I feel it necessary to report on recent events at our breeding kennel.
People who come to me for puppies usually are interested in puppies that are not kibble fed from birth. We also leave vaccinations up to the adopting parents discretion now since doing the research on the makers of these vaccines and who these companies are under (parent company is Merck) and their goals for their businesses.
If you are willing, and open minded, you will be receptive to the information that what generally is considered to be main stream thinking and behaviour concerning our pets, is actually a detrimental activity with a deadly outcome.
I have witnessed Kayla our first queen rottweiler, become populated with open lesions on her back legs at two and a half years old after she had her first litter of pups. I asked the vet, who said callouses and I said callouses don't spread up her legs. I knew it was cancer. I began to research the food we were giving because you are what you eat.
Purina has some very big issues and the commercial pet food industry is not as regulated as you think. The same people on the board of the regulation agencies are also owners in the pet food brands. Kinda like Pfizer saying we checked the safety ourselves.
www.truthaboutpetfood.com yes, cancers from kibbles is a thing and it's about how it's made and what is being used as the meat for the "by-product" labelling on the packages.
This past winter, with the meat prices hitting an all time high, I was forced (with 5 rotties among the members of the kennel) to resort to kibble feeding and did exclusively use the Canadian Naturals brand and the red meat option only.
Fast forward to August's end and Kayla came up lame and suffered a broken leg at the same time. Went into the vet thinking leg repair and came home with tramadol and a two day window to say goodbye. OSTEOSARCOMA in the back end. Devastated. I watched the cancers on the outside of her body move up her back legs to her hips in two months flat! That was it. She had been off the kibble for four months when she was diagnosed and we put her down.
Fast forward again to last week, when Kiz, my second Queen, this time with Xrays as we couldn't prove it wasn't a muscular injury, showed the osteosarcoma in her hip joint and I can tell you putting her to rest next to Kayla in the orchard was just as devastating three months apart. Both my queens are gone and both to the same disease and in short order.
What could have caused the cancers? How about there was no cancers and very optimal health in my entire kennel, cats included, up until I started the kibble feeding. Kayla was 9 1/2 and was cancer free for seven years after we switched to whole food feeding as per Dr. Karen Becker and Rodney Habib, pet nutritionist's guidance. It did take two years to clear up the cancers in her legs but she DID completely heal. These cancers did not reappear until the kibble feeding and then it came back swiftly and permanently.
So, when you come at me saying I am not doing the right thing by my kennel members by feeding whole foods, what was the dog food before kibble was invented? What did dogs on farms eat back in the days before kibble? Were they just all sick?
What I can prove is that whole foods kept my first Queen alive and healthy and that after kibble cancers started again and this time it took not only her, but the next one that was to replace her as well.
I stand by my research, I stand by Dr. Becker and Rodney Habib and I stand by the fact that kibbles can cause cancer in cancer receptive dogs and cats.
I will never feed kibble ever again.