SAVE CHIP Allegany County SPCA , New York is dropping the ball on Chip, an Anatolian Shepherd

This page was created to bring awareness to a dog who is being held without justified cause at the SPCA Serving Allegany County in Belmont, NY . it will also be a forum for any other issues people might wish to make others aware of.

UPDATE:  Chip is still a prisoner at the SPCA serving Allegany County. Despite countless offers of excellent homes, incl...

UPDATE: Chip is still a prisoner at the SPCA serving Allegany County. Despite countless offers of excellent homes, including ours, it's been 6 months he has been suffering in that crowded shelter. WHY? We won't forget about him, and hope you won't either . This photo is of Chip when he was being fed by us. We fed him and watched out for him for 2 years when no one else cared about him. We spent over $12, 000 caring for and trying to capture Chip. We love him and want him. We are very well qualified to keep him safe and happy for the rest of his life, and the SPCA KNOWS this. Why is Chip still there suffering in isolation when he could be on a couch in a home full of love? Maybe someone should ask them?



Poor Chip, held hostage, and not allowed to go to any of the great homes or rescues offered. WHY?   Who would be so crue...

Poor Chip, held hostage, and not allowed to go to any of the great homes or rescues offered. WHY? Who would be so cruel to a dog? He has a short life span being a giant breed, and has already lost out on his first 5 years . Why is he being punished and not allowed to go to a loving capable home? Maybe the Allegany County SPCA should be asked this question. The woman who loves him and rescued him and kept him fed is highly qualified to give him a loving permanent home, yet she is being denied. Meanwhile, other needy animals could use the space Chip is locked up in. Who is in charge, and who oversees how animals are treated at this SPCA? We politely listened as the SPCA's attorney told the judge Chip was never in his rescuers car, and that she never even touched him. The judge ruled in his favor then. How could this be when this photo was taken in his rescuers truck, right after she gave him mouth to nose resuscitation to get him breathing again? We have been truthful and forward every step of the way, but have THEY? One more court date on December 12th. We have nothing to hide, and are just trying to save our boy, Chip. What is the SPCA's motivation? Who else, but someone who loved that dog would put their mouth on his maggot covered nose and breath life into him?



Having exhausted all other avenues to save Chip, we have hired the highly regarded attorney Matt Albe… Elise Able needs your support for SAVE CHIP Legal Fund

We hope everyone and their dogs have a beautiful Thanksgiving in their warm homes full of love.    Love, Chip, who is st...

We hope everyone and their dogs have a beautiful Thanksgiving in their warm homes full of love. Love, Chip, who is still at the SPCA
We were praying they would release Chip to one of the MANY rescuers who have applied for him for Thanksgiving, but that has not happened for him yet. How can a dog be unadoptable when so many highly qualified people have tried to rescue him ? 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥

Please help us Save Chip!  We are battling a multi million dollar SPCA organization who is getting their attorney and le...

Please help us Save Chip! We are battling a multi million dollar SPCA organization who is getting their attorney and legal advice for FREE. Their attorney was bold enough to chastise us for having to fund raise for our attorney fees, yet in the next breath admitted he was not being paid by the SPCA. This is the type of SPCA we are up against! Though we have posted a petition that we will present to the judge, this petition was started by another concerned person not directly affiliated with us. Though we trust the petition maker, we do not have access to those donations, as they go to the "Change.Org" organization, not us! Please donate to our Go Fund Me below, not . So, If you can help us with the attorney fees for Chip, please use this Go Fund Me link only

Having exhausted all other avenues to save Chip, we have hired the highly regarded attorney Matt Albe… Elise Able needs your support for SAVE CHIP Legal Fund


UPDATE: At this point in time, our attorney has advised up that no organizations, individuals or rescues have contacted him yet to offer Chip rescue so he could present it to their attorney as a possible alternative solution should we lose our case. This is not good news.
Though Chips situation has been publicized far and wide, it appears the only person who they will not allow to take Chip back is the only person that really wants Chip. Meanwhile, Chip is still in solitary confinement in their overcrowded, stressful shelter. No doubt this will have a permanent affect on him, and he will probably die in there, having lived a very sad life. If you are a rescue or qualified individual, please reach out to our Attorney, Matthew Albert [email protected] and let him know about you and what you can offer Chip. PM us and let us know so we can follow up with him. We don't want any great offer to slip through the cracks!

Animal and Civil Rights, Criminal Defense, and Personal Injury Attorney

UPDATE:  if anyone applies to the Allegany County SPCA in Belmont, NY to adopt Chip and are denied, receive no response ...

UPDATE: if anyone applies to the Allegany County SPCA in Belmont, NY to adopt Chip and are denied, receive no response or are perhaps successful, please let us know via Private message to this Save Chip page. Our attorney would like to know and we will pass the info along to him. Thank you all so much! This is about saving a dog


💔💔💔Heartbreaking news. The judge did not rule in our favor today. Poor Chip is still at the SPCA. Though the judge did deny the injunction, the lawsuit is allowed to continue. We are not done fighting. SAVE CHIP

Court today

Court today

Lynda still has time to be the hero in this story, rather than the villain. All we want is for her to soften and do the ...

Lynda still has time to be the hero in this story, rather than the villain. All we want is for her to soften and do the right thing for Chip. Release him to the woman who loves him, saved his life and cared for him for two years while he was loose. Lynda still has time to be the hero and bring good Karma upon herself and her shelter. Please do the right thing for Chip. We don't want a war, we want peace. We always did. We exhausted all means and avenues and gave her plenty of time before having to resort to legal means.


Read about Chips Case here

Against All Oddz Animal Alliance (AAOAA), Inc.: Providing legal representation and rescuing animals

We are trying to make it right for Chip now!!! We have hired an attorney to fight for him and get him out of the SPCA wh...

We are trying to make it right for Chip now!!! We have hired an attorney to fight for him and get him out of the SPCA where he is held captive. We want him to be released to the sanctuary who wants to help him live happily ever after! Please help us fight the giants in our legal battle !!

Having exhausted all other avenues to save Chip, we have hired the highly regarded attorney Matt Albe… Elise Able needs your support for SAVE CHIP Legal Fund

We will not give up on Chip. We hired attorney Matt Albert to fight for Chip. The virtual court date is October 26th.  I...

We will not give up on Chip. We hired attorney Matt Albert to fight for Chip. The virtual court date is October 26th. If you can't afford to donate and comment on the Go Fund Me page, In lieu of a petition, feel free to use the comment section below to nicely and respectfully ask Lynda, the Director of the Allegany County SPCA to release Chip into our care so we can love and care for him the rest of his days at Fox Wood

Having exhausted all other avenues to save Chip, we have hired the highly regarded attorney Matt Albe… Elise Able needs your support for SAVE CHIP Legal Fund


Still wondering where Chip is? Has anyone seen him? We miss our big boy :(

For those of you who would like to learn a little more about Livestock Guardian dogs, like Chip.  The National Anatolian...

For those of you who would like to learn a little more about Livestock Guardian dogs, like Chip. The National Anatolian Shepherd Rescue Network specializes in rescuing and re-homing these awesome dogs. Breed rescues are a life-saver for many shelters


Please SAVE CHIP .  Has anyone seen Chip?  If you have, please comment below.  If you tried and were not allowed, please...

Please SAVE CHIP . Has anyone seen Chip? If you have, please comment below. If you tried and were not allowed, please comment below. If you commented on the SPCA 's FB page and in turn were blocked and your comment deleted, or If you applied to adopt him, and were denied, please comment below. We believe a lot of people are commenting on the SPCA's posts about Chip, and are being blocked. If you go to their page, and look at the number of comments, it is much higher than the number of comments you can actually see on each post. :( Don't forget about poor Chip

Pop Quiz! There is a giant breed dog with a jug caught over his head preventing him from eating, drinking and cooling hi...

Pop Quiz!
There is a giant breed dog with a jug caught over his head preventing him from eating, drinking and cooling his body in 84 degree weather in July. You lost the dog two years ago and know he has been in that predicament already for three days. You have been told by an expert dog trapper who loves and knows the dog that in addition to the threat of heat and suffocation, maggots will surely set in, eating the dog alive. The trapper lives very far from the area, you live close and run a large animal shelter. You have been begged to rally help for the dog because of your influence and reach in the area. Which would you do? The Answer from The Allegany SPCA will be given in the comments below tomorrow. Lets see How YOU would respond first!

Curious question. Is it really true that the Allegany County SPCA has NO VOLUNTEERS or DOG LOVERS that would have helped...

Curious question. Is it really true that the Allegany County SPCA has NO VOLUNTEERS or DOG LOVERS that would have helped capture Chip when he had that jug caught on his head in July? Are there really no dog lovers that the SPCA could have asked for help in that situation? Thats what we were told by the director when we begged for help for Chip. Their page has 21 K followers. The director was begged to rally help for Chip. She said "there is no one". This was why Lisa from Rescue Pups was contacted. Why did the director of the SPCA then demand Lisa remove her rally cry for help for Chip on her Rescue Pups page? Are there any people who follow the SPCA page than can explain why the director doesn't think any of you would or could help save Chip when he had the jug on his head in July? Would you have helped if you knew?

Thank you all for your support for Chip, as well as the interesting  information we are getting via private messages. It...

Thank you all for your support for Chip, as well as the interesting information we are getting via private messages. It seems that there are many issues that need to be addressed at this particular SPCA in Belmont, NY . We and the dog loving community wants to know where Chip is , and what the SPCA is hiding about him and the other Anatolian Shepherds they got in around the same time. Its not a lot to ask.
Some people have wondered why we don't use legal means, rather than community awareness to a situation that is inhumane not only to the Chip, but the rescuers who loved and saved him. How could a small group of dog lovers of modest means possibly go up against a facility that is worth millions of dollars and even has their own attorneys?
All we can do is shine a light on it. :( SAVE CHIP

We miss Chip.  Has anyone seen him? Have you ever seen an SPCA or shelter hide the fact that they lost a dog?  When othe...

We miss Chip. Has anyone seen him? Have you ever seen an SPCA or shelter hide the fact that they lost a dog? When others caught him, have you ever seen a shelter swoop in like eagles and grab the dog and hide him? We saved him from starving to death during the two years he was loose after the SPCA lost him and didn't report him as lost. We saved him again after having the pretzel jug caught over his head, and now we are trying to save him again from the SPCA who allowed all this to happen. Why are they punishing this poor dog? Is he even alive still? Does anyone have proof Chip is still alive ?


Poor Chip. Does anyone know if he was euthanized by the SPCA yet?

Livestock Guardian Dogs love to live in large spaces and work

Livestock Guardian Dogs love to live in large spaces and work

The footage of a puma hunting sheep was captured with thermal imaging cameras in the Patagonian wilderness as part of a new National Geographic show.
What ever happened to these two beautiful dogs, Bailey and Molly, that arrived in May of 2021 right around the same time Chip arrived? Did they get a home? Were either lost or euthanized? Inquiring minds want to know. ;) This Allegany County, NY shelter needs some oversight and transparency. Are they truly "No-Kill"? You can PM us if you have info.

Please Contact The SPCA Serving Allegany County Today About This Rare Pair.


This is for the all other animals in Allegany County who need help. Couldn't Chip could be released to the sanctuary and another animal in need or maybe more have his space?

Making the Allegany County public aware of known cruelty/abuse cases. Being a voice for those who s

"NOTHING TO SEE HERE!" Isn't this the most awkward picture you ever saw? Have you ever seen a dog say "SAVE ME" with a l...

Isn't this the most awkward picture you ever saw? Have you ever seen a dog say "SAVE ME" with a look before?
The fakery of the local media who is in the pocket of the Allegany SPCA. "Look how happy Chip is at our shelter! Chip loves his solid walls and being led outdoors with two people, on two leashes, and being walked around like a prisoner. Wouldn't any dog that was bred to be outdoors guarding livestock in a huge area? So everyone worried about Chip can rest easy now and go away. Look how much he loves the person smiling the photo" Photo of Chip courtesy of the SPCA Serving Allegany County in Belmont, NY and the Wellsville Sun in NY

Here is an article written for the Allegany County SPCA by the Wellsville Sun. FACT: The reporter did not reach out to a...

Here is an article written for the Allegany County SPCA by the Wellsville Sun.

FACT: The reporter did not reach out to a single person who was involved in caring for Chip for two years after he was lost by the SPCA. They did not reach out to the homeowner who cared for and worked with a rescuer to keep him fed, the person who captured him or the person who transported him to the vet.

FACT: This person who save Chips life, and transported him to the veterinarian never gave the veterinarian authority to contact the SPCA, and certainly did not give them permission to send him home with the SPCA. The dog was not left in their care to do as they pleased.

FACT: We are certainly against anyone who would send "death threats", and frankly don't believe for a second that anyone actually did sent death threats to the SPCA about the dog. Though many hundreds of thousands of people know the story and have valid concerns for Chips welfare, no one we know is capable of that behavior or would possibly think it would be in our best interests. But we are aware that the SPCA might may claim this to garner sympathy.

FACT: No one we know would ever suggest Chip should be set free to live in the wild. The sanctuary owner who acted as Chips guardian angel, and fed Chip for two years was directly involved with Chips rescue and transport to the veterinarian. This rescuer also has the facility, experience, veterinarians, dog trainers and beautiful enclosed spaces to give Chip a beautiful life as a loved companion.

FACT: The Director herself described Chip as a Gentle Giant, and had never attempted to harm or bite anyone. We also witnessed this during the two years we helped him and during the rescue and transport to the vet. If she is saying that he is suddenly aggressive, this is proof positive that the shelter environment is harming him. Also, the sanctuary owner has reformed many aggressive dogs, but we know Chip is not aggressive

FACT: We may not have the political connections in that county or the money the SPCA has. What we have are the facts, the truth and the love for the dog. PLEASE HELP US SAVE CHIP!

This photo of Chip was taken as a “live” photo with an iPhone on Saturday, Sept. 2, 2023 at 5:39 p.m. according to the embedded information on the live photo […]


Reading the Allegany County SPCA's mission statement from GuideStar is concerning.

Chip arrived with at least one other Anatolian Shepherd over two years ago. We were told the other one, a female, was not doing very well in the shelter. Does anyone know what happened to her? Are there any volunteers out there who know what happened to that dog? Did anyone adopt her? If so, please let us know how she is.

This is their mission:
"The SPCA’s mission is to attend to the needs of the abandoned, neglected, and abused animals of Allegany County. In addition to the daily care of the animals at the shelter, the SPCA focuses on adopting shelter animals into kind and loving homes. Our shelter is among the ever-increasing number of leading, innovative, no-kill animal shelters in the United States; only animals that are terminally ill or who are socially not adaptable are euthanized."

Can anyone please answer any of these questions for us? Private message or comment below if you can:

If the SPCA director says, thinks or claims Chip is not "Socially adaptable", what is her policy if someone else does think he is adaptable?

Does the director have any oversight at all?
Why is the director also the Chairman of the Board?
Who inspects the SPCA and oversees their activities and actions with dogs?
Who has power over the SPCA?
Who employs the Allegany County cruelty Investigator?


In the last seven weeks, many people have tried to reach out to the Allegany SPCA via their page, concerned and asking for updates on Chip, commenting on Chips status, etc. If it was anything but a glowing report on how great the SPCA was doing , the comment would be deleted and the person banned.


Here is the story re-posted again to answer your questions. More questions answered in posts on this page. Please SAVE CHIP!

🐾🐾🐾 ❤️❤️❤️ This is a story about a beautiful Anatolian Shepherd named Chip who was born on a ranch where the dogs roamed freely. Their breed is intelligent, independent and protective of their flocks. All the dogs on the ranch were trapped and distributed to shelters across the country. Chip ended up at the SPCA Serving Allegany County in Belmont, NY. He wasn’t used to human handling, had never been away from home or his dog family and he was afraid.
In May of 2021, Chip escaped from the SPCA. Though the director made a few calls to local dog trappers, she did not let the community know that he had escaped. She made it clear to the trappers that he should not be advertised or posted on social media, thus tying our hands. As the community did not know Chip was lost, sightings of him went unreported.
Six months later, a gentleman named Andy noticed Chip on his trail cam eating apples off the ground in Portville, NY. Chip was thin and skittish. Andy posted him on a local page, and we trappers immediately responded. Traps were set, but Chip, who had been trapped before, was wary and trap-wise. Even though we were experienced dog trappers, we realized it would be a long, slow process to get Chip to safety. The SPCA director told me later that she knew he had been sighted at this location, but said and did nothing.
I made multiple trips every week to Andys home and other places in Portville setting up feeding stations and traps for Chip. My Live camera’s watched Chip eating the food, but he continued to be wary of the humane traps. After a while, it appeared Chip was enjoying his freedom. He had good food, flowing creeks for water, and an endless supply of fresh road killed deer on Route 417. He developed a large circle that he roamed, as Livestock Guardian Dog’s will do. He was living free, as he had done all his life before he was captured and brought to NY. In fact, as camera video and pics progressed for the next two years, his coat started to gleam and he appeared to have gained about 20 pounds. When I couldn’t travel to Portville, I supplied Andy with money to buy Chips dog food.
Here is where the story turns tragic. On July 11th of 2023, Andy notified me that Chip had somehow gotten a large empty plastic pretzel jug caught over his head. It would make breathing and cooling difficult, and eating and drinking water in the nearly 90-degree heat impossible. I immediately sought helpers that were closer to Portville to help rescue Chip. Because of my experience with wildlife in similar situations, I knew that a deadly maggot infestation was inevitable. I reached out to the SPCA Serving Allegany, hoping Lynda might rally help. I was told there were no volunteers to help, only herself. But Lynda was no help, insisting she called a trapper in California who said “the dog will be fine and could be lured into a trap with meat.” Shocked at the misinformation and lack of a sense of urgency, I reached out to the Director of Rescue Pups, Lisa Hitchcock, known for her passion for rescuing dogs. Lisa immediately posted it on her rescue page and went out to the area searching for Chip. I posted on other local pages - we needed all hands-on deck. Chip was running out of time!
Then something very strange happened. Lynda, the director of the SPCA demanded Lisa take down the post requesting local people keep watch for Chip because he had the jug on his head. At the same time, my post alerting the community of Portville to Chips predicament was removed and I was blocked from the page. What was going on? Why did Lynda not want people to help us find Chip? Lisa and I were incredulous. We had to change our tactics, and go around Lynda.
Lisa quickly printed flyers and distributed them by hand all over the area. The next day, thanks to alert neighbors, Lisa was closing in on Chips location. Friday morning, July 14th, thanks to Lisa’s flyers, Chip was sighted and people gathered to follow and corral him. My daughter and I raced from Springville toward Portville. 10 minutes from Portville, Lisa frantically called to say she had caught Chip, but he was dying! Chip was hot, unconscious and covered with maggots. I knew we needed to cool chips body temperature down and Lisa had no air conditioning in her car, so I cranked up the air conditioning in my truck as we raced to meet her. We lifted the unconscious dog into the backseat of my ice-cold truck and raced, following Lisa, to Cuba Vet Hospital, who had agreed to take the emergency. My daughter cooled Chips paw pads, ears, gums and tongue while I drove. At one point, he became conscious, sat up and shook, showering us and the truck cab with maggots. Lisa had called Lynda from the SPCA and told her we had Chip and where we were racing him to Cuba Vet Hospital. This would prove to be a mistake.
At the vet, Chips temperature was 106 degrees (heat exhaustion). Blood work was normal, no Lymes disease. When lost by the SPCA, Chip had only weighed 88 pounds. Now his weight was 107 pounds, testament to my good food, his vigorous health and happiness while free for two years. We were asked to leave so the veterinarian could work on Chip. Outside, I made a point to let Lynda know I considered Chip my dog and would be adopting him, but I had to get my daughter to work back in Springville. Lisa promised me she would take care of Chip and turn him over into my capable hands when he was “out of the woods”. I had no idea that both Lisa and I would never see him again. Once I was gone, Lynda somehow took control of Chip. We learned he had a relapse with the maggot infestation while in her possession and had to be rushed to Cornell.
Lynda has refused to communicate with myself, Lisa, Andy, everyone else who helped rescue Chip that day. At the time of this writing, I have filed numerous adoption applications, offered to reimburse the SPCA for all of his vet bills, plus pay his adoption fee, sent photos of my property, emails and texts, left phone messages, and attempted to contact board members- all with no response. As of August 29th, 2023, Chip has been in a kennel at the SPCA for almost 7 weeks. Many people have tried, but no one is allowed to see him. She told people she won’t allow him to be adopted. How can a dog be unadoptable when a Rescuer who has a secure facility, is experienced, capable, and has a deep love for him is begging for him?
The National Anatolian Shepherd Rescue, who had been following Chips story for 2 years also reached out to Lynda and were told they could not rescue him.
So, here we are. This dog who loved his freedom deserves to be with the rescuer who cared for and loves him. We would completely accept Chip being rescued by another qualified person, we love the dog and just want him freed from the SPCA environment. Giant Breed dogs have relatively short life-spans, Chip is already at least four years old. The public and supporters of the SPCA Serving Allegany deserve to know this story. We need to SAVE CHIP!

A crisp, beautiful morning and everyone can enjoy the feel of soft grass, the smell of fresh air and the warmth of the s...

A crisp, beautiful morning and everyone can enjoy the feel of soft grass, the smell of fresh air and the warmth of the sun- everyone except Chip. His whole life he enjoyed these blessings of being alive, but not any more. He is held captive in a kennel at the SPCA Serving Allegany County for 7 weeks now. If they have a say, he will never enjoy that again. He was a bad dog, and he escaped their shelter two years ago. This story wasn't supposed to be told, his escape was supposed to be a secret! This is just one of the qualified dog rescues that wants Chip. Its totally fenced, with beautiful larger pens inside for more security. Excellent vet care, expert dog behaviorist and trainer. Chip would love it here. He would heal, be happy, relax, decompress, have gentle friends and love. SAVE CHIP! It takes a community.




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