Cowboys & Angels Horse Rescue, Fndn.

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Cowboys & Angels Horse Rescue, Fndn. NOTICE: Cowboys & Angels is dormant and not actively operating at this time. If this status changes, Anything can and will help! YOU TOO CAN HELP!!

Here is some words on how you too can help:

Cowboys & Angels Horse Rescue NEEDS YOU!! :)

Ok Y'all....simply put, in the pursuit of getting 100% up and running we are still in need of building supplies, general supplies, hay and of course extra funding. THANK YOU ALL who have already helped in any way!! And thank you all who help now and forever! No matter where you live, ride, work or play and n

o matter if you have items or not!! You CAN help....keep reading and see how

Many people have been contacting us saying they wish they could help, but aren't sure how/if they could...well let us help you to do that ... keep in mind that having a horse rescue isn't a "Farm Beauty" contest, we sometimes have to build what we can to shelter the horses, no matter what it looks like therefore, ANYTHING helps and is more then we have!! WAYS YOU CAN HELP:

Spreading the word:
* Sometimes you may not have any items but people you know might, so tell EVERYBODY about our horse rescue
* Visit our page, click "LIKE" & "SHARE" to help our page grow and spread the word
* Post on your wall about our horse rescue (including the link) to let people know we are getting started and could use their help too
* "Share" our posts on your wall regularly for all your friends/contacts to see

Donating items:
* Bring items to our place and drop them off (contact for directions)
* Let us know you have an item or items and we will gladly drive to your place to pick them up
* Donate non horse items of value that we can sell with proceeds going to the rescue (vehicles, equipment, household items, etc., basically anything of value)

Items can be anything you would normally associate with horse ranches like hay/feed, horse/cattle/hog panels, barn metal, barn lumber, tack, de-wormers, vet supplies, etc, to many things you may not realize could help!! Such as chain link gates/items, landscape timbers, lattice, ANY lumber, wooden pallets, nails, screws, metal (siding, roofing, corrugated tin, etc), rakes, pitch forks, buckets, big barrels, water hoses, etc. and so much more...there are so many things that can help and ANYTHING is always appreciated!! Donating gift cards to supply stores:
* You could purchase a gift card to one or more of various stores that sell any of the needed items and then donate the card(s) to us to go buy what we need at that moment
* Samples: Farm stores such as Tractor Supply Company, Atwoods, Orschelins, CO-OP's etc.. Building supply stores such as Lowes, Sutherlands, etc. Also, Wal-Mart cards are helpful because many office/operating supplies can be purchased there...

Donating money:
* We will be setting up many different ways to allow monetary donations through our webpage (once completed), online through Paypal and other methods. In the meantime please contact us if you wish to make a monetary donation. And remember that you can help simply by visiting our page and click "LIKE" & "SHARE" to share our page on your wall. You can also help by sharing THIS post (click "SHARE" below) on your wall to help us spread the word and hopefully find more GREAT people out there with a huge heart that have items they will donate




We at Cowboys & Angels Horse Rescue have been sitting dorment for nearly 2 years. There were many reasons we make this choice, and we are not sure when/if we will go operational again. If we do, we will posts updates immediately.

We just wanted to make this update post to let everyone know, since we've been sitting dorment, we have not kept up on messages, contacts, posts etc. Please do not take our silence personal, we have not been checking any of them in quite a while.

Thank you all for your past and constant support and HAPPY RIDING! :-)

HELP IS NEEDED!! If anyone is near Cleveland Oklahoma area and would be able help it would be appreciated!A gal named Be...

HELP IS NEEDED!! If anyone is near Cleveland Oklahoma area and would be able help it would be appreciated!
A gal named Beth has a horse that got loose and is missing. She believes he is running loose on a 300 acre crop land parcel. She cannot cover that amount of ground alone and is hoping to organize a "search ride" of sorts to look for him. We are unable to get down there to help her, but am posting this in hopes of spreading the word out to folks that can help!
This is all the info we know at this time, please contact Beth directly @ (918) 861-8948 to offer help, ask questions, etc. And PLEASE share this as much as possible to help spread the word!
Thank you all!

These ponies need good new homes!! :)They are not rescue horses, nor are they our horses...just some good folks that nee...

These ponies need good new homes!! :)

They are not rescue horses, nor are they our horses...just some good folks that need to sell their ponies so we offered to SHARE on our rescue wall and help spread the word :)

Any and all contact/questions should be directed to Ranae that posted them here...

If not interested, could y'all at least SHARE the post as well and help out?? Very appreciated :)

I have a gelding and a mare for sale 500$ has had some ground work done and is halter broke. They both a just a little skittish at first but they love affection. They are half welsh and half quarter horse no papers they are about 12/13 HH if you are looking for a project these are your horses ! The mare stands for hoof cleaning and the gelding only will let you clean his front hoofs he's more stubborn then the mare. They follow each other around an will follow you. They are easy to holler up from the pasture. They are very nosey they are fun little horses we dont want to separate them becuase they have been together since they were born. The mare is 2 years old and the gelding is 3. If you have any information shoot me a pm the brown and white one is the gelding and the other is the mare located in afton ok


Starting to get hot out there!! Remember to keep clean, fresh water readily available for all your horses and outside critters!! :)

FLAME getting to know her new Dad and good buddy! :)Safely made trip to new home!

FLAME getting to know her new Dad and good buddy! :)
Safely made trip to new home!

FLAME saying "Come on come on, where are you??!! :) she's watching for a trailer to arrive!

FLAME saying "Come on come on, where are you??!! :) she's watching for a trailer to arrive!

WAR is loving the grass greening!!! :)

WAR is loving the grass greening!!! :)


We've got to do a little fence/corral building to start this Spring out well and could some funding help. So should we do another round of Rescue Shirts? Or hold a benefit BBQ? Or what do you think?
And if majority picks shirts: should we do T-shirts again or tank tops for Spring??
Give us all your thoughts!


FLAME gets her new owner and home tomorrow!!!
So happy for her!! :)


Weather is improving and many great days coming for riding and horsin'round!! :)

Time to start getting gear cleaned, oiled and ready for season!

We hope everyone gets lots of horse time early this Spring!!

If you have a rescue horse, post pics of you with your horse and success story!! :)


Anyone near Afton have a tractor with big bucket or skid loader, free time tomorrow morning and have a huge heart wanting to help out?? :)



Isn't it amazing how people watch from a distance, refuse to get involved when things are happening, judge, then start vicious and negative rumors when bad things happen, no matter what GOOD you are trying to do?? WOW!!

Ok let me say this to all the GOOD AND GRACIOUS FOLLOWERS of Cowboys & Angels Horse Rescue: THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for your amazing and continued support!! You are ALL very appreciated!! :)

Now to all the jackasses that sit back and judge and make sure their only involvement is negative and vicious I say simply; KISS MY ASS...we have better things to do than let you judge us or try to bring us down. If you have a problem with that, come tell me personally :) I don't care one ounce about you or your BS...especially when you'd never lend a finger to help anyone or any animal yourself any way!

To anyone GOOD I have just offended, I won't apologize for my words because I am free, over 21 and will not ever stand for fools trying to involve us in any negative. I will however apologize for offending you, if I have. It was never my attention.

Now for offical horse updates...

We did just have 2 horses get sick and not make it. Unfortunately that happens sometimes with horses, especially rescue horses. We do not believe in making things over dramatic, so we don't go into details mostly. It is sad enough already :( sorry, we're not drama creators or hoarders out for image who are gonna post tons of BS negative. We'll frown and move forward to continue helping horses while we miss those who didn't make it. We prefer to save our energy and posts for the GOOD sides of rescue work!! :)

Snickerdoodle followers:

Snicker's owners found him a permanent home quite a while back, closer to Lex's home so he has not been out here for some time now. He is doing good at his new home near Lex!! :)

Thank you all for your continued support!! :)

Best Regards,

David "APE" Howard
Owner: Cowboys & Angels Horse Rescue


We cannot wait for warmer weather so we can all do more horsey activities!!! :)
Ready to ride!!

Thrive on!

Thrive on!


Hope everyone is staying warm and safe and keeping them critters the same in this out of the ordinary yucky weather!!! :)


Question for EVERYONE:

Who wouldn't want to feel amazing for FREE while saving money?? smile emoticon

Take the time to read this right now....

It's not exactly a horse story...but, everything we do in life is based off HOW WELL we live our life!! So in that case....this absolutely pertains to any topic, person or page :)

When thinking about affording living better with Thrive, think about it in relative terms...
Most people average $8-$14 per day on items such as coffee, snacks, drive thrus, morning breakfast burritos, quick fast food lunches/dinners, energy drinks, and more...
Well Thrive breaks down to approx $5 per day total....and Thrive for the majority curbs cravings and appetites and desires for all the caffeine extras!
Plus Thrive fills the nutritional gaps in everybody's fast paced once getting going on Thrive, most people STOP all the bad items listed above, SAVE MONEY and start living and feeling better!!!
Add to that the fact that you can quite easily and quickly earn your product for FREE...I haven't had to "buy" my Thrive since the first purchase and I won't have to again....AND....well, who wouldn't want to feel amazing for FREE while saving money?? ... just sayin smile emoticon

TIMING IS EVERYTHING!! Now IS the time to make that choose to LIVE the Premium Lifestyle!

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!
1: Visit and watch the video to learn what you WILL experience.
2: Click "customer" to sign up for FREE creating your FREE account with no obligation.
3: "LIKE" the Le-Vel page and go read all the info and testimonials of every day folks who's lives have been changed forever. It CAN and WILL help you in so many areas of your life!

THRIVE can help with many areas of your life:
• Weight Management • Cognitive Performance • Joint Support • Pain Management • Anti-Aging & Antioxidant Blend • Lean Muscle Support • Digestive & Immune Support • Intensified Workouts • Mental Clarity • Appetite Control • And so much more!

Go follow 1,2,3 and then message me on how to get samples or how to take the leap and order to get your Thrive 8 Week Experience kicked off right!! smile emoticon I am so confident you will love Thrive and it WILL do wonderful for you, that I will offer to buy back ANY unused product from anyone's initial orders! So you truly have nothing to lose and everything to gain!


STAY WARM AND SAFE TODAY with this yucky weather!! PLUS definitely make sure all your critters have good shelter/cover, lotsa hay & fresh water at all times!!
Playing in the snow is fun with your horseys too! Just be careful and enjoy! :)


Whether you're a performance horse rider and need that extra energy and focus, trail rider, stay at home parent that's exhausted at end of day when everyone else is ready to ride, horse person that wants to lose a bit of weight to fit more comfy in that saddle or the one who goes out working long days than still needs energy to ride at nights, this is a "MUST CHECK OUT"!!
I know you may be thinking the rescue wall might not be the spot for this post, but I know The THRIVE 8 Week Experience can and will help many of you too, so I feel obligated to share!
Le-Vel is the fastest growing company of it's kind in U.S. history for one main reason; The Preimum Products Work! Le-Vel has already been called the Nike of Nutrition!
I could go on and on, but SEEING is believing!! And it's as simple as 1, 2, 3!
1: Visit & watxh the short pop-up video to see what you will experience and how Le-Vel and THRIVE are changing lives every day!
2: Sign up for a FREE customer account! It truly is FREE with no obligation!
3: "LIKE" the Le-Vel page (link at bottom right of page after video & sign-up). There you will find so much than I could ever tell you!!
It's that easy!! You will see that it IS time for you to make the choice to live The Premium Lifestyle with Le-Vel and THRIVE!! :)
TIMING IS EVERYTHING!! Message me after signing up and let me know you seen this on Cowboys & Angels Horse Rescue and ask how to get FREE samples for your personal 3 day mini-experience!!! :)
You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by checking it out and signing up for FREE!


HOWDY Y'ALL!!! Don't be upset at me...I just cannot hold back...I must post this....too excited not to share...usually only put this on my personal wall....but I just KNOW there are so many of you out there that CAN benefit from reading this.... :)

A few hours ago I was on a company was amazing and I am even more excited then I ever thought I could be about my health, wealth, my family's future and the future of Cowboys & Angels!!!!!!!

Let me give you a very brief summary to include 3 things:

2: Tomorrow morning there will be an AWESOME announcement and video posted!!
3: If you keep scrolling right on past all my Le-Vel & THRIVE Experience posts, then you did not absorb # 1 and # 2, you will most likely let yourself be left behind, and soon you will be seeing this explosion everywhere and be thinking to yourself: I knew I should have paid attention to David "APE"!! ...sign up, it's FREE to sign up...enough said ...


As long as no unforeseen items come up tomorrow, Snickerdoodle will be moving to his new and permanent home :)
We have loved having him here and he's been great!! We wish him and Lex all the best with his new home!

HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!!! We hope last year was great and this year is even better for each and every one of you!!

HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!!! We hope last year was great and this year is even better for each and every one of you!!


I came home tonight to find a large box full of great items sent as a donation to the rescue!!! What a wonderful surprise and gesture of support!!
My wife and kids received the box while I was out today and saved it as a surprise for once I got home :)
Thank you Kellie from Sapulpa!!! Your donations, support and generosity are VERY appreciated!! The items will be of great use! :)


3500 "LIKE"s by New Year's???!!
I bet with EVERYONE'S HELP we could gallop right past that goal!!
Already over 3300!! So let's do this!!
SHARE SHARE SHARE our page everywhere, tell everyone you know, help spread the word and help our page grow!!!! Together we CAN reach the next goal!! :)


Ok round bales out, horses happy, kids had a blast and we got a little pasture clean-up accomplished :)
Would have gotten y'all some horsey pics but it's drizzling pretty bad and didnt want phone wet lol
We'll get some posted again soon :)

We're out driving pasture today in the drizzle cleaning up trash that blows in etc...silly boys decided they wanted to r...

We're out driving pasture today in the drizzle cleaning up trash that blows in etc...silly boys decided they wanted to ride on bumber and hold I gave them a reason to hold on!!!!! :) couldn't help lead foot and evil side took over for a few hundred feet or so-ish :)
But hey, they're having a blast while I get them to clean up the pasture...WIN/WIN!!! :)


Time to get a couple more big round bales todays (more if price is right)...if anyone near Afton has any they wish to sell us, possibly at a discount, let us know within the next couple hours :)
Can post here or text 918-325-7969...


The folks that found and pastured this lost horse were able to make contact with owner's family early this morning as well!

The folks that found him don't Facebook so they asked us to send out a HUGE thank you to all that helped! They said it's wonderful that good folks are still out there willing to help!! :)

From our side we are so happy to be part of a great "network" of folks that can take a bad situation, jump right in and help spread the word quickly and HELP when there are horses and horse folks in need!!
Thank you to ALL our followers for your help and continued support! :)


Who's ready for Christmas?? :)
We hope you've got all your Christmas shopping done so you can relax and enjoy the season!

We've got a few here that are ready for their new loving forever home and what a wonderful Christmas present they would make someone! Whether for yourself or a loved one, adopting a rescue horse is a perfect Christmas gift for the horse and new owner!! :)

Flame, Duke & Charlie are all ready for their perfect Christmas gift; their new home! :)

For more details on each: check out previous posts with their pictures and info and/or message us through this page :)

Merry Christmas and as always, Thank You All for your wonderful continued support!


Howdy ALL!!! Hope you are all doing well and having a great December so far!! :)

We have a Horses for Lex and Snickerdoodle update for everyone.
First we will state: As a rescue in the public eye supported in many ways by the public and wonderful followers, we wish to always provide updates to the best of our abilities for those who inquire. We also wish to keep things as positive as possible and not involve ourselves or allow others to involve us in anything negative, whether it's about us or others we are associated with.
With that said, we recently received a private inquiry in regards to Snickerdoodle and Horses for Lex. We responded to that inquiry, but also feel we should post our response, for two reasons: 1) So there can never be any confusion or miscommunication as to the words we said. 2) To become our official statement to ALL followers and supporters of our rescue and the Horses for Lex/Snickerdoodle story as to our stand on our method of operation and our involvement with Snickerdoodle and Horses for Lex.
We do not like involving ourselves in other folks' business, nor do we like others involving us in such situations, except as necessary when pertaining to our rescue operation. We fill our response to the mentioned inquiry is the best way to state our stand on how we operate and what we will tolerate and/or provide to public.
We do not wish this post, in its entirety or in part, to be taken as anything negative or as in us "starting" any issues. In fact it isnmeant to do exactly the opppsite. Its intentions is to show people we appreciate their support but will not tolerate anything that could even appear "to not be on the level" as folks say.
Thank you all for your support and understanding!

Here is our response quoted and pasted, with the person's name removed (please forgive misspellings and typos):

"name left out", I understand your concern. Here is our statement in reply to your private message in regards to the Sieverts and the Horses for Lex funds. I/we will not be any part of any legal action from you or any direction. I/We will also not tolerate and private messaging trying to "quietly" involve us in any gossip, actions, or other hidden agendas by anyone. Nor will I/We allow our names/business to be involved in anything fraudulent or to be ranndown by anyone. We know of nothing fraudulent happening and we have not been made aware of our name or business being brought into anything fraudulent. We won't involve ourselves in details of their lives or public perception of their lives, nor will we involve ourselves in any inquiries from you or others about their lives. Now with that being said, since the entire Horses for Lex page and Snickerdoodle himself were supported by media and many wonderful people who do follow the story, we as Cowboys & Angels Horse Rescue will publicly confirm (by yes or no only) any posted inquiries on the care of Snickerdoodle and expenses paid towards his care while on our property. So anyone, including you, may post on our rescue wall any time inquiring about Snickerdoodle updates, pics and recent supplies provided through his donated funds; we will be happy to provide such updates on Snickerdoodle to the best of our abilities and knowledge any time.
As for you private messaging us asking for details on or about the Sierverts or Snickerdoodle's funds use, we feel that is entirely inappropriate and we will not reply to another such message after this one. Our opinion is, with this already being publicly followed on many pages, if you feel your inquiries must be "hidden" in private messages versus posted publicly, it does not feel appropriate in any way. So from here forward, post your inquiries for all to see, or cease the inquiries involving us.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Also note: this reply of ours will be sent to the Sieverts and we will post it on our wall for public viewing so that between us, you, the Sierverts and the public, there will never be a misunderstanding or miscommunication of what we have said to you here.
From here forward Cowboys & Angels Horse Rescue will only be involved in positive updates, actions and otherwise in regards to Horse for Lex and Snickerdoodle. Pleasendo not try to involve us in anything that is not a "positive". Thank you and everyone else for helping on this matter.

Cold day riding lesson with our Baby Girl Talitha :)Her old saddle is a bit too small for her now lol but still she and ...

Cold day riding lesson with our Baby Girl Talitha :)
Her old saddle is a bit too small for her now lol but still she and Princess did great!


How quickly do you think we could all organize a "chili supper" fundraiser event?? :)
Had thought of doing it awhile back but got swamped with life! lol

Any local followers/supporters wanna cook/donate some chili for an event to help out? Thought of a great way to find "Flame" a new home as a Christmas present while having a fundraiser Chili Supper! :) Could have the supper and several items raffled with final raffle being "Flame"! Of course we'd do a "check" on winner to ensure they'd be a good home for her and there'd still be an adoption contract...but could be great way for someone to get their family a great horse in time for Christmas (inexpensively) while getting Flame a new loving forever home!!

Anyways...y'all tell us your interests in such an event happening very soon...if there's enough interests, we could make it happen I'm sure! :)




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