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Shabams Fisher Hobbs Pomeranians and Bengal Cats



US Senate: Goldie’s Act Allows for Seizure of Dogs for Undefined ‘Psychological Harm’ – Oppose Now
By AKC Government Relations
Published: Mar 25, 2024 | 3 Minutes
Late last week, Goldie’s Act (HR 1788/S 4033), was introduced in the U.S. Senate. This harmful bill:

Redefines “violations” of the federal Animal Welfare Act;
Allows for immediate seizure or euthanasia of animals suffering from “psychological harm”, a term it does not define;
Removes distinctions between minor non-compliances such as paperwork errors and animal care violations. AWA enforcement emphasis should be on the health and welfare of animals;
Requires posting of images of violations on a publicly accessible database; and
Undermines the property rights of responsible breeders.
Scroll down for more details and talking points.


Call, email, or write to your member of Congress and U.S. Senators today. Visit AKC’s Legislative Action Center legislator contact page at and type in your address to find the names and contact information for your Member of Congress and U.S. Senators.

Respectfully Tell them:

Please oppose Goldie’s Act. This is a “feel good” proposal that is being promoted as improving Animal Welfare Act enforcement, but will actually do the opposite by creating confusion and mistrust, and reducing emphasis on education and proper care for dogs.

Explain you are a constituent. Respectfully share your experience and concerns as a dog owner/breeder/expert. For example, what criteria would an inspector use to determine “psychological harm”, which is not defined?
Despite claims being made by AR groups, these bills do impact responsible small breeders.
Dog owners should not have to fear arbitrary seizure or euthanasia of their animals based on vague allegations of “psychological harm”, a term that the bill is not defined.
Ask them to instead support additional financial resources for USDA educational and enforcement programs so they can appropriately educate licensees and enforce existing requirements.
If you can, let the AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) team ([email protected]) know you contacted your lawmakers and if you received any response.

Summary of “Goldie’s Act” (H.R. 1788/ S. 4033)

Goldie’s Act (HR 1788) establishes government mandates that:

Redefine AWA violations and undermine priority for the care and wellbeing of animals. Proponents claim that the bill is designed to crack down on violators of the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA), but in fact it will do the opposite. By removing the distinction between care and welfare (direct) violations and paperwork/non-welfare related (indirect) violations the measure will make enforcement of animal care violations more difficult. While zero violations of any rules or laws should be the goal, the care and wellbeing of animals must always be a priority. Reporting paperwork errors in the same manner as care violations also creates a misleading perception about breeder licensees and creates a new target for animal extremists who use those public databases to identify breeders.
Require inspectors to destroy or remove an animal if they believe it is experiencing physical or “psychological harm”. The bill does not define or determine how “psychological harm” would be determined, or by whom. This creates an environment for abuse and unnecessary euthanasia of animals.
State the intent to expand enforcement of federal breeder licensing requirements, but in fact it throws out recent enforcement enhancements currently undergoing a 3-year implementation process, scheduled for completion in October 2024. Instead of improving enforcement of the AWA, it creates confusing and onerous new mandates, and undermines recently established enforcement efforts. Constantly changing arbitrary rules create a confusing, expensive, and potentially harmful environment for animal care in which neither licensees nor regulators may be certain of requirements.
Who This Applies To:

Anyone subject to USDA breeder/dealer licensing. Breeders are subject to USDA licensing if they maintain more than 4 “breeding females” (a term that is undefined but is generally considered to mean an intact female) and transfer even one of the offspring “sight unseen”. “Breeding females” include any combination of cats, dogs, or other small pet mammals such as hamsters, guinea pigs, etc.

For questions or more information, contact [email protected], visit AKC’s Legislative Action Center or contact 919-816-3720.

Thank you for your action to protect the future of our breeds and the integrity of responsible, expert breeders. Your voice does make a difference!

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The American Kennel Club

Very small to tiny Pomeranians...  Blue Wolf Sable Parti boy...  Black & Tan girl...  Black with White Markings girl... ...

Very small to tiny Pomeranians... Blue Wolf Sable Parti boy... Black & Tan girl... Black with White Markings girl... PLEASE feel free to CALL ME with any questions you may have 386-527-5556

Pomeranian Puppies are living it up in Sunny 🌞 and 🔥 Hot Florida...  There are 3 Males (Black & Tan Parti,  Creamy Orang...

Pomeranian Puppies are living it up in Sunny 🌞 and 🔥 Hot Florida... There are 3 Males (Black & Tan Parti, Creamy Orange Sable, Black Parti) and 1 Female (Wolf Sable) in these pics... PLEASE feel free to CALL ME with any questions you may have 386-527-5556...


Just had a very colorful litter of Pomeranians...
Ice White 1/2 Russian mommy and aw/aw Wolf Sable daddy...
1st puppy is a Dark (Black with little White) girl, possibly Wolf Sable...
2nd puppy is a stunning Parti (Black or Wolf) boy...
3rd puppy is a Sable (Cream or Light Orange) boy...
4th puppy is a Black & Tan girl, possibly Wolf... All 4 are either Wolf Sable or Carriers...
Pics coming soon...

I have reached 3K followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉

I have reached 3K followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉


How does a dog get Cryptosporidium? In the past, treating Coccidia in dogs used to be somewhat routine. This type of Coccidian has been sulfa-responsive and easily managed. In the last few years, veterinarians have been seeing small Coccidian. This Coccidian is so small that it is difficult to see under a microscope! Veterinarians thought this may be something new and pursued a diagnosis from a state lab. The labs determined that what they were seeing was Cryptosporidium. Cryptosporidium is from the Coccidia family, but it is not the same parasite!

What is Cryptosporidium in Dogs?
Cryptosporidium is a particularly nasty type of Coccidian. Crypto is resistant to the traditional Coccidia medications, and it may kill puppies that are on Coccidia prevention. Some feel we have done a great job of preventing Coccidia, but at the same time have created a void of no competition for Crypto to multiply. This is a viable theory in young animals.

Puppies affected with Crypto exhibit most clinical issues just before moving to a new home. Clinical signs of Crypto include a neurological component, along with drooling and diarrhea. Dogs might also suffer from lack of appetite, weakness and lethargy.

The disease progresses from normal to death very quickly. We know that it only takes 10 Crypto organisms can cause infection, so the thousands of Cryptosporidium shed in f***s is quite infective to litter mates.

How to Tell If Your Dog Has Cryptosporidium
Cryptosporidium can be seen under a high power microscope. These Coccidia could be misdiagnosed because they look similar to normal Coccidia, except they are very tiny. Often veterinarians see lots of Coccidia and stop there; this can be a mistake! We must recognize these tiny Coccidian as Crypto and treat appropriately.

The infected animal’s f***s can be sent to the lab to confirm. The lab will look at the genetic material using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), a tool frequently used to diagnose diseases by identifying its DNA. PCR is wonderful as it gives no false positives. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, you will need to take steps for appropriate treatment.

How is Cryptosporidium Treated in Dogs?
Drugs that work on Coccidia do not have any effect on Crypto. Tylan powder 10 mg per pound twice a day (Plumb) is the Cryptosporidium dog treatment most used. Use Tylosin for 21 days to clear in adult stock. It can be mixed with the food or put into a medicator for automatic water systems. It has a very bitter taste which must be masked to keep the puppy eating and drinking. Azithromycin 5 mg per pound twice a day for seven days (Plumb) will get Cryptosporidium, but this method is not practical for every litter. Azithromycin is good as a treatment when first diagnosed to get ahead of the infection.

Once Crypto has been confirmed, put Tylan powder (¼ tsp/gallon water) in the water for two weeks after weaning. It is best to block the ni**le water and use bottles for the weaned babies. Bottles have always been a preference for small breed babies as it is easy to see how much they drink. You can medicate 10 mg per pound twice a day in food but you must be sure everyone gets their share! In tiny breeds, mixing Tylan powder in yogurt has been used effectively. This is great with a litter of three but difficult with a litter of eight. Using Breeder’s Edge Puppy Lyte or Kitten Lyte can aid in masking the bitter taste and keeping the puppies and kittens well-hydrated during treatment

We’ve long known that probiotics are helpful in treating Cryptosporidium. When selecting a probiotic, be sure it can pass through the stomach acid and enzymes or you will be disappointed with the results. Doc Roy’s® GI Synbiotics, Breeder’s Edge Nurture Flora and D.E.S. Health-Gard can pass the stomach’s defenses to become active in the small intestine.

Is Cryptosporidiosis Contagious in Dogs?
Preventing the spread of Cryptosporidiosis includes keeping the infected isolated. Because the disease is very contagious, take steps to ensure clean water and a clean environment.

How Do You Get Rid of Cryptosporidium in Dogs?
Crypto oocysts are resistant to most disinfectants. Virkon and Oxine, as well as exposure to extreme temperatures (32° F and below or 149° F and above), will decrease the number of Crypto oocysts on hard surfaces. It is nearly impossible to remove Crypto from the yard as most exposure comes from f***s piles. Removal of the f***s piles, using a detergent to break down fats and oils, and extreme cold weather should decrease the risk. Steam cleaning can also improve control in a kennel.

Distinguishing between Coccidia and Cryptosporidium is crucial for appropriate treatment and prevention. Once we know the cause, we can treat the infected and control the issue.


Tiktok can actually be beneficial as seen with the viral sos hand signal taken from American sign language, developed by the Canadian women's foundation. Thi...

Bengal Kits are living it up in Sunny 🌞 and 🔥 Hot Florida...

Bengal Kits are living it up in Sunny 🌞 and 🔥 Hot Florida...


Whiskey Pineapple Chicken – delicious!!! Chicken marinated in whiskey, pineapple juice, BBQ sauce, Worcestershire, garlic and pepper. Let the chicken marinate at least 24 hours for the best flavor. Can marinate for 2 days if you have the time!

Gorgeous little PixieBob (girl ?)...  I thought it was a boy for a while but when I looked other day, looks like it coul...

Gorgeous little PixieBob (girl ?)... I thought it was a boy for a while but when I looked other day, looks like it could be a girl... Will have checked to make sure... She has a deposit but person who placed deposit is acting "flakey"... So may be available again... Looks just like a baby BobCat... Living and loving on us in Sunny 🌞 and 🔥 Hot Florida...


I fully intend to haunt people when I die...
I have a list...

Gorgeous little Snow or Silver PixieBob girl...  Waiting to see her eye color to confirm her color...  She is loving and...

Gorgeous little Snow or Silver PixieBob girl... Waiting to see her eye color to confirm her color... She is loving and living it up in Sunny 🌞 and 🔥 Hot Florida...

He is such a handsome Snow or Silver Bengal...  Need to wait and see how his eyes turn out...  He is living it up in Sun...

He is such a handsome Snow or Silver Bengal... Need to wait and see how his eyes turn out... He is living it up in Sunny 🌞 and 🔥 Hot Florida...

Our nosey a** Government will not leave us alone...  Please read and help us in Florida...  Remember,  if it happens her...

Our nosey a** Government will not leave us alone... Please read and help us in Florida... Remember, if it happens here, it can and will happen everywhere...

AKC Government Relations
This is an update from AKC Government Relations.
For questions, contact AKC GR at [email protected].

Please share this information with every person in the state of Florida who owns— or hopes in the future to own— a responsibly-bred dog.

Continued action is needed on extremely overreaching and punitive dog breeder bills in Florida.

Senate Bill 1492 and House Bill 1581 would define any unsterilized female dog over the age of six months as a “breeding female” and would require her owner to register with the state as a “breeder,” pay significant fees, and be inspected by the state or by any person or non-governmental organization selected for that purpose. Any violation could result in dog confiscations. Registrants would be required to comply with federal commercial dog breeder/dealer regulations; additional state rules not yet written; and all existing and future county/city dog breeder laws, fees, and inspection requirements.

The American Kennel Club (AKC) strongly opposes these bills. Not only would they impose huge and costly restrictions on home-based and hobby breeders, they also would likely require beloved family housedogs to be kenneled in accordance with commercial standards. Learn more about Breeder Regulations and Restrictions Legislation on AKC’s Legislative Action Center.

As of March 14, 2023, Senate Bill 1492 and two related Senate bills remain active. Therefore, continued action in opposition to the Senate bill is needed.

The office of the sponsor of the House bill, Representative Linda Chaney, has advised American Kennel Club Government Relations (AKC GR) that she intends to withdraw House Bill 1581 and its two related bills, HB 1583 and 1585. As of this time, House Bill 1581 and its two related House bills also remain active, pending Rep. Chaney’s formal withdrawal of them. AKC GR will continue to monitor this information and provide updates.

How to Take Action TODAY to Continue to Oppose These Bills!

First, locate the contact information for your state Senator. To find out who represents you in Florida, click here and scroll down to “Find Officials”, OR click here to find your Florida state Senator.

Second, continue to call, email, and/or write to your state Senator to respectfully express your opposition to Senate Bill 1492. You may wish to include the following messages:

I am a resident of your district and I STRONGLY oppose Senate Bill 1492 and associated bills SB 1494 and SB 1496.
As a responsible dog owner, I respectfully ask that you firmly reject Senate Bill 1492.
I respectfully request that you urge your Senate colleague, Senator Jonathan Martin, to withdraw Senate Bill 1492 and its associated bills.
Also, respectfully and briefly tell them a little about yourself, and share a sentence or two about how long you have owned dogs and the good things you and other dog owners do in your community. Do you show dogs? Share information with them about the Economic Impact of AKC Events in Florida.

Third, no matter where you live in the state, call, email and/or write to Senator Jonathan Martin, sponsor of the Senate bill, with the following message: I am a Florida resident, I strongly oppose Senate Bills 1492, 1494, and 1495, and I respectfully ask you to withdraw them.

Fourth, no matter where you live in the state, politely contact Representative Linda Chaney, sponsor of the House bill, and urge her to formally withdraw her bill. If you have not done so already, call, email and/or write to Rep. Chaney with the following message: I am a Florida resident, I strongly oppose House Bills 1581, 1583, and 1585, and I respectfully ask you formally withdraw them.

Fifth, share this action alert with your fellow dog lovers, friends, family members, and others, and ask that they join you in opposing these outrageous and unreasonable bills. We all must work together to ensure that the voices of responsible dog owners in Florida are heard.

Sixth, stay alert and ready to take action throughout the remainder of the Florida legislative session! Even when a bill is withdrawn, the same problematic language can be “attached” to a different bill. The 2023 Florida Regular Session is currently scheduled to adjourn on May 5, 2023.

AKC Government Relations will continue to provide updates and action alerts on these harmful anti-breeder bills. To ensure you receive all updates, please add [email protected] to your trusted email address list.

3 gorgeous Silver Bengal Kits (need to get better pics) are living it up in Sunny 🌞 and 🔥 Hot Florida...

3 gorgeous Silver Bengal Kits (need to get better pics) are living it up in Sunny 🌞 and 🔥 Hot Florida...

6 stunning Traditional Rosette Bengals (3 Male and 3 Female) are living it up in Sunny 🌞 and 🔥 Hot Florida...

6 stunning Traditional Rosette Bengals (3 Male and 3 Female) are living it up in Sunny 🌞 and 🔥 Hot Florida...

Pixie Bob's and Bengals are living it up in Sunny 🌞 and 🔥 Hot Florida...

Pixie Bob's and Bengals are living it up in Sunny 🌞 and 🔥 Hot Florida...

5 pretty little Bengal girls now and last sets of pics are a few days old of whole litter (almost 3 weeks ago)... Living...

5 pretty little Bengal girls now and last sets of pics are a few days old of whole litter (almost 3 weeks ago)... Living it up in Sunny 🌞 and 🔥 Hot Florida...

2 handsome little Bengal boys living it up in Sunny 🌞 and 🔥 Hot Florida... Showing how much they change from a couple da...

2 handsome little Bengal boys living it up in Sunny 🌞 and 🔥 Hot Florida...
Showing how much they change from a couple days old til now (almost 3 weeks old)...

1 girl is not available

1 girl is not available

Stunning baby Bengal Kits are Living it up in Sunny 🌞 and 🔥 Hot Florida

Stunning baby Bengal Kits are Living it up in Sunny 🌞 and 🔥 Hot Florida

3 very cute Black with White Markings Pomeranians...  Living it up in Sunny 🌞 and 🔥 Hot Florida

3 very cute Black with White Markings Pomeranians... Living it up in Sunny 🌞 and 🔥 Hot Florida




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