Happy New Year! The transition between 2024 and 2025 has been.... 'busy' to say the least 😅
Several important updates:
1. Jasmine's Husband - he did have a significant and terrifying decline, but he's back to healing and is doing much better. He will be in the hospital for a while yet, but Jasmine plans to return January 13th if all goes well.
2. They came and picked up the van that needed major repairs done a few days earlier than expected (that was my fault, I misunderstood the pick up date vs. repair date). So we are down to one van, and we will have to plug in for the appts occurring from the 3rd-12th.
3. Because of the van being picked up early, the other van hasn't had a chance to have the battery bank installed and parts were delayed slightly. So we will need to plug in for all mobile appointments between the 3rd and 12th of January. For those of you who are willing to do the salon, please feel free to message our businesses line. Once the other van is back, the battery bank install will be completed so hopefully everything will be back to normal starting mid-late January.
Thanks for sticking on the bumpy ride! Blessings and belly rubs ❤️