In memory of MANOLO “One of the most recognised Cane Corsos in the World”
We are exceptionally proud to offer 4th Generation Great Grand Pups of the 83kg Giant Manolo, with our AKC Registered Mother to prove her, sadly, now rare blood line. We are literally honoured to be one of those to continue Manolo’s line.
FERMENTO MALE - Big Chunky and beautiful pattern, and lovely healthy coat. His Brothers and Sisters stand no chance when he’s got a thirst for his Mother’s milk. Even now at 1 week old, when you clasp him with your hand, you can literally feel the power of his crawl already! Cannot wait to see his strength develop.
BLACK BOY - His coat like silk, that beams in the light. And eyes open after 12 days.
BLACK GIRL - Subtle flecks of brown, like her Father. Big and chunky. She’s no way afraid to let you know when she wants something, with her bark developing already.
BLUE GIRL - The double of her Mother and if true to her line, she will also be a force to be reckoned with. Really nice colouring and her coat is testament to her Mother’s exceptional natural diet and Mountainous region upbringing. Amazingly her eyes opened at 10 days old, revealing her, as of now, piercing BLUE EYES.
SIRE - Whose Mother is AKC Registered. An exceptionally intellectual and owner-friendly, most obedient, best friend of a dog, who is loved by ALL who know him. He has such a good head on his shoulders, he not responds exceptionally well to owner commands and training, but, NO WORD OF A LIE, can count the number of laps of the Mountain park he has the privilege of walking daily and on the 5th half mile lap he automatically heads for the exit with no prompting! He understands a ridiculous amount of human words, and commands,
Traditional Cane Corso, Ancient Bloodlines going back to 1960' International Champions and Working Dogs.