I grew up with cats and dogs. When I was knee high to a grasshopper my next door neighbour had 21 dogs.. Bless her heart... she loved every one of those dogs and her whole day was spent in walking them! She was a lovely lady. 21 dogs and goodness knows how many rabbits! Her pets lived in every room of the house except the kitchen.. and that's where she lived.. in the kitchen! My parents got our first cat, a guaranteed mouse catcher, because Mrs Alan.. our neighbour, kept the newspaper for the rabbits cages and their food down in the cellar and mice migrated from her cellar into ours. I left home and got my own cat.. a little black kitten I named Pip Squeak, whom lived until he was 21 years old. Since he died I've had quite a few cats and kittens (not to mention dogs, rabbits, gerbils, mice, fish, fancy rats and even snails!!) but never had to raise any of them like I have done with these 'Dustcart Kittens' and it's an amazing feeling! Even though they are so young, they are more 'attached' to me and more loving then any cat I have ever owned. It's been tiring work being a 'mummy cat' to them.. but wow... it's so rewarding! I feel sorry for the little guys not having a proper mum to snuggle up to.. I feed them, give them cuddles, stroke them and play with them and so I guess they think of me as their mum. When I have to leave them alone though, they get upset and meow for me to go back to them and now if they hear my voice they'll meow for me... and purr when I do... which is kinda sad, but I can't snuggle up with them all day like a proper mummy cat would!! I never in my wildest dreams would have thought I'd have to raise two week old kittens.. I thought my days of bottle feeding were well and truly over!! But I'm so pleased that I found these little guys, they are now giving me the most wonderful & rewarding experience I've had since the birth of my own children! I thank you Dusty, Rocket and Phoenix for coming into my life (turning it upside down slightly!) and adopting me as your mum.. you are all little fighters & the cutest little kittys ever! ###