Superman is to reflective material, as Kryptonite is to…
Reflective material gives you a sense of safety and security while you’re a pedestrian or cyclist. But did you know that reflective material provides insufficient visibility while you’re out amongst multiple vehicles? Why?
If a single vehicle was to approach you and their lights were able to shine directly at you (or more specifically directly at your reflective material), they would have the highest capability of seeing you. BUT, the probability of them seeing you in time to give enough reaction time is low.
That situation is compounded when you’re reflective material has to contend with the massive power of other vehicle lights, headlights or taillights… doesn’t matter. They candle power of ANY light is 100% more than reflective material. Also, reflective material is only as powerful as the light and the angle at which it is hit.
So let’s revisit the first scenario with that single vehicle; now say we add in another car or two. Doesn’t matter if first vehicle is following it or if the second car is coming from the opposite direction. NOW your protective reflective material power shrivels into nothing.
As if that wasn't enough, let's go back to the single vehicle and add water... Yep, RAIN (a Seattle girls best friend) more that doubles the lights because of the reflection it puts out. Not only that, rain adds a degree of difficulty to driving, further distracting the driver from noticing you.
Therefore, vehicle lights are to reflective material as Kryptonite is to Superman! They both lose virtually ALL of their power up against them.
Become a contender with FreeLYTE and PawLYTE. Urban Techwear that provides comfortable and convenient LED power that closes the lid on Kryptonite.