The Adventures of Damnit Dog

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The Adventures of Damnit Dog We named him Maverick, but he must not have liked it. He's decided DAMNIT Dog fits him much better.

The hilariously annoying hi-jinx of a hyperactive Springer Spaniel named Maverick AKA DAMNIT DOG


Day 42 of hotel life...
Guess what I did?
She shouldn't have taken The Little Brown Haired Thing and The Little Chubby Cheeked Thing to the Lobby for breakfast without ME! Especially if she forgot to take the garbage with her.
Mommy took this picture before she realized there were more dirty diapers strewn around the room and that I jumped up on the 4 foot high piece of furniture to help myself to Apple Pie.
I dropped it inside a basket of clean clothes and ate it from there.
BTW...The clothes are NOT clean anymore.


Day 41 of hotel life...
Mommy and Daddy were so proud of me! I didn't bark at anyone in the hall ALL night!
But I did cause a commotion when I decided to help myself to The Little Brown Haired Thing's chocolate ice cream.
Well she shouldn't have left it there if she didn't want me to have it!
Mommy and Daddy really need to get their act together. One took pictures while the other yelled at me!
What's the big deal? Chocolate ice cream is the best treat ever!


Day 40 of hotel life, continued...
Yes, I AM Damnit Dog, and YES, I had an adventure!
Or, more accurately, Mommy had the adventure, I knew EXACTLY what I was doing.
When Daddy takes me out to do my business he lets me run free. This drove Mommy crazier than her normal crazy when we first got here.
In the last week, she realized my nightly 90 mile per hour run benefits ALL of us, so she's been allowing me to run like Daddy does.
Tonight I took a little detour through the woods and completely ignored her recall.
After 5 minutes of calling me, she knocked on the window of our room to tell Daddy to come help find me.
She was walking to the truck, IN TEARS, to really start looking for me when Daddy came out of the hotel.
He told her everything was fine.
"FINE?" she cried in her panic.
"FINE!" Daddy said calmly.
"But he ran in the woods and I'm afraid he went to the highway!"
"Nope. He's in the room. He was laying outside the door when I came out to help you."
The Desk Clerk said she saw a blur run through the doors and make the bend to our room. She thought Mommy would be right behind me.
Daddy said I have to stop scaring Mommy, but if I'm smart enough to come in and go straight to our room, I don't see why this was such a big deal!
For the record, this is how Daddy 'found' me.


Day 40 of hotel life...
But I don't want to go home and spend the day by myself!
I want to stay here!
This room needs redecorating!
They both just told me that's not happening!


Day 39 of hotel life...
Well, this is how it's going down,
On day 36 of hotel life, Daddy took Mommy out for a steak dinner. They left me in the yard at the house. The NERVE of them, but anyway, Daddy INSISTED on bringing me his STEAK BONE!
Mommy wouldn't let me have it because she says bones are bad for me. Me and Daddy think she's a pain the old arse, and Daddy told her so, as he gave me that bone, and I growled when Mommy tried to get it back.
On Day 37 of hotel life, I horked up bone shards, which Mommy made sure to unhappily tell Daddy about as she reminded him she told him NOT to give me that bone. She also told him UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES was I to get bones again.
I know, she's a MEAN MOMMY, right?
On Day 38 of hotel life Mommy gave me a big bowl of scrambled eggs and sausage all mixed into my kibble and left for work.
I spent the day with Daddy at the house, and then at my favorite home away from home, with John, Amanda, Brittney, Anthony, and ALL of their assorted pets until Daddy and Mommy left and brought me back to the hotel!
On Day 39 of hotel life, that's today, Daddy called Mommy at work to yell at her for feeding me eggs and sausage, not because he's against my having them, but because I horked them up all over the seat of his truck!
When Mommy told him she didn't feed me yet today, he told her she must have because Brit and Ant were busy cleaning up my mess and making themselves sick from my recycled eggs and sausage!
Now Mommy's worried and threatening a trip to that guy who shoves things up my hind end!
Daddy's telling her to hold off on that. He says it's ok to just watch me for another day.
I'll let you know who wins this one.
To be continued...


And then this happened...
Mommy says I'm gonna get us kicked out!


Day 35 of hotel life...
I can't get into the trash in our room, so I did in the trash bag in Mommy's car while she ran into the store.
Oh, it's so good to have had a trash fix!


Day 33 of hotel life...
The Little Brown Haired Thing said, "Granny, let's take a selfie!"
I figured she wanted to take a picture of ME and Mommy!
I really didn't want HER in my pictures!
I like her, but I'd like her a lot better if she didn't take so much of Mommy's attention!


Middle of the night 32 of hotel life...
It's the 5th time since midnight it's been Someone's in the Hall O'Clock.
Daddy and Mommy are really FUNNY as they fly up off the bed EVERY time I go off!
I just went off for the SIXTH time just this minute.
Mommy didn't fly off of the throne she's sitting on, but she did give me a very STERN "DAMNIT DOG! SHUT UP!"
She says she could have slept an extra hour before work this morning, but NOOOOO!
I like playing it's Someone's in the Hall O'Clock!
Think I'll take a rest until the next victim wanders down MY hall!


Day 31 of hotel life...
I'm bored.
Sitting guard at this door, ready to bark at anyone who dares draw near.
It's worth getting yelled at.
On the bright side, I did go home with Daddy today. He let me run all over AND he let me go in MY house!
We wanted to stay, but not yet.
So until then, I'll continue to sit guard in this room.
Oh how I wish Mommy would just once leave garbage in a can I can dump and scatter!


Day 27 of hotel life...
It's all Mommy's fault!
Did she REALLY think I wouldn't?
Yes, that lovely pool deck can now officially be called THE P**P DECK!
I bet you thought this was about me jumping in, righr?
Yeah, I did that too. SHHHH... Don't tell anyone.


Day 25 of hotel life...
Mommy realized something this morning as she dropped me off at home, in OUR yard, before she went to work.
Today was the 3rd day in a row that I jumped in the back seat as soon as she pulled into our driveway.
It was the 3rd day in a row that she had to pull my leash to get me out of the car.
It took her THAT LONG to figure out that home just isn't HOME with out MOMMY and DADDY there with me!
Don't get me wrong, I love the freedom of running around in MY yard, but it's not often that I get to go into MY house, and when I do, things aren't the same!
Mommy gave me lots of extra cuddles tonight. I think she feels the same way, but she told me that I had to just suck it up, Buttercup, and that we have to do what we have to do until we can go home again. She looked sad, so I gave her lots of cuddles and love too!
We're in this together!

The Adventures of Damnit Dog

Thanks for liking and following my page :) I got a lot of new likes this week.
People were reaching out to Mommy this week to let her know they missed me and my posts.
Feel free to share my antics with your family and friends.
Mommy says if I can get 1000 likes, I'll get a special treat.
Thanks again!

We named him Maverick, but he must not have liked it. He's decided DAMNIT Dog fits him much better.


Our new friend James Kappel from our Springer Spaniel Owners and Lovers Group just gave Mommy and Daddy what they think is a WONDERFUL and inexpensive idea for the kitchen part of the remodel.
What makes them think I can't bust into that crate?
I've already bent up and busted out of a crate just like that one, didn't I?


Day 24 of Hotel living...
The dogs that can be heard barking at the Front Desk are NOT me!
Mommy & Daddy are so happy!
They're shaking their heads in disbelief that not only is that noise NOT coming from me, I'm NOT joining in.
Mommy says we might have reached a major milestone, whatever that is :)
Daddy says it's just because I'm so tired from spending the day swimming in the river. it a milestone or am I just tired?
Who wants to vote on this one?
For the record, I've been resting on Mommy's feet since we got back.


Day 23 of hotel life...
It's day 23 for me, but day 24 for Mommy.
She finally decided, while Daddy and I were at the house, to utilize that thing she calls a whirlpool bath. You know, the thing they throw me in when that STINK Guy comes calling.
When I got home, there was this wall of white foam coming up out of that thing. I could hear Mommy, but I couldn't see her through that stuff.
What did I do you ask?
Well I stuck my head in there of course!
That stuff was nasty!
I backed off fast and BARKED at it!
It needed to set my Mommy free so I kept barking at it!
When she stood up, I mistook her for an Abominable Snow MONSTER, so I BARKED some more!
I was glad when she rinsed that stuff off, and yes I licked her wet self so much so that she had to rinse again!
She was glad that I stopped barking when I realized it was her.
Mommy told Daddy no more whirlpool bath for her unless she knew I was going to be gone for the entire time she was in there.
I plan to try to keep that STINK Guy out of our room so Mommy isn't forced in that thing again!


Day 22 of hotel life...
Mommy may be slacking in sharing my posts, but I can tell you, I have been a busy Damnit Dog!
In the last 8 days I have:
* Peed on Anthony's flip flops when he came to visit and didn't pay enough attention to ME!
* Got loose from Daddy and tried to run out the doors without him. Thanks to a quick thinking desk clerk who quickly locked the second door, I didn't escape!
* Made lots more friends. I love the guys, (and girls), who work on the well sites. Some of them even sneak me treats when Mommy's not looking! Daddy doesn't care and let's me have as many treats as they want to give me :)
* Tried to jump into the whirlpool bath with the Little Brown Haired Thing because Mommy gave her my squeaky crab toy to play with in the tub and I didn't want to share. I was so insistent, Mommy took my toy out of the tub so I'd leave the Little Brown Haired Thing alone.
* Spent a day at The Little Brown Haired Thing and The Little Chubby Cheeked Thing's house because it was pouring down rain and Mommy didn't want to leave me outside while she went to an appointment. What did I do? I peed on Berry's new boots before Mommy even left AND pooped on the kitchen floor because I wasn't happy to be left. I also had to be nice to some guy named Bronco who lives there. We sort of like each other, but Berry got mad at us for trying to do the humpty pumpty on each other.
* Spent that same evening at my Britty and Anthony's house. Yep, I peed on their floor too! When I got put outside, I peed on the cute little old dog that lives next door. I peed on her right through the fence!
* I still bark at every little sound that I hear outside of our door, but like The Little Brown Haired Thing says, "That's what watch dogs dos!"
I'm sure there's more, but like I said, Mommy's been slacking and not documenting all of my wonderful adventures!


Day 14 of hotel living...
Mommy and I tried something new last night.
Daddy goes to bed early. Mommy doesn't. Daddy can't sleep with lights or TV on, so me and Mommy discovered THE LOBBY!
We sat there for the evening while Mommy read and drank coffee, greeted people & got lots of attention, went for walks, watched news, and had a nice time until it was time for bed.
I liked this sooooo much I didn't bark at all last night, and unlike yesterday, no one needs a nap today!
BTW...They all had a nap yesterday, but I wasn't invited on the bed! NOT NICE!


The Little Brown Thing has my back!
She's okay with my barking.
She thinks I'm a watchdog!


Day 13 of hotel living...
We had a TERRIBLE night!
The new neighbor banged around a lot all evening, then decided to YELL at 1 am & to slam doors and the wall when she wasn't yelling.
These are all things I BARK at normally, but since we were watching the Little Brown Haired Thing and the Little Chubby Cheeked Thing, I was going into full out ATTACK mode!
Daddy and Mommy kept telling me to SHUT UP!
When the door in the hall slammed at 1:05am, I went BALLISTIC, which woke up the baby and HE went ballistic too!
HE doesn't shut up on demand like I do!
Mommy did lots of walking and shushing, but he cried for a long time and woke up EVERYONE in our room!
At one point everyone was in bed with Daddy and Mommy, but NOT ME!
That wasn't very nice of them if you ask me!
Mommy says we all have naps in our future today!


Day 10 of hotel living...
WHEN and WHY did that darn STINK Guy have to show up at MY hotel?
He hasn't been around since a couple of camping trips ago, but every time Daddy and Mommy start talking about him, I end up getting a BATH!
Mommy wasn't too pleased with Daddy after she brought me back here from home. She bi***ed about the STINK Guy the whole way home in the car, then asked Daddy why, oh WHY, he let me run in what she calls sewage water?
I just want to know WHY I NEVER SEE THIS STINK GUY?
And WHY do I ALWAYS end up in a TUB when he comes to call?
Mommy and Daddy were making jokes about me getting a BATH in a whirlpool bath. I don't know what a whirlpool bath is, but if it has anything to do with a bath, COUNT ME OUT!


Day 9 of hotel living...
I was in trouble before 7am!
Yeah, yeah, yeah...I was doing my barking thing again.
But I wouldn't have if Mommy would have just taken me to the lobby with her while she got breakfast!
She was gone less than 5 minutes, but it was 5 minutes too long for me!
I like making friends in the lobby too!
She could have brought me and had her breakfast there, but noooooo! She said it's too hard to eat and hold on to me with her sore thumb. I showed her!
That is until she got back to the room :(
If I behave now maybe she'll share!


Day 8 of hotel living...
Well, day 7 was more interesting, probably because I didn't get in much trouble, and I had more adventures when Mommy had to leave me with the Desk Clerk while she went to get stitches.
(She had a battle with the lid from a baked beans can and LOST! Don't worry, she's fine.)
I was a good boy until Daddy got back from work and came to get me.
I was so excited to see him, I jumped over the registration counter!
I was happy when Mommy got home, but I wasn't allowed to play rough with her.
Today, Mommy took me home while she worked, so Daddy had to pick me up.
By the time we all got back to the hotel no one wanted to go out for, or to cook dinner, so pizza delivery it was!
When they were done, and went looking for something to store the leftovers in, I helped myself, of course!
I even found a hidey hole under the desk here to eat it!
Yep, you know what they called me!
And then we got new neighbors! They were really loud out in the hall, so of course I had to bark!
Yep. You know what they called me again!
Mommy's getting ready to take me out for my evening sq**rt, so I'll say good night. Feel free to check back for tomorrow's adventures!


The Little Brown Haired Thing just asked "Granny, why does Maverick have that pink thing coming out of his belly?"
What can I say? I'm a relaxed kind of guy!
Mommy did her best to flip me over fast!


Day 7 of hotel living...
I want to play.
Mommy says we have to play quietly.
Good thing she took me home to play in the yard! I can run AND bark there!


Well I lived up to my name today!
Got yelled at for doing the humpty pumpty on the Little Brown Haired Thing. Check!
Stole 3/4 of Mommy's lunch, (well she said she was full!). Check!
Escaped the hotel room, again, ran through the Lobby, and barked at the Desk Clerk who DOESN'T like me. Check!
Played with the most squeaky toy I ever owned for 40 minutes non stop. Check!
What can I possibly do tomorrow?
Mommy says she's sure I'll think of something!


Mommy needed some storage containers.
I don't think they were meant to store me, but I had to give it a try!
And yes, I was a little heavy to sit on top!


Day 6 of hotel living...
After making LOTS of new friends in the Lobby this morning, I decided to mark the space as MINE!
Mommy yanked my leash and hauled me outside before serious damage was done. I can't figure out why she's so upset with me.
Maybe it was the fact I didn't have any business to do once she got me out there.
Maybe it was the fact that she was embarrassed asking for cleaning products to clean up after me, and no, she wouldn't let the nice hotel people do it.
I keep telling Mommy the nice people here LIKE me. Especially this sweet housekeeping lady!
All is cool.
She keeps telling me if I don't behave we will be homeless!
I guess I'll behave.


Day 5 of Hotel Living...
I spent most of the day at home, so this isn't so bad.
Mommy takes me home and Daddy picks me up.
The ServPro folks are my FRIENDS!
As long as Daddy and Mommy are with me here, I'm happy. We even had a picnic at the grill behind the building tonight with one of our new friends and I got to eat a HOT DOG!
That wouldn't happen at home!
Mommy and Daddy thank everyone for their good wishes.


Day 4 of hotel living...
I was a GOOD BOY!
After Mommy and Daddy had breakfast, and all I did in the room was drag a bag of Mommy's shoes to the middle of the floor, I got to go HOME with Daddy for a little bit.
I didn't care that it was raining!
I ran and ran and RAN until it was time to leave.
We can't move back home until it dries out and the kitchen and floors get fixed.
We had what Mommy calls a mishap.
Somehow, when we left for camp the kitchen faucet wasn't turned all the way off.
I'm not naming names, BUT IT WASN'T ME!
I was waiting in the truck ready to pick up the Little Brown Haired Thing and Mommy when it happened.
Any way, by the time the cistern ran dry, about 3-4 thousand gallons later, things got a little wet.
We're all fine, and I'm finally adjusting to our new normal.
Mommy and Daddy decided that while they work, I can hang out at home in the yard while all the nice folks fix our house.
They say they're sure I'll be having more adventurous as the days go on, but for now, I'm curling up to the dirty clothes and taking a snooze!


Day #3 of hotel living...
People in other rooms shouldn't come in at 2:30 in the morning.
I got YELLED AT for giving a Stranger Danger Alert!
Daddy yelled at me to SHUT UP while Mommy LOUDLY WHISPERED for Daddy to SHUT UP because he was louder than me!
I didn't much care for being left alone in that bathroom, while Mommy & Daddy had breakfast before Mommy left for work, so I howled until Daddy came back to discover I ate a roll of toilet paper and dumped my food all over the floor.
Hmmmm...misbehave and Daddy spends the entire day with you, then takes you to visit where I can play with 4 other dogs, 2 bunnies, and a cat! I liked that!
Mommy and Daddy had a discussion about what they're going to do with me on the days they BOTH work.
Stay tuned...


Day 2 of hotel living...
Yep. I got the garbage can cuz they left me in the bathroom.
Doesn't matter that it was empty.
I showed them!


So far I've slept on the futon with The Little Brown Haired Thing, (I'm NOT allowed up there), peed on the trailer porch cuz Mommy wasn't moving to get her fishing chair outside fast enough and I wanted her to know I was displeased, took an unauthorized romp through the woods for 20 minutes, (making Mommy frantic), got mad when she put me on my tether so I tried to knock Mommy, her coffee, her book, her fishing pole, AND her her phone over backwards in previously mentioned fishing chair, and now I'm begging to jump in MY creek.
All this and it's not even 8:15 am.
Mommy said she just gave up on her solitude before everyone wakes up.
Hey, it wasn't me! It was the Damn Mosquitos!
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!


Got rained on in the storm. Check
Frolicked in MY little pool. Check
Allowed the Little Brown Haired Thing in MY pool and played nice with her. Check
Helped finish everyone's ham at dinner. Check
Went for a ride to buy a new DVD Player cuz Daddy BROKE the one in the trailer. Check
Barking at Mama and Baby deer out of the truck window. Check
Stopped for ICE CREAM and ate mine, what was left of the Little Brown Haired Thing's AND Mommy's! (Daddy didn't share HIS banana split). Check
Back at camp watching DVD's while it rains. Check
Barking at th Penguins of Madagascar on the TV screen. Check
Getting yelled at for said barking. Check
Swim in the creek. Didn't happen. AGAIN. Mommy said the water's up 4 feet and it's running like a river. She won't let me jump in, even though I sneaked a dip last night.
It's been a LONG day. Maybe it should be time for BED!


Okay. This is FUN!


This is more fun than the Creek!


What do you mean you're letting the ittle Brown Haired Thing in MY pool?


One of the reasons I don't mind 2 1/2 hours in the truck
They get dinner, I get ICE CREAM!


I'm going to CAMP!
I'm gonna jump in the CREEK!
Mommy's coming this time and she said I COULD!
Drive FASTER Daddy!


Toby: Hey DDog! Granny's lap is MINE!
Me: Sorry Little Chubby Cheeks, Mommy's lap is MINE!



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