Guard My Pet

Guard My Pet Pet insurance is one of the least understood benefits you can provide for your pet to give you peace


With all of the great and recent advancements in veterinary science, vets can offer veterinary treatments that were unheard of just a few years ago. Medical treatments that were once only used for treating illnesses in humans, such as radiation therapy, complete hip replacements, and even kidney transplants can now be performed on your pets to save your pets and add length to their days. With all of the great...


Veterinary Pet Insurance: Dog Insurance

We understand that when your four-footed friend needs medical attention, you want to be able to provide him with the best care you can. We also know that vet visits and veterinary costs for your dog can be quite high, especially in the event of hospital stays or emergency situations. That's why it is important to get dog insurance now so that you know your do is covered for the future.

Here at, we offer the best dog veterinary pet insurance coverage at affordable prices so that you can take care of all of your dog's medical needs right when he needs it.We understand that when your four-footed friend needs medical attention, you want to be able to provide him with th

Get Pet Insurance Because “Your Mutt Matters”

Another wonderful attribute about a mutt is that they are affordable and readily available no matter where you may live. You don’t have to wait for months to get a mutt puppy like you might have to wait for a purebred. Animal shelters are overflowing with mutts needing a good family and a good home.

A dog that is not a purebred and whose genetic makeup consists of more than one breed is often referred to as a mutt. Mutts come in all sizes, shapes ,colors and personalities.

Get Pet Insurance and Keep Your Husky Healthy

Huskies are beautiful dogs with thick fur to protect them from cold weather. They can make very good family pets. However, they must have a patient and devoted owner willing to train them and spend time with them.

The Husky is a general term that represents several breeds of dogs that are used as sled dogs. They were once generally bred and used in northern regions to pull sleds. However, today they are very popular pets.

Is It Really Worth it to Get Pet Insurance?

At present, pet insurance has improved to the point that you can make sure your pet is covered from birth up to his last days. Remember that premiums are usually based on your pet's age and some companies will not agree to insure your pet if it is more than10 years of age already. But, if you have insured your pet, your insurance will not be canceled even if your pet turns 10, this is the reason why it is vital to have them covered as early as you are able to.

It was back in the early 1980's when pet insurance first came about. When this happened, a lot of pet owner's were thrilled. Well, that is until they experienced firsthand what was really being offered as well...

Pet Insurance | Cheap Pet Insurance | Pet Health Insurance | Veterinary Pet Insurance Quotes

With all of the great and recent advancements in veterinary science, vets can offer veterinary treatments that were unheard of just a few years ago. Medical treatments that were once only used for treating illnesses in humans, such as radiation therapy, complete hip replacements, and even kidney transplants can now be performed on your pets to save your pets and add length to their days. What was once fatal conditions for pets are now treatable. However, such veterinary treatments are not cheap! That is why many people are choosing to get pet insurance.

Pet Insurance. Find Affordable, Cheap Pet Insurance. We offer the best Veterinary Pet Health Insurance plans. Get Your Free Quote Now!

Pet Insurance is One of the Best Policies to Have if You Own a Pet

You have just adopted a furry little kitten or puppy and they could not be cuter if they tried. You instantly give him or her a name, begin potty training, leash training, and planning a life with your new friend. However, your pet needs regular veterinarian care to make sure they are healthy and stay healthy with the proper vaccinations and medications as needed. Therefore, one of the best investments you can make is to buy pet insurance for your new bundle of fur because it can save you thousands of dollars in veterinarian bills if he or she should need long-term treatments.

You have just adopted a furry little kitten or puppy and they could not be cuter if they tried. You instantly give him or her a name, begin potty training, leash training, and planning a life with your new friend. However, your pet needs regular veterinarian care to make sure they are healthy and st

Pet Insurance for the Health of Your Hound

Hound Dogs are those lovable dogs with big eyes and big voices to match. They have an incredible sense of smell and sight. This makes them valuable hunting dogs. They often are used by hunters to track or chase an animal that is being hunted.

Hound Dogs are those lovable dogs with big eyes and big voices to match. They have an incredible sense of smell and sight. This makes them valuable hunting dogs. They often are used by hunters to track or chase an animal that is being hunted. Hounds come in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are t

Pet Insurance | Cheap Pet Insurance | Pet Health Insurance | Veterinary Pet Insurance Quotes

Hello and welcome to If you are looking for affordable pet insurance for your precious furry or feathered family members, then you are in the right place. We offer dog insurance, cat insurance and exotic pet insurance at prices you can afford. Our pet insurance plans provide you the best coverage for your money.

Pet Insurance. Find Affordable, Cheap Pet Insurance. We offer the best Veterinary Pet Health Insurance plans. Get Your Free Quote Now!

Veterinary Pet Insurance on GuardMyPet

Veterinary Pet Insurance on GuardMyPet

Hello and a very warm welcome to Guard My Pet. If you want to find an affordable pet insurance for your precious furry or feathered family members, then you have come to the right place. We are offering dog...

Pet Insurance – Gotta Get Your Corgi Covered

Corgis are very intelligent and very loving animals. The breed has become increasingly popular through the years. Perhaps their popularity is due partially to Queen Elizabeth who always has Corgis in the Buckingham Palace.

Corgis are great big dogs in little dog bodies. They are tough, loyal, and very intelligent animals that can make wonderful pets in the right home.

Pet Insurance | Cheap Pet Insurance | Pet Health Insurance | Veterinary Pet Insurance Quotes

If you are looking for affordable pet insurance for your precious furry or feathered family members, then you are in the right place. We offer dog insurance, cat insurance and exotic pet insurance at prices you can afford. Our pet insurance plans provide you the best coverage for your money.

Pet Insurance. Find Affordable, Cheap Pet Insurance. We offer the best Veterinary Pet Health Insurance plans. Get Your Free Quote Now!

Pet Insurance: Get Coverage for Your Collie

The exact origin of the Collie is not known, but we do know that they were used as water rescue, herders, and to guide cows and sheep to the market in Scotland and England. Because they are in the family of working dogs, they require plenty of exercise. Their life expectancy is approximately 14-16 years depending on their health. Collies are generally healthy, however some lines are prone to eye defects called PRA, hip dysplasia and arthritis. Taking care of your collie’s health needs is important.

Collies are beautiful, loving and devoted companion dogs. At the mention of the name “collie” many people automatically think of Lassie – the famous heroine collie from the TV series. However, not all collies look like Lassie.

Pet Insurance for Your Beagle Makes Good “Scents”

Beagles normally live live between 10-13 years. Some may be prone to epilepsy which can be controlled with medication. Because of their long ears, oftentimes they will have chronic ear infections. Because of their love of food, weight gain can be a big problem, especially among older dogs. Also, because they are extremely curious in nature, and like to wander around sniffing things, they could wind up getting injured.

Beagles are one of the most loved breeds of dogs. Perhaps you know about Beagle Dogs because of Charlie Brown’s trusty and extremely intelligent companion, Snoopy. Well, while all are not quite as smart as Snoopy, these dogs do have a pretty high IQ.

Don’t Be Stubborn – Get Pet Insurance for Your Bulldog

Distinct features of thick shoulders and a thick head marked by thick folds of skin on the brow and hanging from the jaws make the bulldog unique in appearance. Although they look rather pouty or peeved , bulldogs are generally very sweet and lovable animals. They are very loyal companions and make good pets. They can be, however, very stubborn at times. Hence the phrase “stubborn as a bulldog”.

Bulldogs, also known as English Bulldogs or British Bulldogs are becoming more and more popular today. They were originally bred in England (thus the name British or English) as sporting dogs. Once known as a vicious breed for fighting , they are now known as big love-able babies.


Taking care of your Border Collie is very important. As with all animals, there are health issues that can affect the breed. Common health problems of Border Collies include Hip Dysplasia, Collie eye anomaly, and epilepsy, all of which can be treated. However, vet expenses can add up, especially when surgeries are needed, or in the event of illnesses or accidents.

Pet Insurance For Cats: The Purr-fect Solution to Help Take Care of Your Cat!

The purr-fect solution to guard your cat from illness and disease without having to worry about high vet visits it to get your cat insured. At, we offer a variety of affordable cat insurance plans for you to choose from. For the love of your cat, contact us today for a free quote on getting your cat insured. We look forward to hearing from you.

Cats – those amazing little four-footed, furry felines are currently the most popular pets in the world. They come in all colors, shapes and sizes and can be found practically anywhere in the world. The domestic cat or house cat is a small domesticated carnivorous mammal that has come to be loved an

Exotic Pet Insurance | Affordable Exotic Pet Insurance Rates

Here at, we are currently working on a program to insure your exotic pet. Just like any other pet, exotic pets have health issues and health needs too. They are vulnerable to all sorts of diseases and illnesses, which can end up costing you a lot of money. That’s why it actually pays to have medical coverage on your animal.

Exotic Pet Insurance. We offer the most Affordable Exotic Pet Insurance Rates. Get Your Free Quote Today!

Dog Insurance | Cheap Dog Insurance | Dog Health Insurance

We understand that when your four-footed friend needs medical attention, you want to be able to provide him with the best care you can. We also know that vet visits and veterinary costs for your dog can be quite high, especially in the event of hospital stays or emergency situations. That’s why it is important to get Dog Insurance now so that you know your dog is covered for the future.

Dog Insurance. Looking for Affordable, Cheap Dog Insurance? We offer the best Dog Health Insurance rates. Get Your Free Quote Now.


If you are a cat owner, you know and understand the importance of doing what you can to ensure that your cat is healthy and taken care of. Keeping your cat updated on vaccinations, getting him spayed or neutered, and taking care of any health related issues concerning your cat can be a big expenditure. That is why here at we offer the best cat insurance coverage around at prices you can afford.


Here at, we offer the best dog insurance coverage you can find at prices you can afford so that you can take care of all of your dog’s medical needs right when he needs it.


Find the Best Pet Insurance. Hello and welcome to If you are looking for affordable pet insurance for your precious furry or feathered family members, then you are in the right place. We offer dog insurance, cat insurance and exotic pet insurance at prices you can afford. Our pet insurance plans provide you the best coverage for your money.

Don’t Be Stubborn – Get Pet Insurance for Your Bulldog

Distinct features of thick shoulders and a thick head marked by thick folds of skin on the brow and hanging from the jaws make the bulldog unique in appearance.

Bulldogs, also known as English Bulldogs or British Bulldogs are becoming more and more popular today. They were originally bred in England (thus the name British or English) as sporting dogs. Once known as a vicious breed for fighting , they are now known as big love-able babies.

Pet Insurance for Your Boxer Dog:Your Boxer’s Got Your Back – Do You Have His?

The Boxer Breed developed in Germany and is a breed of stocky, medium to large sized, short-haired dogs. The coat is smooth and can be fawn or brindled with white markings, or white with darker markings. They were bred from the English Bulldog and the Bullenbeisser (now extinct). They have a very distinguished broad head with a squared jaw.

Boxer Dogs make great pets. They are most known for their great faithfulness and love to their master. Although they are very gentle in nature to their family, they make great watchdogs. You never have to worry about someone sneaking onto your property when he is on duty. You can rest assured that y

Get Your Border Collie Covered With Pet Insurance From GuardMyPet

Border Collies can make wonderful, loving pets. They are very loyal and sensitive dogs which make them great companion animals. They do however, need a lot of love and attention and some room to roam.

The Border Collie breed was originally developed in the Anglo-Saxon border region to be used for herding livestock on farms. Today, border collies are still used as working dogs, however, many people just have them as pets.

Cat Insurance | Cat Health Insurance | Pet Cat Insurance

When you get cat insurance from, you will no longer have to worry about sky-high veterinary costs that could arise due to unexpected medical emergencies or illnesses. Plus, our cat insurance coverage is flexible and affordable so that you can choose the plan that works the best for you.

Cat Insurance. We offer Affordable Cat Health Insurance. We have the best Pet Cat Insurance rates. Get Your Free quote Today!

Dog Insurance | Cheap Dog Insurance | Dog Health Insurance

We understand that when your four-footed friend needs medical attention, you want to be able to provide him with the best care you can. We also know that vet visits and veterinary costs for your dog can be quite high, especially in the event of hospital stays or emergency situations.So get dog insurance.

Dog Insurance. Looking for Affordable, Cheap Dog Insurance? We offer the best Dog Health Insurance rates. Get Your Free Quote Now.

Take Care of Your Terrier – Pet Insurance From GuardMyPet

A Terrier is a small to medium sized breed of dogs that are typically feisty and very energetic. They were developed in Great Britain and Ireland and were used to control small rodents, rabbits, and foxes both above and under ground.

Protect Your Spitz With Pet Insurance From GuardMyPet

Most Spitz-type dogs that are seen today originated from the Arctic regions. In genetic testings many Spitz-type dogs were found to be closely related to wolves. Through selective breeding, Spitz types have been developed to help humans in three areas: herding, hunting, and as sled dogs.

Most Spitz-type dogs that are seen today originated from the Arctic regions. In genetic testings many Spitz-type dogs were found to be closely related to wolves. Through selective breeding, Spitz types have been developed to help humans in three areas: herding, hunting, and as sled dogs. The Spitz t


Spaniels are types of gun dogs. They were originally bred to flush out game from thick brush. In the late 17th century there were both water breeds and land breeds. The water breeds were used to retrieve fowl from the water. The land breeds consisted of setting spaniels – those who would set and point out game for hunters – and springing spaniels which would spring pheasants and partridges for hunting with falcons and rabbits for hunting with greyhounds.

Pet Insurance – Make Sure Your Shih Tzu’s Protected

The Shih Tzu breed originated in China. They were originally bred to be royal companions of Chinese Emperors of the Manchu Dynasty. The name Shih Tzu means “lion dog”, and was given because of the little dog’s confident and regal attitude.

Shih Tzus are one of the most loved small dog breeds. Known for their beautiful, long silky hair, their cute little smooshed in noses, and their killer big dark eyes, these little dogs can totally win over the hearts of their owners.

Protect Your Shepherd With Pet Insurance From GuardMyPet

The German Shepherd is a large breed dog that obviously originated in Germany. It is a working breed dog that is highly intelligent, strong, and obedient. For this reason it is often used by the police and military.

Pet Insurance Plans From GuardMyPet – Simple Solutions for Your Sheepdog’s Health

Sheepdogs are very intelligent, calm, social animals that usually adapt easily to their environment. They love the outdoors, such as working on a farm, but can be quite comfortable living in a suburban area, provided they get the proper exercise.

The Old English Sheepdog is a dog breed that is known for its long, shaggy grey and white coat with fur that hangs down and covers its eyes. The breed originated back in England as herding dogs.

Insure Your Setter With Pet Insurance From GuardMyPet

Most Setters have long, smooth and silky coats that require routine grooming. They are generally happy and playful dogs that have a gentle and friendly nature both to people and other dogs. They are very energetic and do require daily exercise.

The Setter is a type of gun dog. They are most often used to hunt game such as pheasant, quail and grouse. They use their extreme sense of smell and generally find game by scent. Once they find the game, they freeze and “set” or crouch – hence the name “Setter”.



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