Hi everyone...my poor mummy. You see, we picked up a load in Virginia that has 2 drops on it. The first was down by Austin Texas, and the 2nd is up by Reno. Which ment that we were going through the area were that bad storm came through. But, not to worry, mummy decided that we were going to park it for the day. Mummy is a good driver, but as she says..I don't know how good the other drivers are. So, we lost one driving day on Friday. Then Saturday, after mummy got fuel, we started to lose air in one of our tires. They couldn't work on our truck anymore that day. Cuz the mechanic left at 6pm, and there were 2 other trucks in line. But, they got to us first thing on Sunday. So, we lost another day of driving. So, mummy has been driving like crazy to try and make up some time. But not to worry, mummy doesn't take risks. We stopped last night in Santa Rosa, which is always a nice place to stop. I chose a few pictures of our stopped day during the snow storm. Mummy kept asking if I wanted to go out for potty. I gave her my best side-eye, and told her I had something more important to do than get my "undercarriage " cold and wet. Which i am going back to here in a moment. Till next time..keep on truckin..and stay healthy..Chubbs