Silent Whiskers

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Silent Whiskers Platform dedicated to the search of loving forever homes for animals victims of hardship and violence

Our Friends at J'adopte un Animal.rescues are looking for forever homes for these beautiful furry treasures, please shar...

Our Friends at J'adopte un Animal.rescues are looking for forever homes for these beautiful furry treasures, please share with anyone that might be interested!


Located in U.A.E
Available for international adoption

🇬🇧 Male - Domestic Long Hair
Born in May 2023
✔️ Dewormed - Vaccinated - Neutered - Microchipped
✔️ Tested Fiv/Felv= negative
OK with kids, teenagers and adults
Should be the only cat
Needs an outdoor secured access

🇫🇷 Mâle – domestique poils longs
Né en mai 2023
✔️ Vermifugé - Vacciné - Stérilisé- Identifié par puce électronique
✔️ Testé Fiv/Felv= négatif
OK avec enfants, ados et adultes
Doit être le seul chat
A besoin d’un extérieur sécurisé
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🇬🇧 His story: Mario showed up in front of the rescuer’s house about a year ago, always been around waiting for his dinner or the chance to get in. One day he came back with wounds and one that became worse in the face and back (open wound bleeding), so the rescuer took him to the vet for 3 weeks where Mario got better with daily antibiotic injections. Mario was defensive at first then became affectionate with the staff. He was released from the clinic and came back here outside, and started fighting again  .. then to scratch and lick his wounds which are reopened. Mario should get out from the street before he get injured again or became sick…..

His personality: Mario is leaving outside for now but looking to came inside the house. He can be defensive at first but then becomes very affectionate and is desperate for more attention and get Indoor.. he walks around the house looking for an open door or window. Very territorial with other cats from what the rescuer saw of him; jealousy towards other cats (those in the rescuer's house) or near the house. A pretty cat, who just wants to be pampered and purr next to his human, very safe.
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🇫🇷 Son histoire : Il s'est présenté devant la maison du sauveteur il y a environ un an, attendant toujours son dîner ou la possibilité d'entrer. Il est revenu avec des blessures dont une qui s'est aggravée au visage et au dos (plaie ouverte saignant), le secouriste l'a donc emmené chez le vétérinaire pendant 3 semaines où son état s'est amélioré grâce à des injections quotidiennes d'antibiotiques. Il s'est d'abord montré sur la défensive puis est devenu affectueux avec le staff. Il est sorti de la clinique et est revenu ici dehors, a recommencé à se battre, et à se gratter et se lécher ses blessures qui se sont réouvertes. Mario devrait sortir de la rue avant de se blesser à nouveau ou de tomber malade.

Sa personnalité : Il vit dehors pour l'instant mais regarde s’il peut entrer dans la maison. Il peut être sur la défensive au début, mais devient ensuite très affectueux et a désespérément besoin de plus d'attention et de rentrer à l'intérieur. Il se promène autour de la maison à la recherche d'une porte ou d'une fenêtre ouverte. Très territorial avec les autres chats d'après ce que le sauveteur a vu de lui ; la jalousie envers les autres chats (ceux de la maison du sauveteur) ou à proximité de la maison. Un joli matou, qui ne demande qu’à se faire chouchouter et à ronronner à côté de son humain, bien sécurité.
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If interested, please fill the below form.
Home check and Veterinary essential cares fee apply

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We will contact you shortly.

Our Friends at J'adopte un Animal.rescues are looking for forever homes for these beautiful furry treasures, please shar...

Our Friends at J'adopte un Animal.rescues are looking for forever homes for these beautiful furry treasures, please share with anyone that might be interested!


Located in U.A.E
Available for international adoption

🇬🇧 Male - Domestic Short Hair
Born in February 2024
✔️ Dewormed - Vaccinated - Microchipped
✔️ Tested Felv= negative
✔️ Tested Fiv= positive (will be retested at 6 months to confirm or not this result) / retested on July 13th and NEGATIVE 🎉
Will be neutered when he will reach the age.
OK with kids, teenagers and adults
OK with other cats and dogs
Indoor cat (could have access to a secured closed outdoor (balcony, terrasse or catio)

🇫🇷 Mâle – domestique poils courts
Né en février 2024
✔️ Vermifugé - Vacciné - Identifié par puce électronique
✔️ Testé Felv= négatif
✔️ Testé Fiv= positif (sera retesté à 6 moins pour confirmer ou pas le résultat) / re-testé le 13 juillet 2024 = NÉGATIF 🎉
Sera stérilisé quand il aura l’âge
OK avec enfants, ados et adultes
OK avec autres chats et chiens
Chat d’intérieur qui peut avoir accès à un extérieur sécurisé et clos (balcon, terrasse ou enclos)
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🇬🇧 His story: Tiamo was found alone, hiding under a truck, unable to walk properly presumably after being hit by a car. He was rescued by a kind lady who nursed him back to health.

His personality: Tiamo is a very playful and extremely affectionate kitten, a purring machine even when he was at the vet recovering from fever. He loves being around people and children.
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🇫🇷 Son histoire : Tiamo a été retrouvé seul, caché sous un camion, incapable de marcher correctement, probablement après avoir été heurté par une voiture. Il a été secouru par une gentille dame qui l'a soigné.

Sa personnalité : Tiamo est un chaton très joueur et extrêmement affectueux, une machine à ronronner même lorsqu'il était chez le vétérinaire en convalescence. Il aime être avec les gens et les enfants.
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If interested, please fill the below form.
Home check and Veterinary essential cares fee apply

🌟 Pre-adoption Form 🌟

We will contact you shortly.

Our Friends at J'adopte un Animal.rescues are looking for forever homes for these beautiful furry treasures, please shar...

Our Friends at J'adopte un Animal.rescues are looking for forever homes for these beautiful furry treasures, please share with anyone that might be interested!


Located in U.A.E
Available for international adoption

🇬🇧 Male - Domestic Short Hair
Born in September 2022
✔️ Dewormed - Vaccinated - Neutered - Microchipped
✔️ Tested Fiv/Felv= negative
OK teenagers and adults
Not tested with other cats and dogs
Indoor cat for now but may have access to a secured outdoor once adopted

🇫🇷 Mâle –domestique poils courts
Né en septembre 2022
✔️ Vermifugé - Vacciné - Stérilisé- Identifié par puce électronique
✔️ Testé Fiv/Felv= négatif
OK avec ados et adultes
Non testé avec les autres chats ou chiens
Chat d’intérieur pour le moment mais pourra avoir accès à un extérieur sécurisé une fois adopté

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🇬🇧 His story: We don't know much about his history because Snowy was abandoned by his previous owners at the vet when they left. He stayed there, waiting for 4 months before a member of the association spotted him. He was totally depressed, having lost all hope of getting out and finding a real life again. He is currently in a beautiful host family where he is rediscovering the taste for life and the happiness of being loved and pampered. It is high time for him to finally join his family for life.

His personality: Snowy is very playful! He loves to curl up and sleep right next to his human. He is sensitive about being touched especially on his paws (probably has bad memories from his past) but loves chin and head scratches. Needs to be approached slowly, may be startled otherwise. He cannot be picked up or cuddled if he doesn’t want to - will smack. He will beg for food and rub against your legs when you are making food, and he will purr and meow when he wants to play. He keeps himself clean and uses litterbox without accidents. A very lovely, beautiful cat. He gets closer and closer to his foster mum every day (he doesn’t use his bed anymore as he’s chosen her bed now!!) and he sleeps next to her head now. So, if you are a patient person, he is just the right cat for you!
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🇫🇷 Son histoire : Nous ne savons pas grand-chose de son histoire car, Snowy a été abandonné par ses anciens propriétaires chez le vétérinaire quand ils sont partis. Il est resté là, à attendre pendant 4 mois avant qu'un membre de l'association le repère. Il était totalement déprimé, ayant perdu tout espoir de sortir et de retrouver une vraie vie. Il est actuellement dans une belle famille d'accueil où il retrouve le goût de vivre et le bonheur d'être aimé et chouchouté. Il est grand temps pour lui de rejoindre enfin sa famille pour la vie.

Sa personnalité : Snowy est très joueur ! Il adore se blottir et dormir juste à côté de son humain. Il est sensible au toucher, surtout au niveau de ses pattes (il a probablement de mauvais souvenirs de son passé) mais adore les gratouilles sous le menton et sur la tête. Il doit être abordé avec douceur, car il est facilement surpris. Il ne peut pas être pris dans ses bras ou câliner s’il ne le souhaite pas – il donnera des coups de pattes. Il demande de la nourriture et se frotte contre vos jambes lorsque vous préparerez à manger. Il ronronnere et miaule lorsqu'il veut jouer. Il est propre et utilise le bac à litière sans accident. Un très beau et gentil chat. Il se rapproche chaque jour de sa maman d’accueil (d’ailleurs il n'utilise plus son panier car il a choisi de dormir sur le lit de sa maman d’accueil maintenant !!). Donc, si vous êtes une personne patiente, c’est le chat qu’il vous faut !
🇬🇧 If interested, please fill the below form.
Home check and Veterinary essential cares fee apply.
🇫🇷 Si vous êtes intéressé, veuillez remplir le formulaire ci-dessous.
Un contrôle du domicile et des frais de soins vétérinaires essentiels s'appliquent

🌟 Pre-adoption Form 🌟

We will contact you shortly.

Our Friends at J'adopte un Animal.rescues are looking for forever homes for these beautiful furry treasures, please shar...

Our Friends at J'adopte un Animal.rescues are looking for forever homes for these beautiful furry treasures, please share with anyone that might be interested!


Located in U.A.E
Available for international adoption

🇬🇧 Male - Domestic Short Hair
Born in May 2020
✔️ Dewormed - Vaccinated - Neutered - Microchipped
✔️ Tested Fiv/Felv= negative
OK with teenagers and adults
Should be the only cat
Indoor cat only

🇫🇷 Male - Domestique poils courts
✔️ Vermifugé - Vacciné - Stérilisé - Identifié par puce électronique
✔️ Testé Fiv/Felv= negatif
Ok avec ados et adultes
Doit être le seul chat
Chat d'intérieur uniquement
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🇬🇧 His story: Muffin is a fighter. Life has not been kind to him. It was abandoned by its former owner. While living on the streets, Muffin was hit by a car and injured his front leg and broke another leg. He endured the pain for a month, alone on the street. He survived miraculously. Just when he thought things couldn't get any worse, he was attacked by other cats. The fights left infected wounds, which nearly left poor Muffin dead. Fortunately, when his fever was high and he couldn't move, he was found and rescued. He was so happy to finally be with humans who wanted to help him, that he immediately and completely trusted him. Muffin fell asleep in the car on the way to the vet.

His personality: Muffin is very sweet, trusts and totally loves human attention. He is cuddly and purrs all the time. He adores being on someone’s lap and getting scratched behind his ear or getting belly rubs. He is super playful and a bit chatty. He is ok with other cats and likes to play with them. He also loves to play with a human or by himself. Although the car accident has left him limping a bit that does not stop him from being an active kitty!
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🇫🇷 Son histoire : Muffin est un combattant. La vie n'a pas été tendre avec lui. Il a été abandonné par son ancien propriétaire. Lors de sa vie dans la rue, Muffin a été renversé par une voiture et a été blessé à la patte avant et s'est cassé une autre patte. Il a enduré la douleur pendant un mois, seul dans la rue. Il a survécu par miracle. Alors qu’il pensait que les choses ne pouvaient pas empirer, il a été attaqué par d'autres chats. Les bagarres ont laissé des blessures infectées, qui ont rendu le pauvre Muffin presque mort. Heureusement, alors que sa fièvre était élevée et qu'il ne pouvait plus bouger, il a été trouvé et secouru. Il était si heureux d'être enfin avec des humains qui voulaient l'aider, qu'il a fait immédiatement et complètement confiance. Muffin s'est endormi dans la voiture en allant chez le vétérinaire.

Sa personnalité : Muffin est très gentil, fait confiance et aime totalement l'attention humaine. Il est câlin et ronronne tout le temps. Il adore être sur les genoux de quelqu'un et se faire gratter derrière l'oreille ou se faire frotter le ventre. Il est super joueur et un peu bavard. Il s'entend bien avec les autres chats et aime jouer avec eux. Il aime aussi jouer avec un humain ou tout seul. Bien que l'accident de voiture l'ait laissé un peu boiter, cela ne l'empêche pas d'être un minou actif !

If interested, please fill the below form.
Home check and Veterinary essential cares fee apply

🌟 Pre-adoption Form 🌟

We will contact you shortly.

Our Friends at J'adopte un Animal.rescues are looking for forever homes for these beautiful furry treasures, please shar...

Our Friends at J'adopte un Animal.rescues are looking for forever homes for these beautiful furry treasures, please share with anyone that might be interested! Look this electrifying girl!


Émirats Arabes Unis - U.A.E
Available for internationale adoption.

FeLV +

Femelle – Arabian mau
Née en juin 2021
Vermifugée - Vaccinée - Stérilisée - Micropucée
Testée FIV = négatif
Testée FeLV = positif
OK avec les enfants, les ados et les adultes
OK avec les autres chats

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Female – Arabian mau
Born in June 2021
Dewormed - Vaccinated - Neutered - Microchipped
Tested FIV = negative
Tested FeLV = positive
OK with kids, teenagers and adults
OK with other cats

- - - - - - - -

Son histoire: Tesla a été abandonnée dans un parc avec ses 2 chatons. Lorsqu'elle a été secourue, un seul chaton a été retrouvé. Il a été nommé Dallas. Dallas et Tesla ont ensuite été emmenés dans une clinique vétérinaire pour un check-up.

Malheureusement, Dallas était couvert de teigne. Il a reçu un traitement pendant 5 semaines et sa mère Tesla aussi, à titre préventif (car ils sont toujours ensemble).
Quant à Tesla, elle a été testée positive au FeLV.

Sa personnalité: Tesla est très affectueuse et reconnaissante. Elle adore être câlinée (tout le temps!) et avoir de la compagnie. Elle s’entend bien avec les autres chats, tant que les présentations sont faites dans les règles. Elle n'a pas encore été testée avec les chiens.

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Her story: Tesla was dumped in a park with her 2 kittens. When she was rescued, only 1 kitten was found. He was named Dallas. Dallas and Tesla were taken to a veterinary clinic for check-up.

Unfortunately, Dallas was full of ringworm. He received treatment for 5 weeks and his mother Tesla as well, preventively (as they always stay together).
Then, Tesla was tested positive with FeLV.

Her personality: Tesla is very sweet and grateful. She loves being cuddled (all the time!) and having company. She is good with other cats, as long as she is properly introduced to them. She has not been tested with dogs yet.

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If interested, please fill the below form.
Home check and Veterinary essential cares fee apply

🌟 Pre-adoption Form 🌟

We will contact you shortly.

We will contact you shortly.

Our Friends at J'adopte un Animal.rescues are looking for forever homes for these beautiful furry treasures, please shar...

Our Friends at J'adopte un Animal.rescues are looking for forever homes for these beautiful furry treasures, please share with anyone that might be interested!

Our Friends at J'adopte un Animal.rescues are looking for forever homes for these beautiful furry treasures, please shar...

Our Friends at J'adopte un Animal.rescues are looking for forever homes for these beautiful furry treasures, please share with anyone that might be interested!

💙 ERIC 💙

En France (94)

Mâle – chat domestique à poils courts
Né en juillet 2021
Vermifugé - Vacciné - Stérilisé - Micropucé
Testé FIV/FeLV = négatif
OK avec les enfants, les ados et les adultes
OK avec les autres chats et chiens
Chat d’intérieur seulement

- - - - - - - -

Male – Domestic Short Hair
Born in July 2021
Dewormed - Vaccinated - Neutered - Microchipped
Tested FIV/FeLV = negative
OK with kids, teenagers and adults
OK with other cats and dogs

- - - - - - - -

Son histoire: La mère d’Eric, Lucia, vivait dans un quartier résidentiel. Une gentille dame vivant dans un immeuble voisin s'occupait d'elle et la nourrissait tous les jours. Cependant, la sécurité du bâtiment ne voulait pas qu'elle ou tout autre chat erre autour du bâtiment. Lorsque cette dame s’est aperçue que Lucia attendait une portée de chatons, elle a décidé de la ramener chez elle. Ensuite, Lucia a donné naissance à quatre beaux chatons, Eric, Oliver, Lulu et Sam dans le confort de l’appartement de sa sauveteuse.

Sa personnalité: Eric est extrêmement doux et affectueux. Il est très soumis et pas du tout agressif avec les adultes ou les autres chats. Il s'entend très bien avec les enfants. Il est aussi calme, propre et poli. Il adore jouer!

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His story: Eric’s mom, Lucia, was living in a residential area. A nice lady living in a nearby building was taking care of her and feeding her every day. However, the security of the building did not want her or any other cat around the building. When this lady noticed that Lucia was expecting kittens, she decided to take her home. Then, Lucia gave birth to four beautiful kittens, Eric, Oliver, Lulu and Sam in the comfort of her rescuer’s home.

His personality: Eric is extremely sweet and affectionate. He is very submissive and not agressive at all with people or other cats. He is very good with kids. He is also quiet, clean and polite. He loves to play!

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If interested, please fill the below form from your computer (not your phone):

🌟 Pre-adoption Form 🌟

We will contact you shortly.

Our Friends at J'adopte un Animal.rescues are looking for forever homes for these beautiful furry treasures, please shar...

Our Friends at J'adopte un Animal.rescues are looking for forever homes for these beautiful furry treasures, please share with anyone that might be interested!


En France (94)

Mâle – chat domestique à poils courts
Né en juillet 2021
Vermifugé - Vacciné - Stérilisé - Micropucé
Testé FIV/FeLV = négatif
OK avec les enfants, les ados et les adultes
Ok chats et chiens
- - - - - - - -

Male – Domestic Short Hair
Born in July 2021
Dewormed - Vaccinated - Neutered - Microchipped
Tested FIV/FeLV = negative
OK with kids, teenagers and adults
Ok with cats and dogs
- - - - - - - -

Son histoire: La mère d’Oliver, Lucia, vivait dans un quartier résidentiel. Une gentille dame vivant dans un immeuble voisin s'occupait d'elle et la nourrissait tous les jours. Cependant, la sécurité du bâtiment ne voulait pas qu'elle ou tout autre chat erre autour du bâtiment. Lorsque cette dame s’est aperçue que Lucia attendait une portée de chatons, elle a décidé de la ramener chez elle. Ensuite, Lucia a donné naissance à quatre beaux chatons, Oliver, Lulu, Sam et Eric dans le confort de l’appartement de sa sauveteuse.

Sa personnalité: Oliver est extrêmement doux et affectueux. Il est très soumis et pas du tout agressif avec les adultes ou les autres chats. Il s'entend très bien avec les enfants. Il est aussi calme, propre et poli. Il aime les câlins et les moments de jeu. Il aime aussi sauter très haut!

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His story: Oliver’s mom, Lucia, was living in a residential area. A nice lady living in a nearby building was taking care of her and feeding her every day. However, the security of the building did not want her or any other cat around the building. When this lady noticed that Lucia was expecting kittens, she decided to take her home. Then, Lucia gave birth to four beautiful kittens, Oliver, Lulu, Sam and Eric in the comfort of her rescuer’s home.

His personality: Oliver is extremely sweet and affectionate. He is very submissive and not agressive at all with people or other cats. He is very good with kids. He is also quiet, clean and polite. He enjoys cuddles and play time. He also likes to jump very high!

- - - - - - - -

If interested, please fill the below form from your computer (not your phone):

🌟 Pre-adoption Form 🌟

We will contact you shortly.

Both clones still available for adoption ;-)

Both clones still available for adoption ;-)

Taz being collected 🧡

Taz being collected 🧡

Taz has just landed at Heathrow airport and we are on our way to pick him up and take him to his loving foster in the UK...

Taz has just landed at Heathrow airport and we are on our way to pick him up and take him to his loving foster in the UK 💛

Paws… still looking for a home…

Paws… still looking for a home…

Before/After '2' (Cerise). Both girls are still available for adoption!

Before/After '2' (Cerise). Both girls are still available for adoption!

Inseparable 💙

Inseparable 💙

Pomme and Cerise Before/After. All they need is love!

Pomme and Cerise Before/After. All they need is love!

Pomme and Cerise Bowie when they were rescued 💔

Pomme and Cerise Bowie when they were rescued 💔

Up for adoptin and looking for forever homes! Join us in Welcoming Pomme and Cerise Bowie to the UK! Pomme and Cerise Bo...

Up for adoptin and looking for forever homes! Join us in Welcoming Pomme and Cerise Bowie to the UK!
Pomme and Cerise Bowie are two super kind sisters that have been rescued from a life of hell in the streets of Dubai.
They were found extremely malnourished when they were only a few weeks old - it is believed their mum passed and they were left uncared for and exposed to starvation.
Now they are two gentle and wonderful girls.
They took the trip from the UEA so well and have settled really quickly and nicely.
They are kind and very affectionate. Lap cats and puring machines! They have a strong bond and hence why we would like them to go together.

Females – Domestic Short Hair
Born in June 2022
Dewormed - Vaccinated - Microchipped - Neutered
Tested FIV/FeLV = negative
OK with kids, teenagers and adults
OK with other cats and dogs

Noah - Available for adoption 😍

Noah - Available for adoption 😍


Our little sunflower Fifi is now spayed. Noah is intrigued... what's my sister wearing?!?!

Meet Fifi & Noah Fifi and Noah are Dubaian cats. They had a very difficult start to life being born in the backstreets o...

Meet Fifi & Noah

Fifi and Noah are Dubaian cats. They had a very difficult start to life being born in the backstreets of Dubai where stray cats are viewed as vermin by many. It is believed their mum was captured by the municipality as part of their programme of "cleaning" the city. Being only a few weeks old, Fifi and Noah were left orphans together with another sibling.
Shortly after their mum's "disappearance", Fifi, Noah and their brother were also trapped by the municipality. Fortunately a compassionate passer-by alerted a rescuer who was able to free them. The rescuer provided first veterinary care and found a loving foster home in Dubai home for them.
Noah and Fifi's brother has now found a loving forever home and Noah and Fifi are due to arrive to the UK where we will be fostering until a loving home is found for them.
If you think you can be the chance that life didn't want to initially give these poor souls, please contact us.

Fifi and Noah love cuddles and compete to find the best place to sleep, preferably next to their human mum: under the sheets, on her face, next to her neck!

Fifi is very playful, loves to eat and play catch, but she is also courageous, curious, and adventurous. As to Noah, he is also a playful, adventurous kitten and a true “party boy”, always looking to play and have fun. They are both sweet, purring machines and a loving, fun company.

Female and male – Domestic Short Hair
Born in September 2022
Dewormed - Vaccinated - Microchipped - Neutered
Tested FIV/FeLV = negative
OK with kids, teenagers and adults
OK with other cats and dogs


The place in which we are born is possibly the most important factor in determining our fate and the fact that it is random feels like the most unfair thing one can think of.
Developed societies like the UK offer their citizens a minimum level of safety and dignity that we often learn to give for granted.
Travelling to lesser developed countries around the World can be a reminder of our privilege and how far we got as a civilised society.
Like us humans, animals are also exposed to the randomness of the place they are born in and their welfare depends on the culture, policies, etc. What a paradox such alien and unrelateable aspects can determine one's life.
In the UK, we love animals. They are like our family. We look after them, we have compassion and empathy and the respect with which we treat them in turn contributes to a healthier, more equitable, and sustainable society however this is not the case everywhere. There are places around the World where animals are exposed to starvation, dehydration and cruelty. Stray dogs and cats are viewed by local residents as vermin, their thirst and hunger are completely ignored and they are often used as objects to kick, and to throw from rooftops or into the sea for fun. The resistance of their fragile bodies is being used in bets, for entertainment and they are forced to endure the most gore cruelty until they die in agony.
Silent Whiskers are currently partnering with Pearls and J'adopte, in an attempt to provide a link between animals that are victims of exploitation and sufferement and safe loving homes in the UK.
The animals in this platform are mostly dogs and cats and all of them have been rescued from a life of agony. They have often lost their parents and siblings in the most tragic circumstances and have lived in abandonment if not all, most of their life. In most cases, they have never known a surface other than a dirty road or a dangerous construction site and have seen themselves ill and scavenging through lifeless piles of landfill with no luck for weeks, sometimes months. Most of them don't know what a caress or being loved is either.
Silent Whiskers are UK based and provide a shelter for these animals until the opportunity of a loving forever home is found. Please contact us if you think you can adopt.




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