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Boopin', Snootin', & Big Floofins'. If you love animals and love how Boopable’ they are or how they have great Snootins’, or even just how Floofin’ they are you’ve come to the right place.

Welcome to yearly cutie check, and if you’re not sure who we’re talking about go look in the mirror 😎

Welcome to yearly cutie check, and if you’re not sure who we’re talking about go look in the mirror 😎

Sent this to my crush lolz

Anyone from NYC?

Anyone from NYC?

Skittles has been placed with Pound Hounds ResQ! Please honor your pledges! ❤

He’s a family pet of 5 years, a Shiba Inu boy who is typical of his breed. Easy to love because of his absolute beauty and hard to get to know because he needs just a little time to size you up and become your friend. That’s as it should be, we think. This boy has notes that made us smile. Kind to turtles, a friend to cats, respectful and gentle of the many children he had the pleasure of getting to know. He’s curious, affectionate, and because his breed is an old one, bred for ground bird hunting, he adores the outdoors and loves the challenge of daily runs, hikes, or off leash running in a securely fenced back yard. He would be completely unhappy if his family were couch potatoes because he has a quick mind, is stubborn as a mule if he wants to be, and really needs daily exercise to keep him happy! Skittles is a good boy too. His resume is great. He knows a lot of commands, he never ever guards his stuff (happy to share!), and after his baths he loves to entertain you by rolling around on his towel. We would love to see Skittles find an active, experienced, fun family who will let him be their one and only dog. If that is you, won’t you take him in? Shiba’s don’t do well caged up in shelters, they need the great outdoors like we all need air to breath. Hurry and make him your own. MESSAGE OUR PAGE or EMAIL US at [email protected] for assistance.

INTAKE DATE: 24-Feb-2023
SKITTLES ID # 164300, 5 Yrs. Old, 49 lbs., Neutered Male
Manhattan ACC, Medium Mixed Breed (Shiba Inu), White
Owner Surrender Reason: No time for Skittles
Shelter Assessment Rating: New Hope Only
No children (under 13)
Single-pet home
Recommend no dog parks
Place with a New Hope partner
Medical Behavior Rating: 3. Yellow

Skittles arrived to MACC from a previous home. He is described as an anxious dog that can become playful once acclimated. It is reported that he may become reactive to people or other dogs when on leash. In the Care Center, Skittles remains fearful, able to be leashed and walked when approached slowly, but uncomfortable overall with handling and approach.

Upon intake, Skittles had a tense, forward body and was pacing around the admissions office. He was uninterested in treats but did relax slightly when presented with a squeaky toy. He barked at me once when I entered the room and backed away when I tried to collar. I was able to have his owners scan for a mc but unable to collar. When being brought back to the kennel room, Skittles began to thrash, head whip, growl, yelp, and leash bite. He was able to be put into the kennel with the assistance of ACS.

Skittles is an approximately 5 year old male medium mixed breed dog. He lived with 2 adults. Skittles is initially fearful and aggressive towards strangers. He is reported to growl and lunge at people passing by. When approached slowly and given time to warm up, Skittles can be friendly and outgoing towards strangers. Skittles has previously spent time with a child 1-2 years old and children 12-13 years old. Around them, he is respectful. He will play gently and exuberantly with older children but won't play with younger kids. Skittles is reported to be aggressive towards other dogs. He will jump, bark, and lunge at dogs passing by on the street. He will often avoid play with other dogs, but will occasionally play very rough with other dogs. Skittles is very tolerant around cats. Skittles has no issues with resource guarding. He is friendly and unbothered when someone touches his food/bowl while eating. He is friendly when someone takes a toy/other object away. He is unbothered when someone takes a bone/rawhide/treat away. Skittles is partially housetrained. He has a very high energy level.

Other Notes:
Skittles will play exuberantly with adults. He has spent time with turtles and is respectful and nice around them. He is anxious when left alone and will often bark too much. During storms/fireworks, Skittles is not bothered. Skittles will sometimes growl when pushed/pulled off of furniture, and will walk away after being pushed/pulled off of the furniture. Skittles will bark and growl when held or restrained. He is friendly when disturbed while sleeping/resting. Skittles will growl, snap, and bite when someone gives him a bath. He is initially afraid when being brushed, but with time will calm down and allow himself to be brushed. Skittles is afraid when someone trims his nails or touches his feet. He will bark when an unfamiliar person approaches his house/yard, and he will bark/growl when an unfamiliar person approaches his owner or a family member.

Has this dog ever had any medical issues? Yes

Medical Notes: Skittles was in a car accident about 3 years ago and had to have surgery on his RHL. His owners couldn't recall exactly what was wrong with his leg but remember him having a cast. He has since fully recovered.

For a New Family to Know:
Skittles is an initially anxious dog but with time will warm up to you and become affectionate, playful, and confident. He has a very high energy level. He loves to walk and play with you, and after a shower will roll around in his towel. Skittles likes to play with balls, stuffed toys, and squeaky toys. He likes to wrestle, play fetch, and tug. Skittles has been kept mostly indoors and will sleep on a dog bed. Skittles eats both wet and dry food. He seems to be house trained but will have accidents in the home a few times a week. Skittles usually goes potty on grass outdoors or on wee-wee/training pads. When left alone in the house, Skittles is well-behaved. Skittles has never been left alone in the yard. Skittles was crate trained but doesn't need it now. Skittles knows how to sit, come, stay, shake/give paw, and fist bump. He is used to brisk walks on leash for exercise. Skittles pulls very hard on the leash and when off leash is hard to catch.

Bite history: Yes.

(1) Skittles is reported to bark, growl, and lunge at strangers passing by. He bit a stranger on a walk in 2019. His owners said that Skittles ran up to the man and bit him on his hand. The bite broke skin but did not leave a deep puncture wound, and Skittles let go right away. He has no other reported bite incidents.

(2) Skittles is reported to jump, lunge, and bark at dogs passing by. His owners said that on a walk in 2019 a random dog ran up to Skittles and began biting him and Skittles began to bite the dog back. The dogs were able to be separated without further incident, and neither bite was very severe. He has no other reported bite incidents.


Summary: In the care center, Skittles has been highly fearful - thrashing and yelping when handled on intake. Due to owner reports of reactivity, bite history, and observation in shelter, Skittles is not a candidate for a handling assessment.

Summary: Skittles is reported to bark, growl, and lunge at other dogs on-leash, and has bitten a dog previously.

2/25/23, gate greeting: Skittles completely ignores the presence of the helper dog.


3/22/23: Skittles is at the front of the kennel with a neutral body, panting and pacing. He is leashed and removed from kennel where he cage fights with neighboring dogs, lunging, hard barking and growling. In the elevator, he sees a familiar handler and jumps on them socially, licking their hands. He is taken out for a street walk where he is aloof with handler and does not react to any stimuli. He is returned to kennel where he cage fights on the way back.

3/12/23: Skittles is at the front with a neutral body. He takes treats through the bars before being leashed and taken to the yard. In the yard, he explores his surroundings while heavy panting. He sits by handler and is aloof throughout interaction. He is returned to kennel without issue

3/5/23: Skittles is at the front of the kennel panting with a neutral body. He is easily leashed and taken out for a street walk. He is aloof with handler and does not react when handler speaks to them in a soft tone. He relieves himself and is returned to kennel without issue.

2/27/23: Skittles is at the front of the kennel when approached and is easily leashed and taken to the yard. In the yard, he is aloof with the handler and shows no interested when spoken to. He walks to the back of the yard and is then hesitant to walk towards the front of the yard again. Handler has to run with him a little to get him to move forward. Once he does, the leash is able to be clipped and he is able to be returned to the kennel without issue.

2/25/23: Skittles is standing in the middle of the kennel with a tense body. When the door is opened he steps away slightly. He snaps when the leash is presented and begins to vocalize. He then runs toward the kennel door and the leash is quickly able to be placed over his head as he steps out. He walks slowly and remains tense outdoors, marking his surroundings intermittently. No attempt is made to touch Skittles. He becomes slightly whale-eyed when he notices the handler reach to clip his leash. Handler is able to slowly do so when Skittles is not paying attention. He is walked inside easily. When replaced in kennel, he thrashes slightly once the door is closed, and begins to back away from the door and vocalize in a high-pitched tone.

FUN FACTS: Skittles is kind to turtles. He is friendly with cats. He likes to roll around on his towel after a bath.

INTAKE BEHAVIOR - Date of intake: 24-Feb-2023
Summary: Growling, thrashing

MEDICAL BEHAVIOR – Date of Initial: 27-Feb-2023
Summary: Tense, standing at the front of the kennel. Sedated for exam.

Skittles will need daily mental and physical activity to stay engaged and exercised.


No children (under 13)
Single-pet home
Recommend no dog parks
Place with a New Hope partner

Recommendations comments:

No children: Due to bite history and history of lunging, growling, and snapping, a home with only adults is required.

Single-pet home
Recommend no dog parks

The behavior department recommends Skittles be placed with a New Hope placement partner who is able to provide an experienced, adult-only foster home. Force-free, reward based training and/or consultation with a professional trainer/behaviorist is highly recommended.

Potential challenges:
House soiling
Handling/touch sensitivity
Fearful/potential for defensive aggression
Multiple-bite history/risk of future aggression
Bite history (human)
Bite history (dog)
On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration

Potential challenges comments:

House soiling: Skittles is reported to have accidents in the home. See handout on House Soiling.

Handling/touch sensitivity: Skittles is reported to bark, growl, and snap when handled/restrained, pushed off of furniture, or given a bath. See handout on Handling Sensitivity.

Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: Skittles is reported to bark, growl and snap at strangers and handlers on various occasions. Skittles has bitten previously. See handout on Fear and Defensive Aggression.

Multiple-bite history/risk of future aggression: Skittles has bitten both humans and another dog previously (see BITE HISTORY section). See handout on Bite History.

Anxiety: Skittles is reported to become anxious when left alone and may also bark often. See handout on Generalized Anxiety.

On-leash reactivity: Skittles is reported to lunge, growl, and snap toward people on leash and has bitten previously in this instance. See handout on On-leash Reactivity. We recommend basket muzzling Skittles for outside walks in instances where there may be high foot traffic.


DVM Intake
Vet Notes: 11:28 AM
DVM Intake Exam
Estimated age: Reported 5 years old; exam is consistent with this
Microchip noted on Intake? Scanned POSITIVE
History: Surrendered. Hx car accident 3 years ago and had surgery and a cast on his RHL. Clients didn't remember exactly what was broken. No other medical concerns. Bite history - bit a stranger on a walk in 2019.
Subjective: Alert in kennel
Observed Behavior - Tense, standing at the front of the kennel. We were able to leash him without incident, and due to the bite history and reported high FAS with strangers, we sedated him for the exam: Dexdomitor 0.5 mg/ml 0.6 ml IM + butorphanol 0.6 ml IM. Reversed after exam with 0.6 ml Antisedan IM.
Evidence of Cruelty seen - None
Evidence of Trauma seen - None
MMs pink and moist, BCS 6/9
EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted
Oral Exam: Moderate tartar, esp on 108/208, stage 1/4 periodontal disease.
PLN: No enlargements noted
H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic, no coughing or sneezing
ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated, soft, not distended
U/G: Male neutered, green tattoo on ventral abd.
MSI: Mild pyoderma on ventral abd, inguinal region and caudal thighs - generalized erythema and many epidermal collarettes, flaky and peeling skin around them. Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted.
CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities
Re**al: Normal externally
1. Pyoderma R/O allergies vs. other
2. Slightly overweight
Prognosis: Good
1. Recommend daily chlorhexidine wipes or mousse - it's unlikely that we'll be able to administer this in shelter so we will not treat for now. Monitor to see if it is resolving on its own or progressing.
2. Recommend daily tooth brushing
3. Recommend mild weight loss of approx 5 lbs

Vet Statement
Vet Notes: 4:02 PM
Trazodone 150 mg po bid indefinitely to reduce FAS.


Please message our page ASAP if you live in the prescribed range of states (see below).

PLEASE NOTE: You MUST live in NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Northern VA. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a NYC ACC dog. Transport is available if you live within the prescribed range of states.

Shelter contact information:
Phone number (212) 788-4000
Email [email protected]

Shelter Addresses:
Brooklyn Shelter: 2336 Linden Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11208
Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029
Staten Island Shelter: 3139 Veterans Road West Staten Island, NY 10309


Level 1
Dogs with Level 1 determinations are suitable for the majority of homes.

Level 2
Dogs with Level 2 determinations will be suitable for adopters with some previous dog experience.

Level 3
Dogs with Level 3 determinations will need to go to homes with experienced adopters.

Level 4
Dogs with Level 4 determinations will need to go to homes with experienced adopters. It is suggested adopters have prior experience with the behaviors described.

New Hope Rescue Only
Dogs with this rating need to be pulled by a New Hope Partner Rescue. Contact our page or email us for assistance

If you want me to post regularly again like and comment 🤩Imagine how far himbs can smell a hamburger from 🍔

If you want me to post regularly again like and comment 🤩

Imagine how far himbs can smell a hamburger from 🍔

Moo Will be missed :(

Moo Will be missed :(

No drama in my jama

Hey guys it’s my bday today!!! Hope everyone’s been doing good! I’ve been doing good, I’ve gotten a new car, dyed my hai...

Hey guys it’s my bday today!!! Hope everyone’s been doing good! I’ve been doing good, I’ve gotten a new car, dyed my hair red, and got a new job this year! Hope you Kings 👑 and Queens 👑 are doing well too!

Rip to this legend you’ll be missed :(

Rip to this legend you’ll be missed :(

I don’t know the credit for this one but i can’t get over it, big cat energy 😂

I don’t know the credit for this one but i can’t get over it, big cat energy 😂

Sorry I’ve been gone for a bit I’ve been stuck texting Adam Levine, a bit absurd for sure 🤣

Sorry I’ve been gone for a bit I’ve been stuck texting Adam Levine, a bit absurd for sure 🤣

Ok y’all gave me enough serotonin to make more sh*tty memes but no promises 😂 No treats? 🤨

Ok y’all gave me enough serotonin to make more sh*tty memes but no promises 😂 No treats? 🤨

Came back to post Will Smith and Chris Rock meme 😂

Came back to post Will Smith and Chris Rock meme 😂

Okay okay, I’ll post again. Been busy heckling my life up sorry folks but don’t worry you all are beautiful and ily. Als...

Okay okay, I’ll post again. Been busy heckling my life up sorry folks but don’t worry you all are beautiful and ily. Also uncensored version in comments to send to your moms. 🐶

You think flamingos are born to just be okay to stand for the rest of their lives?

You think flamingos are born to just be okay to stand for the rest of their lives?

We talking about the type where they look like they’re melting like mashed potatoes 🤓. I finished jojo part 6 last night...

We talking about the type where they look like they’re melting like mashed potatoes 🤓. I finished jojo part 6 last night and was great so far!!

If not you don’t wanna see shibe when he’s angry 😡

If not you don’t wanna see shibe when he’s angry 😡

Made this and thought of a friend who literally just hates wide dog cause TOO WIDE.Hey pssst… i wanna donate to shelters...

Made this and thought of a friend who literally just hates wide dog cause TOO WIDE.

Hey pssst… i wanna donate to shelters and you guys should help I’m going to match whatever i get on my Patreon for the first year so you should subscribe. You’ll be making me broke and helping doggos like wide dog at the same time.

I have nothing to post on thanksgiving but happy thanksgiving! I’ve been playing the new Pokémon so enjoy the Pokémon me...

I have nothing to post on thanksgiving but happy thanksgiving! I’ve been playing the new Pokémon so enjoy the Pokémon meme 🤓

Don’t have much to post today but have this 10/10 meme from Doggo News to keep you well fed and give them a like if you ...

Don’t have much to post today but have this 10/10 meme from Doggo News to keep you well fed and give them a like if you don’t cause 1.) dogs, 2.) they cool, and 3.) dogs.

Zoomies just hit different at 2:34am

I’ve been really busy sorry friens!! But had to post today, it’s my birthday and i wanted to share the celebration with ...

I’ve been really busy sorry friens!! But had to post today, it’s my birthday and i wanted to share the celebration with you guys with a dumb meme 😂

POV you just wake up and your dog comes to greet you.—Subscribe to my we have cookies 🍪 and to...

POV you just wake up and your dog comes to greet you.

Subscribe to my we have cookies 🍪 and to help out shelters!

Just remember all doggos go to heaven 🤩—Follow my and once it hits $20 I’ll be donating half to a local shel...

Just remember all doggos go to heaven 🤩

Follow my and once it hits $20 I’ll be donating half to a local shelter moving forward and showing proof!

Even though i don’t own one or the brand i swear to you these little guys are the mascot of this page 😂—Wanna buy me cof...

Even though i don’t own one or the brand i swear to you these little guys are the mascot of this page 😂

Wanna buy me coffee and help a Doggo in need? Subscribe to my (half proceeds go to shelters.

Which tongue out face you feeling today I’m feeling 🤪.——Subscribe to my Patreon to help those hot single dogs in your ar...

Which tongue out face you feeling today I’m feeling 🤪.
Subscribe to my Patreon to help those hot single dogs in your area 😉 (50% of proceeds go to shelters)

Sorry everyone I’ve been really busy cause i started a new job and everything still love you all ❤️—I’m trying not to en...

Sorry everyone I’ve been really busy cause i started a new job and everything still love you all ❤️

I’m trying not to end up like squid games so follow me on also half of proceeds will go shelters!!!

Me when someone even thinks about making pre-marital eye contact.——I’m just a poor boy and nobody loves me so subscribe ...

Me when someone even thinks about making pre-marital eye contact.
I’m just a poor boy and nobody loves me so subscribe to my patreon! Half of the proceeds will go to animal shelters!!

It’s finally spooky season can’t wait to not eat that terrible candy corn!—Hi i made a Patreon to support the page! Half...

It’s finally spooky season can’t wait to not eat that terrible candy corn!

Hi i made a Patreon to support the page! Half of the proceeds will go to animal shelters! I’m also kinda tired of being a corporate slave so you should support me!

Good luck trying to stop me 😤😤——Go follow me on Patreon half of the proceeds will go to shelters! I’d also like to affor...

Good luck trying to stop me 😤😤
Go follow me on Patreon half of the proceeds will go to shelters! I’d also like to afford coffee.

Only at a small price of 100 pets per minute you shall receive one (1) serotonin. Shout out to MansWear Dog.—Support me ...

Only at a small price of 100 pets per minute you shall receive one (1) serotonin. Shout out to MansWear Dog.

Support me on Patreon for early content! I’ll also be putting half of profits to local shelters!



My dog would probably just jump on their lap and ask for head boops 😂—I’m pretty cool sometimes and wanna help out doggo...

My dog would probably just jump on their lap and ask for head boops 😂

I’m pretty cool sometimes and wanna help out doggos in need so follow my patreon and I’ll buy them all treatos instead of resorting to borrowing peoples 85” 😂

I’m sorry but there’s literally no reason not to love them.—Sorry but gotta plug myself here 👀 i made a patreon for supp...

I’m sorry but there’s literally no reason not to love them.

Sorry but gotta plug myself here 👀 i made a patreon for supporting the page and supporting local shelters as well! if it gets enough traffic i will totally be making lots of more dank content! Let me know what you guys think



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