Hi everyone...well we are back on the road to Grammy's for Christmas!!! I can't wait. But, today was an extra special day...it was my "Gotcha Day". I got a hamburger, some cheese and extra treats!! Mummy though has been a little sad these past few days. You see, when we encounter another pup, mummy tells their hoomans that I am blind. You see I can't tell if the other pup is doing a "play bow", and they might get upset with me. So, their hoomans ask how old i am. And then they say "oh, that poor old pup". Mummy and I know they mean well, but my poor mummy is so sad. Cuz she knows that my time is getting shorter. But, tonight when we stopped at Santa Rosa in NM, I reminded her of 2 things. First, that even though my eyes can't see..I still have my mind. And I remember the reds of the Southwest. The tall trees of the Northwest. The corn fields of the Midwest. The canyons of Utah. My friend in Flagstaff. Those heavenly pieces of deap fried dough in New Orleans. All the times we got wet cuz I wanted 1 more sniff before it rained. The ruins we explored. Which brings me to my 2nd point. I would have never had all of those experiences if you didn't adopt me. So far mummy has given me the best 14 years a pup could want. She really did save my life. (I was close to my end time at the Human Society) And it has been a wonderful life..so far. I have a Grammy that is the best. And wonderful family all over the country. I have met great people and puppers!! And, I have allowed you!! I have this wonderful life cuz some crazy red haired German woman came into the Human Society of Hobbs NM and wanted to adopt me!! So, as long as I am healthy, I am looking forward to more than another 14 years of great adventures with mummy, Grammy, my family and all of you!! So Happy Gotcha Day to ME! Till next time..keep on truckin..and stay healthy..Chubbs