Rip Juno.
Good Evening Pack
At 7:55pm tonight I was guided to the entrance of The Rainbow Bridge.
I haven’t crossed yet because I have been sitting out here thinking about how was going
tell all of you.
First of all the decision was right and I was ready.
I lived the best life and am so happy with what we have done with Juno’s Place, which brings me to my next statement…..
Juno’s Place will always be Juno’s Place and my family will be stepping in and taking on some of my responsibilities… They know the assignment.
So I hope you all stick around to see what happens next..
I hope it’s not a dumpster fire
Anyway… I am sure it will be ok!
Tonight we celebrate my mere fifteenth years here and just remember, I truly appreciate all of you.
You are my pack, my friends and my extended family.
We had good times, sad times, great times, sadder times and some pretty downright amazing times and we did it all together.
I can ask you not to cry
I can tell you that I am ok
I can tell you I will be overseeing things when I can and am allowed.
I can tell you I love you all and always have… I told you with every goodnight post.
I am going to have to get going now
They are throwing a party in my honor at The Bridge tonight.
And I thought it was knew celebrities on earth!!!
You should see the ones up here…
Spike Taylor, Emmitt, Noodle the disabled dachshund, Buddy
Twinki Gurl, Wyatt, Olivers’s Clubhouse, Emma from My GBGV life, Maddison Mission, Snarf, Pixel Blue Eyes, Destiny from Destiny the Pibble, Baxter from Baxter Wag and Roll, Gabe to the Rescue,Glady’s glorious angelbull, Mojo, Dozer, CC Rider, Tucker, Noel the Alaskan Chihuahua, Oogy the former bait dog, Puppy Doe, Piper the one eyed painting bulldog, Dracco, and so many others.
My pack is here to of course…
I can see Axel running in circles and repeating “I too love Juno.”
So I leave you all tonight knowing that you loved me and please know that I love you too.
I will be around don’t worry!
I really gotta go my party is waiting….
**** Starts to walk away and turns around for one more glimpse at everyone… Gives little Juno smile … looks back to the bridge and starts running.. Right up and over the bridge she goes …. And slams the door on the other side.”