NOBS - Motivational Handler and Dog Training

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NOBS - Motivational Handler and Dog Training Handler education and dog training services for dog owners, breeders and handlers. Everything related to animal ownership, care, safety and welfare.

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Same recipe, just use your voice

While clickers can help some people to mark a behaviour, you wont always have clicker with you, right...

So why not just use your voice..?
Just get your dog to look at you and reward


**IACP European Conference**
The IACP is eager to announce Ivan Balabanov as a speaker at the first IACP European Conference in Prague in March 2024!

Ivan Balabanov has over 30 years of experience in dog training, breeding, dog sport, protection, and civil work. As the founder of Ot Vitosha Malinois, Ivan breeds world class dogs that are capable of everything from being a family pet, being champions of dog sport, and assisting local police, as well as handling dangerous and clandestine missions around the world in Special Forces teams. He is a 2x IGP World Champion and a 15x IGP National Champion.

Date: 15 March 2024 1:00 PM - 17 March 2024 6:00 PM CET
Venue: Vienna House Andel's Prague
Location: Stroupežnického 3181/21, 150 00 Praha 5-Smíchov, Czechia
IACP Member Price : €335.99
Non-Member Price : €409.99

Please contact IACP Support at [email protected] with any issues or questions.
International Association of Canine Professionals
In Safe Hands


My opinion on asking a dog for consent bellow
Consent, in human interactions, involves a voluntary and conscious agreement to participate in an activity or allow something to happen.
It REQUIRES the ability to understand the options, weigh the consequences, and make a choice!
Dogs LACK that kind of cognitive capacity. They cannot engage in this type of complex decision-making or express consent verbally or explicitly.
The age of consent for humans in USA is 16 years old in most states and higher in few

Picture of Tarzan as a puppy

Once again an amazing podcast by the LEADING VOICE for dogs and dog training in the world

Once again an amazing podcast by the LEADING VOICE for dogs and dog training in the world

Training Without Conflict Podcast Episode Twenty-Four: Aimee Sadler



THIS is what can happen to your dog.

Equally devastating would be a vehicle that runs your dog over when it bolts across a road.

This is why you need to have a PERFECT and INSTANT RECALL or an EMERGENCY instant "down" command for your dog.


Just in case

To those who might be tempted to clone my account or represent themselves as me…

Due to the fact everyone is slowly getting hi-jacked yeah hi-jacked not hacked anymore there flat out hi-jacking our accounts, even more now.
Just in case Notice: An attorney advised us to post this. The violation of privacy can be punished by law. NOTE: Facebook Meta is now a public entity.
All members must post a note like this. If you do not publish a statement at least once, it will be technically understood that you are allowing the use of your photos, as well as the information contained in your profile status updates.
I HEREBY STATE THAT I DO NOT GIVE MY PERMISSION TO USE ANY OF MY PERSONAL DATA OR PHOTOS. If you are thinking of getting off FB because of the volume of sales ads and trash stuff.

So hold your finger anywhere in this post and click ′copy’. Go to your page where it says ‘What's on your mind?’ Tap your finger anywhere in the blank field. Click paste.
This upgrades the system.
Good bye annoying ads


Training Without Conflict® Podcast Episode Twenty-One: Mathias DögelIn this episode, Ivan had a chance to speak to long-time friend, highly respected dog spo...


In this video, Ivan discusses a huge problem facing present day dog training.The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behaviorists along with the "Positive ...

Yet another excellent podcast by Ivan Balabanov and this time with Jo-Rosie HaffendenDo yourself and your dog a favor an...

Yet another excellent podcast by Ivan Balabanov and this time with Jo-Rosie Haffenden

Do yourself and your dog a favor and listen to this.


YouTube "Influencer" challenged me to "Vlog Wars". This is my response.

Very important educational post for all new puppy owners.

Very important educational post for all new puppy owners.

This is something everyone should see. This xray is of a 2 week old puppy.

When you get your 8/10 week old puppies, please keep this image in mind. Their bones do not even touch yet. They plod around so cutely with big floppy paws and wobbly movement because their joints are entirely made up of muscle, tendons, ligaments with skin covering. Nothing is fitting tightly together or has a true socket yet.

When you run them excessively or don't restrict their exercise to stop them from overdoing it during this period you don't give them a chance to grow properly. Every big jump or excited bouncing run causes impacts between the bones. In reasonable amounts this is not problematic and is the normal wear and tear that every animal will engage in.

But when you're letting puppy jump up and down off the lounge or bed, take them for long walks/hikes, you are damaging that forming joint. When you let the puppy scramble on tile with no traction you are damaging the joint.

You only get the chance to grow them once. A well built body is something that comes from excellent breeding and a great upbringing-BOTH, not just one.

Once grown - around 12-18 months depending on their breed, you will have the rest of their life to spend playing and engaging in higher impact exercise. So keep it calm while they're still little baby puppies and give the gift that can only be given once.

Saving lives..

Saving lives..

My dogs chased after a fawn…

They were right on top of it as it was crying in fear for its life.

I had just stepped out onto my back porch as I heard all of the commotion going on.

The fawn had somehow managed to get into my yard through a hole in my fence.

My dogs where in the back of my yard, over 200 yards away from where I was standing.

My dogs were about to rip the little fawn to pieces in front of my very eyes.

I recalled my dogs, as they both have a trained recall, they pulled off of the deer for a few seconds but the temptation of live prey that was in a vulnerable state was too much for my two powerful predators and they reengaged.

There was nothing I could do to save the poor thing from a brutal ending to its short lived life…

Except for the fact that I had my dogs on an E-collar…

I dialed it up to the highest setting and pressed down on the button.

My dogs immedialty knew that their failure to comply with my obedience command resulted in the immediate consequence.

They came shooting back to me without any hesitation or second thoughts about going after the fawn.

I placed them into a down so that I could go and check on the fawn.

To my relief the fawn had not been injured, although it was frightened out of its mind.

I was able to safely guide the fawn back into the woods from where it had come.

I share this story with you today because I have recently seen an influx of individuals who seek to make the use of E-collars illegal in the United States.

They make a wide variety of claims about how E-collars are harmful and abusive tools that shut a dog down.

They also make claims about how training using positive reinforcement is all you need to get a dog to listen to you.

My dogs are very well trained, better than most I would imagine.

But no matter how much training and positive reinforcement I use I cannot override the genetics of the dog to chase after and kill prey animals.

But I was able to control their genetic urges for a short time by using an E-collar in conjunction with trained obedience commands.

And at a distance of 200 yards…

And not just stopping a dog from chasing after a prey animal by bribing it with treats before it even begins to start the predatory sequence.

I was able to stop my dogs at their climax, when they had the prey animal right in their grasp.

The E-collar is a very powerful tool.

It is a life saving tool.

It is a tool that allows me to give my dogs a life where they can run free and be a dog.

But it is also a tool that allows me to control them in the moments where they need it the most.

People say that this tool is harmful and should be banned.

I think the fawn would disagree with those people.

🐕 Want to make a difference with the relationship you share with your dog?

✅ Join the free 11-day dog relationship challenge by clicking the link below.


Educational post:Understanding Pacifying behaviour

Educational post:
Understanding Pacifying behaviour

Pacifying behavior is all behavior with the function of decreasing or suppressing an opponent’s aggressive or dominant behavior or restoring a state of tranquility. accomplished multi International Champion, Ivan Balabanov is the leading voice and gl...

Highly accomplished multi International Champion, Ivan Balabanov is the leading voice and global advocate for the welfare, health and safety of dogs and dog owners.

It is well worth your time to listen to his presentation if you care about your dog, whether you are a dog sport competitor or simply enjoy your pet at home.

The Real Facts About Science Based Dog Training: A Training Without Conflict® PodcastArguments about dog training are reaching a boiling point and I decided ... pay close attention to this CRITICAL INFORMATION if you care about the...

Please pay close attention to this CRITICAL INFORMATION if you care about the wellbeing and COMPREHENSIVE WELFARE of your dog.

In this video, Ivan discusses a huge problem facing present day dog training.The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behaviorists along with the "Positive ...

Reviewing Victoria Stilwell as a "Positive Only and FF trainer".She is a member of APDT and IAABC."She is a vocal oppone...

Reviewing Victoria Stilwell as a "Positive Only and FF trainer".

She is a member of APDT and IAABC.

"She is a vocal opponent of punitive, dominance-based training techniques which often result in 'quick fixes' but ultimately cause more long-term harm than good while damaging the owner-dog relationship."

I respect that she at least had the savvy to send the dog and owner to TRUE PROFESSIONAL TRAINERS (who she admits and considers to be a resource for dog owners) and settled to train it afterwards not to respond to the door bell.

Tensions run high and Victoria Stilwell stays cautious as untrained Presa Canario shows unstable behaviour and lunges for the crew. Can Victoria teach this o...

A very interesting discussion between Ivan Balabanov and Dr Ian Dunbar.  At around the 1.07:00 mark in this discussion D...

A very interesting discussion between Ivan Balabanov and Dr Ian Dunbar.

At around the 1.07:00 mark in this discussion Dr Dunbar relates how he was the founder of APDT and admits that he was sadly instrumental in creating the rift between professional and competitive dog training and the positive only fun trainers by introducing "learning theory" which has spiraled into a continuous theory based argument in the dog training world.

Training Without Conflict Podcast Episode Four: Dr. Ian DunbarIn this episode, Ivan Balabanov interviews Veterinarian, animal behaviorist, and dog trainer, D...

RESPECT THE HANDLER AND RESPECT THE DOG.While you might feel that you love all dogs, understand and respect that not all...


While you might feel that you love all dogs, understand and respect that not all strange dogs will automatically love or even like you.

When the “Do Not Pet” signs are a little too subtle...

Membership in organisations like IACP is important to maintain credible standards in the global professional dog trainin...

Membership in organisations like IACP is important to maintain credible standards in the global professional dog training sector.

Overview: International Association of Canine Professionals


Understanding the types of dog aggression will assist many owners/handlers to manage and solve behavioural challenges.

FIT FOR PURPOSETo all owners who are caught between a rock and a hard place when they have to decide where to take their...

To all owners who are caught between a rock and a hard place when they have to decide where to take their puppy or adult dog for training. When they must decide which "model/method" of training they will embrace and employ for their four legged companion going forward, please consider this.

Training your dog (regardless of its age) needs to be FIT FOR PURPOSE. Remember that your dog is developing and learning all the time - and MUCH faster than we humans do.

Every dog deserves the opportunity to be shown what is expected of it, and guided to make the right choices/behaviour. Even in the most positive environment, when something is done incorrectly, or a poor choice is made - the dog must be "corrected" somehow - or there will be no "learning" end of story.

Because of our complex reasoning ability, emotion as we humans experience it, does not serve the same purpose or function as it does in animals, who have a very basic or limited reasoning ability.

Whether you are with holding or feeding treats, or using your voice as praise or a correction - there is always "cause and effect", "action and reaction" - these, applied timeously and in suitable measure remains the pivot on which all training success hinges.

Dogs deal with the situation at hand - they do not spend endless time debating which is the better way to reach an objective. They simply do what is required to get the result they want in the easiest and fastest way.

By NOT giving dogs CLEAR rules, boundaries and structure and smothering them with excessive displays of affection and humanisation (anthropomorphisising) of the dog - creates generalised confusion which leads to insecurity which could manifest in nervous or reactive behaviour - which is the precursor of potential disaster.

Please consider and understand why all training MUST BE FIT FOR PURPOSE

Animal Behavior. Animal Training. Dog training. The best online courses. Certification programs. Free videos and articles. Free online courses.


DOMINANT behaviour (dominance) and the resulting fall-out of "Positive ONLY" dog (animal) training methods.

The only thing that was "debunked" is the "terminology" used.
If you don't want to use the word "dominant/dominance" (if it offends your delicate sensibilities) - you can say "doughnut" too for all I care, but the BEHAVIOUR exhibited, and the effect thereof - will still be the same...

In nature among animals - their BEHAVIOUR (reality) of dominance positions in groups and the enforcement of these roles (ALPHA POSITIONS) are still VERY REAL and happening as we speak.

Please STOP believing everything that is written on a piece of paper AND START LOOKING (AND SEEING)!!! for yourself. Have you ever wondered where the phrase "pecking order" came from? Even chickens have structure and rules and boundaries within which they function.

And yes, I read all these (one sided) "scientific studies" and "peer reviewed papers", uugghhh...

Until these "scientists" (mostly psychologists) get the animals they "study" to CONFIRM or DENY any of their "theories/assumptions' - these "findings" will be nothing other than their (the "scientists") newly SKEWED (sponsored) "theories" and "assumptions" - (and we all know what is said of assumption - right...?)

These theories are manipulated or made to fit their human opinions and fallible agendas.

Animals are NOT humans.
They are HARD WIRED differently.

Stop insisting to bubble wrap everything people.
Nature is not always "positive only" or "warm and fuzzy"


Personal protection training naturally follows excellent confidence building in pups and young dogs, establishing clear rules boundaries and structured obedience combined with unwavering respect of the leadership provided by the handler.


It’s the final day to enter and stand a chance of winning a Suzuki Swift GLX AND 125cc Burgman Scooter.! Make it
count and buy as many raffle tickets as you can! 🎟

Click the link in our bio and get your raffle ticket now! Otherwise, wishing you a happy NYE with your loved ones!


Best wishes for a very happy and healthy 2023, aim for the EXCEPTIONAL rather than the usual!

Well worth the read

Well worth the read

Snake bites are a common summer danger to dogs. Here's what pet owners need to know.


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