Horse Tales

Horse Tales We Share content related to horses, including their care, training, riding techniques, and more


In this captivating video, join us as we delve into the enchanting world of Friesian horses. Experience the awe-inspiring combination of beauty and strength that defines these magnificent creatures.

Witness their striking black coats, flowing manes, and feathered legs as they exude an undeniable aura of elegance. Marvel at their graceful movements and powerful strides, showcasing the harmony between their immense strength and captivating beauty.

Explore the history and origins of Friesian horses, known for their long-standing heritage in the Netherlands. Learn about their unique characteristics and how they have become a symbol of prestige and admiration in the equestrian world.

Join us on a visual journey as we showcase these spectacular horses in various settings, from enchanting meadows to grand equestrian events. Through stunning footage and expert insights, we aim to convey the essence of what makes Friesian horses so extraordinary.

Whether you're a horse lover, an admirer of equine beauty, or simply curious about these majestic creatures, this video promises to leave you in awe. So, sit back, relax, and let us take you into the world where beauty and strength converge— the world of spectacular Friesian horses.

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Stop making your horse nervousSometimes your own behavior increases your horse’s anxiety. Here are three ways to contrib...

Stop making your horse nervous

Sometimes your own behavior increases your horse’s anxiety. Here are three ways to contribute to calm instead.

Whether your horse is fearful or sensitive, your own behavior can be influencing his. After all, horses are masters of reading body language. So if you find yourself bracing for an expected blowup as you hold your horse for the farrier, for example, your own anxieties may trigger, or amplify, the very behavior you fear.

If you suspect you may be contributing to your horse’s nervous reactions, try handing the lead rope or reins over to a more experienced handler. If your horse settles down quickly, it’s time to assess your own role in your partnership. Here are steps you can take to ensure you’re part of the solution to your horse’s anxiety rather than contributing to the problem:

1. Establish your leadership with groundwork.
Every time you handle your horse, he will behave as if you are a herd of two. One of you has to be the leader, and if he doesn’t trust you in that role, then he will assume it himself. As self-appointed herd leader, if something frightens or agitates your horse, he will make the decision to run. Instead, your goal—which can be reached through regular, focused groundwork—is to show your horse that you are the leader.

2. Control your own emotions.
Your horse will pick up on what you are thinking, whether you are sitting in the saddle or standing next to him on the ground. When you are sitting on him, he can feel your tension or relaxation through your seat and legs. And if you—the herd leader—are nervous, anxious or afraid, then you are telling your horse that he should be frightened, too. “Nervousness in a horse being ridden is often due to rider inconsistency,” says Bonnie Beaver, DVM, DACVB, DACAW, of Texas A&M University. “Often a show horse does fine at home, but when you take him to a show he goes nuts. The rider may be more tense and nervous at the show, and this makes the horse nervous.” Containing your own emotions is a skill that takes practice and experience, and you’ll find hundreds of suggestions for relaxation techniques to reduce your own anxieties. But simply taking a moment to draw and release a deep breath and consciously shake out tensions in your body is a good start. Sometimes, however, if you arrive at the barn while you’re having trouble coping with other difficulties in your life, it might be wiser to skip the ride that day.

3. Use your voice—and speak softly.
You don’t need to keep up an incessant patter but speaking even a few quiet words may be helpful in soothing an anxious horse. “The first thing most people do is talk in a soft, calm manner,” Beaver says. “Research shows that this really doesn’t make any difference to the horse, but it tends to make the person more calm—which the horse readily picks up on—and this is what’s important. If you relax, the horse tends to relax.”

Benefits of Horseback Riding.1. Horseback riding has many benefits for both physical and mental health. Here are some of...

Benefits of Horseback Riding.

1. Horseback riding has many benefits for both physical and mental health. Here are some of them.

2. Improves balance and coordination - horseback riding requires the rider to use their core muscles to maintain balance and stay upright on the horse.

3. Increases strength and flexibility - riding a horse works many different muscle groups, including the legs, arms, back and core.

4.Reduces stress and anxiety - spending time with horses can be very calming and therapeutic.

5.Boosts confidence and self-esteem - learning to ride a horse can be challenging but also very rewarding.

6. Provides a sense of freedom - there’s nothing quite like the feeling of riding a horse through an open field or along a scenic trail.

Altai horseThe Altai horse is a breed of horse native to the Altai Mountains of Central Asia, specifically the Altai Rep...

Altai horse

The Altai horse is a breed of horse native to the Altai Mountains of Central Asia, specifically the Altai Republic in Russia. It is a small, hardy, and resilient horse breed well adapted to the harsh and extreme climate of the region. Altai horses are known for their endurance, agility, and sure-footedness, which allows them to navigate the rugged terrain of the mountains.

The Altai breed has a very unique pattern to their coats which makes them easy to point out. Some have a spotted coat that can be white and black similar to a cow pattern. These horses have a compact build, strong legs, and a thick winter coat that helps them withstand the cold temperatures. They typically stand between 12 to 14 hands high and come in various colors, including bay, gray, and chestnut.

Altai horses have been traditionally used by the local nomadic peoples, such as the Altai and Kazakh tribes, for transportation, herding livestock, and as reliable companions in their nomadic lifestyle. They are known for their ability to cover long distances with minimal food and water.

In recent years, efforts have been made to preserve and protect the Altai horse breed, as their numbers have declined due to changes in transportation and lifestyle. They are considered a valuable cultural and genetic heritage and are now being recognized as a unique and important part of the Altai region's history and identity.

Obesity can severely affect your horse's health and, as a horse owner, you play an important role in controlling your eq...

Obesity can severely affect your horse's health and, as a horse owner, you play an important role in controlling your equine companion’s weight. Sound nutrition management, a regular exercise program and veterinary care are key to keeping your horse fit and healthy. However, maintaining the ideal weight is not always easy (humans should know).
When implementing a weight-loss program for the overweight horse, remember the importance of doing it gradually and under the supervision of an equine veterinarian; the graphic below includes some tips that can help you get started. Be sure to schedule regular check-ups with your horse doctor, especially during the weight reduction process!
As always, for more information about caring for the obese/overweight horse, consult your equine veterinarian

DO YOU KNOW HOW TO SPOT COLIC IN HORSES?Colic is not a disease; it is merely a symptom of disease. Specifically, colic i...


Colic is not a disease; it is merely a symptom of disease. Specifically, colic indicates a painful problem in the horse's abdomen (belly), which can be caused by a number of different conditions. Less than 10% of all colic cases are severe enough to require surgery or cause the death of the horse; nevertheless, every case of colic should be taken seriously because it can be difficult to tell the mild ones from the potentially serious ones in the early stages.
Horses show signs of abdominal pain in a wide variety of ways, and usually a horse shows only a few of the signs during an episode of colic. The rule of thumb is — the more obvious the signs of pain, the more serious the problem.
If you suspect the horse is suffering from colic, we suggest that you:
• alert your veterinarian immediately;
• remove all hay and grain from the horse's surroundings;
• don't medicate without your veterinarian's approval, as pain medications can mask clinical signs;
• walk the horse around if it's continually rolling or in danger of hurting itself — but do not tire the horse with relentless walking and don't approach the animal if it's not safe;
• keep the horse under close observation until the signs of colic resolve or the veterinarian arrives.
The key to increasing the chances of a good outcome is to identify the problem early and get your veterinarian involved from the start. Consult your horse doctor for more information.

   Did you know a horse with a moderate hair coat starts requiring additional calories for body temperature regulation w...

Did you know a horse with a moderate hair coat starts requiring additional calories for body temperature regulation when the outside temperature drops to approximately 50°F?
Cold weather prompts special considerations for your horse's diet and care, particularly when it comes to the older members of the herd; consult your primary horse doctor to formulate a plan to keep your horses happy and healthy this winter!

Hay Basics  - Types of HayWhile we are all looking forward to warm spring days and lush green pasture, the transition fr...

Hay Basics - Types of Hay
While we are all looking forward to warm spring days and lush green pasture, the transition from winter hay to spring grass should be planned carefully to mitigate any health risks to your horse. In other words — just because your equine friend is not obese or suffering from a nutritionally related disease, doesn’t mean you should just forget about hay entirely and let your horse eat their fill of spring grass.
Feeding high-quality hay is a good way to satisfy a horse’s urge to chew when they can’t graze and provide essential nutrients at the same time. A mature horse will eat 2-2.5% of its body weight per day; roughage should contribute to at least half of this percentage, but most agree forage should be a minimum of 75% of the horse's diet. For a 1,000-pound horse, that means at least 15 pounds of hay each day. This said, please remember that not all horses are made equal, so a horse's total nutritive requirements will ultimately depend on the individual's age, stage of development, metabolism and workload.
Take-home message: Before making any changes to your horse’s diet this spring, consult your veterinarian to determine your equine friend’s current weight/body condition score and to formulate a balanced and nutritious ration that meets your horse’s specific nutritional needs! See less

Did you know that horses can get sunburns too?That’s right: Horses, like humans, can be at risk for the skin damage and ...

Did you know that horses can get sunburns too?
That’s right: Horses, like humans, can be at risk for the skin damage and discomfort that accompany a sunburn, especially on the non-pigmented pink-skinned areas of the body. The breeds that most frequently suffer from sunburn include Paints, Pintos, and Appaloosas, as well as many cremellos and other horses with pale coat colors.
Sunburn is most frequently seen in areas where the skin is more sensitive — like around the eyes and on the muzzle of pale or white-faced horses — and horses prone to recurrent sunburn also have an increased likelihood of developing squamous cell carcinoma (a common cancer).
To reduce the risk of sunburn, the best advice is to avoid sun exposure when possible. This is often achieved by stabling the horse during the day and allowing him to graze from dusk to dawn.
Another preventive option is the use of a full-face fly mask, or a full-body fly sheet for horses with large areas of white over the back and trunk, as many of these products come with UV protection.
Lots of people use use human products, such as children’s sunscreens, on their horses, however the product needs to be reapplied often to fully effective (just an on people).
If your horse is susceptible to sunburn, contact your veterinarian for more information about sun damage and recommendations to keep your animal comfortable. Sunburn recovery in the horse can take months, so taking proactive steps to keep your equine friend protected this summer is in everyone’s best interest!

Training Principle between human and horse

Training Principle between human and horse

Dad of the Year

Dad of the Year


Protective Stallion Defends His Mares Against a Stranger - Unforgettable Encounter!

In this captivating video, witness the incredible bond between a protective stallion and his mares as they encounter a stranger.

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🌟 Healing Through the Power of Horses! 🐴✨ Join us on a transformative journey as we explore the incredible world of horse whisperers and witness the profound healing they bring. 🌿🌈 Experience the therapeutic power of these magnificent creatures as they help individuals overcome challenges, heal emotional wounds, and find inner peace. 🤝💖 From troubled souls finding solace to survivors rebuilding their lives, discover the remarkable stories of individuals who have embraced the healing journey with the support of these gentle giants. 🌟🐎 Be inspired as we delve into the magical bond between humans and horses, uncovering the incredible ways these majestic beings help us heal, grow, and rediscover ourselves. 🌾✨ Get ready to be moved and uplifted as we witness the extraordinary impact of the horse whisperers and their ability to heal through the power of horses. 🌟🐴

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Get ready to dive into the world of equestrian excellence as we explore the best horse breeds used for dressage and show jumping. In this video, we'll uncover the breeds that dominate these disciplines with their exceptional abilities and performance.

For dressage, where precision and elegance reign supreme.But that's not all! We'll also delve into the thrilling realm of show jumping, where power and agility are paramount. Uncover the breeds that excel in soaring over fences with precision and grace.

Join us as we showcase these extraordinary horse breeds and unveil the secrets behind their success in the mesmerizing worlds of dressage and show jumping. Get ready to be inspired by the harmony between horse and rider as they navigate the complexities of these incredible disciplines.

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Funny and Cute Horses Will Change Your Mood For Good

In this delightful video, prepare to be uplifted as you witness a compilation of funny and adorable moments featuring horses. From playful antics to heartwarming interactions, these horses will bring a smile to your face and brighten your day. Get ready to experience the joy and charm of these magnificent creatures as they showcase their unique personalities and bring a positive change to your mood.

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Funny and Cute Horses Will Change Your Mood For Good.

In this delightful video, prepare to be uplifted as you witness a compilation of funny and adorable moments featuring horses. From playful antics to heartwarming interactions, these horses will bring a smile to your face and brighten your day. Get ready to experience the joy and charm of these magnificent creatures as they showcase their unique personalities and bring a positive change to your mood.

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