very old dog. Stiv say I have dogmentia and I forget to do number two when we go walkings...
We going down usually back passage and up Lobelia, because I can't go much further. Plus this wik we have lot of renn so is not so nice. On two's day Stella and Stiv get absolute soaked in morning. On Fursday Stella refuse to go out! She here renn on roof of conserve tory and rin back upstairs and hidden! Clever dog.
She bit notty this wik though, because the men down marsh is have fence down and Stella is running off to exploring and not coming back! Plus she is going down to marsh and lying in bog. She bog dog. Stiv is having to wash her with bucket of soupy water because she smelly.
Is not much more to say. Princess Molly coming for slip over, but is stay upstairs because she scared of Stella. I don't no why. She should just pinning Stella to ground like I doing.
That is all four today. See you soon, Iяis 🐺

Hello Internets! Iяis here! We is in Killerwinster all wik. I not going anywhere excite, but is OK. I do nice walks out ...

Hello Internets! Iяis here! We is in Killerwinster all wik. I not going anywhere excite, but is OK.
I do nice walks out back on Puxton Marsh. All wik is men with chen saw who is chop down trees because Stiv say is no good have trees in marsh because is mess up flud defence or something. They is putting wood cheaps on path which is okay because is better than muddy.
I looking for things to do in winter because is dark lot of time, so I think I tek up penting, like van Dog, or Leonardo dog Vinchi. Stella say to me "pent me like a French dog, Iяis", so I hope you like. Next week maybe I try doing some still life, like a bowl of dog food, or maybe a landscape of Puxton Marsh.

Hello everybody, pupdate time! This wiken we is going to Someset, because Stiv and Jeel is going to see Bridge water car...

Hello everybody, pupdate time! This wiken we is going to Someset, because Stiv and Jeel is going to see Bridge water carnival. Apawrently is very good, but I don't think is for dogs, because is very noisy. Anyway, they is also going up feeled on Sat day because Anti-mute is chopping down trees, because last winter they is falling down on house. I going up to help, because I good with sticks, but is seems sticks is very big and I can't get them in my mouth! Anti-mute is going to need a bigger dog!
In the after noon is un for tune lately start bang bangs because people are shooting peasants. Then, later on, because is Guy Forks night there even more bang bangs!
Today is renning and Stiv, Jeel and Anti-mute going out with Dizzy, Stella, Tilley and naughty dog Tess, but they getting soaked. I sensible and stay at home in dry.
Tonight we come back to Killerwinster, but now is bang bangs hear. I really don't like this Guy Forks man...

Hello everybody, me again, Iяis Huskamute. Stiv is say is seasoning of mellon fruitiness again, but unfortunately is sea...

Hello everybody, me again, Iяis Huskamute. Stiv is say is seasoning of mellon fruitiness again, but unfortunately is seasoning of bang bangs 😕 Also the clocking is going backwards or something? I don't no. Is mek not different to me, but is mean we have to go out earlier while is not dark, because after dark, well, you know...
I not doing any long walking this wik, only doing back passage. Is about half a mile Stiv say. We going up Lobelia two, is just over a mile apawrently, is about all I can do now.
Today Stella's boyfriend Zarko is coming for coffee. Well, he not have coffee, because he is a dog. His mummy have coffee and he plying in garden with Stella. I not mind Zarko because he is chill dog, so I don't need to put him in his place. Sometimes I need to put Stella in her place because she have bossy boots. I old dog, but I still leadership of pack.
I still having accidentally in the house this week though. I can't help it really. Stiv say he tek me won way trip to vet if I carry on. I thinking of tek Stiv to Sweets her land and have him put down...

Hello everybody I here again. Just little pupdate because not doing anything exciting like going to Someset. We have nic...

Hello everybody I here again. Just little pupdate because not doing anything exciting like going to Someset. We have nice walks down back passage and Stinky-Stour when is not renning. This morning is renning and renning so we bit let for walkings and is all piddles down back passage. We going out quickly and then is renning again! Not like yes day, it was lovely and I spend lot of time in back gardens.
Friday night (I going backwards) is renning so we all going up Lobelia. Then, when we get back, Stiv and mummy Jeel is going out to pub. This is very confusing, because we not in Someset. Never minding, because when they coming back they bring doggy bag with chicking and bu**er. I think they should go to pub more often!

Is long time ago. Stiv is leaf me home and going to work...

Is long time ago. Stiv is leaf me home and going to work...

Facebook is reminding me of Bella. Is 6 year ago she is crossing rennbow bridge. Is mek me sad 😔

Facebook is reminding me of Bella. Is 6 year ago she is crossing rennbow bridge. Is mek me sad 😔


Anti Mute say: Iris Huskamute for PM!

Hello everybody. I bit a noyed because I thinking I make postings on sun day, but is not uploading. I think maybe is dra...

Hello everybody. I bit a noyed because I thinking I make postings on sun day, but is not uploading. I think maybe is draught, but I can't find it. I having to make again and is difficult to typing with bit pores.
Anyway, we going to Someset fore the wiken, but I forget what I type before. Stiv say I got dogzheimer's, or dogmentia or something. He say that maybe why I forget to 💩 outside on walkings and end up 💩 on carpet. He very noyed and say he mek me slip outside in garage.
I think I have problems with eyes in Someset, because I seeing double. Then Anti-mute say "no Iяis, is Tilley, sister of notty dog Tess". I think "oh no, not another notty dog to poopy sit!"
Any way, I have nice wiken in Someset, I walkings down len, sitting in garden and we have doggy bag from pub so is OK.

Internets! Is me, Iяis Huskamute! I back! What a couple of wiks! Is very bad for while  because Stiv and Jeel is both ha...

Internets! Is me, Iяis Huskamute! I back! What a couple of wiks! Is very bad for while because Stiv and Jeel is both have coronavirus and is not possible helping me with postings. Then last wik Stiv say we going on holidays, so I thinking grate! We going Someset! I like Someset and see Anti-mute. Mummy Jeel is doing testing and she is OK, but Stiv is doing testing and is still having covid. Anti-mute is say "you not coming down here with your covid", so Stiv say "never minding, we going on holiday somewhere else".
Saturday I is getting all excite, I have my bags all packed and then Stiv say "oh, Iяis, you not coming", is make me sad 😢 Then he say "don't worry, you going to KENNELS", so I thinking "grate! I like Deansford Kennels and I like Sally", then Stiv say, "sorry Iяis, they not have room, you going to other kennels". Well, I bit disappointed, but then when we get there, is not like Deansford Kennels, is like prison! Serious, is like Stalag Woof 3! We not getting walking around field like in Deansford, just a bit of grass in middle of square! I put my paw down! I say " I not going back in my cell! I want walkings!" I have sitting down protests. Then they give me dentastix, so I going back. Never mind.
Anyway, I have little sing song in my cell from time to time. Then on Saturday again they saying "Iяis, you have visitor", is STIV! He coming back and he not bandoned me after all!
We going home and I very happy, I say hello to Dizzy and Stella and mummy Jeel, then I go back to my comfy bed - ahhh!
I so happy to be home...

Good evening Internets!   I sorry that I don't do blog this wik.  Is becos I very worried about Stiv and Mummy Jeel.  Th...

Good evening Internets! I sorry that I don't do blog this wik. Is becos I very worried about Stiv and Mummy Jeel. They both pawly with Covid (is like Parvo Virus for hoomans). Anyways, I think I nid to explen why I late with this week's blog! Is becos I look after Stiv. If he get too bad, maybe I nid to tek him to hooman Doctor for put to sleep!

Hello everybody. Little postings tonight. I not having very good wik. I bit sicky and pawly this wik. I sicky 🤢 and havi...

Hello everybody. Little postings tonight. I not having very good wik. I bit sicky and pawly this wik. I sicky 🤢 and having accident 💩 a few times. I going in garden and eating grass and stuff, because everybody knows is like meddy sin, but is not working. I fill a bit better, but we just bin up Lobelia and Stiv say is longer time we ever taking.
Now even mummy Jeel is sicky, I hope she not catch wot I got. Maybe she nid to eat grass too? Top of that she is twisted uncle in garden and Stiv is having to do walkings.
We also have Molly coming for wiken. She nice dog.

Hello Internets, sorry I let this wik! Anti-mute is sending me a massage is saying "Iяis, is you all right, you is not d...

Hello Internets, sorry I let this wik! Anti-mute is sending me a massage is saying "Iяis, is you all right, you is not do your blog", I okay, I forgot that is all. We also have busy wiken and I very tiring.
We going up and down back passage a lot this wik. Stiv say I can't go much further now. He probably right. We see Zarko a few times. He okay dog. He boy, but I don't want to kill him. I too old for savaging these days. Plus he Stella boyfriend so she wouldn't be happy.
This Sat day and Sun day we have Diggle dog for slip over. She is stepping sister Becks dog. She nice dog, but bit bonkers. I try to kipping in order, but her and Stella is playing like bonkers dogs. Is hard work. Anyway, is nice to see my stepping sister and my neff phews. Then I have to slip. So I forgot blog. Next wiken we is having Molly for slip over. Is very hard work sitting on dogs...

Siv say "I not knowing what you going to right in you blog - you haven't done anything this wik, except for 💩 in the hou...

Siv say "I not knowing what you going to right in you blog - you haven't done anything this wik, except for 💩 in the house". Well, I mite have done some little 💩 in the house, but is not on porpoise. Other than that, I did going down back passage, up Stinky-Stour, down Stinky-Stour and up Lobelia (slowly), so is something. This Sat day Stella is going to Amicii dog show, but for some reason they not tek me. Or Dizzy. I no we not Amicii dogs, but is open to all dogs, so we could have going. I wanted to enter "most beautiful eyes" class, and Dizzy wanted to be in "waggiest tail" class, but no, we not loud to go 😢
Worse of all, Stella is winning loveliest lady and is all "look at me, I beautiful" and "look at my rosette". She is such big head. Next year I going my own...

Hello everybody, is me again, Iяis Huskamute. I bit lates because is Banksy holidays! You know what this means? Yes, we ...

Hello everybody, is me again, Iяis Huskamute. I bit lates because is Banksy holidays! You know what this means? Yes, we going to my favourite Holly day home in Someset! Rest of wik is OK, but not in compare son with the wiken. We have Molly coming for slip over for a few days, but mostly she is staying in office with Stiv. She must like working from homes!
Fry day we all getting in car for trips to Someset. We not arrived two let, and we going for walkings before we leave, so Stiv and Jill is going to pubs! Stiv say is like little holidays, so is okay.
Worst thing is that Stella and Dizzy and even notty dog Tess is going down Trull for walkings and they not tek me 🙄. Stiv say I not going distance, is just not possible. He tek me up len a bit, or down Priors Park woods for little walks though, so I spose is OK. I going down len one day and one of my front pores is given way and I smack my chops on road! Is problem when bits of boddy not working properly 🤔
Stiv and Jeel and Anti-mute is going down pubs on sat day but is a peer they eye is bigger than they tummy, because they bring back big doggy bag! We is having bif bu**er, chicking, cheeps and everything. Is yummy!
Sun day they is all out pick apples and plumbers over garden. Stiv is up larder and throwing apples at mummy Jeel. They get bucket and bucket of apples and plumbers. Stiv say why so many, but they giving some to stepping sister Becks and Babushka Jean apawrently.
Two day wh coming home, but is accidentally on Emma Fife or something and we tek ours to coming home. Stiv say we going all round the houses. I not see many houses, but lots of countries side! Anyway, we home now although I still prefer staying in Someset 😔
That's all for now, bye, Iяis 🐺

Hello Internets, is me again. I having okay wik, bit of this, bit of that. Little walks, no accidents or incidents. Had ...

Hello Internets, is me again. I having okay wik, bit of this, bit of that. Little walks, no accidents or incidents. Had to do some guarding on whens day because Stiv is having some men in to fill house with balls. He say is will mek Bill smaller. I don't no who Bill is. I don't think is sem Bill I mit before. I don't no why he nid to be smaller. Is very confusing.
Is not hotty this wik too much, so we having normal walks.
Today we going down river Stinky-Stour and Stiv is let me off lid. He says he thinks is not problems because I not running off like before. Even if I running off he say he able to catch me because I old crumble dog anyway 😠
Today is coming two stay Molly dog again for few days. She don't s**k to me much. She mostly staying upstairs in her beds. I can't really get upstairs. Is two stip.
That's all for now, bye, Iяis

Stiv is send me mammary from his FaceBook. Is me and Luna from 8 years ago. I like Luna. She funny. She is sem age as me...

Stiv is send me mammary from his FaceBook. Is me and Luna from 8 years ago. I like Luna. She funny. She is sem age as me. about.


I have accident down marsh this wik. Stella is all bouncy-bouncy because is always want to play, but she too ruff. She nock me over and I can't get up again. Stiv have to roll me over so my paws is down hill and help me up. Then we having to walk home slowly. I better now, but it is very hurty 🙁

Good mornings Internets! I bit let with this wik's postings. I was going to postings las night, but unfurtunately my iBo...

Good mornings Internets! I bit let with this wik's postings. I was going to postings las night, but unfurtunately my iBone has very low battery of 5 pawcent. Is because is so hotty I not going out much, I just sitting under fans and watching funny cat videos on you chewb. Stiv say is going to be better this wik and now so hotty, so may bee I get out more. I don't no really though, because I can't go far even when I do going out. Stiv is complain I slow, but I can't help it. Let see how fast he is when he is in his ate tees.
I going out little walk in morning, then we wet until temper is drop enough to go out in evening. Is still hotty, but not so bad. Stiv say I got to go out because I nid to do toilet, although sometimes I have accident in house 😳
This wiken Stiv is do more doing it myself in the attick, but he say is finnish now. Then Stiv and mummy Jeel is in cubberd in porche because is hole in wall and they want it not hole. Mummy Jeel is putting brick in hole with sea ment. Mummy Jeel have to do it because Stiv is not have enough pay shents and he go all sweary. Notty man.
is all for now. See you next wik.

Good evenings everybody's, Iяis here again for pupdate. Is hot wik and you know how I not like hotty. I have to stay ins...

Good evenings everybody's, Iяis here again for pupdate. Is hot wik and you know how I not like hotty. I have to stay inside under fans when is hotty. Stiv tek me out in morning, usual down back passage. It not too hots then, so is okay. Stiv say I slow coach though. I google this and it mek no sense. I think he lose plots. Sometimes we mit Zarko, he Romanian dog like Stella. Stella likes Zarko. I think he is her boyfriend 💕 😆
During day, I stay indoors, or sometime in garden in the shade. Sometimes I hide behind garage.
This wiken Stiv is doing it myself, so we all have to tek cover. Stiv say he het doing it myself. He bin in attic, banging and saying lots of notty words 😳 He insulting the attic, because he say nasty Russian man 🇷🇺 is going in to Ukraine 🇺🇦 and because of this gas is going to be spensive. If he insulting the attic it cheaper apawrently. I think Stiv and Jeel should wear big furry coats instead. It cheaper.
Any way, he still not Finnish, so we doing it myself again next wiken too I think 🤔
Is all from me for now. Sea you next wik, Iяis 🐺

Hello Internets, little pupdate this wik. I struggling with my back end a lot this wik. I only going little walks becaus...

Hello Internets, little pupdate this wik. I struggling with my back end a lot this wik. I only going little walks because of this. Stiv say I slowest dog on world. Adding this I fall off kerb again on whens day. I think is faulty kerbside, because I not normally falling off. Stiv say is because I bit wobbly.
I still manage to go upstairs this wiken though. Stiv is trying to have lying in, but Stella is jabber him in fez and Dizzy is lick him arm because is time for breakfast.
I have accidents again this wik 💩 too. Stiv say maybe I get nappy.
Today and yesterday Stiv is making lots of noise in attic. Is something to do with insulting up there. He say he needs to insulting the attic so we not cold in winter and so we safe money. He say that if we can't, we won't be able to a Ford to have the hitting on. Actually, is not really problem for me because I have big coat. Maybe Stiv nid big coat too?
We jus came back from little walks now and have dinner, so is time for nap. 💤

Helloooooo everyone is Iяis here! We just coming back from Someset, because we having wiken away so Stiv can do scrapyar...

Helloooooo everyone is Iяis here! We just coming back from Someset, because we having wiken away so Stiv can do scrapyard with Anti-mute. Who knew that grandad would have so much scrapyard stuff? Stiv and Anti-mute is up early on Sat day to go out with car and trailer. I think everything OK this time, not like other time when whil fall off trailer!
Then they is moving ships 🐑 🐑 🐑 from one field to other, then Stiv is driving round and round field in tractor 🚜. Is cut grass or something. Anti-mute is up field mek noisy with chen saw. Stiv say she lye a Billy tea. One day she cutting off her legs or something 😮
Everyone is busy over wiken, except me, because is not possible go out for long walks anymore. Sure, I go down len, but it wood be nice to go down strim with Dizzy, Stella and notty Tess. Would be OK, but like often time people is doing shooting today, so I have to hiding under the tebble again.
Rest of wik was difficult because Mon day and Two's day was very very hotty. I going out with Stiv and Stella in Morning, but is not possible again because is two hotty. I sitting in living room under fans. On Mon day morning we just going down back passage and Stiv is let Stella off lid (I not let Stiv off lid in case he get lost) and Stella is running away back up passage and in to road! Mummy Jeel is looking out window and see Stella on own! Stiv is shouty "Stella! Stella! Coming back here!" But she not coming. Stiv scary she get running over, but in end she sef. Silly Stella!
Any way. We back in Killerwinster now. Very tiring. Time for bed 🛏 💤

Be four anything else just let me say a p***c service announcement. Because weather is SOOO bad, you should not be doing...

Be four anything else just let me say a p***c service announcement. Because weather is SOOO bad, you should not be doing do***ng walkings if is hotty and sun! I going out in garden in sun and all of sudden I start melting! Stiv say is not melting, is malting, but I no what I no. Fur is coming out like melting.
Start of wik is OK, but wiken is horrible. Stiv say bad whether is continue, so I stay indoors in daytime and going out in night. I like vampire 🧛‍♂️ Is funny, because Stella is from Romania. Maybe she vampire two 🧛‍♀️
On Fursday Princess Molly is coming for slip over because her mummy is go on holly day. Is sometimes confusing with Dizzy, because is look same ish. Difference is that Princess Molly is posh dog and Dizzy is pikeys.
We is running out of fud for Her Royal Highness and we have to give some of our fud from Aldi. She not like this and is say "I only getting win a lot from Fortnum & Mason!" She eat it all same anyway.
Anyway, I wait now until is better for going out letter. Is still too hotty. Bye, Iяis 🐺

Hello 'mute fans, I'm hear again, Iяis Huskamute. Is big news this wiken, because Anti-mute is coming two Killerwinster!...

Hello 'mute fans, I'm hear again, Iяis Huskamute. Is big news this wiken, because Anti-mute is coming two Killerwinster! Unfortunately she is bring notty dog Tess with her. Oh well, I suppose she is OK in shorts dosing. She kip come up to me and is rolling over and show me her tummy. Some time I have to say "Grrrr" so she leaf me alone.
Anti-mute is coming because is birthday of mummy Jeel. They all going out for party, but not taking me. They say "is not for dogs". They not even bring doggy bag back 😒
Is not excitement the rest of wik. I have bit of problems on Monday. I walking on verging but missing kerbside with my pore. I falling off kerbside and falling over. Stiv is having to help me get up again. Is bit of shock. Stiv say I nid mobility scooter.
This wik is nice, but this wiken the weather is go really bad. Is all hotty and sun. Stiv say is all next wik. I think I have to stay indoors until bad weather is over. Is okay, as long as I not have more accidents 💩

Hello everybody is me, Iяis Huskamute. I have little updated tonight. Is renning quite a lot this wik. Stiv say is not g...

Hello everybody is me, Iяis Huskamute. I have little updated tonight. Is renning quite a lot this wik. Stiv say is not good idea me going out in renning in case I get achey back end. Sometimes I struggling to getting up and Stiv is having to help. I just do little walks this wik, down marsh, up rivers and around Lobelia.
Today I worrying about Jeel, Stiv, Dizzy and Stella because they going out for walkings and all of sudden is renning and renning like big stormzy. They not coming home for ages. I listen to radio when they out - is not very good radio on sun day. Stiv Right sun day luv song is OK. Anyway, they coming back but they bit wet. Stiv say they all hiding under bridge for ages while is renning. Good jobs I not outside.
When is not renning I can sitting in the garden. I like summer because Stiv leave door open and I can going in and out when I like.
Jeel is mek fishes for dinner. Is smell lovely. I going to sea if I can get some now. Bye! Iяis 🐺

Hello Internets, Iяis here again. I back home in Killerwinster now, after holiday in Someset. Is okay, but I really pref...

Hello Internets, Iяis here again. I back home in Killerwinster now, after holiday in Someset. Is okay, but I really prefur Someset. I want to re tyre there with Anti-mute, but Stiv not let me.
Is some confusing with some fans on who is Anti-mute. Is brothers of Stiv. He is my daddy (actually I think I a dopted), so she is my Anti. Easy.
Is not very good wik for Huskamutes to starting, because is two hotty. Won day Stiv say is 27. I not sure what is, but he say this number is too big for me. Is true. I only counting up to 3 😁
I still having some problem with tickets. They just falling off now mostly. Stiv is look for tickets, but he day my fur is too much.
This wik I walking down marsh and all of sudden my back end is falling down hole! Who is mek hole in path? Is silly! Stella have boyfriend, Zarko (he also from Rome) and his mummy say is maybe badges. Silly badges!
Also, since be on holiday path is over growing! Is like juggle down there. I say we nid Anti-mute to come up and do stripping, like she do up the field in Someset. Anti-mute is always stripping in the field in Someset.
Is dinnertime now, so bye bye for now, Iяis 🐺

Hello Internets!   I is very sad today, becos I is riting this frum Killerwinster!   Holidays is over!  I have nice wik ...

Hello Internets! I is very sad today, becos I is riting this frum Killerwinster! Holidays is over! I have nice wik in Someset with Anti Mute and noying dog Tess, even though is too much hotty hotty. Anti Mute say it too hotty hotty for me to go out walking on Thursday and Fryday, becos I is old dog. I is very angry though, becos she still get up early to tek noying dog Tess out! I angry so I mek 💩💩💩 on floor, then Anti Mute is very noyed! Has bin difficult wik for me becos I have tickets. Is problem with Someset, not so much in Killerwinster. When Stiv rive on Fryday, he look at my face and inside my eers and find more tickets. I let Stiv tek tickets out with tool. I go grr at Anti Mute when she try. Stiv tek me in garden to brush me and he mek a mini-Iris with fir. This morning, Anti Mute say: "Holiday is over Iris, is time to go home." I not want to get in Car, but Stiv is mek me. I is angry. Stiv say we come back to Someset soon!

Bye Iris 🐾🐾

Stiv always say he going to tek me to the Pub, but he never does!  As it is hotty, hotty, Anti Mute is tek me to Pub.  I...

Stiv always say he going to tek me to the Pub, but he never does! As it is hotty, hotty, Anti Mute is tek me to Pub. I like Holman very nice Pub. I is barred from my local, The Weavers Arms in Killerwinster.

Hello Internets!  Is me, Iяis Huskamute riting frum Someset.  I very angry!  I having nice time in Someset with lots of ...

Hello Internets! Is me, Iяis Huskamute riting frum Someset. I very angry! I having nice time in Someset with lots of p*s and quite and slipping, until today! At lunch time, a knotty man drive into field of Anti Mute, braking Fence. I slipping and I heer a big bang. Is in field of Anti Mute's Sheep! Anti Mute have to run fast and shut Sheep in Stable, before they scape in road. I try to go back to slip, but it not possible. The knotty man keep coming down to house and knock on door to ask Anti Mute thongs. I have to say "Grr!" many times til he go away!

Apart from that is nice wik. Anti Mute is give me Pigs Ears and bones everyday! We go for nice walks. Anti Mute tek me in Car to Adcombe Wood. I sad becos I can't do the walk I used to do with Uncle Glen all around the Wood and up the 1000 steps. I is too old dog now! I do lots of Poopy sitting when Anti Mute work.

I only do one 💩 this wik. Is fawlty of Anti Mute, becos she take noying dog Tess on walk which she say is too long for old dog.

Anti Mute is promis lots of nice walks next wik, before Stiv, Mummy Jeel, Dizzy and Stella come back from Kents!

Bye Iris




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