Dr. Kate McDermott- Cancer Diet Expert for Dogs

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  • Dr. Kate McDermott- Cancer Diet Expert for Dogs

Dr. Kate McDermott- Cancer Diet Expert for Dogs Helping you feed a powerful cancer diet so you can help TREAT your dog’s cancer with food and keep

You can work with me virtually and learn how to feed a powerful cancer diet inside of my Healing Your Best Friend Cancer Success Program. You'll get personalized diet recommendations so your dog can fight their cancer, heal, and feel their best!

I'm just beginning to get back on my feet after saying goodbye to my sweet baby boy. It has hit me much harder than I th...

I'm just beginning to get back on my feet after saying goodbye to my sweet baby boy. It has hit me much harder than I thought possible.

I have read each and every message that you have sent me and while I haven't yet had been able to reply to them, I just want to say that each one has brought me more comfort than I can possibly say.

I still cry every day. I still feel like I can't breathe sometimes. I still feel completely lost. I'm just taking it step by step and taking the time I need to heal. The pictures and memories help, but nothing can replace kissing his sweet face goodnight every day.

But I will take on all the pain of this loss if it means he never has to feel an ounce of pain ❤

I regret nothing about his amazing life and adventures or the care we gave him through his cancer journey. I wouldn't have changed a single thing.

And once I'm back on my feet, I want to help make sure that you can also say the same thing as you go through the cancer journey with your dog. Maybe that will be the legacy Zeke leaves behind.

I wanted to share this picture that my sister found of a young Zeke shortly after I adopted him, running free with his best friend Mak. We've now lost both these sweet souls to cancer, but I can't stop smiling when I see this picture as I imagine this is what they're doing right now- running so fast, all 4 feet off the ground, whole, happy, healed ❤

My whole world is completely shattered. A part of my soul is missing. Yesterday we said goodbye to my soulmate. Just yes...

My whole world is completely shattered. A part of my soul is missing.

Yesterday we said goodbye to my soulmate. Just yesterday morning he had been bouncing around and happy. In the afternoon he developed a rare and sudden complication of his cancer that made it so he couldn’t breathe. This was completely unrelated to his surgery and kidney disease.

I had asked him before to tell me when he was tired of fighting and yesterday when this happened, he looked at me and told me he was ready. I would do anything in the world for that perfect baby boy and so I gave him this last gift of peace and we said goodbye.

I know that we did everything possible for him and I know without a shadow of a doubt that he was ready, but I can’t begin to describe the emptiness I feel.

There are no words to truly describe his essence to you, but I’ll try:

Zeke had an infectious and larger than life personality. Everyone who met him instantly adored him. He would walk up to everyone and wiggle his little tail so fast while he secretly looked for food in their pockets. If you fed him he was your best friend for life.

He was spunky and naughty and mischievous and made me laugh every day with his antics. But he was also sensitive and loving and oh so sweet. He had this light that just shined from his eyes. Everyone has a “Zeke story”!

He didn’t know what a soft bed was or what the inside of a house was like when I adopted him. He was starving, terrified of men, and scared to walk through doorways. Then he learned all about love and food and went on to become a confident therapy dog.

We’ve traveled the world together and my brave boy has lived in so many different homes with me, but as long as we were together he was happy and would settle right in.

He was the strongest baby boy to fight 2 types of cancer for over 18 months, hiking and playing the whole time, never letting it slow him down. I couldn’t be more proud of him. He was perfect.

Zeke was a soulmate dog and there will never be another dog like him. Him and I just “got” each other.

He taught me how to be a doctor and he made me a better human. He brought more light into my life than I can begin to say. Ours souls were intertwined and a huge part my very essence is missing. It still doesn’t feel real.

I will be taking a few days away from here to honor his soul and grieve and figure out how to live in a world without him 💔

For those of you who have been following our story, I wanted to give you an update: Zeke's home with us right now but we...

For those of you who have been following our story, I wanted to give you an update: Zeke's home with us right now but we have a long road ahead of us.

Zeke's kidney values spiked very very high the morning before his planned dental surgery, but we made the very difficult decision to move forward to get him out of pain. He did absolutely beautiful for the anesthesia and I got 6 yucky teeth out. We can tell his mouth already feels better!

Now we're doing everything we can to support his kidneys and get him through this.

He's a tough boy, his cancer is stable, his mouth isn't painful anymore, and he has an amazing appetite despite feeling crappy ❤️

Thank you everyone for your continued love and support for us! He's worth it all!

How should we spoil Zeke before his big dental surgery on Tuesday? I’m a nervous momma but he’s obviously not too stress...

How should we spoil Zeke before his big dental surgery on Tuesday?

I’m a nervous momma but he’s obviously not too stressed about it 😅

So how should we spoil him this weekend before he has to be the bravest boy ever??
A. A long walk on the beach where he will sneak a snack of his favorite delicacy "the dead crab"
B. A little hike to his favorite peak where he can feel the wind blowing his ears back
C. A special cancer-friendly meal for the boy who loves eating above anything else in this world
D. A new toy for when his mouth feels better and he can play again!

Help us pick!

AHHHH the sun is out!!!I have ALWAYS wanted to live somewhere with palm trees 😍 And now that the weather is warming up h...

AHHHH the sun is out!!!

I have ALWAYS wanted to live somewhere with palm trees 😍 And now that the weather is warming up here, I've been taking a little walk on my lunch break in this park next to work. SO RELAXING! Zeke and I are just loving this sunny spring weather this week!

Do you and your dog have a favorite season?

A little inspiration to start your weekend! I've just made a donation to Animal Cancer Foundation in honor of 6 amazing ...

A little inspiration to start your weekend! I've just made a donation to Animal Cancer Foundation in honor of 6 amazing dogs who are currently in my online cancer diet program Healing Your Best Friend Cancer Success Program!!

We're working on finding a cure!

Join me in honoring these 6 amazing dogs who are helping find a cancer-free future for ALL the dogs out there 🥳🥳🥳

Is that what you want for your dog too?Here's another batch of Zeke's food finished for the month! I absolutely LOVE tha...

Is that what you want for your dog too?

Here's another batch of Zeke's food finished for the month!

I absolutely LOVE that I can nourish his body and provide a WHOLE body treatment for his cancer every single day. It's the best feeling ❤

Feel free to say hi below if you want to learn more about this diet 😊

I've often felt alone on this journey with Zeke's cancer. Don't get me wrong, I have my supportive husband and family wh...

I've often felt alone on this journey with Zeke's cancer. Don't get me wrong, I have my supportive husband and family who absolutely adore Zeke, but none of them have the same bond with him as I do.

And I've found that unless I'm talking to people who are also going through it, many other people just don't always "get it".

So I'm wondering if you've ever felt this way too, do you think you'd like to have a space you could go to chat with other dog parents who think like you. A place to share the hard decisions and the ups and downs of the cancer journey with other people who just get it?

Give me a "Yes" if you think a space like this would be nice.
Or a "No" if you wouldn't want something like this.

I cannot begin to express how much Zeke, Colin and I appreciate all the love you've been sending us this week as we deci...

I cannot begin to express how much Zeke, Colin and I appreciate all the love you've been sending us this week as we decide about surgery for Zeke ❤️

We've decided to move forward with the dental surgery next week since we've tried every other option already to ease his pain.

If I could fly a veterinary anesthesiologist out here to Hong Kong I'd do it in a heartbeat if it meant my little boy would be safer during his surgery, but our next best option is to consult with one so that's what we're doing.

I'll be doing the surgery itself (I HATE doing surgery on my own pets buts I have the most expertise here), our amazing nurses and my husband will monitor the anesthesia, and the other amazing doctors at our hospital will be on back-up in case of an emergency.

Given how high risk he is for anesthesia, this is one of the most difficult and scary decisions we've ever had to make with him... but I'm CONFIDENT he's going to be the rockstar dog he always is and sail through with flying colors! 🥰

Today was a "Spoil the Zeke Day" and we're looking forward to a pain-free future for my little boy!

I'll keep you updated as we move forward, as I know so many are also making these difficult decisions with your babies! I know it's not easy and you just have to do what you feel in your soul is best ❤

We've had a SCARY week! My brave little boy got all his cancer tests and labwork done: his chest tumor is a little bigge...

We've had a SCARY week!

My brave little boy got all his cancer tests and labwork done: his chest tumor is a little bigger, his kidney disease slightly worse, and his prostate tumor is the same size- all better results than we expected after 18 months!!

But his mouth has been really painful. And medications are not helping 😢

So yesterday we sedated him for a full exam of his mouth and he has really ouchy ulcers on his cheeks and an infected tooth in the back of his mouth 😭

He was just the best boy for everything though!

But now we have to decide whether it's safe to put him under anesthesia with his cancer and kidney disease to extract the infected tooth, which is the only thing that will help the pain...

I can't stand to see my baby in pain, but he's such a high risk for surgery right now 😭

We could use all the love and virtual hugs right now!!! ❤❤❤
I will definitely keep you updated as we decide about surgery!


Want to make sure your dog with cancer is getting the healthiest and the most nutritious diet right now? Then join me right here for a mini-training session: “3 vital components to a powerful homecooked cancer diet”.

These tips will get you moving in the right direction so you can keep your sweet baby feeling their absolute best ❤️

P.S. If you like this topic and you want to explore it even more, I’m hosting a free online masterclass right now!
“How to Treat Your Dog’s Cancer With a Powerful Cancer Diet” will teach you more about cancer diets and using the diet as a treatment for cancer.

➡️ You won’t want to miss it! Grab your free spot at wholepetacupuncture.com/register

Nothing in this world makes me as happy as seeing my little boy happy! Zeke was a bit off and quiet last week, but the p...

Nothing in this world makes me as happy as seeing my little boy happy!

Zeke was a bit off and quiet last week, but the past few days he's been asking for an adventure! So today we took him for a hike and it just filled my heart to the brim watching him bounce along the trail and scramble up the rocks to get to this peak ❤

He's 14 years old with 2 types of cancer so I know how much of a gift it is to have this special time together and to have him FEELING this good ☺️

Do you have these moments when you can just see the pure joy on your dog's face?

Can you find the hidden dog? Winter snuggles ❤

Can you find the hidden dog?

Winter snuggles ❤

Let me know!Type a 1... if you’re ALL about using food for healing Type a 2... if you’re brand new to itType a 3... if y...

Let me know!
Type a 1... if you’re ALL about using food for healing

Type a 2... if you’re brand new to it

Type a 3... if you want me to send you my free guide with how to get started with healing foods for your dog's cancer

➡️ TRUTH: When I first decided to learn acupuncture, even my husband was a skeptic. He didn't "believe" in it. Then when...

➡️ TRUTH: When I first decided to learn acupuncture, even my husband was a skeptic. He didn't "believe" in it. Then when I started talking about healing foods and Chinese herbs, he definitely thought I was crazy!

Now that he's seen what it can do, he's 100% on board!

➡️ TRUTH: When we took Zeke to our oncologist when he was first diagnosed with his cancer, I got the same skeptical looks from her when I told her I would be using a cancer diet and Chinese herbs to help treat him.

Now that she's seen how amazing Zeke's doing considering his initial poor prognosis, she sends patients to me all the time for help with a cancer diet!

➡️ TRUTH: And sometimes still today, when I tell people I cook for my dog, they think I'm absolutely nuts!

But I'm so grateful that I've done these things, despite the judgement and skepticism because look at Zeke now! Happy and living life to his fullest, 18 months later!

➡️ TRUTH: If you've ever felt the doubt or judgement or skepticism from someone who doesn't quite understand that you want to use food, or acupuncture, or herbs, or supplements, or some other "alternative" treatment to help your dog, I want you to know you're definitely NOT alone.

And that you're not doing something "wrong" for your dog.

You're in great company here. We are 100% on board with using modern Western medicine AND all those other amazing methods to treat your dog and help them feel their absolute best every day of their life ❤


Have you been looking for a way to treat your dog’s cancer AND support their body?

Integrative medicine is an amazing way to do this!

If you're wondering what integrative medicine is or what it can do for your dog, then this is for you! ❤️

In this video I’m sharing,
✔ How integrative medicine can be a powerful tool for your dog’s cancer
✔ An effective way to STOP the cancer from growing and spreading
✔ How to treat the WHOLE body so your dog can be nourished and feel their best every single day ❤️

I had a million and one things to do today, but I took a long walk with my boy because this time together is what matter...

I had a million and one things to do today, but I took a long walk with my boy because this time together is what matters more than anything ❤️❤️❤️

“Think of cancer as a w**d. Modern western oncology is focused on destroying the w**d while integrative oncology concent...

“Think of cancer as a w**d. Modern western oncology is focused on destroying the w**d while integrative oncology concentrates on the soil the w**d grows in and on making the soil as INHOSPITABLE as possible to the growth and spread of the w**d.”
- Dr. Donald Abrams

This is SO SO true and why integrating by using modern medicine AND other methods (like a cancer diet, herbs, acupuncture, supplements, etc) often gives our babies more time with us ❤

What do you think?

Why do you like feeding a healthier diet? A. To help your dog live a longer lifeB. To improve their overall health C. To...

Why do you like feeding a healthier diet?
A. To help your dog live a longer life
B. To improve their overall health
C. To treat and support the WHOLE body

I'd LOVE to know!

Can I say D. All of the above? 😁

Hi 👋 If you're new around here, WELCOME!! We are all about keeping our babies feeling as healthy as possible and helping...

Hi 👋 If you're new around here, WELCOME!!

We are all about keeping our babies feeling as healthy as possible and helping them live the best possible life while fighting their cancer.

A little about me:
✔️ I'm a veterinarian trained in Eastern AND Western medicine and am certified in Acupuncture and Food Therapy. This means we get to focus on treating the WHOLE body so our dogs can feel their absolute best 😊

✔️ My little boy Zeke is simply amazing ❤ He's 14 and has been the strongest boy ever fighting 2 aggressive types of cancer for nearly 18 months now. His diet has been the primary treatment for his cancer!

✔️ I'm from the US but I currently live in Hong Kong, where I get to practice acupuncture and Chinese Medicine where it originated and expand my knowledge so more pets can get the help they need.

✔️ BUT I also work with dog parents ALL over the US so they can feed a powerful cancer diet to their dogs to treat the cancer AND keep the body strong in my online program Healing Your Best Friend Cancer Success Program!

I love, love, LOVE that you're here and ready to make amazing changes in your dog's health and life ❤

Please say HI below and tell me how old your sweet doggy is!


From feeling hopeless and helpless about the cancer... to feeling so empowered and grateful that I can help my little boy every single day.

The gift of a cancer diet ❤️


2021’s looking pretty good so far! This cutie just learned a new trick a work! (If you listen with sound on, it says "food" when he hits the button)

Keeping him active and mentally stimulated is a huge part of keeping my sweet boy healthy ❤️

Does your dog know any cool tricks?

Happy New Year!! Hoping your 2021 is filled with healthier days and all the tail wags you can handle ❤

Happy New Year!! Hoping your 2021 is filled with healthier days and all the tail wags you can handle ❤

I am SO very grateful to have been able to spend all of 2020 with this little man ❤️Didn’t know if we’d get that much ti...

I am SO very grateful to have been able to spend all of 2020 with this little man ❤️

Didn’t know if we’d get that much time together, but seeing him happy and his normal snuggly self has been such a gift this year!

What are you grateful for this year?

Someone always has to help when we make his food 😊 It took less than 3 hours this month to make a whole month-worth of f...

Someone always has to help when we make his food 😊

It took less than 3 hours this month to make a whole month-worth of food that is PACKED with nutrients and cancer-fighting foods to keep my boy strong!

You can learn exactly how to do this for your dog in my online program Healing Your Best Friend Cancer Success Program ❤

Someone joined the coaching call we just had today in my Healing Your Best Friend Cancer Success Program. He wanted to h...

Someone joined the coaching call we just had today in my Healing Your Best Friend Cancer Success Program. He wanted to help answer questions, hear how all the amazing dogs in the program were doing with their diets, and encourage them to keep fighting that cancer!

But then he fell asleep...❤️


If you have been feeling a little lost or confused about what you should be doing for your dog right now...

Or having a lot of doubt over what steps you should be taking...

Or you're feeling a bit alone in this cancer process...

Then this is for you ❤️

You are NOT alone in this and you are doing better than you think.

What a gift it is to be able to provide Zeke with a homecooked cancer diet that I KNOW is nourishing his body and suppor...

What a gift it is to be able to provide Zeke with a homecooked cancer diet that I KNOW is nourishing his body and supporting him every single day!

This year I am so very grateful that technology allowed us to have a Christmas celebration with our family from the othe...

This year I am so very grateful that technology allowed us to have a Christmas celebration with our family from the other side of the world!

It's been 16 months since we've been able to see them, but my husband and I were able to join via Zoom (we're on the circled computer on the left) and my brother-in-law who is in quarantine was able to join on a video call, allowing us all to be "together" ❤❤

This year with covid has definitely made me appreciate time spent together more than ever!

Hope everyone who celebrates had a safe and happy Christmas!

I will be away the next 2 days in observance of the Christmas Holiday-enjoying time with loved ones, snuggling with my l...

I will be away the next 2 days in observance of the Christmas Holiday-enjoying time with loved ones, snuggling with my little pumpkin, and eating lots of yummy food!

So much love and hugs to you and your furry baby, from me and this little reindeer ❤

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

I'll be back on the 26th and will catch up with you then!

Is your dog on the Naughty or the Nice list? Is there a "goodest boy ever" list? That's where I'd put this perfect baby ...

Is your dog on the Naughty or the Nice list?

Is there a "goodest boy ever" list? That's where I'd put this perfect baby 🥰

Learning learning learning!Right now I’m taking an AWESOME new class on integrative oncology (combining Western and East...

Learning learning learning!

Right now I’m taking an AWESOME new class on integrative oncology (combining Western and Eastern treatments for cancer), from the Chi University of course 😊

It's 23 hours of lectures so I just know it's going to be packed with so many GEMS to help all our doggies!!

Also I'm loving my new mask and how it matches my hair highlights! 😂

Too cute not to share with you ❤️ Zeke is currently napping and happily bundled up at work!It’s getting cold in Hong Kon...

Too cute not to share with you ❤️ Zeke is currently napping and happily bundled up at work!

It’s getting cold in Hong Kong and there is no heat or insulation in the buildings so our staff makes sure he stays nice and warm on his work days 😊


Do you feel like there's a missing piece in your dog's cancer treatment?

That there's something more you should be doing to support their body?

Then this short video is for you!

P.S. You can get my free guide "Healing With Food: Your 5-Step Plan for a Healthier Cancer Diet for your Dog" here: www.wholepetacupuncture.com/starterguide


Have you been wondering if you should take your dog to the oncologist or not?

There are so many decisions to make right now and this is a big one...

Join me here so we can chat about it AND what you can be doing to help your dog while you're waiting for that appointment.

--> If you're ready to get started with a cancer diet right away, you can get my free guide "Healing With Food: Your 5 Step Plan to a Healthier Cancer Diet for you Dog".
Download it here: https://www.wholepetacupuncture.com/starterguide

Zeke and I are SUPER excited to announce that every time we welcome a new member into the Healing Your Best Friend Cance...

Zeke and I are SUPER excited to announce that every time we welcome a new member into the Healing Your Best Friend Cancer Success Program, a donation will be made to the Animal Cancer Foundation in each dog’s honor!

Too many dogs get diagnosed with cancer every year. I’ve had 3 dogs myself so this is very near and dear to my heart. And it’s time for us to find a cure!

My heart feels so full to be able to help all the future doggies out there ❤

Animal Cancer Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to finding a cure for cancer by funding research in and increasing public awareness of comparative oncology, the study of naturally occurring cancers in pets and people.

Help your dog ❤ Help all dogs ❤

It's officially winter here in Hong Kong!Zeke doesn't actually like to wear sweaters or jackets, much to my disappointme...

It's officially winter here in Hong Kong!

Zeke doesn't actually like to wear sweaters or jackets, much to my disappointment, but he'll wear anything if there's food involved 😂

Does your dog wear sweaters or jackers in the winter??


For whoever needs this today, I wanted to share my story with Zeke- what we went through with his cancer diagnosis, his cancer treatment options, and why a cancer diet was the right choice for us.

You are not alone in this and I'm here for you ❤️



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Hi, I’m Dr. Kate McDermott

I work with dog parents who truly want the best life possible for their dog with cancer. I give them the tools they need to help their dog fight the cancer and keep that spark of joy in their eyes!

I have years of experience transforming dogs’ lives every day. I’m a University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School graduate and am certified in veterinary acupuncture and veterinary Food Therapy. With this training, I can integrate the world of conventional medicine while treating the “whole body” with Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine.

I’ve discovered the secrets to helping dogs with cancer thrive and truly feel their best with a powerful cancer diet.

With my online program (Healing Your Best Friend Cancer Success Program) and valuable weekly video show "Healing Your Best Friend", I can help you feed a powerful diet that will transform your dog's life!