Happy tails to Marilyn!💞🐾
This is what Marilyn’s mom has to say about her:
“Hello, my name is Susan and we adopted this GORGEOUS pup in 11/23 and WOW what a gift she has been. She's very, VERY ADORABLE and she never meets a stranger, (and so far, that's a huge blessing)!
Everyone she meets, she has to shower them with love because they give her the same.
Her temperament is calm and she's very much a happy pup!!
As you can see by her pictures, she LOVES her life and I can't imagine how someone could let her go but we are BLESSED to have her as part of ours! Thanks for enjoying her pics and p.s. YES, SHE LOVES TO DRIVE!!!🐶”
We are so grateful for Marilyn’s mom and thankful that Marilyn found her forever home!💞