I cleaned his bowl today. It's nothing special, just a big plastic bowl. It's blue, and it holds a gallon of water. It's definitely made better than any plastic bowl you would find in a pet store today, this one is 31 years old! It hasn't cracked or warped because it's thicker, but you can see the scratches all around it.
It used to sit outside, next to his dog house. He spent his days on a run, and his nights crated in the basement. My mother would let him upstairs to run into my room and wake me up, after my father had left. He wasn't allowed in the main house, you see. Well, until my 17 year old self insisted he be allowed to stay in my room with all of the stubbornness I possessed. He continued to sleep on my comforter after I left for the Navy, and I bought a house a year and a half later just so he could come back to me. His bowl came with him.
He's been gone from my side 14 years. Other Brittanys who drank from this bowl as a puppy have passed on, too. But every single time I fill it up he's right there. He lives forever in my heart and this bowl reminds me of him every single day.