Teaching Euclid nosework be like…
Aria and Penny Lane getting in a final play session before Aria goes home this morning!
Looking to get out and enjoy the sunshine with your pup? Like Magic is hosting Fit Dog Walks monthly!
Not only does this group walk give you and your dog a chance to practice your skills, you also get the benefit of neutral/indirect interactions with other dogs - more often than not the type of calm interactions you want to see from your dog when out and about! This is a great way to reinforce manners skills and get your older puppies or adolescents some time to see the world (might be a little long for young puppies, but they’re welcome!)
Fit Dog Walks also contribute to your dog’s AKC FitDog title - find more information on that here! https://www.akc.org/sports/akc-family-dog-program/akc-fit-dog/
Find the link for the next Fit Dog walk - Saturday March 8 - in the bio! 🔗
#akc #akcfitdog #fitdogwalk #titleyourdog
#dogtrainer #dogtraining #boardandtrain #positivereinforcement #canineenrichment #levelup #decompression #reactivitytraining #premack #environmentalrewards #toytraining #trainingclass #ellicottcitymd #puppytraining #socialization #puppies #puppiesofig #puppiesofmaryland #dogs #dogsofig #dogsofmaryland #supportsmallbusiness #cooperativecare #cooperativehandling #conditioning
Dogs don’t like getting their nails done.
Dogs don’t like going to the vet.
Dogs need to be restrained for things like vaccines and other injections.
This webinar is for the dogs who tuck tail and hide behind Mom in the vets office.
It’s for the dogs whose nails click-clack on the tile floor because it’s miserable for everyone to work on them.
It’s for the dogs who need you to win a WWE match before they get an injection, get brushed, get their teeth cleaned.
Oh. And it’s for you. Because it doesn’t have to be that way.
Want to join us? 🔗 in bio!!
#dogtrainer #dogtraining #boardandtrain #positivereinforcement #canineenrichment #levelup #decompression #reactivitytraining #premack #environmentalrewards #toytraining #trainingclass #ellicottcitymd #puppytraining #socialization #puppies #puppiesofig #puppiesofmaryland #dogs #dogsofig #dogsofmaryland #supportsmallbusiness #cooperativecare #cooperativehandling #conditioning
Is your dog ready for warmer weather?
Brush up on those training goals - book one of the few remaining winter spots for private training or board and train, or join us for our virtual and in person courses starting up in spring!
What are your training goals for your dog?
#dogtrainer #dogtraining #boardandtrain #positivereinforcement #canineenrichment #levelup #decompression #reactivitytraining #premack #environmentalrewards #toytraining #trainingclass #ellicottcitymd #puppytraining #socialization #puppies #puppiesofig #puppiesofmaryland #dogs #dogsofig #dogsofmaryland #supportsmallbusiness #cooperativecare #cooperativehandling #conditioning
Seasonal allergies in February???
Nope that’s just Mouse Playing Nice ™️
Did you know that dog’s sneeze during play as a way to communicate that they are having a good time and aren’t seriously fighting?
Dog play mimics aggressive behavior- most play does, across species. There are a million small ways dogs will let each other know during that play that the “aggression” is all in the name of a good time - often by performing a behavior that would be out of place in a truly tense moment. Often those behaviors are about taking breaks, willingly giving space or giving up the “high ground”, play bowing (which also gives space). But my personal favorite? Is the play sneeze.
Does your dog play sneeze? What’s your go-to sign in dog interactions that your dog is just playing?
#dogtrainer #dogtraining #boardandtrain #positivereinforcement #canineenrichment #levelup #decompression #reactivitytraining #premack #environmentalrewards #toytraining #trainingclass #ellicottcitymd #puppytraining #socialization #puppies #puppiesofig #puppiesofmaryland #dogs #dogsofig #dogsofmaryland #supportsmallbusiness #cooperativecare #cooperativehandling #conditioning
What have you and your dog been doing for fun this wi nter?
On 02/22 at 12:30, join me for a drop-in “enrichment to go!” class where I will be working one on one with clients and their dogs on how to play together - building rules that keep everyone safe and secure, encouraging interaction with toys, social play, or just finding the right game to build your relationship.
Play with Me! Introduces basics of toy play and the behaviors involved in playing with your dog - whether your dog enjoys playing with treats, toys, balls, or just with you, we will use play to reinforce behaviors like arousal regulation, impulse control, and trading items with you. Playing with your dog is a great way to give them a social and mental outlet, as well as being great for your communication and relationship!
Enrichment To Go classes are drop-in workshops where one dog works at a time, but you’re welcome to stay and watch other teams work, ask questions, and get ideas. Because we work individually, your time with your dog is tailored to you, and it’s as reactive dog friendly as class in a park can be!
Interested? Check out registration for this and more on my Classes and Events Page on my website - link in bio! 🔗
#dogtrainer #dogtraining #boardandtrain #positivereinforcement #canineenrichment #levelup #decompression #reactivitytraining #premack #environmentalrewards #toytraining #trainingclass #ellicottcitymd #puppytraining #socialization #puppies #puppiesofig #puppiesofmaryland #dogs #dogsofig #dogsofmaryland #supportsmallbusiness #cooperativecare #cooperativehandling #conditioning
Enrichment encompasses just about everything I am to achieve as a trainer - providing not only mental stimulation and life skills, but sensory and species appropriate outlets, and safe and secure social and environmental stimulation.
❤️Making the most of limited time
❤️Identifying enrichment opportunities
❤️Meeting your dog’s needs
Providing regular enrichment can prevent and help resolve behavior challenges, but it can feel like a challenge in and of itself to find time and the creativity to ensure you’re meeting your dog’s needs. It can be hard... let’s make it easy! Classes and Events are listed on my Like Magic page - link in bio 🔗
#dogtrainer #dogtraining #boardandtrain #positivereinforcement #canineenrichment #levelup #decompression #reactivitytraining #premack #environmentalrewards #toytraining #trainingclass #ellicottcitymd #puppytraining #socialization #puppies #puppiesofig #puppiesofmaryland #dogs #dogsofig #dogsofmaryland #supportsmallbusiness #cooperativecare #cooperativehandling #conditioning