🚗🦼🛺⭐️I’m so thankful I live in a small rural community⭐️My brakes went out and I had to call a tow truck to take my car to the shop. It will be over a week before they can get to it. As I was waiting in my car with my flashers on, two men stopped to check on me. I was raised in the city so my default position is “stranger danger” I got my mace, eyeball poker/glass breaker/seatbelt cutter, revolver, stun gun and phone set to send SOS via SIRI, and crash detection!!😱 just in case😳but you know……..the first thing I did was smile and pray. I wasn’t afraid or worried. I was…. SO thankful I didn’t cause a wreck, I did not injure anyone else or injure myself. I just relaxed knowing that I was being held, protected and provided for no matter what the circumstance. I’m not always like this. I fret and sweat the small stuff too but not today. I used to have a someone watching over me, that would see about me, Frankie. I used to have someone I could call anytime, who I knew loved me unconditionally and set the world right, when it seemed wrong, my grandma. Now, for many years that is gone. You do not realize how much people are propping you up in life, sadly until they are gone. I’ve struggled in my faith, realizing how much I really wasn’t trusting in God above everything else. Today……I was totally chill…..peace that doesn’t make sense. I’m really most thankful for that today! The evidence of things unseen, hoped for, prayed for. A divine embrace, a knowing your Daddy has got you. In case you did not know this. We do not have to wait till we “get to heaven” to know and experience God. We get to now, today. He made us for relationship, with Him since the moment of our conception. We are designed to be only satisfied in Him. God himself fixed the rift between us in his Son Jesus Christ. When everyone you counted on is gone, you get to “see” who has been carrying you every step of the way, like no other time before. I think I’m starting to grow up some at 59 almost 60. Phew wee, I’m so glad! ✝️ 🚗