Patched Hearts Farm Sanctuary

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Patched Hearts Farm Sanctuary Patched Hearts Farm Sanctuary is a 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to providing a home for farm animals�

It’s with a heavy heart I have to inform everyone that today we lost our sweet Paddington. He was not alone when he pass...

It’s with a heavy heart I have to inform everyone that today we lost our sweet Paddington. He was not alone when he passed. I held onto him and told him how loved he was by everyone and to go find that bit of sunshine he loved so much.

Our hearts are broken. I’ll always wish I could have given him years of sunshine and fresh air but I’m grateful I got to care for him and know him. He was special and he was loved.

His doctors reassured me that there was nothing more we could do. Unfortunately, the years of neglect he faced contributed to his sudden decline. Please know we are so grateful to everyone who supported him and saw that he deserved everything ❤️

Yesterday I made the decision to take Paddington to MSU to receive supportive care, 24 hour monitoring and more diagnost...

Yesterday I made the decision to take Paddington to MSU to receive supportive care, 24 hour monitoring and more diagnostics if they’re needed. I loaded him up and the kids and I drive the 1.5 hours to East Lansing to get him the care he needs. Luckily, we somehow dodged all the storms that were tearing through Michigan yesterday! We saw a lot of damage on our drive but had clear sky and no rain.

We stayed with Paddington while they drew more blood and got an initial physical exam. His lungs and heart sound good and his temperature was normal.

In the image above I’m holding Paddington so they can draw blood. He’s such a little guy I’m easily able to lift him up and roll him backwards onto his back. This is how pigs are restrained for things life hoof trims and a lot of general care. It also works well for drawing blood.

They drew blood from his ear and we got results fairly quickly. His glucose (blood sugar level) continues to be low. They’re going to try and raise that by putting a very sugary substance on his gums which will absorb into his system. He’s also slightly dehydrated which is to be expected. They’ll continue administering re**al fluids to help get him hydrated again.

One concern I have is that he has neurological damage from the heat stroke. Overheating can cause the brain to swell and this can cause long term damage to the brain. He’ll get a full neurological exam and I’m anxious to see what they find.

He got snuggled into a stall with straw and hopefully laid down to rest. I’m waiting for an update to see how our guy did overnight. He just looked so depressed. I’m really hoping the supportive care helps get him feeling better.

The estimate for his care was $2,000-3,000. I put a $1,500 deposit down which is required. Any donation towards his care is appreciated beyond belief. No donation is too small and all your kindness is felt by me and Paddington. Thank you so much for caring about him!

Patched Hearts Farm Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit providing a safe, loving home for animals in need. Please consider donating to help continue our efforts!

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Hello from a very tired sanctuary owner! I’ve been rather absent lately as we battle Covid (I’m still feeling the effect...

Hello from a very tired sanctuary owner! I’ve been rather absent lately as we battle Covid (I’m still feeling the effects of it but am doing better) and getting ready to start school. Then a heat wave hit us after temps just a week ago were dropping into the 40’s at night.

Our Paddington didn’t handle the heat well on Sunday and ended up becoming overheated despite my constant monitoring and cooling. He must have gotten himself into a situation in between my checks and the timing was just not in his favor. He also doesn’t know quite how to be an outside pig which is why I’m always extra cautious with him. I quickly brought him inside and got him cooled down. Unfortunately he has not bounced back like we had hoped he would.

Since this episode he has been depressed and doesn’t want to eat. He is drinking water. I immediately put a call into our vet and they have been out twice now to administer medication and we also placed a re**al catheter this morning so he could get supportive fluids. We ran labwork which was pretty unremarkable except his sugar level was low. I’ve been putting honey on his gums to try and correct this.

We’re running out of options for at home care and I’m now deciding whether a trip to MSU is warranted. This isn’t an easy decision to make with pigs anyway but we are also under a severe weather watch so transporting him isn’t necessarily going to be very easy. He also has his previous salmonella diagnosis so he’ll be put into isolation which can be hard on pigs mentally and is also incredibly costly.

My gut is telling me he needs additional attention and I would really love to not have cost be a factor in our decision making process. I’m asking for help to cover the cost of this hospital trip which could be and probably will be in the thousands. I hate to have to ask, especially after being so absent but we have been really just trying to get by over here. August has been such a challenge.

Any amount helps as does sharing and spreading the word! This is how we make sure these critters get the best care possible. Paddington has had such a rough life I just want him to know he’s got us in his corner no matter what happens. Thank you!

Our equine vet just left! I of course was helping hold horses and also talking to our vets every step of the way so all ...

Our equine vet just left! I of course was helping hold horses and also talking to our vets every step of the way so all I’ve got are pictures after they left. Dash is asking me if they left yet and Sullivan is coming out of his sedation 😅

Dash did awesome and we’ll get his labwork results next week! I’m very interested to see the results for his insulin levels and Cushing’s. I’m really proud of how well he did! With a handful of treats the vet had no problem drawing his blood. What a rockstar!

I also ended up having a full eye exam done on Sullivan James. He’s only got the one “good eye” left and I want to make sure we keep it functioning for as long as possible. I had seen a lot of debris on the actual eye ball several times and wanted to make sure it wasn’t still there and wasn’t causing any irritation as that eye is always weepy.

He was sedated and they injected a drug into the area around the eye to “block” the nerves so they could do a thorough examination. They didn’t find any debris in the eye. What they did find is that the lens of his eye is incredibly crinkly so he’s probably only able to see light and dark and a little color. Theres no irritation to the eye. The drainage I see is because the passageway that allows the eye to drain is completely blocked. Other than it just looking a little unsightly this is not an issue.

I’m so glad he’s got no pain in that eye. That was my main concern! We’ve got awesome vets and I’m so happy they were able to come out and give these guys the care they deserve.

We get zero cell service out here (🤡) so they’ll send me the invoice when they get back to the clinic but I’m sure it’s going to be quite a bit. We could use all the support we can get right now. Running a sanctuary ethically is not cheap and you can’t cut corners. We make a promise to each animal that comes on our property that we will be their family forever and that they will get the best care we can provide. Our community helps make sure we can always keep that promise. Thank you so much for caring about these animals! 💜

Arnold aka Arnie aka Ranoldo aka Kerndy aka Smerndy… the list goes on 😅 Over the last year Arnie’s skin got dry, thick a...

Arnold aka Arnie aka Ranoldo aka Kerndy aka Smerndy… the list goes on 😅 Over the last year Arnie’s skin got dry, thick and just looked very unpleasant. He actually didn’t seem bothered by it at all but I couldn’t look at it and not think I could be doing better. Pig skin issues can be a challenge because what we’re able to do is so weather dependent. You can’t apply topical treatments in winter and you have to be careful not to get them burned in the sun in the summer. His vet has been out a couple times and I think I’ve finally got a routine that’s going to get him looking his best.

Pigs routinely get Ivermectin to keep mites from becoming an issue. Unfortunately, many pests are becoming resistant to our drugs of choice because of overuse so the first thing we tried was switching to another mite treatment. I diligently used a spray on formula and saw no improvement. He also hated having to be sprayed so often (shocker 😅).

Our final treatment plan includes a mite treatment commonly used in dogs that can be given by mouth along with a medicated bath given every three days. The medicated bath does not treat mites but instead will help clear up any irritation secondary to what’s going on with this guy. We really aren’t even sure it is mites but we’re covering all our bases.

So my routine is slathering him with conditioner and letting that set for about 30 minutes, I then give him a nice exfoliating scrub down with the medicated shampoo, the last step is putting a medicated homemade sunscreen allllll over him.

So far our routine is working! I do think he trends dry and I may never be able to get him to be a sparkling pink pig but the improvement I’m seeing is encouraging.

Farmed animals deserve vet care and they deserve to have someone tackle any issues that may come up. Let’s hope I can get Arnie all squared away before winter hits! 💜

Patched Hearts Farm Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit providing a safe, loving home for animals in need. Please consider donating to help continue our efforts!

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This handsome man is Dash. He gets to see the vet tomorrow to have blood drawn. We’re monitoring his insulin levels and ...

This handsome man is Dash. He gets to see the vet tomorrow to have blood drawn. We’re monitoring his insulin levels and checking for Cushing’s disease. When he came to us last year, I knew his insulin level was at the very high end of normal. We’ve managed it through diet change (making his mash lower in sugar by adding more beet pulp pellets and switching him to Timothy pellets) and so far he’s done well! However, he’s not shedding his winter coat all the way which is a sign that things aren’t quite where we want them.

It’s a privilege to take care of this old man and provide him with the care he deserves. I can’t express how much I love that we’re able to do this for him.

Our Dashy (I actually often times call him my Dashly) doesn’t like a lot of human interaction. We’ll keep his vet visit short and to the point and always have his best interest in mind.

To me this vet appointment (which we have had schedule for several weeks) takes priority over getting our plumbing issue fixed so I pushed that appointment back by one week. Do we desperately need it repaired? Yes. Is essential vet care the priority? Definitely.

We’ve raised $800 out of the estimated $2,700 needed for the yard hydrant. As soon as I get Dash’s final bill for tomorrow I’ll be sure to share it!

You all take such excellent care of all these critters and I couldn’t be more grateful! I hope we can get all these recent expenses tackled so we can continue to grow. Thank you! 💜

Patched Hearts Farm Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit providing a safe, loving home for animals in need. Please consider donating to help continue our efforts!

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Happy Thursday! We’re so close to getting through this heat wave! 🥳Paddington was a bright spot in my week. He always gr...

Happy Thursday! We’re so close to getting through this heat wave! 🥳

Paddington was a bright spot in my week. He always greets me with a tail wag and happy grunts but also has just enough attitude to keep me on my toes, which I love about him! 😅❤️

He’s more challenging to take care of in extreme weather because of the neglect he’s faced but I’ll always rise to the challenge and make sure he’s comfortable because he is, without a doubt, worth it.

Have a wonderful day and stay cool! 😎

Patched Hearts Farm Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit providing a safe, loving home for animals in need. Please consider donating to help continue our efforts!

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Chewy 💜 -list

It’s Pride month! At Patched Hearts our compassion extends beyond animals and it’s important to me to make sure our comm...

It’s Pride month! At Patched Hearts our compassion extends beyond animals and it’s important to me to make sure our community is a safe space for everyone. We fully support the LGBTQIA+ community and will always fiercely defend anyone facing discrimination.

If you’re part of the community and in need of some positive energy please reach out and I will always share our happy animals with you from a sanctuary who does nothing but love and support 💜 (artwork by my daughter)

Happy Saturday, Patched Hearts! Just dropping by with a transparency post 💫 Our newest resident visited our avian vet th...

Happy Saturday, Patched Hearts! Just dropping by with a transparency post 💫 Our newest resident visited our avian vet the day after arriving here at the sanctuary. I’ve attached a copy of the invoice and unfortunately the only picture I took you can only see the top one millimeter of the goslings head sticking out of the little pink bin 😂 I’m so focused on making sure the vet visits go well and I don’t miss anything that I just don’t pull my phone out much! Luckily this little one got a clean bill of health.

I hope you’re all having a nice Saturday! The clouds are parting here in the mitten and it looks like it might be a very pleasant day. If you’d like to contribute to the $120 cost of this visit we would greatly appreciate it!

Establishing care with a local avian vet is vital to making sure we keep all our birds healthy. A good avian vet is difficult to find because it’s a specialty. This care is a little more expensive but it’s worth every penny.

Patched Hearts Farm Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit providing a safe, loving home for animals in need. Please consider donating to help continue our efforts!

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Chewy 💜 -list

Patched Hearts lost a beautiful soul today 💜 My wonderful, sassy, sweet, funny Lucille 1 passed away. I found her this a...

Patched Hearts lost a beautiful soul today 💜 My wonderful, sassy, sweet, funny Lucille 1 passed away. I found her this afternoon with no signs of trauma, she simply passed away. This is common with these large turkeys. We kept her active, fed her the right way but we were always working against her awful genetics.

The kids and I are just simply sad. We lost a friend today. We’ll be giving extra love to Lucille 2, Mrs. Featherbottom and to ourselves.

Thank you for loving her and following along on her journey with us. I’m so glad so many people got to see her and her unique personality. She was and will always be so very special to us 💜

Good morning, Patched Hearts! It’s farrier day today! Routine hoof care is very important especially for Sullivan James ...

Good morning, Patched Hearts! It’s farrier day today! Routine hoof care is very important especially for Sullivan James who came to us with awful hooves and an untreated metabolic disease. He has to have his hooves trimmed a little more frequently but he’s 100% worth the extra cost!

Each trim is $40 and we are still hoping to raise funds for a supply run as well. Routine care is arguably the most important part of sanctuary life but is also the most challenging to raise funds for. It’s unfortunate it isn’t more glamorous!

We raised $5 dollars for our Five Dollar Friday fundraiser. I know this might seem like a failure but I know we just raised a huge amount for emergency medical bills and I’m just so grateful for that!

Our community is still small and I will only grow as our community allows. It wouldn’t be fair to you or the animals in our care if I took on more without the necessary funds for things like basic care.

I’m grateful for your support and if you’re able to help with the supply run or our farrier day that’s awesome! If you aren’t, I understand completely! I’m still happy you’re here, a part of the community, watching these critters thrive.

I’ll set our goal at $200 for both the farrier and supplies!

Thank you, Patched Hearts! 💜

Patched Hearts Farm Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit providing a safe, loving home for animals in need. Please consider donating to help continue our efforts!

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Venmo 💜

Transparency post! 🌟 These are very mundane posts but so so important to me because I want you all to see where every pe...

Transparency post! 🌟 These are very mundane posts but so so important to me because I want you all to see where every penny goes. This should be standard for any and all rescues and sanctuaries accepting donations.

I made a trip to Family Farm and Home today to get food for the critters and some pine shavings. I hadn’t needed to get any since we stocked up for the January storms but I used our last bag yesterday!

I clean out houses and stalls daily. I go through more shavings but I have a standard of care I keep for all the animals. Everyone gets fresh, dry, clean bedding.

I’ve attached the invoice from Family Farm and Home and also for our primary vet for Paddington’s emergency care at home. I’m going to see if Michigan State can email me an invoice so I can post that as well. I’m certain that shouldn’t be an issue and I’ll get it posted as soon as possible.

I’m so grateful for the donations we’ve received! So far, together, we’ve raised $250!! Can we raise another $100 to get these vet bills knocked out? We’re so close to having them covered! ❤️

If you make a donation and would like it to go towards something specific (like Paddington’s medical care) feel free to leave me a note with the donation and I’ll make sure it goes to that exact thing. Thank you to everyone who has supported Patched Hearts 💜

Patched Hearts Farm Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit providing a safe, loving home for animals in need. Please consider donating to help continue our efforts!

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Chewy 💜 -list

Paddington update! He and I are home. He was sedated at MSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital and they are running bloodwork ...

Paddington update! He and I are home. He was sedated at MSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital and they are running bloodwork (full results tomorrow), they took radiographs of his skull and abdomen and did a full oral exam.

He handled the anesthesia very well. His initial labwork looks good but we’ll get the full results tomorrow. His radiographs (x-rays) showed no signs of a urinary obstruction and his teeth looked good. Those are both good things! He did have a lot of stool backed up.

This can be an issue with pigs in the winter, however, Paddington has very regular potty habits and it was close to the time of day where he p**ps so I’m not surprised they saw a lot!

This was really the only remarkable thing they could find so they decided to give him a warm water e***a and deliver fluids, re**ally in case of dehydration.

He’s not a great candidate for hospitalization because he’s previously had salmonella and for the safety of the other animals in the hospital he would need to go in isolation. Because we weren’t planning on doing anything that would warrant a hospital stay I decided to take him home and monitor him myself. If there’s any change I will take him in right away.

I’m also having them run another salmonella test because anytime he’s sick now we need to make sure that’s not the culprit. With salmonella, they can be chronic shedders. So they can have salmonella for the rest of their lives and it can present again as illness anytime. We’re just being cautious but I don’t want to miss something so we are covering all our bases!

I tucked him into bed and he ate three strawberries before he snuggled in. He was sleepy but alert and seemed glad to be home. In the hospital I could tell he knew I was his person. He was comfortable with me, responded to me and looked for me. He was nervous when anyone else would approach him. While I don’t want to see him nervous, I’m glad he knows I’m his safe place. I feel a bond to him and I’m glad he feels one with me.

Thank you for all the support!! For full transparency I’ve posted the notes from his MSU visit today 💜

It’s been a very stressful day at Patched Hearts.  I went out to feed everyone this morning and got to Paddington’s hous...

It’s been a very stressful day at Patched Hearts. I went out to feed everyone this morning and got to Paddington’s house and didn’t hear his normal, happy to see me grunts. I immediately knew something wasn’t right.

Paddington was still in his house and didn’t want to come out for breakfast. He seemed lethargic. I took his temperature right away and that was normal. I tried to tempt him with his favorite treats but he didn’t want them. He just wasn’t acting right.

Last night Paddington ate his dinner, went potty and did his normal tuck in routine. This morning, totally different little piggy.

I called our vet right away but was also getting ready to head into MSU because there’s really only so much that can be done at home for pigs.

Our vet came out to see him as I was getting ready to load him up and confirmed that was the right decision. There was nothing jumping out at us that it could be but he was definitely not acting himself.

I’m at MSU now waiting for a couple diagnostics to be performed. To do this he needs sedation. It’s all very nerve wracking with pigs because they don’t always handle sedation well. I’ll keep everyone posted as we go along here. I don’t have any pictures of him here at MSU because I’m too in the moment advocating for him and worrying about him. Send some good thoughts Paddington’s way! This guy deserves to catch a break. If you’d like to send a donation towards his care we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you, Patched Hearts💜

Patched Hearts Farm Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit providing a safe, loving home for animals in need. Please consider donating to help continue our efforts!

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Chewy 💜 -list

Our awesome farrier came out this evening and took care of Sullivan, Dash, Bella, Lilo and Stitch! Sullivan’s chipped ho...

Our awesome farrier came out this evening and took care of Sullivan, Dash, Bella, Lilo and Stitch! Sullivan’s chipped hoof is all taken care of and shouldn’t be a problem. It seems to be more of an issue with old brittle growth. His hooves are still a work in progress! Of course I’ll keep a close eye on it because that’s just how my anxious mind rolls.

Lilo and Stitch had their first trim! They were rockstars. I love those two crazy little goats.

I’m so glad we found such a great farrier to take care of all these critters. She’s awesome! I’m picky about who we add into our healthcare team because I want what’s best for the animals and won’t settle for less.

These aren’t the most exciting posts to see BUT they are so important! You should be able to see sanctuaries providing routine care for all their animals. It’s the mark of a good sanctuary. I want our Patched Hearts community to feel confident in the work we do here to keep every single animal safe and healthy. As always I believe in full transparency.

If you’d like to make a donation to today’s care we would be very appreciative! Thank you, Patched Hearts 💜

Patched Hearts Farm Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit providing a safe, loving home for animals in need. Please consider donating to help continue our efforts!

Paypal 💜

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Chewy 💜 -list

✨Paddington Update✨ I noticed some odd urinary behavior from Paddington since he arrived on Sunday but wanted to let him...

✨Paddington Update✨ I noticed some odd urinary behavior from Paddington since he arrived on Sunday but wanted to let him settle in and observe him as there were no signs of distress just some odd behavior. He was dribbling urine and only p*eing small amounts.

Last night I got him up for dinner and noticed he had urinated in his house. This is NOT normal pig behavior. They are incredibly clean. He has done all his p**p outside his house and I hadn’t noticed any urine until this point.

I freshened up his house while he ate and left to get more straw, came back to find him standing in his house clearly showing signs of discomfort dribbling more urine. He settled down and laid down so I snuggled him in and decided my next steps.

He ate his full dinner, had passed urine and did settle down so I decided to watch him closely overnight and contact our vet first thing in the morning.

I chatted with our vet at about 8 am this morning. Our plan is to try and get a urine sample and figure out if he’s got an infection, crystals or stones in his bladder, or if it’s a behavior issue from living for 7 years in a basement. If I can’t get a sample today we’ll start him on some medications and see if it helps.

Right now my job is to try and catch a sample and to keep this guy clean. Both are quite challenging thanks to our beautiful winter weather and him being a bald little guy! The second picture shows my urine catcher! IF I can get him out of his house and IF I can get him to walk around and p*e I’ll slyly put the cup under him to catch a sample from a distance.

Wish me luck, Patched Hearts!! I’ll keep everyone posted on this guy. As always, I believe in full transparency so you guys know these critters are getting the best care they can 💜



This handsome fellow is Paddington 💜 We were contacted by  over a month ago about a single pig that had been kept in a b...

This handsome fellow is Paddington 💜 We were contacted by over a month ago about a single pig that had been kept in a basement with no outdoor access for 7 years. The conditions he was living in were awful. His hooves were terribly overgrown and causing him to have difficulty walking. His skin was covered in a thick layer of his own filth. Chicago Land Pig Rescue said he walked right into the kennel when they went to pick him up. It seemed like he was desperate to get out of there. We agreed to take him on at Patched Hearts.

Shortly after he arrived with a foster at CPR he came down with a bad case of Salmonellosis and was promptly hospitalized. At this point we had to wait longer than his 30 day quarantine with his foster because of biosecurity reasons. We needed to wait for a negative salmonella test before he could leave his awesome foster home.

We finally got word he had tested negative for Salmonella and transport to Patched Hearts was arranged. drove almost 4 hours just to bring this special guy to us! We couldn’t be more grateful to her and everyone at CPR for all their efforts to make sure Paddington arrived safely to us.

Paddington arrived this past Sunday. All my attention and energy has been going to making sure he is set up in a nice warm house and is as comfortable as he can be. We have a ton of special considerations for him. He’s hairless so he can’t keep warm, he’s a single pig and we can’t easily do a pig introductions in the winter so he doesn’t have other pigs to keep him warm, he has mobility issues, his skin is awful but we are limited as to what we can do in the winter months. He does have to remain outside as there is a risk he could shed salmonella at some point so I can’t risk my families health by bringing him in.

We had our amazing vet out on Monday to establish care and make sure we were considering all comfort issues with him. She was happy with what she saw and had the same concerns as me.

Paddington is safe, loved and has a team of people who care about him. More updates to come as he settles in. Welcome home Paddington! 💜

Yesterday I woke up to an amazing donation with a note that said “I know it’s not much”.  I spent most of yesterday and ...

Yesterday I woke up to an amazing donation with a note that said “I know it’s not much”. I spent most of yesterday and today trying to think of the right words to convey my appreciation for kindness and nothing seems like enough. Her donation will keep the horses, pigs and Patched Up Kitty fed for months to come. This has allowed me to breathe a huge sigh of relief as the day to day costs of running a sanctuary can really add up!

I am continuously amazed at the support I’ve received since opening Patched Hearts! Every donation is put towards enriching the lives of the animals. This truly is a community effort and I’m grateful to all who believe in our mission 💜

Patched Hearts Farm Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit providing a safe, loving home for animals in need. Please consider donating to help continue our efforts!

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Chewy 💜 -list

Arnie and Val got two new additions to their house on Monday!! I am so happy I could take down their cattle panel and ta...

Arnie and Val got two new additions to their house on Monday!! I am so happy I could take down their cattle panel and tarp areas and add on these permanent overhangs. A huge thank you to for making this possible!

I’ll work on closing it in for the winter months and then when it warms up I can open it up and it’ll give them a really nice shaded area to relax in!

They loooove the extra space in the winter. I fill it with straw and toss popcorn around for them to safely root for it in the cold weather. It makes for very happy pigs 💜

Patched Hearts Farm Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit providing a safe, loving home for animals in need. Please consider donating to help continue our efforts!

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Chewy 💜 -list

I am just one gate away from finishing the fencing around the new goat house!! I am so glad I was able to get this done ...

I am just one gate away from finishing the fencing around the new goat house!! I am so glad I was able to get this done before the major weather shift this weekend. I have a few more things I want to complete in the actual house like putting up a hay rack and adding some insulation but this was a huge accomplishment!

I would have completed this sooner but raising the funds and getting supplies to the sanctuary isn’t easy. It’s also just me putting it all up so that’s a task right there! I am very grateful to a kind neighbor who delivered the panels to me.

Lilo and Stitch are going to love their new space! I can’t wait to get the gate up and see them in it 💜

Patched Hearts Farm Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit providing a safe, loving home for animals in need. Please consider donating to help continue our efforts!

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Chewy 💜 -list



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