Well folks…it happened…Tina Harlan got the first touch. More to come. Once we “break them” it’s game in and the petting begins.
We are on watch with hope. Jamie noticed Monday night that she is limping. She puts a little weight on the back leg but is clearly trying to not use it. Some of you may ask “why don’t you trap her and get her to the vet?” First, she is super smart and trapping g is difficult. Second, vet visits are expensive. Third, if there is a break or she requires meds then we have to make the difficult decision to put her down. We have no place for a recovery like that. She ate well last night and did not seem to be in pain, so we watch and we wait…
Aqua in the trunk
Tina’s trunk. It was bound to happen😃
Had to share. This should make you smile even if you are having a hard day (or a few hard days)…Ty Tina for making g me smile. Kai (formerly little grey guy in the drain) has hit the jackpot . What a life she gets to live!
Awwww…going through my old photos. Who can name this cat?❤️
Soooooo…Larry is picking his chops this am. What was in the menu Tina Harlan???
Tina stopped in to say hello to panda this am. He was very happy to say hello