5 Star review from Reader's Favorite!
The often-quoted words of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche say it all: “Without music, life would be a mistake.” But it goes beyond the mere thought of having music with you at all times. Music must be accessible to everyone and it’s not. Isn’t that what equality, the backbone of our cultural reality, is all about? Greg Allen Morgoglione’s Play Something Pretty That You Like to Play tells one musician’s story about bringing music to the masses in his community. Music defines who we are in so many ways. Music is more than stories; it’s emotions, feelings, political and social statements and so much more. And, yet, sadly, so many people are left without this beautiful part of life. So, more than just singing about change, the author wanted to be part of the change to make music part of the equality equation.
Greg Allen Morgoglione’s book, Play Something Pretty That You Like to Play, is a memoir of music and the importance music plays in all of our lives. Always a singer, the author “started writing songs in the 90’s, another unique twist to the soundtrack of my life. Every song has a story. Though many of those stories have escaped me, countless songs bring back vivid reminders of who I am and how I got here.” The author shares his experiences performing for multiple community groups that might otherwise miss out on the music experience. He shares his stories musically, and each song he writes is a story in itself. The stories are written from the heart and will have readers enthralled and, hopefully, inspired to share music everywhere. A powerful and enjoyable narrative.
Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Reader's Favorite