Every time I see someone post a list of holiday foods dogs can and can't eat I cringe because the fact that a food isn't toxic doesn't mean it can't be harmful.
The truth is that a lot of dogs have sensitive stomachs (especially our little ones) so no matter how "safe" a food is supposed to be, any time you feed a dog something they're not used to eating you risk making them sick.
I know you want to include your pups in the festivities but it really is better not to feed them anything from the table.
Yes, you are a supergirl Minnie
Brooklyn / NYC / LI friends - this is nuts!!! are you ok?
She is sooooo mad about that topknot she won't even look at me
PSA – there is a scary pneumonia going around that all dog owners need to be aware of.
It is recommended that all dogs are vaccinated for Bordatella (kennel cough) and Canine Influenza to mitigate the risk of your pup getting sick and lower the likelihood of a misdiagnosis. Many vets are mistakenly diagnosing dogs with Kennel Cough (especially in unvaccinated dogs) but this infection doesn’t respond to the standard treatments and it can quickly become life-threatening without the proper medications.
This pneumonia is contagious so to lower your dogs chances of being exposed it is recommended that you avoid communal settings like boarding, day care, indoor training classes, dog parks, etc.
FYI - this video is PET PARENTS (NOT VETS) talking about their experience with the pneumonia in their dog. I am sharing it because, to me, it’s the best explanation that I’ve seen.
The most important thing to know is that If your dog has ANY respiratory symptoms they MUST be seen by a vet right away to have the best chance of a successful outcome.
Spread the word!!!!
This isn't exactly what Baby Tito's mom meant when she said "potty training"
I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday weekend
~thanks for loving my baby Tara~
The fact that my husbands name is David makes this even funnier
This is the new game we play ... when it's time to go inside she sits on the umbrella stand so I have to crawl under the table to get her. Only one of us enjoys this game ... and it's not me
To everyone who asked if my Yorkies really use this bed here's your answer ...
Bed (comes in 5 colors) ➡️ https://amzn.to/3YgaJcp