SouthPaw Training LLC

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SouthPaw Training LLC Southpaw Training LLC, Certified Master Trainer, Group and Private classes. Offering Basic - Off Le We do behavior modification.

Certified Master Trainer Barbara Day is a graduate of National K-9 School of Dog Trainers and is certified in all levels of :
• Obedience - All levels Basic through Off Leash
• Behavior Modification
• Puppy training
• Tracking
• Scent and Drug Detection
• Assistance / Service Dog
• Police Service Dog
• Puppy / Litter Temperament Testing
• Conform

• Certified K9 First Aid and CPR
• and has trained and studied with many of the top trainers and methods. We have classes in Basic obedience throught off-leash, Rally Obedience, and Freestyle Obedience.

Thank you for your interest in SouthPaw Training LLC.  Unfortunately, we are still having problems with Facebook therefo...

Thank you for your interest in SouthPaw Training LLC. Unfortunately, we are still having problems with Facebook therefore we are unable to view or respond to Inbox inquiries and/or comments.

For information on our training or to book a class, please visit our website at For more information, you can call or text us at 832-722-7044.

We apologize for any inconveniences and we look forward to speaking with you about our dog training classes!

Thank you.

Dog training. Obedience training. Multi-level training. Call us to learn more about our discounts.

I am not back open as of yet.  I am working on a new website, Facebook back and a new Booking system.  Still working on ...

I am not back open as of yet. I am working on a new website, Facebook back and a new Booking system. Still working on videos as well. I am hoping to be back open in January- the first part. I will post it, as well as sending out emails. Unless that quits working as well.


Well, so far I have my Facebook coming up most of the way. The "Inbox" still cannot be opened. Please contact me by email or text or phone call. I have people still working on getting it fixed. This can make you pull you hair out. At least I have notifications working so I can get the you posted something, but not all of it. Use a different method to contact me please. If you text, please sign it.


I apologize for the Facebook issues I am having. The issues are being researched. For information please go to my website or call. My "in box" will not open. Thank you

The Intermediate / Advanced Level training will be changing format for our programs on September 5.  The Intermediate/Ad...

The Intermediate / Advanced Level training will be changing format for our programs on September 5. The Intermediate/Advanced level class, will be split into two sessions on Saturday's. The first class will be at 8:30 AM and the second at 10:30 AM, in order to comply with the smaller groups of 10. If one or both of the sessions get full to 10, it will be necessary to make a reservation for one of the sessions. with an opening or be on a wait list until an opening comes available.

This class is as it always has been an indoor /outdoor class, weather depending on in or out. We are not allowing drop-ins at this time, allowing control of the amount of students per class. This class has been very popular this year and has grown bigger than what they suggest for the Covid situation.

Trick Training will be set at 9:30 AM, between the two previously listed sessions and is 30 minutes. If you are registered in the second session and want to attend the Trick class, you will need to come at 9:30. Here again, it will be necessary to have a reservation for this class.

The class schedule will be starting September 5:

Intermediate/Advanced Session 1 8:30 - 9:30
Trick Dog Training 9:30 - 10:00
Intermediate/Advanced Session 2 10:30 - 11:30

As of now the Rally Obedience class is the same time, but will be limited to 10 people in the class. Rally is Tuesday's evenings at 6:30 PM and must have a reservation made prior to admittance to the class. Right now we are almost full again.

SouthPaw Training is in the process of having online classes available. Keep checking back for information about these classes. We hope to get this worked out soon.

If you have any question about any of the classes, please give us a call - 832-722-7044.


SouthPaw Training is changing the class set up for Basic Obedience. We have reduced the size of the Group classes to make it safer and more inline with the Covid recommendations.

We are now trying a 4 student/dog class, making it less to worry about in a group setting. This class will be a 1 dog, 1 person limit, unless you are signing up for 2 dogs. If a student signs up for 2 dogs, you will need to have second person come and handle the second dog. This will give students more time in training and help the students and their dogs learn more from each week's exercises. I hope this will also make future clients more relaxed and feel safer with the smaller class sizes.

Right now we are experiencing a large number of students requesting to progress into the Intermediate/Advanced (I/A) level. We are working on a way to offer this program to all students who wish to attend. Dividing the class by Intermediate and then Advanced is an option. There are only 4 students currenlty in the Advanced level. That leaves 11 students in the Intermediate level, which is not an ideal number to work with. We are contemplating offering an evening class, but that does not leave much sunlight to work in, as this is an indoor/outdoor class.

While we are working out the details, we have started a waiting list for the I/A class on Saturday. If you wish to attend the I/A class and want to be on the wait list, please contact us. When texting, please make sure you sign your text, so I can identify who is sending the text.


I would like to say what a wonderful job my students are doing. For the most part everyone who has come back from Covid Stay Home, has stayed with their training for their dog. I am proud of my students that have completed their 6-week class and have gotten their Star Puppy Certificate or for the older ones are nearly ready to get the CGC.

The Covid has put stress on all the classes, yet the students are hanging in a still working very hard at their goal. It is nice to see the ones that stay with it and complete the training -how much more their dogs grown. The graduates have dogs that do not bark and lunge at other dogs.

The Basic Obedience graduates are on their way to working toward being off leash trained and/or beginning to have fun learning Trick Dog Training - to get a title through AKC here a SouthPaw Training, working on learning Rally Obedience to learn more difficult maneuvering.

It is exciting to see my students go from class on Day 1, to now working on Tricks, Rally, or Off Leash. Keep up the good work. Love the fine work.


I hate to get on a rampage about aggressive dogs, but this year is especially bad. I cannot go one week without getting calls or a dog in my class that is aggressive. The sad part is that a very few acknowledge their dog has a problem, but most are oblivious to the fact. So many people say when their dog lunges at a person or another dog, that the dog is just wanting to play. Do your children do that? That is a sign of aggression and poor behavior.

Please understand that I used to be the only trainer that took aggressive dogs and tried to work it out. Now they are more aggressive and more of them. People are not socializing them or they take them to the "Dog Parks" and turn them lose. This does not teach them how to act correctly. You have to work in a stable environment, with stable dogs to teach the correct manners.

Aggression is a bad behavior. It is not an Alpha dog pushing others around. Alphas do not need to do that. We also are not teaching pack relations with other dogs or even in our supposed domestication. Most owners are trying to baby their dogs, because "they do not want to hurt their feelings" or "afraid my dog won't love me". It all starts with RESPECT, they need to respect their domain and pack members (humans or dogs).

Domesticating a dog is teaching them how to learn to live in a human society. Make our rules, boundaries and limitations. They do not know how to live with humans, until you show it to them and make a rule - Live by my rules, set a boundary, and make a limitation that you followed through. They honestly will love and enjoy their life more. Give it a try. The method of showing your dog what you want, set a rule with limitations and make it clear. They can or cannot do something.

When someone (trainer, veterinarian or neighbor) asks you, "is your dog aggressive" - be clearly honest. If you do not know ask a trainer or professional. Learn the signs. They are not just playing when they lunge and bark or growl. The tail wagging is not always an indication he is happy. I depends on how the tail is wagging and where it is located while it is wagging. The liability of owning an aggressive dog can be astronomically shocking. It can change your whole life, if you are not careful.

One more thing, MOST trainers that I have talked with, are not accepting aggressive dogs. The liability to them, their employees and others in the classes, is just to high. I do not work with aggressive and do not allow them in my classes. I cannot afford the liability to a human or another dog. Don't ask to bring an aggressive dog or evade the truth. You will be excused from the class.


Since opening back up from the Covid-19 Stay Home, it has been overwhelming. I am thankfully busy. I am though concerned about the amount of aggressive dog issues I am getting.

My concern is for everyone who does not know the legal ramification, that can come from owning a dog that bites or becomes aggressive scaring people. First, I do not work with or let aggressive dogs in any of my classes. Second, I do not know of any trainers that I have called out for this, that will work with aggressive dogs. It is a costly and very expensive for a facility to have people working or around aggressive dogs. And Third there are possible fines from the authorities, Homeowners Insurance is usually lost and there is always to high possibility of Civil lawsuits, over damages and/or medical bills. The behavior of your dog can be costly.

I have turned away 6 dogs this month, that have bitten people and have had calls about training for them. If the dog is over a year old or older, the longer the dog goes and the more bites he has given - the harder it is to change that dog from his behaviors. Then, there is the cost to try to train the behaviors out of the dog. It takes a lot of behavior training and usually a great expense. No guarantee can be given, as to if or even how far the dog will change the behaviors. It depends on how strong the fears are and if the dog is willing to change.

I wish there was a magic wand to wave over them, but that does not exist. I myself will not keep an aggressive dog, nor will i give it to a rescue. As sad as it is, there is no choice in my mind on dogs that bite. There are way too many good dogs being destroyed and too many bad dogs being give a home.

Think about your decisions, it is not an easy thing to contemplate - it may be an unfortunate necessity.


Those coming to any classes please remember we can only have 1 person per dog. Unfortunately with have to do social distancing there is not enough room for more one person to attend. Please respect this an do not bring your children. I am sorry for this since I have always allowed family members, but at this time that is not possible.

Hi, Welcome to SouthPaw Training.  This is Griffon, my Happy Boy.  Just wanted to say we will be opening up on May 9th f...

Hi, Welcome to SouthPaw Training. This is Griffon, my Happy Boy.

Just wanted to say we will be opening up on May 9th for the first class and starting Monday 11th we are opening up the Basic Levels and Rally.

Come join us! We would love to have you as part of the SouthPaw Training family.

Come check us out!We are looking forward to opening up and seeing everyone back and to welcome all the newcomers.  We ha...

Come check us out!

We are looking forward to opening up and seeing everyone back and to welcome all the newcomers.

We have some new classes coming available quite soon after we reopen. Give us a call or check out our website, if you are looking for the Basics for your new member to your family. SouthPaw Training is the only training facility to give a training book with our program. The training book is written for our program and gives you extra help to keeping you on spot with each week of the program. Everything you learn in class that is demonstrated, is followed up with all the information and illustrations to keep you on top.

After the Basic Obedience class, we offer two other levels of training obedience - Intermediate and Off-leash levels. The next levels work on distractions and control for Off-leash.

SouthPaw Training also offers Rally Obedience for those who are interested in giving your dog some extra little mental stimulation. Rally is a good way to add more than just Heel, Sit, Down, Stay and Come. It is a course the is numbered to follow the signs and learn more ways to do obedience.

We also offer Trick Dog training for extra fun and you can get a Trick Dog title. You can earn the titles at SouthPaw Training for the Trick Dog and all the CGC (Canine Good Citizen) levels.

SouthPaw Training has a daytime class for those who would like to learn Freestyle or learn to move to the music, with you dog.

As the process goes along to reopen up our economy and get it moving again, there will be certain businesses that will o...

As the process goes along to reopen up our economy and get it moving again, there will be certain businesses that will open sooner than others. I am preparing to hear at what point we are able to open to have classes. The price everyone will have to pay to do this is Manditory face masks in all businesses for sometime. We may also have to decrease the amount of persons that can be allowed at Training classes at one time. As I will be able to open, face masks will also be a requirement for entry to any class. I also want to ask for the respect for everyone, that if you have been ill or have had the Covid-19 virus or been tested positive or have a family members - that is not past the 14 day period of showing no sign, no cough, no temperature, that you call prior and tell SouthPaw Training of this. Please do not come to class with a cold, cough or any other sign of illness from you or your immediate members of your household. I thank you all for complying with this. Remember face masks are manditory at SouthPaw Training/Barbara Day.


I have spent the last 3 weeks trying to get setup to do videoing for my classes, to only find that everything I need is being shipped and waiting for the shipments to finally come in. Shipping anything almost, gets delayed. This is beyond frustrating.


Is anybody as ready for this Virus to end, as I am. I frustrated with not having my business open, while all along trying to get online classes setup. Everytime I think I have it and all is set, I am missing some detail to be able to start it. In know all of my students that are waiting on their class to be completed are confused and don't know which way to go. So am I. I am trying to solve or come up with some solutions. It is just that I didn't have any of the right equipment to readily start videoing the online classes or even demonstrate anything. I am working on it and hopefully I will be able to start soon. Thanks for the wait, everyone. I hope it ends soon. Touch base with me if you need any help or have any questions.

Griffon and I are working on him learning how to play Hide and Go Seek.  Only difference, He is supposed to go hide.  Th...

Griffon and I are working on him learning how to play Hide and Go Seek. Only difference, He is supposed to go hide. The only problem Is, Griffon thinks that if he hides his head behind a tree - that it is good enough. So I pretend I cannot see him when his head is behind the tree. When he looks around the tree to see if I am coming I say; "I see you" and he runs. He thinks it is great. The stuff toy Woodstock is his reward. He is such a little boy, only in mindset, not in size.

Play games with you dogs they love it. Make new ones up to make it different.

SouthPaw Training was hoping to open back up for classes by the first of April, but it does not look like this is going ...

SouthPaw Training was hoping to open back up for classes by the first of April, but it does not look like this is going to be able to work out. As it looks I may not be able to resume classes until the end of April. I am trying to figure out what I can do to help my students that are in the classes waiting to complete the course.

Please feel free to contact me for any assistance with your class training or any issues you may be having. I know this is frustrating. It is for me as well. Keep checking back in with me on Facebook. I will notify my students that are waiting to finish their class, as soon as I can come up with a solution. I will set dates for new classes on line as soon as permitted. Until that time all classes have pending dates.
Thank you. Barbara


Just wanted to let everyone know, SouthPaw Training is waiting to hear that we can start classes back with the safety of all our students, their family and mine in mind.

This is difficult on everyone and I appreciate all of my students being tolerent of this unforseen situation. This is a very stressing and trying time for everyone medically and financially.

I hope all is well with everyone and the stay at home is working well. I am taking the time to do daily training with my 18mth Curly, Griffon. He is still headstrong and hardheaded at times. I am working to get him off-leash trained, so I am working along with all of you to achieve my goals this year.

If any of you have any questions about your class, or are having trouble with the work - give me a call or drop me a text.

I look forward to getting back to class soon. Be well. Barbara


As of March 13, 2020 I unfortunately suspended classes for a brief period of time. I set the date to hopefully be able to reopen, by March 31 and resume classes. That date is still my goal. I hope by then this virus has calmed down enough for some sort of normality.

I hope that I can still get the classes set back on an even flow again. If you are in a class that is suspended, we will resume where we left off. If you are wanting to book a new class, you can do so and if we need to reschedule the date, that can be done easily. Please feel free to give me a call on any questions you may have about your training.

If you have any question on any new upcoming training, I will be glad to help answer those too. If you have new puppies and are in need of help trying to figure out what to do with your manners with your new puppy, but can't get in a class, give me a call - I can help walk you through your problems. I can give you puppy games to teach manners and work out the issues.

Give us a call 832-722-7044, I would be glad to help.

If you haven't been to our Intermediate / Advanced Training class on Saturday mornings lately, we have changed our curri...

If you haven't been to our Intermediate / Advanced Training class on Saturday mornings lately, we have changed our curriculum somewhat. We are still doing the obedience, working towards off-leash - but with a little more zest. We are moving to motivate the dogs to find a better reason to be aware of moving towards learning to be off-leash. We are including how to do jumps, weaving in and out of cones, coming through obstacles, learning to work on puzzles and doing some scent work while heeling around.

We are using games to turnit up a notch and it has turned out to be quite fun and motivating for them. They are learning to pay more attention and to work on the drive the push forward to learn more control.

The pre-requisite for the class it having a firm foundation of the Basic training. The dogs must be tested for their knowledge of the Basics. They also must have good manners and cannot be aggressive or have issues with people or other dogs.

Give us a call if you are interest in this class or if you have been here before and want to come back to work in this training. Barbara Day 832-722-7044


FYI, Just thought I would tell all my students, present, past and future, that have forgotten or do not know - the speed limit is 15 mph on Cowan Rd. and is being strictly enforced. So, If you speed - there is a good chance you will get a ticket. Watch your speed coming and going to class. Thanks

Today was the end of another chapter for me.  I lost my last Doberman Rhys at 12.  I have had him since he was, I think ...

Today was the end of another chapter for me. I lost my last Doberman Rhys at 12. I have had him since he was, I think 5 weeks, when I took care of the litter for the breeder. He had just had his ears done, along with the entire litter. Oh how adorable they were with their little cups on the heads.

Rhys from the beginning had a special nature and temperament. Our Vet always said, he would like to clone his temperament - because he was like no other Doberman. He was just so loving and different. He was always into something. Everyone told me, when he reaches 3 years, he would calm down and be a normal Dobe. Well, were they wrong. Rhys was not like any other Dobe, he was Rhys. He never calmed down, he always thought he was 6 mths old and loving the world.

The only problem was Rhys had a rare allergy which caused him to not be able to go may places that had a lot of chemicals in the air. He only got part of his points on his Championship, because the allergies took over. He was unable to finish his Rally title, because of the same. Surgeries were complicated for him, even if it was only a few stitches, because he was allergic to all of the medications and even most of the materials used. He wore a medic alert tag and special notifications to alert anyone of his medical problems. He almost died twice from allergic reactions to different things, once a spider bite, the second a broken toenail a the bone. Spider bite took almost a year to heal, and broken toenail bone 9 months.

With all that being said, there was not a Vet, vet tech or any person that did not fall in love with him. He stole your heart. Mine included and he took it with him when he left. God love the Red Head boy. He came into the world a boy and went out - still a boy. Bye my sweet boy. 🐾


We will be starting classes back this next week, on Saturday, January 11th at 9:00 AM with our Intermediate / Advanced class. This is a class for those that have been through Basic Obedience and would like to move further with their dog's education. Give us a call and Join our group.

The Basic Obedience classes are scheduled to begin In January as well. The Monday evening class is full, but the Wednesday evening class is still available. There is also a February class, which is real soon as well. Check out our website for the upcoming classes and book them online as well.

Griffon has gone from this small adorable curly little boy, to an 85 lb very big boy. He is now 1 year old and is still ...

Griffon has gone from this small adorable curly little boy, to an 85 lb very big boy. He is now 1 year old and is still very much a boy. He has gone through many behavioral stages, just as your puppies have. It has been and experience learning to work with this breed, because they are different to train. They are soft, yet hard headed. I love him to pieces, but he can really work on your knowledge, of what to do next. When I tell my students not to give up and to have some control with your frustration - to just stop the training while your not angry - that is what you have to do. With this puppy when he is having fun training, it great. When he has lost his attention, then it is done. You can not force train this breed. So we stop, play and then come back in a little while and work again. That's the way he works. We work on focus daily and continually or he will be lost to the birds and the wind. It is all about fun in learning.


When messaging me or texting please leave your name so I know who is sending me a message. I feel bad when I do not know who is leaving me a message and I have to ask who it is. Thanks please


SouthPaw Training is in the process of setting up the schedule for the upcoming season, which will allow paying online. There has been some problems with getting it completed, but it should be completed this coming week. Thank you for your waiting, while I flounder around trying to get this working. I am hoping this will solve the problems with reservations and confirming the processes. Thank you Barbara Day

For the past two weeks we have been taking care of a very sweet Curly Coated Retrieve, that was being rescued back to th...

For the past two weeks we have been taking care of a very sweet Curly Coated Retrieve, that was being rescued back to the breeder. It was a very long and hard transport for the dog. Sandy Brandt went out in the wee hours of the morning to pick her up in San Marcos, where the first of the transport was dropping her off. After coming from the opposite side of the country and taking 4 days through the blizzard, Sandy finally got her here. She stayed with us for 2 weeks and was a sad mess. She finally settled and over came her weariness, only to need to make the next half of her journey. Her next part was going from Texas to Florida, by another person who was transporting her as a favor for the breeder. She did us a wonderful favor and took great care with her. She arrived 2 days later in Florida, where she is with her birth mother and breeder and a whole flock of Curlies. Everyone is extremely happy that she made it there and is happy beyond our expectations. She is so love by everyone in Florida and by me. I cried my heart out having to send her off. I feared she was not going to forgive me for sending her away, yet again. But all turned our perfect. She is one of those dogs you cannot help but love.

I would like to thank my students Mimzi Foreman and Sandy Brandt for donating to the Ronald McDonald Suds Run, that the ...

I would like to thank my students Mimzi Foreman and Sandy Brandt for donating to the Ronald McDonald Suds Run, that the Jeepers participate in every year. They helped by donating Soap and Cereal for the Ronald McDonald House in Galveston, where families stay when their children are hospitalized. These donations allow the families to live in the house cost free while in need. It is a great event and I really appreciated the product to take to the House. This year there were over 200 jeeps attending that brought in a load of soap and cereal for the families. This event is very dear to my heart.


It's Really Simple
The more I try to communicate with people and tell them what they need to do with their dog, the more I am accused of being unprofessional. I do not know what people want me to say other than " You have a beautiful dog that has not issues."

In working with the public, it is getting so hard to not offend any person out there. I have been in business for over 30 years and until just recently have I been told I don't know what I am talking about, or I'm not being professional, and above all they have asked at the Dog Park and no one has ever heard of me. Well, unless they have looked for a dog trainer, they do not know of one. I don't know of any Lawyers either.

Sorry if I sound irritated, but I am tired of being told I am doing it all wrong. I work with hundreds of dogs (each Year) and have changed a lot of dogs lives for them. I am proud of what I offer and get sensitive about people telling me I am limited in what I offer. I am trained and Certified in 9 Levels of Dog training and am a Certified Master Trainer and can prove it. I went to a Professional Trainers Academy for my training. I did not just start out a week ago. I work hard and try to give my students every ounce of my knowledge I have. I treat the dogs that come here, as they were my own. It hurts me to have people down me and my name.
Thank you for Listening

Griffon and I went wheeling to Hot Springs, Arkansas last weekend.  This was his first trip wheeling and he handled the ...

Griffon and I went wheeling to Hot Springs, Arkansas last weekend. This was his first trip wheeling and he handled the wheeling like a trooper. We went up and down hills and rocks for about 6 hrs. He loved playing in the cabin and walking in the woods. At 10 mths old I am very proud at how good he was and never gave me any problems.


I work hard to give my students every piece of knowledge I can. I guess for some it is too much. I have been told lately that I talk too much, so I guess people do not want to learn as much as I thought they wanted. I'm sorry for that.

I have also had the unfortunate experience to be told that some people are not there to learn how a dog works or what is needed to correct the problems.

What I would like to say to future students is; that when going to any trainer, is to go into any class, "with an open mind". Walk in ready to learn and try to be open to any options the trainer is offering. It is hard for the trainer to know how to solve your issues with your dog, but you cut them off with not wanting to give them a chance.

I have always taken great pride in trying to give my student as much of the knowledge I have; as the student is interested in.

When your dog comes to class, I expect it to be on the floor and not in your lap. The dog was not meant to be carried or in you lap. If you dog is small and has issues, it is usually because of the holding and protecting the owner is doing. Don't take offense in it, it is a fact of life. The dog is meant to be on the ground.

Give your trainer a chance to teach you what they know will work. To teach a dog to have confidence to be the best he can be an teach you how to work with your dog.


Thoughts on Board N Train
I continually receive requests for Board N Train. I do not do this type of training, because I like for the people to learn what their dog needs and to bond with them. Dog's are a pack animal and need to be a part of a pack. Since we have a domesticated world, our dog does not know how to live in this type of life. They need to understand what we want and what is required. They also need to know what the rules of our society are and what will keep them safe and out of trouble. If you watch a bunch of puppies play; they bite, nip and jump all over each other. This is not the kind of play we want - especially as they grow. If you are not teaching them what the rules of your house are, they do not know what is right or what is wrong.

In training a dog in a class where you participate and learn to communicate with your dog, this will aid in you learning and teaching them - as you do with your children. The bond you make by walking and teaching them the commands are immensely helpful to you and your dog. This will last a life time. A dog will give you never ending loyalty and love, but you need to do the same in his first year with you. It is profound to enjoy the time.


DeeDee and Reebok have been working very hard at the new Master Rally title training. Boy is he looking good.


SouthPaw Training had 4 CGC (Canine Good Citizen) pass and we had 5 dogs get their Trick Dog titles. It is so much fun to watch the dogs show off their talents with their tricks. I am so proud of the dogs that are doing the Trick Dog training.

If you have not tried out your dog in Trick Dog training, you will be amazed at how easy it is to teach them tricks. You can get your Trick Dog Titles right her at SouthPaw Training without going to a Dog Show and traveling far to do it. AND it is fun.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 19:30
Tuesday 09:00 - 19:30
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:30
Thursday 09:00 - 19:30
Friday 09:00 - 13:00
Saturday 09:00 - 13:00


(832) 722-7044


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Our Story

Now that I have had Griffon for a year and a half, he has turned out to be the most amazing breed. He is such a lover and smart as a whip. We are working on our Rally Title at the moment and doing well. This is the happiest boy and always ready for fun.

It is amazing that Griffon requires about a 3-5 minute hug before he goes to bed. While housebreaking him, I gave him a hug every time he went potty. Therefore, every time he does anything he thinks is good enough to achieve a hug - he will. This is the only breed that loves being hugged. He plays hide and go seek, and he hides also. Well, not the entire body. He thinks he is hiding if he puts his head behind the tree or bush. If you say, “where is Griffon” he will come out and look at you with a smile - as “here I am”. He will then push his head back behind the tree. This is my fun breed, my happy boy and my Jeep wheeling boy.

In working through the Covid “Stay Home”, I am real glad that AKC has offered to do video Rally testing. It is exciting and a great chance to not just sit around and do nothing with your dog, Now you can work on your Novice Title from video testing.