Feeding time for my Rescued Stray Animals in my Rescued Santuary in Cebu Philippines Fortress of hope with my hardworking caretakers, the Sanctuary is
5 years old already since i build it myself alone with no other help except with God..they are the only reason why i wake up every day, work hard for my hardest dreams, knowing they are ok now comparing to the lives before they are rescued, Rescuing Stray Animals is a Life time Sentence, a life time commitment with no turning back unles you give up, with never ending suffering pain of losing savings of your hard earned money just to provide them food, welfare of your caretakers and other things, i never make a living with this 😢 i just followed what my heart tells me the real purpose in life that gives me pure meaning and happiness in my soul and fill my empty heart with so much love that never fade but keeps on growing that will keeps me inspired everyday even though i have so much other personal problems too as long God is always on my side there is still a reason to keep on Going on.
Fortress of hope rescued stray animals is 5 years old.