Gemma Fisher, Dog Training & Behaviour Specialist

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  • Gemma Fisher, Dog Training & Behaviour Specialist

Gemma Fisher, Dog Training & Behaviour Specialist Border Collie training & behaviour specialist 🐶 In person 121’s 🇬🇧 & Online Courses available 🌎 I guess you’d say she's a bit of a fan of the breed!

Gemma Fisher is a renowned international trainer who specialises in Border Collies. She has belonged to 7 amazing collies, bred 17 talented collie puppies over two litters, and fostered 3 troubled collies before finding them their forever homes. Not to mention how many collies and their owners she's helped throughout her many years as a dog trainer. Border Collies and their crosses can be amazing

dogs. But they can also be really hard work too! That’s why she helps collie owners how to teach their dog a brilliant recall so they can enjoy walking anywhere without the worry of them overreacting to joggers/ cyclists or other dogs. She started as most people do, in a village hall learning traditional obedience skills. But she found her energy and enthusiasm was better suited to the sport of agility, and there a love affair was born. A life-long learner, Gemma has a wealth of knowledge to share about all things dog-related. She realised early on in her dog training journey that thinking outside the box and learning from other dog sports could only be a good thing. As far as she's concerned, there is no such thing as one size fits all. She works with the dog in front of her, each as unique as the people that bring them to see her. She shares her life with Border Collies, plus one somewhat unorthodox Working Cocker Spaniel. The Border Collies share her love of work and learning. The Cocker reminds her that life should never be taken too seriously. Gemma is a passionate and enthusiastic speaker who brings lots of energy to her workshops and seminars. She is only interested in shaping dog and human behaviour using kind, positive reinforcement based methods. It is her fervent belief that all creatures are capable of great things - if only they can brought to realise it. Helping people and dogs realise that is her definition of a successful seminar. She has a passion for helping dog lovers build better relationships with their dogs so that they can enjoy every moment with them. You will find her online training courses & workshops full to the brim with useful information and ideas to help you solve any dog training problem. Learn more at her website -->>

📢 From Fixated To Focused Collie Recall FREE 5-Day Challenge starts TOMORROW! 📢It can only mean one thing... 🥁Liver cake...

📢 From Fixated To Focused Collie Recall FREE 5-Day Challenge starts TOMORROW! 📢

It can only mean one thing... 🥁

Liver cake time! 👩‍🍳

Join me for a live ‘Bake-Off’ at 7.00pm GMT+1 today, where I can answer any pre-challenge questions you might have!

Not signed up yet?

What are you waiting for?! 🤪

Sign up here→

Talk soon!

Gemma x

The recall behaviour has many pieces 🧩Here Summer is demonstrating one of the important bits - come close enough that I ...

The recall behaviour has many pieces 🧩

Here Summer is demonstrating one of the important bits - come close enough that I can take your collar.

It's the completion of her recall criteria, and a piece that some collies struggle to understand is important.

I've known more than one that enjoyed a game of keep-away instead of getting this close! 🤪

If you're struggling with this piece (or one of the many others) this 5-day challenge could be for you.

Get signed up and let's get working on improving that recall shall we? 💪


What’s been your hardest collie training experience?

I'm guessing you've heard about my Fixated To Focused Collie Recall 5-Day Challenge by now! (I may have mentioned it onc...

I'm guessing you've heard about my Fixated To Focused Collie Recall 5-Day Challenge by now! (I may have mentioned it once or twice! 🤪)

So, if you've been eyeing it up, but just need that understanding of "what to expect" to ease your fears or anxiety - I’ve got you!

What to Expect to Happen Each Morning...

The way the challenge is structured is that each day (Monday-Friday), at 9.00am GMT+1 you'll receive an email with a short training assignment (5-10 minutes).

Within that daily email, I'll invite you to a private Facebook Group, to share your homework for personal feedback, support, and encouragement.

Throughout the day, I’ll be checking the group and providing support as needed.

What to Expect Each Evening...

After you've had some time to look at that morning's training task and to submit a homework video for review, I’ll then go live each day at 7.00pm GMT+1 in a Zoom meeting.

For 30-40 minutes I'll teach a specific collie training topic that will get you up and running with an effective recall training plan in a few days!

And at the end of each call is a dedicated space for 10-15 minutes of open Q&A.

What to Expect After The Live Sessions...

After a full day of watching, learning and playing the day's homework with your collie - you have the rest of the evening to make adjustments, changes, and implement what you learned (if necessary).

Before 8.30pm BST+1 (as long as tech plays nice!) I'll upload a copy of the call from the day for you to review at your leisure if you'd like (or if you couldn't make it live!).

Here's how that could look:

On Tuesday we'll work on the final piece in the recall behaviour chain - and so Tuesday evening you’ll grab your best training treats and have a fun and effective homework session.

And yes you read that right, you can have a vital part of your recall behaviour sorted on Tuesday evening in the challenge!

I’m also checking the group several times in the evening to provide support, feedback, and troubleshooting as needed!

So, if you're someone who just needs "all the details" to pull the trigger...

Now you have them!

Sign up here >>

Hope to see you there!


PS Have questions about something I didn't address - leave me a comment and let me know, I've got you 😃

PPS If you want a visual of the whole week, here's a calendar


Border Collies are smart, but they're not mind-readers 🔮

Our training needs to cover a few bases to help them understand what we're after.

✅ Reinforcement: we need to know what this looks like for OUR collie (not anyone else's), and how to use it effectively in our training plans
✅ Planning: we need to know WHAT we're training and WHY for our efforts to be effective.
✅ Patience: Rome wasn't built in a day, and you aren't going to learn to be an expert dog trainer overnight. So cut yourself and your collie some slack okay?!
✅ Persistence (on your part): your collie was bred to move sheep who might not always want to be moved. Their DNA literally tells them not to take 'No' as the final answer 🤪
✅ Consistency: we humans aren't always great at this. Just video yourself training your collie and you'll see what I mean!

Need help with any/ all of the above?

Don't struggle alone. I've got a whole bunch of online students who'll tell you things CAN get better.

Purposeful practice makes progress - FACT! 💪

Join me next week for my Fixated To Focused Collie Recall 5-Day Challenge and I'll show you how!

Who wants to be average anyway?! 🤪

Who wants to be average anyway?! 🤪



Why don’t Border Collies take treats?

Collie Rules. Let me give you a heads up about what you're working with 🤪Your collie comes pre-programmed with their own...

Collie Rules.

Let me give you a heads up about what you're working with 🤪

Your collie comes pre-programmed with their own little set of collie rules.

It's important to know the rules so you're both playing the same game!

Collies do what they find reinforcing.

Here's a classic collie example..

👉 Collie drops toy in front of human. Human asks "Oh would you like me to throw it?", and picks up toy and throws it for them.

The dog gets what they wanted, PLUS they learned that humans are quite trainable 😆

They've also learned that they can control human behaviour. And our collies have been bred to control livestock, so getting to control something hits their genetic button.

We see this when they're feeling unsure. They look to control the variables that are making them uncomfortable to make themselves feel better.

Trouble is, collies that feel like they're in charge can become like little dictators. They can start to believe they have more power in the world than they do 🙄

It's then we start to see problematic behaviours starting to occur.

Collies were bred to control movement. Therefore movement quite naturally catches their attention!

This can be relatively harmless - getting excited about leaves blowing along, or water droplets flying when they're splashing in a puddle.

But can be more dangerous if it involves other people - traffic, cyclists, joggers 😟

Movement often causes collies to become obsessive. We need to become the ones in control of their obsessions in order to be important enough to listen to!

You can’t fight genetics.

So it makes sense to make ‘collie maths’ an integral part of your training plans 🧮

Join me for next week’s From Fixated To Focused Collie Recall FREE 5-Day Challenge where we’ll be looking at just that!

Sign up here→

Look forward to seeing you there!

Gemma x

Most people associate Border Collies with tennis balls 🎾I've had many clients who assumed that tennis balls were somethi...

Most people associate Border Collies with tennis balls 🎾

I've had many clients who assumed that tennis balls were something they NEEDED to supply their collie puppy.

But tennis balls are objects to be thrown. There isn't much interactive play to be had with a regular game of fetch.

And most collies don't give back a tennis ball - they'll just drop it at your feet and assume it's your job to pick it up in order to restart the game.

I'm not a fan of being a collie's human toy servant 🛎️

I feel it sets up a dynamic with my collie friends having a bit too much control.

Playing tuggy with my dogs is another matter however.

In order for a game of tug to start, we each have to be holding onto an end of the toy.

Tuggy is also a good way of finding out what your collie deems to be valuable.

Many are of the opinion that possession of the toy is 9/10th's of the law, and enjoy keeping hold of the toy 👮‍♀️

My goal with play is that our dogs should be rushing back to us with the toy - mad keen to restart the fun with us!

When we have this sort of connection through playtime with our collie, we unlock a hidden level of training brilliance.

Check out Paws Trading for colourful and interactive tug toys.

Their 'Tug & Fetch' section has a huge range of collie flavoured favourites to choose from 🛍️

Plus, if your collie isn't convinced about the whole idea of bringing toys back just yet they also do something called a 'Paws Pocket'.

I've successfully used these clever food ball toys to help teach a reliable retrieve, which we then generalise to other fun toys.

Does your collie’s off-lead focus leave a lot to be desired? 😩

Would you like to learn how their favourite tug toy could unlock new levels of reliability in your recall training game?

Then join me for next week’s From Fixated To Focused Collie Recall FREE 5-Day Challenge!

Sign up here→

Look forward to seeing you there! 👋

Gemma x

P.S. Anything you’d particularly love to see me cover in this collie recall challenge? Just jot me a message in the comments!

Border Collies and their crosses can be amazing dogs. But they can also be really hard work too! 😬That’s why I help coll...

Border Collies and their crosses can be amazing dogs.

But they can also be really hard work too! 😬

That’s why I help collie owners how to teach their dog a brilliant recall so they can enjoy walking anywhere without the worry of them overreacting to joggers/ cyclists or other dogs.

Now my first consideration is always how to meet our collie’s needs 🤔

Training plans will be miles more effective when our collie’s needs are met.

Free-running exercise is an important part of this, but we also have to keep them and members of the public safe at the same time.

If you’re struggling to keep your collie out to mischief off-lead, here’s the management gear you’ll need whilst you distraction-proof your recall cue:

✅ Harness (one with 2 points of contact is a good choice if you’re also working on your loose lead walking)
✅ Long line

Long lines are usually made of rope/fabric, but personally I’d search for biothane alternatives.

Ropes are lightweight, but imagine the rope burn if you or your dog gets tangled in them whilst running around.

Biothane is waterproof and easy to clean - which means it won’t end up smelling of wet dog (or worse!) 🤢💩

Always, always, ALWAYS attach long lines to harnesses rather than collars.

And NEVER attach long lines to head collars.

Both could cause severe if not lethal damage to your collie if they run to the end of the line and get stopped suddenly.. it really doesn’t bear thinking about!

Once you’ve got your management gear sorted, the training plan should kick in to get you to a point you don’t need it anymore!

If you’d like some help with a collie-focused recall training plan, then join me for next week’s From Fixated To Focused Collie Recall FREE 5-Day Challenge

Look forward to seeing you there!

Gemma x

P.S. Anything that I MUST cover in this collie recall challenge? Just leave me a little note in the comments!

If you haven't heard yet, I’m hosting ​a LIVE Training Week starting Monday 23rd September.​Over the course of 5-days, I...

If you haven't heard yet, I’m hosting ​a LIVE Training Week starting Monday 23rd September.​

Over the course of 5-days, I'm going to cover EVERYTHING you need to know to harness your collie's natural instincts to increase their focus around BIG distractions including:

✅ The training details you need to focus on for maximum effectiveness
✅ Why filming your training sessions will help supercharge your progress
✅ How to use playtime with your collie to improve their focus and self-control
✅ And simple exercises to improve your recall within just one week!

During this training, I’m going to show you how to get your collie to focus on you even in the face of distractions like Vodka is in this photo.

In this picture, you can see Vodka ignoring the boys and their football, which used to be her most difficult distraction ⚽

In this picture, you can see her looking up at me instead of reacting to the boys playing football, choosing to connect with me over what’s happening around us.

Because I used positive reinforcement to help her make the right choices, even with distractions 🙌

So, let me ask you a question.

What would it do for your relationship with your collie to be able to get their focus and attention in any environment?

To not have them racing off without a backward glance, ignoring your frantic calls for their attention.

To KNOW that you can let them off the lead, safe in the knowledge that you can recall them back at any point.

If you already know that this would help your life with your collie, then you need to check out our upcoming challenge:

Fixated To Focused Collie Recall 5-Day Challenge

This is a 5-day event that starts on Monday 23rd September at 9.00am GMT+1 and will teach you:

✅ The training details you need to focus on for maximum effectiveness
✅ Why filming your training sessions will help supercharge your progress
✅ How to use playtime with your collie to improve their focus and self-control
✅ And simple exercises to improve your recall within just one week!

Click Here to Sign Up For The Fixated To Focused Challenge >>

And when you join, you’ll be poised to:

🐾 Understand your dog’s unique needs better, leading to a happier more harmonious relationship
🐾 Enjoy training more (both of you!) as their behaviour improves
🐾 Experience fewer moments of frustration, both for you and your dog
🐾 Watch your dog become more confident and happy, now they know what is expected of them
🐾 Develop a stronger, more reliable recall, even in high-distraction areas

This is going to be an EPIC week and we’d love to have you!

Click Here to Sign Up For The Fixated To Focused Challenge >>

PS Have questions about the CHALLENGE? Just pop me a comment and let me know - I’m happy to answer any and all questions!

Is the 5-Day Challenge Right for Your Collie? Get the Details Here!Your top questions answered about the 5-Day collie ch...

Is the 5-Day Challenge Right for Your Collie? Get the Details Here!

Your top questions answered about the 5-Day collie challenge!

As you may have heard, on Monday 23rd September I’m going to kick off my Fixated to Focused 5-Day Challenge​ - and I'd love to have you join us.

And if you haven't jumped in yet, I'm guessing you might have a few questions about the CHALLENGE & the training.

So, I figured I would compile the most common Qs that we've been getting, in case you have them too!

Without further ado, here’s the answers to the most FAQs.

What Time Are the Calls (And If I Can't Make It, Are They Recorded)?

The training lesson for each day drops at 9.00am BST+1, and the calls are each day at 7.00pm BST+1 on Zoom.
We'll record each call and have it uploaded to a private replay page every day by 8.30pm BST+1, so you'll have access to it in real-time, even if you can't make it live.

Check out the visual of the full schedule 🗓️

What Time Are the Calls (And If I Can't Make It, Are They Recorded)?

The training lesson for each day drops at 9.00am BST+1, and the calls are each day at 7.00pm BST+1 on Zoom.

We'll record each call and have it uploaded to a private replay page every day by 8.30pm BST+1, so you'll have access to it in real-time, even if you can't make it live.

I’ve Tried Everything But My Collie Just Won’t Listen To Me When We Leave The House - Will This Really Help?

That’s a really tough place to be in, and I imagine you must feel pretty fed up and frustrated most days!

But yes, I’ve worked with lots of people who lived with collies who were equally single minded. And I know how to help you increase your dog’s focus outside and how to improve your current training sessions to make them more effective.

Isn’t It Pretty Normal For My Collie To Fixate On Things That Move?

It’s definitely normal for them to notice movement when we consider what they were bred to do. After all they’d be pretty useless sheepdogs if they didn’t notice their flock starting to run away wouldn’t they?

But they also wouldn’t be very popular with their farmer if they didn’t switch off and refused to come back when called either!

The issue with collies living in urban areas is there’s often more movement to catch their eye, and often not enough ‘work’ to occupy them. But don’t worry - you don’t need to go out and buy yourself some sheep! 🐑 I’ve got plenty of ideas to occupy your collie and help them be at their best that will work instead!

I’m Too Scared To Let My Collie Off The Lead As They’ve Chased Joggers/ Cyclists - Can You Help?

I imagine that must make walks pretty stressful, and not at all what you imagined life would be like when you first brought your collie home. Yes don’t worry - your collie isn’t the first, and is unlikely to be the last dog to upset joggers/ cyclists out on walks.

Their ‘bad’ behaviour is often because they find the world a big, overwhelming place which they find hard to understand. We’ll work on building up your confidence in each other so you can look forward to more enjoyable walks in the future.

My Collie Reacts Really Badly To Other Dogs - We End Up Walking At Antisocial Times To Avoid Them! Will This Training Help Us?

Collies are often at their loudest when they’re in a situation where they lack confidence. This is often misunderstood as their displays are usually impressively aggressive!

But yes, online training like this challenge is ideal if you have a collie with ‘big’ feelings about other dogs.

Working on your training skills from the safety and comfort of your own living room means lessons are more likely to be absorbed and processed. And therefore available when you need them most out and about in the world.

If you're ready, I’ll see you there! >>

P.S. Sceptical about recall training? So were some of my students, but look at these results...

Please help!This past week I’ve shared a total of 5 case studies from some inspiring Border Collie owners, to showcase w...

Please help!

This past week I’ve shared a total of 5 case studies from some inspiring Border Collie owners, to showcase what’s possible when you focus on the right details in your life with your dog.

After watching their case studies, I need your help to choose ONE winner.

The lucky winner gets:

🌟 A Full day with me at their choice of location in England (£900 Value)
🌟 A FREE full year in Collie Culture Club (£576 Value)
🌟 A Collie Culture Club T-Shirt (£20 Value)

All you have to do is vote for the partnership whose story you resonate with the most.

Maybe you are now where they were when they joined my training community. A lot can happen when you know what to focus on!

Watch their journeys, picture yours and take action.

Voting closes on Saturday 21st September at 11.59pm BST+1.

Click here to vote for your favourite partnership >>


Struggling with a collie who gets pushy or aggressive when things don’t go their way? 😱

What if there was a way to ease that tension? 👍

Could a bigger picture approach change everything? 🙏

Curious to know how Sam has achieved such amazing results with her collie Cookie? 🤔

Sam took the first step by joining my Fixated to Focused 5-Day Challenge - and look at them now! 💪

After the progress they made during the challenge in April they signed up to my 8-week online programme Collie Culture Unleashed 👨‍💻

And after benefiting so much from my holistic view of life with collies, the next logical step was stay on for Collie Culture Club my online membership 🎓

Ready to create your own success story? 🤩

Watch Sam & Cookie's case study and get inspired to join my Fixated to Focused 5-Day Challenge - just like they did! 🙌

Want a collie that listens even around distractions?This live challenge training is for you!I’ve now hosted a few 5-Day ...

Want a collie that listens even around distractions?

This live challenge training is for you!

I’ve now hosted a few 5-Day Fixated To Focused Collie Recall Challenges to over 1400+ students, who’ve had amazing results with their dogs over the course of just 5-days!

And as you can imagine with my students getting amazing results... I regularly get asked:

"When are you next going to share your secrets?”

And today, I come bearing an answer...

I’ll be running the Fixated To Focused 5-Day Challenge live from Monday 23rd September...

Grab your FREE spot >>

Over the course of 5-days, I'm going to cover EVERYTHING you need to know to harness your collie's natural instincts to increase their focus around BIG distractions including:

✅ The training details you need to focus on for maximum effectiveness
✅ Why filming your training sessions will help supercharge your progress
✅ How to use playtime with your collie to improve their focus and self-control
✅ And simple exercises to improve your recall within just one week!

If you want to join in, IT’S FREE TO JOIN!

I've belonged to 7 amazing collies, bred 15 talented collie puppies over two litters, and fostered 3 troubled collies over the course of the past 20 years.

So I’ve got a pretty good idea of how to understand and help people who are struggling with their collie dog.

I truly believe that understanding your collie better can finally help you create an effective recall training plan.

I've done this personally and I've taught my process to hundreds of students.

This process works 🙌​

By the end of 5-days, you will have taken all the actions you need to transform distractions into opportunities for connection with your collie!

​​​Hope to see you in the challenge! ​

PS If you have questions or aren't sure if the challenge is for you, just leave me a comment and ask - I’m happy to support you!


Feeling lost about where to start with your anxious rescue collie? 😨

Unsure what to teach them first? 🤷‍♀️

Could a supportive community and the right training change everything? 🙏

Curious to know how Julie has achieved such amazing results with her collie Bella? 🤔

Julie took the first step by joining my Fixated to Focused 5-Day Challenge - and look at them now! 💪

After the progress they made during the challenge in September they then learned more from my How To Understand Your Border Collie webinar. They then signed up to my 8-week online programme Collie Culture Unleashed 👨‍💻

And after enjoying the training and seeing Bella's confidence grow so much, the next logical step was signing up for Collie Culture Club my online membership 🎓

Ready to create your own success story? 🤩

Watch Julie & Bella's case study and get inspired to join my Fixated to Focused 5-Day Challenge - just like they did! 🙌

Sign up for FREE now 🐾


Look forward to seeing you there!


Noise-sensitive collie making everyday life challenging? 😱

Dealing with reactivity towards other dogs? 😩

Could a supportive community and the right training change everything? 🙏

Curious to know how Jacqui has achieved such amazing results with her collie Monty? 🤔

Jacqui took the first step by joining my Fixated to Focused 5-Day Challenge - and listen to what a difference it's made! 💪

After the progress they made during the challenge in September, they signed up to my 8-week online programme Collie Culture Unleashed 👨‍💻

And after learning so much from my 'no one size fits all' approach to collies, the next logical step was signing up for Collie Culture Club my online membership 🎓

Ready to create your own success story? 🤩

Watch Jacqui & Monty's case study and get inspired to join my Fixated to Focused 5-Day Challenge - just like they did! 🙌


Feeling stuck with your collie’s training because of health setbacks? 💊

Are you struggling to train multiple dogs in one household? 😩

Ever wondered what’s possible when you give your collies the right training? 🙏

Curious to know how Lesley has achieved such amazing results with her two collies Kibo & Shira? 🤔

Lesley took the first step by joining my Fixated to Focused 5-Day Challenge - and look at them now! 💪

After the progress they made during the challenge in January, they signed up to my 8-week online programme Collie Culture Unleashed 👨‍💻

And after learning so much from my holistic approach to life with collies, the next logical step was signing up for Collie Culture Club my online membership 🎓

Ready to create your own success story? 🤩

Watch Lesley, Kibo and Shira's case study and get inspired to join my Fixated to Focused 5-Day Challenge - just like they did! 🙌


🎂 Eight years ago today, a very special puppy was born 🎉

He was a puppy that came into my life after the loss of a great dog. A friend that had been by my side for over a decade, and was badly missed.

This puppy hasn't replaced that dog. Instead he's expanded my heart as he snuggled down and chose his own comfortable place in it 🧡

This boy entered my life and reminded me of everything my previous one had given me.

As one good friend who had known him remarked - "If ever a dog had come back again, this would be the one".

I don't believe that this puppy is that dog born again. They love me in a very similar way, but they are their own personalities and unique just like we all are.

But I do believe that my old friend had a hand in bringing this wonderful new one into my life.

Because he spent his lifetime making me smile.. he clearly didn't want that to change after his death.

So today I'm celebrating that wonderful puppy 🥳

🌟 Toddy started my adventure into online training - he is the star of my very first online course, the Practical Puppy Fix
🌟 He's the puppy that started off this new training for me, and took my work life in a different direction
🌟 He won 4 agility classes in just one weekend to move from G3 to G4 shortly after he starting competing
🌟 Turns his paw to whatever his Mum asks - even gun-dogging for a time!
🌟 Father to the second litter of Borderspirit puppies (all 10 of them!), and my beloved Summer
🌟 Brilliant stooge dog who has helped countless dogs feel safe enough around him to even offer to play

Thank you Kai for sending me Toddy 🖤

My beloved boy who presses against me in the morning, makes me smile at his goofy antics and takes my breath away when I step up to an agility line with him 🤩

There are SO many reasons I love this handsome, clever and funny boy 🐾

Happy birthday precious one. Thank you for everything you've brought me so far, and can't wait to celebrate many, many more birthdays with you in the future 😘

Lazy Sunday morning after a busy Saturday!

Lazy Sunday morning after a busy Saturday!



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Need a dog training ‘fix’?

Gemma Fisher is a renowned international dog trainer with over 20 years of experience with many different breeds. She started as most people do, in a village hall learning traditional obedience skills. But she found her energy and enthusiasm was better suited to the sport of agility, and there a love affair was born.

A life-long learner, Gemma has a wealth of knowledge to share about all things dog-related. She realised early on in her dog training journey that thinking outside the box and learning from other dog sports could only be a good thing. As far as she's concerned, there is no such thing as one size fits all. She works with the dog in front of her, each as unique as the people that bring them to see her.

She shares her life with Border Collies, plus one somewhat unorthodox Working Cocker Spaniel. The Border Collies share her love of work and learning. The Cocker reminds her that life should never be taken too seriously.

Gemma is a passionate and enthusiastic speaker who brings lots of energy to her workshops and seminars. She is only interested in shaping dog and human behaviour using kind, positive reinforcement based methods. It is her fervent belief that all creatures are capable of great things - if only they can brought to realise it. Helping people and dogs realise that is her definition of a successful seminar. Join her FREE training group to keep in touch and pick up lots of inspiring tips and tricks: She has a passion for helping dog lovers build better relationships with their dogs so that they can enjoy every moment with them.