_Rex for the win again! Sneak attack on the Fiddler! #saltwatertank #mantisshrimp #rexthemantis
_Rex finally molted! What a stressful molt this time around.. Glad he's feeling better! #saltwatertank #mantisshrimp
_Rex dropped this crab! #fyp #saltwatertank #mantisshrimp #posreffish #rexthemantis
_Rex doesn't give any chances around the aqua dome. #mantisshrimp #rexthemantis #saltwatertank
_Rex doesn't even need to try he's just that good. #saltwatertank #rexthemantis #mantisshrimp
_Rex doesn't care about anything other than his rocks.. #fyp #saltwatertank #rexthemantis #posreffish #mantisshrimp
_Rex destroyed the MASSIVE Fiddler Crab and I mean straight DESTROYED HIM!! #fyp #saltwatertank #posreffish #rexthema
_Rex can make crabs fly! #fyp #saltwatertank #rexthemantis #posreffish #mantisshrimp
_Rex came right out the gate! #fyp #saltwatertank #mantisshrimp #rexthemantis
_Rex came from all the way downtown to deliver that blow to the crab! Look at that cloud he made! #rexthemantis #mant
_Ref has never assisted like this before! #fyp #mantisshrimp #saltwatertank #rexthemantis #posreffish
_Rex broke this crab open and fed the fishies! #saltwateraquarium #tiktokviral #tucanaquatics #fyp #tucan #rexthemanti
_Rex broke it then I dropped it in his burrow 🤦♂️ #rexthemantis #mantisshrimp #saltwatertank
_Rex beats up two crabs and with a massive punch!!! #fyp #tucanaquatics #tucan #rexthemantis #mantisshrimp #saltwater
_Rex beats up a Thai Devil Crab! #saltwatertank #mantisshrimp #rexthemantis
_Rex battled against the biggest Fiddler crab I have ever seen! #fyp #rexthemantis #mantisshrimp #saltwatertank
_Ref just guiding Rex to dinner 🤣🤣 #rexthemantis #fyp #tucan #tucanaquatics #tiktokviral #mantisshrimp #saltwateraquar
_Ref is about to learn... #fyp #saltwatertank #mantisshrimp #rexthemantis #posreffish
_Ref interferes more than I do!! #posreffish #rexthemantis #mantisshrimp #saltwatertank #fyp
_Rex made quick work of this crab! Pardon my language I was surprised at how hard he hit the crab 🤣 #fyp #saltwaterta