RITEZYME RITEZYME™ Digestive Enzyme Supplements An animal that gets proper nutrition is a healthier animal.

The RITEZYME™ family of enzymatic supplements aid in the digestion of food, improving the absorption of essential nutrients. Made with ingredients derived from Mother Nature, RITEZYME™ Digestive Support can improve the health and happiness of your favorite horse, dog or cat.

Scientific research has proven that all animals lack sufficient enzymes to break down domesticated foods sufficiently to...

Scientific research has proven that all animals lack sufficient enzymes to break down domesticated foods sufficiently to maintain perfect health. Aging is a factor for all animals, however the aging process slows down when sufficient enzymes are available for digestion. Vitamins, minerals and amino acids are more bioavailable in the presence of enzymes

RITEZYME™ is specially formulated to aid in the digestion of food, improving the absorption of essential nutrients.

Buy 1 300 gm Gold Feline and Get 1 100 gm Gold Feline. BOGO expires 9/15/17


Scientific research has proven that all animals lack sufficient enzymes to break down domesticated foods sufficiently to...

Scientific research has proven that all animals lack sufficient enzymes to break down domesticated foods sufficiently to maintain perfect health. Aging is a factor for all animals, however the aging process slows down when sufficient enzymes are available for digestion. Vitamins, minerals and amino acids are more bioavailable in the presence of enzymes

RITEZYME™ is specially formulated to aid in the digestion of food, improving the absorption of essential nutrients.

Buy 1 300 gm Gold Canine and Get 1 100 gm Gold Canine. BOGO expires 9/15/17


NATIONAL LOVE YOUR PET DAYOn February 20th, pet lovers everywhere observe National Love Your Pet Day.  This holiday is a...

On February 20th, pet lovers everywhere observe National Love Your Pet Day. This holiday is a day set aside to give extra attention to and pamper your pets. This is a good day to focus on the special relationship that you have with your pets.

Did you know that most households in the United States have at least one pet? In the United States, dogs are slightly more popular than cats, but not by much. Pets are not limited to the canine and feline categories. There are quite a few who prefer the companionship of birds, reptiles, fish or rats. Whoever your pet companion is, we are sure you will enjoy spending a little extra time with them on National Love Your Pet Day and reap the benefits, as well such as stress relief and lower blood pressure. So on February 20 (and every day) show your appreciation to your pets!


Bring your pet a special treat, take an extra long walk or give them more attention on National Love Your Pet Day. Whatever you decide to do, spoil and appreciate your pets! Use to post on social media.



February 20th.
Presidents Day is a federal holiday which, in the United States, is observed on the third Monday in February.

This day is set aside, by more and more of America’s population, to honor all of the past United States Presidents that have served our country. Two of our nation’s greatest Presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, are brought to mind as we celebrate this day. Their birth dates, which fall close to this same time, have been celebrated for decades and always will be.

Presidents Day is celebrated with public ceremonies in Washington, D.C. and throughout the United States.

Use ’sDay to post on social media.


The origin of Presidents Day lay in the 1880s when the birthday of George Washington was celebrated as a federal holiday. In 1968, Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Bill, which moved a number of federal holidays to Mondays. During the debate on the bill, it was proposed to have George Washington’s birthday be renamed Presidents Day to honor the birthdays of both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Washington’s birthday is February 22nd and Lincoln’s birthday is February 12th. Although Abraham Lincoln’s birthday was celebrated in many states, it was never an official federal holiday. Following much discussion, Congress rejected the name change. However, after the bill went into effect in 1971, Presidents Day became the commonly accepted .


Observed on February 17th, National Random Acts of Kindness Day has grown in popularity each year. It is celebrated by individuals, groups and organizations nationwide to encourage acts of kindness.

It is a favorite day for many, as people everywhere are enjoying doing these acts of kindness. Not only is it positive for the receiver, but for the giver, too!

“I was a recipient of the kindness but more glad to be a contributor!” (Unknown)

Our research found that the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation celebrates Random Acts of Kindness Week. The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation is an internationally recognized non-profit organization founded upon the powerful belief in kindness and dedicated to providing resources and tools that encourage acts of kindness.


In New Zealand, where this day originated, celebrates Random Acts of Kindness Day on September 1st. It is also recognized by some on other days throughout the year; however, doing random acts of kindness is something that can be done every day of the year.

A Few Quotes of Kindness:

“Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” (Mark Twain)
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” (Aesop)

“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” (Scott Adams)

“Kind words and actions can seem so small, but their effects are truly endless.” (Author Unknown)


Make a note to do nice things throughout the day and use to post on social media.


Josh de Jong of New Zealand National Random Acts of Kindness Day.


Indian Chicken over Cous Cous
This flavorful dish is a hit on a cold, winter’s night. Plus, when using pre-cooked rotisserie chicken, you can whip it up in a flash!
1 large yellow onion, chopped
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 rotisserie chicken, pulled from bone
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 (12-oz) jar Tandoori-style Indian cooking sauce
½ cup fresh cilantro, chopped
½ (14-oz) bag baby frozen peas
1 ½ cups whole wheat cous cous prepared as per package directions
In a large sauce pan, sauté onion in olive oil over medium heat until tender. Add pulled chicken, garlic,
and cooking sauce. Stir and heat over medium/high until just boiling (3-4 minutes). Add frozen peas and
chopped cilantro. Stir until peas thaw and serve immediately over cous cous.
Serves 4-6
For more visit DrAnnWellness.com


Turns out, you really do get by with a little help from your friends! Mounting research confirms that having a solid social network and close friends boosts your health and well-being by leaps and bounds. Here’s what the science is saying.
Friends Help you…
Stay mentally sharp. Maintaining healthy friendships can actually help keep your brain healthy. A major public health study involving more than 116,000 participants found that people with strong relationships had less mental decline. Moreover, a Harvard School of Public Health study found that older adults with strong marriages, friends and social integration experienced delayed memory loss when compared to their isolated counterparts.
Relieve and reduce stress. Many experts believe that social isolation may create a chronically stressful condition within your body that accelerates aging. On the other hand, researchers find that people with strong social connections have less stress-related health problems, lower risk of mental illness and faster recovery from trauma or illness. A landmark UCLA study found that women with a close circle of friends released more oxytocin—a hormone that has a calming, feel-good eff ect on your body.
Maintain a healthy sense of identity. Friends help you tap into your true self and potential. Good friends and family can also encourage and support you in healthy lifestyle habits.
Feel happier and healthier. Researchers have found that those with strong social connections are happier and healthier overall. One 2009 study found that individuals with the fewest friendships were those most likely to be dealing with depression, anxiety and heart disease.

It’s never too late to find and improve friendships! To be sure, you can expand your network of friends for as long as you live. Here are just some of the options available for staying connected: Reframe social engagements. Instead of rolling your eyes and viewing social engagements as an obligation, reframe the situation and view it as an opportunity to meet new people and strengthen existing friendships. Pursue social activities, like wine tastings, lecture programs or traveling with friends.
Make friends while improving your health. Join a walking or biking club; take a fitness class or sign up for a healthy cooking class.
Sign up for an intriguing class or workshop. What better way to find friends than being in a class (photography, art, graphic design, etc.) that you have a mutual interest in!
Show interest and support. Be inquisitive and ask questions—it’s one of the best ways to show you care and are interested in maintaining friendships.


Pre-plate, Lose weight?
The importance of pre-plating everything you eat.
Whether it’s a meal, a snack or a dessert—it’s critical to consciously measure your portions, put them on your plate and then take a moment to look at your food before it crosses your lips. It may sound silly, but it’s a strategy that can keep you from overeating. Indeed, studies show that if you take a moment to view all of your food before eating, you tend to eat less. Dr. Brian Wansink, the country’s pre-eminent expert on how our environment influences eating behavior, has found that people eat about 14 percent less if they pre-plate all the food they intend to eat, as opposed to placing a smaller portion on the plate and returning for additional helpings or, even worse, consuming the food directly out of its container. Dr. Wansink’s studies have confirmed that the less visual perspective we have of the quantity of food we are eating, the more we eat regardless of how full we feel. In other words, mindfully placing your portion on the plate and knowing that it's all you are going to eat will help you eat less. On the other hand, eating directly out of a box, package or container doesn’t give you any visual perspective of how much you’re eating and places you at especially high-risk for overeating. And of course, being able to preview the entirety of your food on a plate is also essential for practicing portion control. In a country where big dishes bursting with food have unfortunately become the norm, this is paramount for achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight.
Here are some additional tips:
›› Pre-plate not only your meals, but also any snacks and desserts you intend to eat.
›› Use simple visual cues to achieve the proper portions or serving sizes of different foods. For example, a serving of meat should be about the size of a deck of cards, a serving of nuts the size of a golf ball, a serving of cheese the size of six dice, a serving of oil, salad dressing or mayo the size of a poker chip, and a serving of dark chocolate the size of a package of dental floss.
›› Make a concerted effort to specifically look at the food on your plate before you eat it.
›› Be conscious and visually in tune with the food leaving your plate and entering your mouth.


Brushing your pets teeth.
Did you know that daily brushing remains the single most effective way to remove plaque from your pet's teeth? Yet many pet parents still aren't brushing! Just like with humans, brushing your pet's teeth helps eliminate some of the buildup and sticky film that can accumulate throughout the day. Besides comfort and cleanliness, daily brushing also helps minimize "doggy breath" and helps prevent periodontal disease.
Though having to brush your pet's teeth may seem like an unenjoyable task at first, it can actually be a pleasant experience for all involved. Check out these tips and tricks to make sure you give your furry friend the best brushing possible:

Pet toothbrushes come in all different sizes and there are various products on the market such as flavored gels to appeal to your furry friend's taste buds. Being prepared with the proper products makes the task much easier.

When brushing your pet's teeth, brush only the outside in circular motions, paying special attention to the gum line. This is where plaque and tartar builds. Start slow, acclimating your pet to the process of having his or her teeth brushed. As your pet grows more comfortable, you can increase brushing time.

Do not use human toothpaste to brush your pet's teeth! Certain ingredients are harmful.

When your pet behaves during this new routine, make sure to let him or her know! Show your pet praise and affection to make this a positive routine.


Is Exercise Truly Medicine?
No doubt about it—exercise is good for us. But did you know that physical activity can be just as effective as prescription medications in some cases? A study published in the journal BMJ compared how well various drugs and exercise succeeded in reducing deaths among people diagnosed with common and serious ailments, including heart disease and diabetes. Researchers ultimately found that exercise was often as effective as drugs at preventing death from these conditions. The study also confirmed what mounds of scientific research have found time and time again: regular exercise lessens the likelihood of developing chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes in the first place. So whatever your reason is to exercise—maintain weight, tone muscles, improve your mood, etc.—know that it truly is medicine for your body!

What’s the Right Prescription?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that adults get at least two hours and 30 minutes of moderate activity (like brisk walking) a week, or one hour and 15 minutes of vigorous activity (like running) a week. In addition to aerobic activity like walking, cycling or jogging, you should also aim for two or more days of strength-training. A few 10 to 15 minute sessions a week will do the trick to help you build and maintain strong muscles and bones.
But Wait! If you’re thinking you just don’t have the time or motivation to squeeze in the weekly recommendation, listen to this: there's evidence that short but frequent bouts of exercise are just as beneficial as 30 to 60 minutes at the gym. For example, a study published in Preventive Medicine found that multiple workout sessions as short as six minutes a piece could help sedentary adults reach fitness goals similar to those achieved by working out for 30 minutes at a time. Additionally, a study published by the American Journal of Sports Medicine revealed that short walks after dinner were more effective than long exercise sessions in reducing the amount of fat and triglyceride levels in the bloodstream after a hearty meal.
Bottom Line: Whether it’s a few 10 minute walks a day, a fitness class or 30 minutes on the treadmill, working in any type of physical activity will reap some health benefits. So, stick with what works for you and get a move on!

If you would like to place a RITEZYME order and have questions,  please call 847-464-5505.www.ritezyme.com

If you would like to place a RITEZYME order and have questions,

please call 847-464-5505.



Reclaim your calm...

Wake up, check your phone, turn on the news, start your PC—instantly feel the agitation and tension?! Indeed, the constant stream of news and social media is now woven into the fabric of our daily lives. Unfortunately, much of the
media we encounter on a daily basis is alarming, negative and/or violent. And it’s having a negative impact on our health.
Research suggests that the more time people spend watching news reports about things like disasters and terrorism the more likely they are to have symptoms of stress and health problems like asthma, diabetes and stroke. To be sure, the constant (but
often unnoticed) stress from constantly watching or reading bad news could have long-term repercussions on our health.
Here’s how you can get a grip on the grating effects of negative news and social media:

News right before bed can cause stress hormones to rise and possibly interfere with
a good night’s sleep. Think about it—
does listening to politicians argue with one another or watching the violence that occurred locally and/or internationally make for the best pre-sleep routine?

Many online news stories are accompanied with disturbing videos and images. You’re
probably better off skipping them. The images can stick with you and leave you feeling upset,
sad and/or angry.
You have complete control over what news
feeds and alerts come through via your phone. If you get a lot of dark and dreary news and alerts from a certain media outlet,
unsubscribe from it.
You can regain a sense of calm every day by simply unplugging from all technology. That means turning off your phone, PC, tablet, TV—everything. Use this time to see your friends, take a walk outside or play with
your children, go see your horse. You’ll be amazed at how disconnecting from technology can make you feel connected and in touch with yourself, your friends and family.



It’s probably safe to say that no one likes to think about tragic things happening to themselves or their
families. But, a little planning could go a long way when the unforeseen happens. In fact, it could save a life. Follow this checklist to ensure you have your bases covered if a health emergency ever arises.

Create and save emergency contact info.
If you’re ever in a situation where a stranger
or emergency medical technician (EMT)
is caring for you, make sure you have an
emergency contact they can easily access.
Place your emergency contact info on
a card and place it in your wallet or
save it in your cell phone. Make sure
your emergency contact is aware you
have them listed and that he/she may
get a call one day if a health crisis

List your medications and major medical
conditions. Medical professionals like EMTs
and emergency room doctors will be better
equipped to treat you if they know what
medications you’re taking as well as any
allergies or medical conditions you may have.
List all your medications and
conditions on a card and place it right
next to your emergency contact info
in your wallet. Or, consider a medical
alert bracelet. There are several styles
and you can engrave your contact
info as well as your main medical info
(i.e., “allergic to penicillin”) on the
jewelry. There are several stores and
sites that offer this kind of “jewelry”—
do an Internet search for “medical
emergency bracelets.”

Do a little digging and discover what ERs
and medical facilities are best for you. If
you’re in a situation where you can request a
certain medical facility over another, exercise
that option. Some facilities nearby may be
better equipped to handle trauma like burns
or car accidents, and others may have more
cardiac specialty doctors. Take 30-60 minutes and do some research. Make sure you know all the hospitals and ERs that surround you. Ask friends and family if they’ve
ever had to visit any of these facilities.
Lastly, check with your insurance
plan to see if any of those facilities are
considered out of network—ER visits
are rarely inexpensive, so this could be
a life saver for your bank account.
It may not be a fun thing to do or think about,
but pick a day to complete this checklist and
once done, you will gain some good peace of


Don’t feel the least bit guilty about your
coffee habit. In fact, study after study is
showing that your daily java can prove to
be more than just a pick-me-up. Research
reveals there may be several health
benefits associated with drinking coffee.
Here are just a few reasons to get your
brew on:
It may lower your diabetes risk.
Coffee contains minerals such as
magnesium and chromium, which help
the body use the hormone insulin, which
controls blood sugar (glucose). With type
2 diabetes, the body loses its ability to
use insulin and regulate blood sugar
It may help you live longer. According
to a study by the Harvard T.H. Chan
School of Public Health, daily coffee
drinkers (even those who drank decaf) had
a lower risk of dying from diabetes and
neurological diseases than less frequent
drinkers. The study showed those who
drank three to five cups a day seemed to
reap the protective benefits the most.
It may lower your risk for heart
attack and stroke. Coffee may counter
several risk factors for heart attack and
stroke. A study of about 130,000 Kaiser
Permanente health plan members found
that people who reported drinking one to
three cups of coffee per day were 20 percent
less likely to be hospitalized for abnormal
heart rhythms than nondrinkers, regardless
of other risk factors.
It may lower your chance of
developing Parkinson’s. In a study
published in the Journal of the American
Medical Association, U.S. researchers found
a link between coffee consumption and
Parkinson's disease risk. The authors of
the study concluded that higher coffee
and caffeine intake is associated with a
significantly lower incidence of
Parkinson's disease.
It may protect you from liver cancer.
Evidence suggests that coffee may be
particularly good for your liver. Italian
researchers from Milan's Istituto di
Ricerche Farmacologiche found that coffee
consumption lowers the risk of liver cancer
by about 40 percent.

The Federal Dietary Guidelines state that
up to five cups of coffee a day are in line
with a healthy diet. Make sure you take
it easy on the cream, sugar and other
additives though.
Is Coffee for Everyone? No. If you simply don’t
like it or if it upsets your stomach, there’s no reason to drink it. If you’re pregnant, breast
feeding, or have any other health concerns,
check with your doctor.

Regular black coffee (without milk or cream) has a very low calorie count. A typical cup of black coffee only contains around two calories! Coffee is a rich source of disease-fighting antioxidants and studies have shown that it may reduce cavities, boost athletic performance, improve moods and stop headaches—not to mention reduce the
risk of type 2 diabetes, liver cancer, stroke and Parkinson's disease.

Eggs Poached in Tomato Sauce over GritsTry this for Sunday morning breakfast. It isdivine and a truly healthy “comfort” ...

Eggs Poached in Tomato Sauce over Grits

Try this for Sunday morning breakfast. It is
divine and a truly healthy “comfort” dish.

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 yellow onion, chopped
½ bell pepper (color of choice), chopped
2 large cloves of fresh garlic, chopped
1 28 oz. can diced tomatoes with juice
1 tsp dried oregano or 1 tbsp chopped fresh oregano
1 tsp balsamic vinegar
1 small package frozen chopped spinach, thawed and excess water squeezed out
4-6 large omega 3 eggs
1 cup stone ground grits, cooked according to package instructions
Hot sauce (optional)
Chopped fresh cilantro or parsley
Grated parmesan or extra sharp cheddar cheese

In a large skillet over low to medium heat, sauté the onions, garlic, and bell pepper in the olive oil until a bit soft. Add the oregano and stir for about 1 minute. Add the diced tomatoes with juice, balsamic vinegar, and spinach and stir. Turn up the heat to bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and cook the tomato sauce, stirring occasionally until it thickens a bit—about 15-20 minutes. With a large
spoon, create a cavity or pocket within the tomato sauce. Crack an egg and release it into the cavity. Do this for the remaining eggs. Try to keep them evenly spaced into the tomato sauce. Cover the skillet with a top or tin foil and poach the eggs to desired consistency within the sauce.
For each individual serving, spoon some grits in a single serving bowl and spoon an egg and tomato sauce on top. Garnish with hot sauce, fresh cilantro or parsley and grated cheese.
Serves about 4-6
For more, visit DrAnnWellness.com.

Dr. Ann is nutrition and wellness expert, physician, author, motivational speaker, foodie, mother of 4. Free wellness resources.


It's National Homemade Soup Day! - February 4

Before the era of modern transportation, soup was a product of regionally available foods. For this reason, there are thousands of soup recipes available today.

Many soups also have medicinal purposes. What was once considered a wives’ tale, chicken soup now has the backing of the scientific community with helping relieve the symptoms of the common cold. Scientists believe that a bowl of the soup may reduce inflammation of the lungs. It is thought that chicken soup slows down the activity of white blood cells that can cause the inflammation.


Try some chowders or broths to creamy bisques, give a soup a try on National Homemade Soup Day.

Chicken and White Corn Chowder
Recipe courtesy of
Sandra Lee
40 min
PREP 10 min
COOK 30 min

3 strips bacon, roughly chopped
1 medium onion, diced
3 tablespoons flour
One 15-ounce can chicken broth
3 cups milk
3 ears white corn, kernels removed and cobs reserved
2 sprigs fresh thyme
2 1/2 cups shredded chicken from store-bought rotisserie chicken
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

In a large pot over medium heat, add the bacon and cook until browned, about 5 minutes. Add the onions and cook until softened, about 5 minutes. Add the flour, stirring constantly for 1 minute, until the flour is just slightly golden. Slowly add the chicken stock, whisking constantly to avoid lumps. Whisk in the milk and add the corn cobs and thyme to the pot. Bring to a simmer and cook about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally to infuse the corn flavor into the soup. Remove the cobs and thyme from the pot. Stir in the corn kernels and shredded chicken. Bring back to a simmer, remove from the heat, ladle into bowls and serve hot.
Recipe copyright Sandra Lee, 2011


Ignite the new you.
1) Go for a walk every day and reverse your physiological age by 10 years. A three-year study of 220 retirement-age men found that the exercise group showed a 12 percent increase in aerobic power and a 10 percent increase in strength and hip flexibility, preventing a decades worth of physical aging.
2) Eat a cup of blueberries or other purple whole foods like grapes, beets and blackberries. Some studies have shown that the flavonoids (antioxidants) in these foods can help protect nerves in your brain and even form new ones to reverse cognitive aging. Try to eat a cup of these foods daily.
3) Stand on one leg for 10 seconds. We begin to lose lean muscle mass as we age.
Balancing moves strengthen your muscles and force you to flex your "brain muscles" as
well. Try this: while brushing your teeth stand on your right leg for 10 seconds. Then switch to your left.
4) Eat fish twice a week to cut your risk of a fatal heart attack. Some research has found that eating fish once or twice a week can cut your risk of having a fatal heart attack by more than a third.
5) Attend a professional workshop or sign up for a class. It forces you to actively participate and learn which can help build
and maintain your cognitive function.
6) Drink 5 glasses of water a day to reduce your risk of heart attack. Scientists at Loma Linda University found that men who drank five eight ounce glasses of water a day were 54 percent less likely to suffer a fatal heart attack than those who drank two or fewer glasses every day.
7) Practice at least one relaxation technique every day. Scientists are finding that psychological stress negatively affects the aging process. In fact, some studies have found that chronically stressed people have shorter telomeres (DNA that protects
your genetic data). You can’t prevent stress but you can effectively cope with it via relaxation techniques like deep breathing, exercise and talking with friends.
8) Adopt a younger, more positive mindset instead of focusing on your chronological age. Some research has found that when elderly participants are treated as physically capable and encouraged to think of themselves in this way, their bodies actually followed suit, with tests showing improvement in dexterity, speed of movement, memory and blood pressure.

Remember to talk with your doctor if you have any concerns about your health.

If you would like to place a RITEZYME order and have questions,  please call 847-464-5505.www.ritezyme.com

If you would like to place a RITEZYME order and have questions,

please call 847-464-5505.


RITEZYME from Natural Nutrients



National Carrot Cake Day gives us a chance to have our cake and eat our veggies, too!

Carrot cake closely resembles a quick bread from its preparation to its final consistency. Quick breads mix the wet and dry ingredients separately before combining, and the final product is coarser than a traditional cake.

Carrots with their natural sweetness may have been selected as a substitute in the Middle Ages when sugar was hard to find or expensive. Carrot cake most likely developed from a carrot pudding which could be savory or sweet.

Carrot cakes may also include spices such as cinnamon or nutmeg, raisins or nuts.

Crazy-Good Carrot Cake With Cream Cheese Icing
Author: Happy Hooligans
· 2 cups all purpose flour (can substitute 1 cup with whole wheat flour)
· 1.5 cups sugar
· 1 tsp EACH baking powder & baking soda
· 1 tsp EACH salt & cinnamon
· 3 cups grated carrots
· 1 cup vegetable oil
· 4 eggs
· 3 oz (half-brick) cream cheese
· ¼ cup butter
· 1 tsp vanilla
· 2 cups icing (confectioners/powdered) sugar
1. Pre-heat oven to 325ºF
2. For cake:
3. Stir dry ingredients together, and add carrots, oil and eggs.
4. Beat on high with electric beaters, for 2 minutes.
5. Bake at 325ºF for 50-60 minutes (check for doneness at 50 mins)
6. Let cake cool before icing.
7. For icing:
8. Beat cream cheese, butter and vanilla with electric beaters until well-blended.
9. Gradually add icing sugar ½ cup at a time, and beat until smooth and creamy.
10. Slather on top of cooled cake.



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