Candling eggs today 🥰 Our serama eggs are the first to show signs of development!
Any tips on candling copper maran eggs? I can’t seem to see inside them since they’re so dark 🤣 Hoping for some fluffy headed colored layers 💕
Hi again! 😊 I wanted to show the size difference between button and coturnix quail. These chicks are both tuxedo colored and only 5 days apart in age. Button quail are so tiny 🥹 We have 6 chicks so far and more on the way! 🥰 Let us know if you’d like to be on our waitlist before we’re out! We’re already out of coturnix chicks, so we have a couple dozen hatching eggs waiting to go into the incubator. Thank you so much to everyone supporting us along the way 💕
Teaching the button quail how to eat is one of the cutest things 🥰
Our button quail are hatching!! One is completely out now and another one is pipped 🥰
Our 5 month old serama hen is being such an amazing momma to our freshly hatched chicks 💕. #seramachicken #Maine #incubator #eggs #chicks #quail #coturnixquail
5 little coturnix babies this morning 🥰 Stay tuned to our page! We have a broody 5 month old serama adopting these little ones and it is oh so cute! 💕 These ones hatched on day 18 and the rest will be hatching over the next 3 to 4 days 😊
Our first serama of the season! 💕
The first serama egg of the season is fertile! So far just one serama egg and 1 silkie egg and both are fertile 🥰 So excited to see these first little babies of the season 💕 Stay tuned to our page for updates!!
Time for what you’ve all been waiting for!! 💕🐣
CONGRATULATIONS Jolene Crommett!!! You’ve won the chick give away!! 💕
Merry Christmas everyone! (or happy holidays) 💕🥰
One of the most satisfying things about keeping chickens… is the odd chance you grab the right side of the bag string 😂
Everyone is moved out to the coop! The older serama chicks are getting their feathers in, can't wait to see them full grown 😊
The seramas are hatching 💕 We are keeping hold backs from this batch so stay tuned for the ones that will be ready for homes 😊