An empty exam room...
I've been quiet on here. Why?
Well, I've begun to focus the rescue's efforts on emergency cases. I had an issue always becoming full with miscellaneous surrenders, and constantly depleting the resources just to feed healthy pigs that sit here for months on end. I'd rather the rescue being rescuing, not just being a shelter.
Just this past Sunday a sweet little guy came to us. He had a severe URI. Im the end, the vet and I both opted to put him down when it was determined he had far worse issues coupled with his URI.
I'm sad for the loss of this little man's life, but I'm thankful the rescue could try to help him, and at least give him a peaceful end.
You can donate by going to our website www.woopsadaisy.com and following the donate button on the home page.
You donations help to provide medical care and supplies for piggies in need.