I never thought I’d have a job where I’d be so tuned into the weather. I basically live on my weather app and have no idea how people got by before easy access to the forecast was available 😅
We just had a cold snap and small winter storm roll through last week and we have another coming this week. I’ll go through each house and totally change out all the bedding to ensure it’s dry and filled to the brim. Animals in wet bedding when it’s cold out is dangerous for their health. Straw makes a wonderful insulator so they’ll all get cozy bunch of dry straw to nest in. I don’t skimp which means we are flying through bedding! I’ll head out today and pick up more from Family Farm and Home.
If you’d like to help contribute to this supply run I would really appreciate the support. I know the holidays are fast approaching and if you’re like me, you’re probably stretched pretty thin so I really am so grateful we can all come together and keep these animals warm and dry. I wouldn’t be able to do this without our community 💜
Each bag of shavings is $6.25. I use shavings in every single animal enclosure. We easily go through 6 bags of shavings a week in the winter. I’ll also pick up a bale or two of compressed straw. I use this to keep the geese and Lucille 2 nice and snuggly warm. I also spread it over any muddy spots around their outside house. Each bale is $21.99.
I’ll get as many bags of shavings as I can fit in my little red mini van! Someday I’ll have a truck 🤡 but until then it’s a game of Tetris and I just pack in as much as I can. Stay warm and have a wonderful week ☺️
Patched Hearts Farm Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit providing a safe, loving home for animals in need. Please consider donating to help continue our efforts!
Paypal 💜 paypal.me/PatchedHearts
Venmo 💜 venmo.com/u/Patchedheartsfarmsanctuary
I’ve been processing the events of this past week and have a few thoughts I’d like to share.
I can no longer exist in this space without it being explicitly clear that I do not support the hate that was voted into office and I will not be shy in saying so.
I also cannot keep the animal world separate from the political world.
The people coming into office have absolutely no compassion. I have been in some form of rescue work and veterinary medicine since 2006 and I have seen what happens to animals when people don’t have financial stability. When I hear someone saying, Americans are going to have to suffer “hardship”, my compassion extends beyond the human suffering and knows how much the animal world will suffer too. I fear for the rescue and sanctuary world.
If you’re one of the many people that no longer feel safe in our country, I’m with you 💜
Arnie takes full advantage of Kevin and his perfect little goose beak…. 🐷 🪿 Pigs really are one of the smartest creatures 😂😊
Patched Hearts Farm Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit providing a safe, loving home for animals in need. Please consider donating to help continue our efforts!
Paypal 💜 paypal.me/PatchedHearts
Venmo 💜 venmo.com/u/Patchedheartsfarmsanctuary
Chewy 💜 https://www.chewy.com/g/patched-hearts-farm-sanctuary_b115938160#wish-list
Well, we started the day off needing to fundraise for our farrier day coming up and are ending it with a plumbing emergency that’s got me very anxious.
Our hydrant that supplies water to our residents needs to be totally replaced. Unfortunately this isn’t an easy job and it’s expensive. The estimate to have a bigger excavator come and dig up the existing pipe so they can get in and replace everything is $2,700.
If we don’t raise the funds for this, I’ll be forced to completely stop all animal intakes for the foreseeable future. I want nothing more than to provide a safe home for any animal in need but a huge expense like this for a start up sanctuary is… a lot.
If not taking care of this issue was an option I would gladly go that route. But this is the main water supply for the animals, so this is necessary.
Fundraising has never come easy to me. I’m much more comfortable giving away everything I have down to my last penny and ounce of time than I am asking for help. But I have to step out of my comfort zone because (as I’ve been reminded recently) this is one hundred percent for the animals.
I always appreciate any support we’re offered. Every like, comment, share and donation is seen and valued by me. No amount of support is too little and I could use all the support we as a community can muster! Thank you all so much!
Patched Hearts Farm Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit providing a safe, loving home for animals in need. Please consider donating to help continue our efforts!
Paypal 💜 paypal.me/PatchedHearts
Venmo 💜 venmo.com/u/Patchedheartsfarmsanctuary
Chewy 💜 https://www.chewy.com/g/patched-hearts-farm-sanctuary_b115938160#wish-list
So much spring cleaning going on at Patched Hearts! That means sprucing up the critters too! Sullivan James, Bella and Dash all got scrubbed up and spiffy yesterday. It was gorgeous weather for it!
I love watching them roll around on bath day. They’re happy and at ease! Now that they’re all dry I’ll go back and give them all a good brushing as they are all shedding their winter coats and are now little dust pots from all that rolling in the dirt.
None of this makes for exciting content but of course it’s essential to their routine care and keeping them healthy so I’ll continue to share! Happy Tuesday!! 💜
Patched Hearts Farm Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit providing a safe, loving home for animals in need. Please consider donating to help continue our efforts!
Paypal 💜 paypal.me/PatchedHearts
Venmo 💜 venmo.com/u/Patchedheartsfarmsanctuary
Chewy 💜 https://www.chewy.com/g/patched-hearts-farm-sanctuary_b115938160#wish-list
Vanellope update! 💫 You guys! Look at this girl go!This is a quick glimpse of the work we’re putting in so we’re able to communicate with each other. I’ve learned so much about Vanellope from working with her every day. I’ve learned more about her personality, her comfort zone and just how eager she is to learn.
In this video we’re working on “sit” which is a tap on her hind end, “follow me” which is a swipe under her chin and “down” which is a swipe down her right leg. She’s also learned that two taps behind each front paw means she should offer me her paw.
This training is also helping me give her little mind some direction. Deafblind dogs can get overstimulated and can have a hard time settling, so this kind of work helps get her centered again. It also helps her navigate a house with 3 young kids, 3 cats and 4 little dogs 😅
She’s doing wonderfully and is settling in well at Patched Hearts! 💜
Patched Hearts Farm Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit providing a safe, loving home for animals in need. Please consider donating to help continue our efforts!
Paypal 💜 paypal.me/PatchedHearts
Venmo 💜 venmo.com/u/Patchedheartsfarmsanctuary
Chewy 💜 https://www.chewy.com/g/patched-hearts-farm-sanctuary_b115938160#wish-list
Two Dollar Tuesday! Every dollar counts here at Patched Hearts and it’s time to do a little restocking! I’m headed out to grab our essentials, fresh pine shavings for bedding and food for several residents.
I’ll post our receipts once I pick up our order because I want everyone who supports us in any way to see where every penny goes!
Patched Hearts Farm Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit providing a safe, loving home for animals in need. Please consider donating to help continue our efforts!
Paypal 💜 paypal.me/PatchedHearts
Venmo 💜 venmo.com/u/Patchedheartsfarmsanctuary
Chewy 💜 https://www.chewy.com/g/patched-hearts-farm-sanctuary_b115938160#wish-list