Atti and I took our first solo ride around our new neighborhood!
Dana (Yes, another Dana :) ) is a young lady who has been riding Atticus. This was their first time over a full course and they rocked it! Atti was a unicorn🦄 and she was a fairy🧚♀️. They jumped to 2'3"!
This is a part of their crossrail run.
Working on our one handed turn around. He's too much fun too ride.
Sometimes he gets a little mouthy. 😜
Atti and Poco did a little roughhousing today. Silly boys.
Atti and his friend Turbo have a little love fest.
Atti and Jen’s mustang, Odin, have very different styles during turnout. #conservationofenergy vs #feelingthatalfalfa
I know it’s not even Thanksgiving yet, but Atti loves his candy canes. #mustang #waswildatsomepointbutnotnow #spoiledpony #myboys
Atticus made the day of one happy, young mustang lover yesterday. He packed her around like an old school horse.
Throwback to Jess' visit. Learning to move those pony parts......
No shame in my narrative.....Atti just gets better and better. :) -Dana
Clip from freestyle at the Maleover in Reno.
Clip of freestyle from the Makeover.
A short clip of some bridless fun.
Atticus is quite the Moo-stang.