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Kitten season is in full force.

Here is some valuable information and a video from The Kitten Lady on 'What To Do if You Find a Kitten? - How to Make the Right Call!'

🚩And make sure to spay mom to put a stop to the breeding cycle so mom cat doesn't continue to have kittens!


We get many calls from people who THINK tiny kittens have been abandoned or rejected by their mother. It can happen, but in most cases, the mama cat is nearby. Please don’t kit-nap prematurely!

Free-roaming female cats often leave their kittens alone for a few hours each day. She may spend time away hunting or searching for a new place to move her kittens. Sometimes the mother cat has simply been scared away by a loud noise and is nearby waiting for a safe return. Although you may not be able to see her, she can see you and will wait until it is all clear to return to the nest. For this reason, it is best to leave the kittens where they are and monitor from a distance. If the kittens are in an unsafe location, it’s okay to move them to a safer area nearby where the mom can easily find them.

If you find neonatal kittens the best thing to do is leave them alone! Mom will most likely come back. If the kittens are content and not constantly meowing, then mom has probably been there recently.

A few ways to know if mom has been caring for them are:

😻 They have full bellies - they have eaten recently if their bellies are slightly firm and round.

😻 The nest is clean - mother cats don’t allow their nests to be overly soiled.

😻 The kittens are warm and content, possibly sleeping and they respond when disturbed.

❗️If the kittens are cold or don’t respond to your touch, they are not healthy and need your help.

Before you do anything, remember—never separate young kittens from their mother cat unless they are in immediate danger. If you don’t see her, monitor the kittens from a distance for a few hours. If the mother returns, know that is the best place for the kittens to be until they get a little older! Kittens are so fragile and mom is the best caretaker for them at an early age.


A wise warning right here!


Today, we'd like to talk about what the word 'feral' in Friends of Feral Felines means.

We could not have said it any better, so here's what Stray Cat Project said about what 'feral' really means. Unfortunately, this word is not always used correctly. Education is key!
What is a feral cat, and why should one be careful when using this word? 🤔

A feral cat is an outdoor cat that has not been socialized with humans; they have not had human interaction by being spoken to, played with, or held. These cats fear humans and prefer to live outdoors, away from people.

📢PLEASE NOTE: "Feral" does not refer to ANY cat living outdoors. "Feral" refers to DISPOSITION only.

Feral cats typically live in colonies with other feral cats and are not suitable as indoor pets. They tend to be nocturnal, coming out at night to avoid interacting with and being detected by humans. You will not be able to catch a feral cat without a trap; they will never allow you to get close. They will not make eye contact with you, will not meow, and usually appear well-groomed and healthy. Feral cats want nothing to do with you!

There are varying degrees of "feral." A cat that has never had human interaction and refuses human interaction might be labeled "totally feral." Another cat that has had some interaction--perhaps with a feeder--and will allow a human to come close might be described as "semi-feral."

👉Are all outdoor cats feral? NO.
👉Can the terms "stray" and "feral" be used interchangeably? NO.
👉Should we use the word "feral" for ANY cat that lives outdoors? NO!

BE CAREFUL when using the term "feral" to describe a cat, as the word has negative connotations. Describing a cat as feral could lead to its immediate destruction. Feral cats should never be taken to a shelter; they will be immediately euthanized at many shelters as they are deemed unadoptable.

What can we do to help feral cats? TNVR them and let them be - and ideally provide food, water, and shelter for them to make their lives easier.


Winter Outdoor Cat Shelter Tip -

Friendly reminder to only use STRAW in outdoor cat shelters. Cloth material (towels, blankets, etc.) absorb moisture and can freeze making cats much colder!

➡️Self warming and electric cat pads are okay to use because they have a heating element but be sure to check them regularly.


T̼h̼e̼ ̼p̼o̼l̼a̼r̼ ̼b̼e̼a̼r̼ ̼i̼s̼ ̼t̼h̼e̼ ̼m̼o̼s̼t̼ ̼c̼a̼r̼n̼i̼v̼o̼r̼o̼u̼s̼ ̼o̼f̼ ̼a̼l̼l̼ ̼b̼e̼a̼r̼ ̼s̼p̼e̼c̼i̼e̼s̼.̼ ̼A̼n̼n̼o̼t̼a̼t̼i̼o̼n̼ ̼o̼n̼ ̼t̼h̼e̼ ̼f̼e̼e̼d̼i̼n̼g̼


Straw will reflect body heat back to a cat and actually repels moisture. Straw is tough, thick, dry leftover stalks from crops. It's lightweight and golden in color. Straw has a hollow center which makes for great insulation (just like double pane windows).

Do NOT use hay (OR blankets) for bedding in outdoor cat shelters. Hay is green and heavy. Hay is typically used to feed animals, like horses. It absorbs moisture, making it damp, cold and uncomfortable for cats, and has the potential to get moldy. By using materials such as blankets, towels or anything cloth, including fleece and wool, will retain moisture from the air and freeze, making cats colder.

You can buy straw bales at your local co-op, farm/ag supply stores, local garden center/nursery, Home Depot, Lowe's, Tractor Supply or Ace Hardware. We’ve even seen bales of straw being sold outside grocery stores along with pumpkins. Farms selling pumpkins often sell bales of straw too.

Don’t need a whole bale? Perfect time of year to go by Walmart, JoAnns, Micheals etc. for their small decorative bales. They should be on clearance for a couple dollars. Be sure to check manufacturing materials to guarantee they’re 100% straw.


Poopy problems? 😿 Save this post to make sure your pussycat is having purrfect poos! 💩😸


Sagging bellies in cats with a healthy weight are totally normal! 🐈 Learn more about it in today’s free blog post (link below). ⬇️

Today’s free article is all about unique feline features. Read it here:


With heat waves across the country, blue-green algae is popping up in new areas and posing an increased risk to pets. Found in lakes, ponds or any source of standing water, it is extremely toxic and consumption of it can be fatal.

Prevention is the best way to stop accidental poisoning, so keep an eye on pets when around water and follow our top tips.




and other loud noises trigger and traumatize our animal companions in ways from the obvious to more subtle symptoms. The time to prepare is right now - fireworks can be starting in your neighborhood as we speak!.

I'll be LIVE tomorrow morning at 10:30am PT on YouTube and Facebook - Tune in, and talk to me about your cats so I can help!


Have you ever seen your cat sleep in a crazy position that definitely doesn't look comfortable? Turns out, they have their reasons.


Hello friends, if you'd like to donate to help the creators, in feeding and helping strays/ferals, as well as our work in running the page, you can do so at even as little as a $3 donation goes a long way, thank you all so much for following us!


Felines do many peculiar things. If you've ever wondered to yourself, "why does my cat lick or chew my hair?"—we have the answer for you!


Not all cats like being held. A lot of our feline friends will do everything possible to keep their paws on the ground.


Whenever I read something like this, I always think of the time I found 2 cooked turkey carcasses left at one of my large colonies on Thanksgiving. I know people mean well but….


🐇 It's almost Easter! 🐇

‼️ We would like to extend a friendly reminder to all feline owners regarding the danger of the Easter Lily. Easter Lily's are very deadly to cats!

☠️ All parts of the plant - the leaf, the pollen, and the flower are poisonous to them. Cats will go into kidney failure within 0 to 12 hours after ingesting lily's, and this will often lead to death.

✅ Please take your cat for immediate veterinary care if they have been in contact with the Easter Lily!


Even if your cat is as friendly and happy as can be, there's no avoiding the occasional bad mood. And instead of lashing out with their words or fists like what humans do when we're upset, our felines friends have an arsenal of claws and teeth. They can inflict


All members of the Lily family are toxic to cats—Easter lilies, stargazer lilies, even daylilies.


Oops. I forgot.
Don’t forget to spring forward (North America)


Happy 2/22/22! Speaking of the number two, did you know that two kittens are better than one?

Here are a few great reasons to adopt a pair:

😻 Kittens learn new skills by observing one another.

😻 They’ll take out their energy on one another (instead of on you.)

😻 They’ll also teach each other good boundaries about biting and scratching.

😻 When your kitten has a buddy, they’ll always be entertained, active, and enriched.

😻 Two kittens tend to keep each other occupied and out of trouble.

😻 Having a pal will help your kitten settle into a new home.

😻 A duo may be easier to introduce to a senior or adult cat than a single kitten.

😻 It’s easier to adopt a bonded pair than it is to introduce a new cat later. Adopting a dynamic duo ensures that you’ll have a harmonious home for years to come!

Learn more about why two kittens are better than one at 💕


How do you tell if you’ve got an annoyed cat on your hands and what could you be doing to annoy your kitty? Let’s take a look.


Ceramic, stainless steel or melamine dishes are the best choice for cats.

Plastic bowls can absorb odours and deter cats from eating or drinking.

Always check bowls for scratches and chips which could harbour bacteria, or hurt the kitty's mouth. 🐈💕


This is always something good to SHARE at this time of year... purrlease be careful out there cat parents!


Snack safely this ! 🍗


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