A Pet's Truckin' Life

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A Pet's  Truckin' Life This is about everything "trucker-pets"..the best truck stops..and share pictures..and laughs

Hi everyone...my poor mummy.  You see, we picked up a load in Virginia that has 2 drops on it. The first was down by Aus...

Hi everyone...my poor mummy. You see, we picked up a load in Virginia that has 2 drops on it. The first was down by Austin Texas, and the 2nd is up by Reno. Which ment that we were going through the area were that bad storm came through. But, not to worry, mummy decided that we were going to park it for the day. Mummy is a good driver, but as she says..I don't know how good the other drivers are. So, we lost one driving day on Friday. Then Saturday, after mummy got fuel, we started to lose air in one of our tires. They couldn't work on our truck anymore that day. Cuz the mechanic left at 6pm, and there were 2 other trucks in line. But, they got to us first thing on Sunday. So, we lost another day of driving. So, mummy has been driving like crazy to try and make up some time. But not to worry, mummy doesn't take risks. We stopped last night in Santa Rosa, which is always a nice place to stop. I chose a few pictures of our stopped day during the snow storm. Mummy kept asking if I wanted to go out for potty. I gave her my best side-eye, and told her I had something more important to do than get my "undercarriage " cold and wet. Which i am going back to here in a moment. Till next time..keep on truckin..and stay healthy..Chubbs


Mummy hasn't stopped here...yet.

Hi everyone...well mummy and I have been "discussing " a few things for the past few days.  And what have we been discus...

Hi everyone...well mummy and I have been "discussing " a few things for the past few days. And what have we been discussing you might ask. Air quality. What does that mean..you might ask. Well, the other day, I got a whiff of a wonderful sniff. And I wanted to investigate. But, of course, mummy won't let me go anywhere near it. She thought my nose was broken, cuz she said that sniff smelled awful!! She even said that it was almost as bad as my little "t***s"!! Mummy even said that when I pass a little harmless gas she has to roll down the windows!! She says it's one of the reasons I am not allowed to have anything spicy!! (I love spicy foods 😋!!) I can't believe mummy!! Then, mummy found ourselves at the Tennessee/North Carolina line, last night. It was so cold, mummy got out my Dakota Dan hat out!! I looked ridiculous!! I heard the other pups in their trucks laughing at me!! But, I have to admit, I was nice and warm. But, don't tell mummy. I am still upset with her. (My t***s don't sniff bad!!) Well, I have to get my "handsome " sleep. I am going to confiscate both of mummy's pillows!! Till next time..keep on truckin..and stay healthy..Chubbs

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! WELCOME 2025!!! AND GOODBYE TO 2024!!Hi everyone..mummy and I want to wish you all a Happy New Year!! ...

Hi everyone..mummy and I want to wish you all a Happy New Year!! We are on our way to North Carolina, with a stop in Springfield Missouri. We welcomed 2025 in Joplin, cuddled up in the truck watching some TV. They are letting off a few fireworks. So, it doesn't bother me to much. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. I did. I got a new pillow, a lot of snacks, and new bedding for the truck bed. Mummy says that she got the bedding for herself, but i know the truth...it's for me!! I do have some bad news though. My mummy's sister...Auntie Brenda called to wish us a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. And she wanted to tell us about my cousin Coco. Sometime ago Coco crossed the Rainbow bridge. Coco and I didn't do much playing...but we did enjoy sniffing things out in their backyard. She was already blind and very hard of hearing the last time I saw her. So, I had to follow her around on our mini sniff-aris. But, I know that my brothers Moerchen(he's a cockapoo) and Mischief (he's a...cat) plus my uncle Kruger(a shepherd chow mix) my Grampy John and others from my family were there to greet her. She won't be lonely up there waiting for the rest of us to met with her again. Mummy said not to be sad, but to remember that Coco is without pain, running around like a puppy again. Mummy also said that we need to remember to tell those who are important to us how much we love and cherish them. So, on that note...
To all of you who follow mummy and me...thank you. Mummy and I love you all. We cry, laugh, and you all are in our prayers every day. Thank you for coming on this journey with us. You all are very important to mummy and me. Thank you..again.
Till next time..keep on truckin..and stay healthy..Chubbs and mummy

Hi everyone..well mummy and I made it to Grammy's!! I have already mapped out her apartment!! The only thing I didn't ha...

Hi everyone..well mummy and I made it to Grammy's!! I have already mapped out her apartment!! The only thing I didn't have to map out, was the fridge!! The cheese tax is always in forced!! Mummy tells me that the Christmas 🎄 is beautiful. And, knowing Grammy it is. We already had our Christmas fondue. We will be opening presents shortly. But, before we do, Grammy, mummy and myself want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas! And thank you all for your Christmas wishes! We appreciate each and every one of you! Till next time..keep on truckin..and stay healthy..Chubbs, Grammy and mummy

Hi everyone...well we are back on the road to Grammy's for Christmas!!! I can't wait.  But,  today was an extra special ...

Hi everyone...well we are back on the road to Grammy's for Christmas!!! I can't wait. But, today was an extra special day...it was my "Gotcha Day". I got a hamburger, some cheese and extra treats!! Mummy though has been a little sad these past few days. You see, when we encounter another pup, mummy tells their hoomans that I am blind. You see I can't tell if the other pup is doing a "play bow", and they might get upset with me. So, their hoomans ask how old i am. And then they say "oh, that poor old pup". Mummy and I know they mean well, but my poor mummy is so sad. Cuz she knows that my time is getting shorter. But, tonight when we stopped at Santa Rosa in NM, I reminded her of 2 things. First, that even though my eyes can't see..I still have my mind. And I remember the reds of the Southwest. The tall trees of the Northwest. The corn fields of the Midwest. The canyons of Utah. My friend in Flagstaff. Those heavenly pieces of deap fried dough in New Orleans. All the times we got wet cuz I wanted 1 more sniff before it rained. The ruins we explored. Which brings me to my 2nd point. I would have never had all of those experiences if you didn't adopt me. So far mummy has given me the best 14 years a pup could want. She really did save my life. (I was close to my end time at the Human Society) And it has been a wonderful life..so far. I have a Grammy that is the best. And wonderful family all over the country. I have met great people and puppers!! And, I have allowed you!! I have this wonderful life cuz some crazy red haired German woman came into the Human Society of Hobbs NM and wanted to adopt me!! So, as long as I am healthy, I am looking forward to more than another 14 years of great adventures with mummy, Grammy, my family and all of you!! So Happy Gotcha Day to ME! Till next time..keep on truckin..and stay healthy..Chubbs

Hi everyone..I hope that you all had a very good Thanksgiving.  We did. I made sure that I never left mummy's side. I bu...

Hi everyone..I hope that you all had a very good Thanksgiving. We did. I made sure that I never left mummy's side. I bump my nose into her leg to remind her that "sharing is caring ". So I got a lot of turkey!! But, I noticed that mummy and Grammy were really sad the whole time. They didn't tell me why. Then the next day, they trick me, and took me to the vet!! I got a whole bunch of blood taken from me, and they took a picture of my insides!! The dogtor said that i need to be on some medicines, 2 because of an infection one for life for my heart. Some how that relieved both mummy and Grammy. And, they were happy..again. I wasn't, when mummy tried to give me the medicine that night. I might have..maybe..bit her. Since there is no picture of the "bite" I don't believe that I did that. So, mummy took a bit of extra time off. She even got me a new coat, sweater and harness. So, now we are on our way to California. And, mummy has been trying to figure out were to put all the groceries she bought. Poor mummy, she is having to rearrange things again! So, that is what has been happening with us. Mummy is very happy that i am doing good. The dogtor even said that other than my heart, I am very healthy. So to keep up with what she is doing. So, I have to get back to "helping " mummy. Till next time..keep on truckin..and stay healthy..Chubbs

Hi everyone...first...HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Mummy,  Grammy and myself want you all to have a great time with family and ...

Hi everyone...first...HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Mummy, Grammy and myself want you all to have a great time with family and friends!! Mummy and I are with Grammy, and looking forward to the turkey!! But, being with the ones you love is the most important. Mummy and I will be giving you all more...after today. Because I have a very important job today...Turkey Inspector!!! Till next time..keep on truckin..and stay healthy..Chubbs, Mummy and Grammy

Hi everyone...first I must do something...and that is to wish the most beautiful,  kind, loving, sweet, caring woman in ...

Hi everyone...first I must do something...and that is to wish the most beautiful, kind, loving, sweet, caring woman in the world a Happy Birthday!! That would be Grammy of course!! Now to tell you all what has been happening. I have been helping mummy with a gremlin!! You see, mummy makes the bed for us every morning. And in the evening she has to remake the bed cuz she says that a "bed gremlin " has been un-making it. So, I thought it could put my superior nose to work, and find this destructive foe! I even asked her if she had seen it, and asked if she could give me a general description. Mummy said that he is running around on all 4's, has big ears, a tail, and until yesterday she thought he was wearing a Christmas sweater. Mummy said that it even had bells on it. But, I have been sniffing all day, and all that i have been able to sniff is mummy and me! Hey...wait a minute..if all that i can sniff is mummy and me...maybe that's cuz this gremlin is a magical creature!! Hey mummy...why are you snickering? Your giggling!! WHY? All 4's..tail..sweater with bells...THAT'S ME!!! You all must excuse me for a moment, I have a "bone" to pick with mummy. Till next time..keep on truckin..and stay healthy..Chubbs

Hi everyone..I have to make this quick.  I don't like being out of my "shelter" for too long. They might get me! After w...

Hi everyone..I have to make this quick. I don't like being out of my "shelter" for too long. They might get me! After we delivered, mummy got us a load to Olympia Wa. And...well..we went through a place we shouldn't have...Roswell NM!! And, of course mummy just had to stop for pictures! At first I didn't mind it. Mummy said that it was a very famous place. Were "folks " come from near and very far. She said that with one of her crazy giggles. So, I got my new voice activated I-bone out, and looked the place up. Aliens 👽!!! REALLY MUMMY!! I AM A GLOBAL TREASURE!! MY EVIL BUNNY HUNTING SKILLS ARE THE BEST ON THIS PLANET!! Now I and my best toys have to wear aluminum hats!!! I have to make a bunker for protection!! TheymightwantmytreatsImustprotectthem...

Hi everyone..mummy here. I should have never gotten him his new voice activated I-bone. Now I will be spending the rest of the night doing oommms with him. Till next time..keep on truckin..and stay healthy..Chubbs and mummy

Hi everyone..well it has been a week for my mummy.  But, a crazy and wonderful one for me! First, I got my first taste o...

Hi everyone..well it has been a week for my mummy. But, a crazy and wonderful one for me! First, I got my first taste of Chick-fil-A !! That was delicious 😋! Then mummy surprised me with another visit to Grammy's!! But, my poor mummy. She has been driving herself crazy. You see when we are at Grammy's, mummy does a lot of food shopping for the truck..and boy did she go overboard!! But, it wasn't so much the putting away of her haul that made her go crazy. You see, mummy is part German..and those ladies are part ADHD about cleaning!! While she was putting stuff away, mummy decided that she needed to re-organized the food storage area. Then it was not just re-organized but it needed to be cleaned. Then it was that she needed to organize and clean EVERYTHING in the truck!! And, then not just inside the truck, but the storage outside the truck. I was getting worried that mummy would think that I needed a shudder...bath...shudder!! So, every day, after driving for about 9 hours she would take something apart and clean it!! Mummy said that it would make things easier for her to take care of me, since she now thinks that I have only 20% of my sight left. (I am not going to tell her that it is less than 10%) I think that she might have 2 more days of cleaning left. I hope so, mummy needs her breaks. Well, mummy is finally done for tonight..time for cuddles. Till next time..keep on truckin..and stay healthy..Chubbs

HELP WANTED...(yes, mummy..i am looking for a new secretary) Facebook influencer is looking for a well qualified secreta...

HELP WANTED...(yes, mummy..i am looking for a new secretary) Facebook influencer is looking for a well qualified secretary. Must be able to take dictation, post on Facebook..and to the correct site..and give tummy scratches when needed!!
Oh, Hi everyone...well mummy is going to lose her position as my personal secretary. You see we were at Grammy's last week, it was a wonderful surprise, and I told mummy what to post. It was one of my finest posts. About Grammy's trip to Germany and stuff. And I have been asking mummy to read me all the comments. Well, she kept saying that we hadn't gotten any comments. So I went on my I-bone and found out why. SHE POSTED IT ON HER PAGE!! So, I am now looking for a secretary that knows her way around Facebook and stuff. So, today we got unloaded out here in Massachusetts, just south of Boston. It, was an interesting trip, we crossed the George Washington bridge, seen lots of interesting things, even went to one of my favorite bark parks..the Petro in Carlisle PA. Mummy has been getting sad though. Something about seeing some of our favorite places before my "word goes totally dark ". I don't want to tell her, that it has been happening maybe quicker than we would like. But let that be our secret from mummy. I have noticed that she is very sad. But I try to comfort her by telling her that I can still see with my nose...and read all of my pee-mail. I think that puts a smile on her face. Well, tomorrow we start on our way back to California, we pick up a load on Monday in South Bend IN. So..till next time...keep on truckin..and stay healthy..Chubbs

P.S..I am still looking for a secretary!!


Hi everyone..mummy here. Sorry it's been a while. But, I have been so worried about Chubbs. His coughing has gotten much better. But, the last week or so, he has developed this stare..i can't explain it. It's like if you were to walk into a room, and forgot why you were there. You then stare off into space till someone calls your name, and it kind of "wakes you up". Well, he has been doing that quite a lot. Well it has been worrying me. So, I am not going to wait till February, for his vet appointment. I will have Grammy make it for the Monday after Thanksgiving. So, please be understanding. I find myself cuddling him, on my pillows, and falling asleep just petting him. He is such a good boi!! Thanks..mummy

Hi everyone..sorry it's been a while.  Mummy has not been herself lately.  She has been thinking that it's Tuesday all w...

Hi everyone..sorry it's been a while. Mummy has not been herself lately. She has been thinking that it's Tuesday all week. Then I asked her if she has been taking care of herself. Mummy has been so worried about me, that I think she has been neglecting herself. I asked her when was the last time she has any of her vitamins. (She is at "that" age were she needs to!) And won't you know it..she didn't remember the last time she had any of her vitamins. So, being the wonderful pup I am, I put her vitamins in her daily reminder pill box. This is tough work for this little pup. But, I know that mummy is very worried about me. And that she goes over the top to take care of me. Every evening she makes sure that I take my vitamins and an extra treat for skin and coat. Then she grabs some chicken jerky, and other biscuits, breaks them into smaller pieces and hides them all over the bunk area. Well, I better give mummy some extra cuddles tonight. Till next time..keep on truckin..and stay healthy..Chubbs

Hi everyone..it has been a scary, crazy, fur-raising last few days.  First,  the truck had to go back in the shop.  So, ...

Hi everyone..it has been a scary, crazy, fur-raising last few days. First, the truck had to go back in the shop. So, they gave us another temporary one. So, mummy had to scramble to get some of our stuff into the "loaner " truck. That was the crazy part..and here comes the scary part. Mummy forgot her coffee in our truck that went into the shop!! Mummy said that she needed to cut back on the caffeine anyway. NO SHE DOESN'T!!!(this is the scary part!!) Mummy must have her coffee! (She calls it the elixir of life!!) She had no patience for others, she kept saying things that little puppy ears shouldn't hear, her brain was in a fog...it was just horrible!! And that was just the first day!! I had to tell others to run for their life..not to come too close!! I even got a bit scared 😱! I had to put my paw down..and tell her that I was going to kick her out of the truck until she gets her coffee!!! So, she listened to her pup, and got some coffee. And now everything is right again. Mummy has her coffee, we got back in our truck, and we are rolling!! Mummy even got me a puppy-patty!! That was her way of saying thank you for being a good pup!! (I think I deserve at least one a day) Well, it's bedtime..I need my beauty sleep after this past week. Till next time..keep on truckin..and stay healthy..Chubbs




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