Elliot TC

Elliot TC Hello I'm Elliot the Cat, I live in Devon, England. I am.... years old and love to chase string.

AND THE ANSWER IS...c) I stood guard over them"I thought I heard rustling coming from the bushes, so I leapt into action...


c) I stood guard over them

"I thought I heard rustling coming from the bushes, so I leapt into action!"

Congratulations to Rachel CU, Erin H, Helen R and Angeline R who all got it right this week! 🎉

Hall Of Fame

127 Paw Points: Sheila H
126 Paw Points: Nettie H
125 Paw Points: Judy F
122 Paw Points: Tracy B
120 Paw Points: Katharine W
112 Paw Points: Tanja S
109 Paw Points: Chris S - Helen R
107 Paw Points: Harriet E
106 Paw Points: Lisa H
105 Paw Points: Laura WW - Angela C
104 Paw Points: Syd B
99 Paw Points: Rachael T
97 Paw Points: Julie F - Tracey P
93 Paw Points: Peter Y
91 Paw Points: Annwen L
85 Paw Points: Trish B
80 Paw Points: Matthew J
74 Paw Points: Tracey W
72 Paw Points: India M
70 Paw Points: Anne F - Gail M
68 Paw Points: Andrew C
66 Paw Points: Emma Y
65 Paw Points: Cathy M
62 Paw Points: Claire G
59 Paw Points: Scott G - Simone W
56 Paw Points: Claire T
55 Paw Points: Brenda M
52 Paw Points: Angeline R
47 Paw Points: Amanda W
46 Paw Points: Rachel CU
44 Paw Points: Caroline M
42 Paw Points: Caroline S - Lindsay W
40 Paw Points: Ben M
37 Paw Points: James D
35 Paw Points: Joanna P
34 Paw Points: Amber G - Tabea AT
31 Paw Points: Marie S
29 Paw Points: Nicola H
26 Paw Points: Dylan H
25 Paw Points: Claudia H - Sabine L
24 Paw Points: Alice M
21 Paw Points: Tonie P - Owen H - Erin H
18 Paw Points: Rico A
17 Paw Points: Alice B
16 Paw Points: Emily H
15 Paw Points: Margaret S
13 Paw Points: Sophie L
11 Paw Points: Livvi H
10 Paw Points: Chris C
9 Paw Points: Jo W
7 Paw Points: Karlos H
6 Paw Points: Kat M
5 Paw Points: James L - Wendy F - Samuel W - Angie C
4 Paw Points: Amy P - Rory
3 Paw Points: Steve L - Brenda C - Jacqui C - Freya - Kate MM
2 Paw Points: Andrews BA - Venetia WA - Lizandsteve M - Annette B - Anita L - Ines P

1 Paw Point: Lilian T - Jo J - Laura Jane U - Kathy M - Colin B - Cheryle H - Janice G - Fiona Jane T - Sue M - Barbara C - Mary B - Babs B - Mike G - Tayler D - Brad C - Jayne P - Trudi B - Andrews M - Nico G - Sylvia D - Pauline R - Sue G - Simon C - Jane C - Ailie W - Lester GB - Emily S - Ruby H - Siva S - Holly R - Clare S

THE BIG FRIDAY QUESTION!Here I am inspecting a tub of Dreamies, but what did I do next?a) I carried on walking back home...


Here I am inspecting a tub of Dreamies, but what did I do next?

a) I carried on walking back home
b) I started to chew on the tub
c) I stood guard over them
d) I pushed them over and the lid came off

Answer on Sat 18th November 2023

AND THE ANSWER IS...144 Dreamies 😋 and the winners are...🎉149*Judy F, who was only 5 Dreamies away and receives 2 Paw Po...


144 Dreamies 😋 and the winners are...🎉

Judy F, who was only 5 Dreamies away and receives 2 Paw Points

Annwen L - Matthew J - Angela C all receive 1 Paw Point

And a special well done goes to Matthew J who now has a splendid 80 Paw Points, Angela C has climbed to a brilliant 105 and to
Judy F who has jumped to an almighty 125 Paw Points 🎉

Hall Of Fame

127 Paw Points: Sheila H
126 Paw Points: Nettie H
125 Paw Points: Judy F
122 Paw Points: Tracy B
120 Paw Points: Katharine W
112 Paw Points: Tanja S
109 Paw Points: Chris S
108 Paw Points: Helen R
107 Paw Points: Harriet E
106 Paw Points: Lisa H
105 Paw Points: Laura WW - Angela C
104 Paw Points: Syd B
99 Paw Points: Rachael T
97 Paw Points: Julie F - Tracey P
93 Paw Points: Peter Y
91 Paw Points: Annwen L
85 Paw Points: Trish B
80 Paw Points: Matthew J

74 Paw Points: Tracey W
72 Paw Points: India M
70 Paw Points: Anne F - Gail M
68 Paw Points: Andrew C
66 Paw Points: Emma Y
65 Paw Points: Cathy M
62 Paw Points: Claire G
59 Paw Points: Scott G - Simone W
56 Paw Points: Claire T
55 Paw Points: Brenda M
51 Paw Points: Angeline R
47 Paw Points: Amanda W
45 Paw Points: Rachel CU
44 Paw Points: Caroline M
42 Paw Points: Caroline S - Lindsay W
40 Paw Points: Ben M
37 Paw Points: James D
35 Paw Points: Joanna P
34 Paw Points: Amber G - Tabea AT
31 Paw Points: Marie S
29 Paw Points: Nicola H
26 Paw Points: Dylan H
25 Paw Points: Claudia H - Sabine L
24 Paw Points: Alice M
21 Paw Points: Tonie P - Owen H
20 Paw Points: Erin H
18 Paw Points: Rico A
17 Paw Points: Alice B
16 Paw Points: Emily H
15 Paw Points: Margaret S
13 Paw Points: Sophie L
11 Paw Points: Livvi H
10 Paw Points: Chris C
9 Paw Points: Jo W
7 Paw Points: Karlos H
6 Paw Points: Kat M
5 Paw Points: James L - Wendy F - Samuel W - Angie C
4 Paw Points: Amy P - Rory
3 Paw Points: Steve L - Brenda C - Jacqui C - Freya - Kate MM

2 Paw Points: Andrews BA - Venetia WA - Lizandsteve M - Annette B - Anita L - Ines P

1 Paw Point: Lilian T - Jo J - Laura Jane U - Kathy M - Colin B - Cheryle H - Janice G - Fiona Jane T - Sue M - Barbara C - Mary B - Babs B - Mike G - Tayler D - Brad C - Jayne P - Trudi B - Andrews M - Nico G - Sylvia D - Pauline R - Sue G - Simon C - Jane C - Ailie W - Lester GB - Emily S - Ruby H - Siva S - Holly R - Clare S

THE BIG FRIDAY QUESTION!Something different this week. As all of my home help has been hit with the dreaded lurgy, this ...


Something different this week. As all of my home help has been hit with the dreaded lurgy, this meant that I couldn't go out and do a lovely question for you☹️

But the good news is that there is still a question! We've all seen those games at village fetes where you have to guess how many sweets are in the jar to win a prize. Well, have you ever guessed how many Dreamies are in a tub?

The person who gets closest will get a bonus of 2 Paw Points and 2nd place will get 1 Paw Point😄

Good luck and hopefully we'll be back at full steam ahead next week!😄

AND THE ANSWER IS...🐟FISH😋Congratulations to Lisa H, Joanna P, Simone W, Margaret S, Syd B, Judy F, Rachael T, Tracey P,...



Congratulations to Lisa H, Joanna P, Simone W, Margaret S, Syd B, Judy F, Rachael T, Tracey P, Katharine W, Angela C and Peter Y who all got it right this week! 🎉

And a special well done goes to Margaret S who now has a fab 15 Paw Points, Joanna P with a tremendous 35 and to Katharine W who has jumped all the way to a colossal 120 Paw Points 🎉

Hall Of Fame

127 Paw Points: Sheila H
126 Paw Points: Nettie H
123 Paw Points: Judy F
122 Paw Points: Tracy B
120 Paw Points: Katharine W
112 Paw Points: Tanja S
109 Paw Points: Chris S
108 Paw Points: Helen R
107 Paw Points: Harriet E
106 Paw Points: Lisa H
105 Paw Points: Laura WW
104 Paw Points: Angela C - Syd B
99 Paw Points: Rachael T
97 Paw Points: Julie F - Tracey P
93 Paw Points: Peter Y
90 Paw Points: Annwen L
85 Paw Points: Trish B
79 Paw Points: Matthew J
74 Paw Points: Tracey W
72 Paw Points: India M
70 Paw Points: Anne F - Gail M
68 Paw Points: Andrew C
66 Paw Points: Emma Y
65 Paw Points: Cathy M
62 Paw Points: Claire G
59 Paw Points: Scott G - Simone W
56 Paw Points: Claire T
55 Paw Points: Brenda M
51 Paw Points: Angeline R
47 Paw Points: Amanda W
45 Paw Points: Rachel CU
44 Paw Points: Caroline M
42 Paw Points: Caroline S - Lindsay W
40 Paw Points: Ben M
37 Paw Points: James D
35 Paw Points: Joanna P
34 Paw Points: Amber G - Tabea AT
31 Paw Points: Marie S
29 Paw Points: Nicola H
26 Paw Points: Dylan H
25 Paw Points: Claudia H - Sabine L
24 Paw Points: Alice M
21 Paw Points: Tonie P - Owen H
20 Paw Points: Erin H
18 Paw Points: Rico A
17 Paw Points: Alice B
16 Paw Points: Emily H
15 Paw Points: Margaret S
13 Paw Points: Sophie L
11 Paw Points: Livvi H
10 Paw Points: Chris C
9 Paw Points: Jo W
7 Paw Points: Karlos H
6 Paw Points: Kat M
5 Paw Points: James L - Wendy F - Samuel W - Angie C
4 Paw Points: Amy P - Rory
3 Paw Points: Steve L - Brenda C - Jacqui C - Freya - Kate MM

2 Paw Points: Andrews BA - Venetia WA - Lizandsteve M - Annette B - Anita L - Ines P

1 Paw Point: Lilian T - Jo J - Laura Jane U - Kathy M - Colin B - Cheryle H - Janice G - Fiona Jane T - Sue M - Barbara C - Mary B - Babs B - Mike G - Tayler D - Brad C - Jayne P - Trudi B - Andrews M - Nico G - Sylvia D - Pauline R - Sue G - Simon C - Jane C - Ailie W - Lester GB - Emily S - Ruby H - Siva S - Holly R - Clare S

THE BIG FRIDAY QUESTION!I've been given the chance to choose what to have for my tea, but which flavour did I pick?Beef ...


I've been given the chance to choose what to have for my tea, but which flavour did I pick?

Beef - Fish - Turkey or Liver

Answer on Sat 4th Nov 2023

AND THE ANSWER IS...b) a strangely shaped potato🥔Congratulations to Lindsay W, Tracey P, Margaret S, Syd B and Nichola H...


b) a strangely shaped potato🥔

Congratulations to Lindsay W, Tracey P, Margaret S, Syd B and Nichola H who all got it right this week! 🎉

Hall Of Fame

127 Paw Points: Sheila H
126 Paw Points: Nettie H
122 Paw Points: Tracy B - Judy F
119 Paw Points: Katharine W
112 Paw Points: Tanja S
109 Paw Points: Chris S
108 Paw Points: Helen R
107 Paw Points: Harriet E
105 Paw Points: Lisa H - Laura WW
103 Paw Points: Angela C - Syd B
98 Paw Points: Rachael T
97 Paw Points: Julie F
96 Paw Points: Tracey P
92 Paw Points: Peter Y
90 Paw Points: Annwen L
85 Paw Points: Trish B
79 Paw Points: Matthew J
74 Paw Points: Tracey W
72 Paw Points: India M
70 Paw Points: Anne F - Gail M
68 Paw Points: Andrew C
66 Paw Points: Emma Y
65 Paw Points: Cathy M
62 Paw Points: Claire G
59 Paw Points: Scott G
58 Paw Points: Simone W
56 Paw Points: Claire T
55 Paw Points: Brenda M
51 Paw Points: Angeline R
47 Paw Points: Amanda W
45 Paw Points: Rachel CU
44 Paw Points: Caroline M
42 Paw Points: Caroline S - Lindsay W
40 Paw Points: Ben M
37 Paw Points: James D
34 Paw Points: Amber G - Tabea AT - Joanna P
31 Paw Points: Marie S
29 Paw Points: Nicola H
26 Paw Points: Dylan H
25 Paw Points: Claudia H - Sabine L
24 Paw Points: Alice M
21 Paw Points: Tonie P - Owen H
20 Paw Points: Erin H
18 Paw Points: Rico A
17 Paw Points: Alice B
16 Paw Points: Emily H
14 Paw Points: Margaret S
13 Paw Points: Sophie L
11 Paw Points: Livvi H
10 Paw Points: Chris C
9 Paw Points: Jo W
7 Paw Points: Karlos H
6 Paw Points: Kat M
5 Paw Points: James L - Wendy F - Samuel W - Angie C
4 Paw Points: Amy P - Rory
3 Paw Points: Steve L - Brenda C - Jacqui C - Freya - Kate MM

2 Paw Points: Andrews BA - Venetia WA - Lizandsteve M - Annette B - Anita L - Ines P

1 Paw Point: Lilian T - Jo J - Laura Jane U - Kathy M - Colin B - Cheryle H - Janice G - Fiona Jane T - Sue M - Barbara C - Mary B - Babs B - Mike G - Tayler D - Brad C - Jayne P - Trudi B - Andrews M - Nico G - Sylvia D - Pauline R - Sue G - Simon C - Jane C - Ailie W - Lester GB - Emily S - Ruby H - Siva S - Holly R - Clare S

THE BIG FRIDAY QUESTION!Here I am licking something again, but what do you think it is this time?a) another, but bigger ...


Here I am licking something again, but what do you think it is this time?

a) another, but bigger rock
b) a strangely shaped potato
c) a gnome
d) a pumpkin

Answer on Sat 28th Oct 2023



AND THE ANSWER IS...b) Ambivalence 😐Congratulations to Joanna P, Annwen L, Owen H, Lindsay W, Tracey W, Angeline R, Kath...


b) Ambivalence 😐

Congratulations to Joanna P, Annwen L, Owen H, Lindsay W, Tracey W, Angeline R, Katharine W, Tracy B, Judy F, Helen R and Caroline M who all got it right this week! 🎉

And a special well done goes to Annwen L who has leaped up to a fabulous total of 90 Paw Points! 🎉

Hall Of Fame

127 Paw Points: Sheila H
126 Paw Points: Nettie H
122 Paw Points: Tracy B - Judy F
119 Paw Points: Katharine W
112 Paw Points: Tanja S
109 Paw Points: Chris S
108 Paw Points: Helen R
107 Paw Points: Harriet E
105 Paw Points: Lisa H - Laura WW
103 Paw Points: Angela C
102 Paw Points: Syd B
98 Paw Points: Rachael T
97 Paw Points: Julie F
95 Paw Points: Tracey P
92 Paw Points: Peter Y
90 Paw Points: Annwen L
85 Paw Points: Trish B
79 Paw Points: Matthew J
74 Paw Points: Tracey W
72 Paw Points: India M
70 Paw Points: Anne F - Gail M
68 Paw Points: Andrew C
66 Paw Points: Emma Y
65 Paw Points: Cathy M
62 Paw Points: Claire G
59 Paw Points: Scott G
58 Paw Points: Simone W
56 Paw Points: Claire T
55 Paw Points: Brenda M
51 Paw Points: Angeline R
47 Paw Points: Amanda W
45 Paw Points: Rachel CU
44 Paw Points: Caroline M
42 Paw Points: Caroline S
41 Paw Points: Lindsay W
40 Paw Points: Ben M
37 Paw Points: James D
34 Paw Points: Amber G - Tabea AT - Joanna P
31 Paw Points: Marie S
28 Paw Points: Nicola H
26 Paw Points: Dylan H
25 Paw Points: Claudia H - Sabine L
24 Paw Points: Alice M
21 Paw Points: Tonie P - Owen H
20 Paw Points: Erin H
18 Paw Points: Rico A
17 Paw Points: Alice B
16 Paw Points: Emily H
13 Paw Points: Sophie L - Margaret S
11 Paw Points: Livvi H
10 Paw Points: Chris C
9 Paw Points: Jo W
7 Paw Points: Karlos H
6 Paw Points: Kat M
5 Paw Points: James L - Wendy F - Samuel W - Angie C
4 Paw Points: Amy P - Rory
3 Paw Points: Steve L - Brenda C - Jacqui C - Freya - Kate MM

2 Paw Points: Andrews BA - Venetia WA - Lizandsteve M - Annette B - Anita L - Ines P

1 Paw Point: Lilian T - Jo J - Laura Jane U - Kathy M - Colin B - Cheryle H - Janice G - Fiona Jane T - Sue M - Barbara C - Mary B - Babs B - Mike G - Tayler D - Brad C - Jayne P - Trudi B - Andrews M - Nico G - Sylvia D - Pauline R - Sue G - Simon C - Jane C - Ailie W - Lester GB - Emily S - Ruby H - Siva S - Holly R - Clare S

THE BIG FRIDAY QUESTIONHere I was having a lovely chin rub, but what do you think I was feeling?a) Pure Joyb) Ambivalenc...


Here I was having a lovely chin rub, but what do you think I was feeling?

a) Pure Joy
b) Ambivalence
c) Horror
d) Anger

Answer on Sat 21st Oct 2023

PICTURE OF THE WEEKIf there's a gap big enough, I'll snooze in it!😴


If there's a gap big enough, I'll snooze in it!😴

AND THE ANSWER IS...b) A jolly giant frog "He's a lovely fellow!" 🐸😍Congratulations to Tracey P, Lisa H, Syd B, Margaret...


b) A jolly giant frog

"He's a lovely fellow!" 🐸😍

Congratulations to Tracey P, Lisa H, Syd B, Margaret S, Judy F, Tracey W, Annwen L, Laura WW and Rachel CU who all got it right this week! 🎉

And a special well done goes to Rachel CU who now has an impressive 45 Paw Points, Tracey P has a spectacular 95 and to both Lisa H and Laura WW who share the fantastic total of 105 Paw Points! 🎉

Hall Of Fame

127 Paw Points: Sheila H
126 Paw Points: Nettie H
121 Paw Points: Tracy B - Judy F
118 Paw Points: Katharine W
112 Paw Points: Tanja S
109 Paw Points: Chris S
107 Paw Points: Harriet E - Helen R
105 Paw Points: Lisa H - Laura WW
103 Paw Points: Angela C
102 Paw Points: Syd B
98 Paw Points: Rachael T
97 Paw Points: Julie F
95 Paw Points: Tracey P
92 Paw Points: Peter Y
89 Paw Points: Annwen L
85 Paw Points: Trish B
79 Paw Points: Matthew J
73 Paw Points: Tracey W
72 Paw Points: India M
70 Paw Points: Anne F - Gail M
68 Paw Points: Andrew C
66 Paw Points: Emma Y
65 Paw Points: Cathy M
62 Paw Points: Claire G
59 Paw Points: Scott G
58 Paw Points: Simone W
56 Paw Points: Claire T
55 Paw Points: Brenda M
51 Paw Points: Angeline R
47 Paw Points: Amanda W
45 Paw Points: Rachel CU
43 Paw Points: Caroline M
42 Paw Points: Caroline S
40 Paw Points: Ben M - Lindsay W
37 Paw Points: James D
34 Paw Points: Amber G - Tabea AT
33 Paw Points: Joanna P
31 Paw Points: Marie S
28 Paw Points: Nicola H
26 Paw Points: Dylan H
25 Paw Points: Claudia H - Sabine L
24 Paw Points: Alice M
21 Paw Points: Tonie P
20 Paw Points: Erin H - Owen H
18 Paw Points: Rico A
17 Paw Points: Alice B
16 Paw Points: Emily H
13 Paw Points: Sophie L - Margaret S
11 Paw Points: Livvi H
10 Paw Points: Chris C
9 Paw Points: Jo W
7 Paw Points: Karlos H
6 Paw Points: Kat M
5 Paw Points: James L - Wendy F - Samuel W - Angie C
4 Paw Points: Amy P - Rory
3 Paw Points: Steve L - Brenda C - Jacqui C - Freya - Kate MM

2 Paw Points: Andrews BA - Venetia WA - Lizandsteve M - Annette B - Anita L - Ines P

1 Paw Point: Lilian T - Jo J - Laura Jane U - Kathy M - Colin B - Cheryle H - Janice G - Fiona Jane T - Sue M - Barbara C - Mary B - Babs B - Mike G - Tayler D - Brad C - Jayne P - Trudi B - Andrews M - Nico G - Sylvia D - Pauline R - Sue G - Simon C - Jane C - Ailie W - Lester GB - Emily S - Ruby H - Siva S - Holly R - Clare S

THE BIG FRIDAY QUESTION!Here I am just hanging out with a mate, but who could it be?a) Beautiful Bertieb) A jolly giant ...


Here I am just hanging out with a mate, but who could it be?

a) Beautiful Bertie
b) A jolly giant frog
c) A jovial Jimbo
d) A happy hen

Answer on Sat 14th October 2023



AND THE ANSWER IS...b) A lovely Ziggy 😘Congratulations to Laura WW. Nettie H and Owen H who all got it right this week! ...


b) A lovely Ziggy 😘

Congratulations to Laura WW. Nettie H and Owen H who all got it right this week! 🎉

And a special well done goes to Owen H who has jumped all the way to 20 Paw Points! 🎉

Hall Of Fame

127 Paw Points: Sheila H
126 Paw Points: Nettie H
121 Paw Points: Tracy B
120 Paw Points: Judy F
118 Paw Points: Katharine W
112 Paw Points: Tanja S
109 Paw Points: Chris S
107 Paw Points: Harriet E - Helen R
104 Paw Points: Lisa H - Laura WW
103 Paw Points: Angela C
101 Paw Points: Syd B
98 Paw Points: Rachael T
97 Paw Points: Julie F
94 Paw Points: Tracey P
92 Paw Points: Peter Y
88 Paw Points: Annwen L
85 Paw Points: Trish B
79 Paw Points: Matthew J
72 Paw Points: India M - Tracey W
70 Paw Points: Anne F - Gail M
68 Paw Points: Andrew C
66 Paw Points: Emma Y
65 Paw Points: Cathy M
62 Paw Points: Claire G
59 Paw Points: Scott G
58 Paw Points: Simone W
56 Paw Points: Claire T
55 Paw Points: Brenda M
51 Paw Points: Angeline R
47 Paw Points: Amanda W
44 Paw Points: Rachel CU
43 Paw Points: Caroline M
42 Paw Points: Caroline S
40 Paw Points: Ben M - Lindsay W
37 Paw Points: James D
34 Paw Points: Amber G - Tabea AT
33 Paw Points: Joanna P
31 Paw Points: Marie S
28 Paw Points: Nicola H
26 Paw Points: Dylan H
25 Paw Points: Claudia H - Sabine L
24 Paw Points: Alice M
21 Paw Points: Tonie P
20 Paw Points: Erin H - Owen H
18 Paw Points: Rico A
17 Paw Points: Alice B
16 Paw Points: Emily H
13 Paw Points: Sophie L
12 Paw Points: Margaret S
11 Paw Points: Livvi H
10 Paw Points: Chris C
9 Paw Points: Jo W
7 Paw Points: Karlos H
6 Paw Points: Kat M
5 Paw Points: James L - Wendy F - Samuel W - Angie C
4 Paw Points: Amy P - Rory
3 Paw Points: Steve L - Brenda C - Jacqui C - Freya - Kate MM

2 Paw Points: Andrews BA - Venetia WA - Lizandsteve M - Annette B - Anita L - Ines P

1 Paw Point: Lilian T - Jo J - Laura Jane U - Kathy M - Colin B - Cheryle H - Janice G - Fiona Jane T - Sue M - Barbara C - Mary B - Babs B - Mike G - Tayler D - Brad C - Jayne P - Trudi B - Andrews M - Nico G - Sylvia D - Pauline R - Sue G - Simon C - Jane C - Ailie W - Lester GB - Emily S - Ruby H - Siva S - Holly R - Clare S

THE BIG FRIDAY QUESTION!Here I am giving something a big ole sniff, but what do you think it is?a) Beautiful sunflowerb)...


Here I am giving something a big ole sniff, but what do you think it is?

a) Beautiful sunflower
b) A lovely Ziggy
c) A gorgeous gnome
d) A ginormous apple

Answer on Sat 7th October 2023



AND THE ANSWER IS...a) I licked it 😋"Apparently, the rock came from the beach!" Congratulations to Laura WW and Helen R ...


a) I licked it 😋

"Apparently, the rock came from the beach!"

Congratulations to Laura WW and Helen R who both got it right this week! 🎉

Hall Of Fame

127 Paw Points: Sheila H
125 Paw Points: Nettie H
121 Paw Points: Tracy B
120 Paw Points: Judy F
118 Paw Points: Katharine W
112 Paw Points: Tanja S
109 Paw Points: Chris S
107 Paw Points: Harriet E - Helen R
104 Paw Points: Lisa H
103 Paw Points: Angela C - Laura WW
101 Paw Points: Syd B
98 Paw Points: Rachael T
97 Paw Points: Julie F
94 Paw Points: Tracey P
92 Paw Points: Peter Y
88 Paw Points: Annwen L
85 Paw Points: Trish B
79 Paw Points: Matthew J
72 Paw Points: India M - Tracey W
70 Paw Points: Anne F - Gail M
68 Paw Points: Andrew C
66 Paw Points: Emma Y
65 Paw Points: Cathy M
62 Paw Points: Claire G
59 Paw Points: Scott G
58 Paw Points: Simone W
56 Paw Points: Claire T
55 Paw Points: Brenda M
51 Paw Points: Angeline R
47 Paw Points: Amanda W
44 Paw Points: Rachel CU
43 Paw Points: Caroline M
42 Paw Points: Caroline S
40 Paw Points: Ben M - Lindsay W
37 Paw Points: James D
34 Paw Points: Amber G - Tabea AT
33 Paw Points: Joanna P
31 Paw Points: Marie S
28 Paw Points: Nicola H
26 Paw Points: Dylan H
25 Paw Points: Claudia H - Sabine L
24 Paw Points: Alice M
21 Paw Points: Tonie P
20 Paw Points: Erin H
19 Paw Points: Owen H
18 Paw Points: Rico A
17 Paw Points: Alice B
16 Paw Points: Emily H
13 Paw Points: Sophie L
12 Paw Points: Margaret S
11 Paw Points: Livvi H
10 Paw Points: Chris C
9 Paw Points: Jo W
7 Paw Points: Karlos H
6 Paw Points: Kat M
5 Paw Points: James L - Wendy F - Samuel W - Angie C
4 Paw Points: Amy P - Rory
3 Paw Points: Steve L - Brenda C - Jacqui C - Freya - Kate MM
2 Paw Points: Andrews BA - Venetia WA - Lizandsteve M - Annette B - Anita L - Ines P

1 Paw Point: Lilian T - Jo J - Laura Jane U - Kathy M - Colin B - Cheryle H - Janice G - Fiona Jane T - Sue M - Barbara C - Mary B - Babs B - Mike G - Tayler D - Brad C - Jayne P - Trudi B - Andrews M - Nico G - Sylvia D - Pauline R - Sue G - Simon C - Jane C - Ailie W - Lester GB - Emily S - Ruby H - Siva S - Holly R - Clare S

THE BIG FRIDAY QUESTION!"What a nice rock" but what did I do with it?a) I licked itb) I sat on itc) I pushed it overd) I...


"What a nice rock" but what did I do with it?

a) I licked it
b) I sat on it
c) I pushed it over
d) I gave myself a good chin rub

Answer on Sat 30th Sept 2023



"Mount Ellie!"

AND THE ANSWER IS...b)Congratulations to Joanna P, Nicola H, Gail M, Sabine L, Lisa H, Angeline R, Peter Y, Judy F, Rach...



Congratulations to Joanna P, Nicola H, Gail M, Sabine L, Lisa H, Angeline R, Peter Y, Judy F, Rachel CU, Katharine W and Tracy B who all got it right this week! 🎉

And a special well done goes to Sabine L who now has a fabulous 25 Paw Points, Gail M who has jumped to an fantastic 70 and to Judy F who has hit new heights with a magnificent 120 Paw Points 🎉

Hall Of Fame

127 Paw Points: Sheila H
125 Paw Points: Nettie H
121 Paw Points: Tracy B
120 Paw Points: Judy F
118 Paw Points: Katharine W
112 Paw Points: Tanja S
109 Paw Points: Chris S
107 Paw Points: Harriet E
106 Paw Points: Helen R
104 Paw Points: Lisa H
103 Paw Points: Angela C
102 Paw Points: Laura WW
101 Paw Points: Syd B
98 Paw Points: Rachael T
97 Paw Points: Julie F
94 Paw Points: Tracey P
92 Paw Points: Peter Y
88 Paw Points: Annwen L
85 Paw Points: Trish B
79 Paw Points: Matthew J
72 Paw Points: India M - Tracey W
70 Paw Points: Anne F - Gail M
68 Paw Points: Andrew C
66 Paw Points: Emma Y
65 Paw Points: Cathy M
62 Paw Points: Claire G
59 Paw Points: Scott G
58 Paw Points: Simone W
56 Paw Points: Claire T
55 Paw Points: Brenda M
51 Paw Points: Angeline R
47 Paw Points: Amanda W
44 Paw Points: Rachel CU
43 Paw Points: Caroline M
42 Paw Points: Caroline S
40 Paw Points: Ben M - Lindsay W
37 Paw Points: James D
34 Paw Points: Amber G - Tabea AT
33 Paw Points: Joanna P
31 Paw Points: Marie S
28 Paw Points: Nicola H
26 Paw Points: Dylan H
25 Paw Points: Claudia H - Sabine L
24 Paw Points: Alice M
21 Paw Points: Tonie P
20 Paw Points: Erin H
19 Paw Points: Owen H
18 Paw Points: Rico A
17 Paw Points: Alice B
16 Paw Points: Emily H
13 Paw Points: Sophie L
12 Paw Points: Margaret S
11 Paw Points: Livvi H
10 Paw Points: Chris C
9 Paw Points: Jo W
7 Paw Points: Karlos H
6 Paw Points: Kat M
5 Paw Points: James L - Wendy F - Samuel W - Angie C
4 Paw Points: Amy P - Rory
3 Paw Points: Steve L - Brenda C - Jacqui C - Freya - Kate MM
2 Paw Points: Andrews BA - Venetia WA - Lizandsteve M - Annette B - Anita L - Ines P

1 Paw Point: Lilian T - Jo J - Laura Jane U - Kathy M - Colin B - Cheryle H - Janice G - Fiona Jane T - Sue M - Barbara C - Mary B - Babs B - Mike G - Tayler D - Brad C - Jayne P - Trudi B - Andrews M - Nico G - Sylvia D - Pauline R - Sue G - Simon C - Jane C - Ailie W - Lester GB - Emily S - Ruby H - Siva S - Holly R - Clare S

THE BIG FRIDAY QUESTION!Here are four of my lovey faces, but which one do you think is looking the most surprised?Answer...


Here are four of my lovey faces, but which one do you think is looking the most surprised?

Answer on Saturday 23rd September 2023



AND THE ANSWER IS...d) He just walked away 😢Congratulations to Angela C, Judy F, Margaret S, Helen R, Tracey W, Cathy M,...


d) He just walked away 😢

Congratulations to Angela C, Judy F, Margaret S, Helen R, Tracey W, Cathy M, Harriet E, Joanna P and Laura WW who all got it right this week! 🎉

And a special well done goes to Cathy M who now has a fantastically brilliant 65 Paw Points 🎉

Hall Of Fame

127 Paw Points: Sheila H
125 Paw Points: Nettie H
120 Paw Points: Tracy B
119 Paw Points: Judy F
117 Paw Points: Katharine W
112 Paw Points: Tanja S
109 Paw Points: Chris S
107 Paw Points: Harriet E
106 Paw Points: Helen R
103 Paw Points: Lisa H - Angela C
102 Paw Points: Laura WW
101 Paw Points: Syd B
98 Paw Points: Rachael T
97 Paw Points: Julie F
94 Paw Points: Tracey P
91 Paw Points: Peter Y
88 Paw Points: Annwen L
85 Paw Points: Trish B
79 Paw Points: Matthew J
72 Paw Points: India M - Tracey W
70 Paw Points: Anne F
69 Paw Points: Gail M
68 Paw Points: Andrew C
66 Paw Points: Emma Y
65 Paw Points: Cathy M
62 Paw Points: Claire G
59 Paw Points: Scott G
58 Paw Points: Simone W
56 Paw Points: Claire T
55 Paw Points: Brenda M
50 Paw Points: Angeline R
47 Paw Points: Amanda W
43 Paw Points: Caroline M - Rachel CU
42 Paw Points: Caroline S
40 Paw Points: Ben M - Lindsay W
37 Paw Points: James D
34 Paw Points: Amber G - Tabea AT
32 Paw Points: Joanna P
31 Paw Points: Marie S
27 Paw Points: Nicola H
26 Paw Points: Dylan H
25 Paw Points: Claudia H
24 Paw Points: Alice M - Sabine L
21 Paw Points: Tonie P
20 Paw Points: Erin H
19 Paw Points: Owen H
18 Paw Points: Rico A
17 Paw Points: Alice B
16 Paw Points: Emily H
13 Paw Points: Sophie L
12 Paw Points: Margaret S
11 Paw Points: Livvi H
10 Paw Points: Chris C
9 Paw Points: Jo W
7 Paw Points: Karlos H
6 Paw Points: Kat M
5 Paw Points: James L - Wendy F - Samuel W - Angie C
4 Paw Points: Amy P - Rory
3 Paw Points: Steve L - Brenda C - Jacqui C - Freya - Kate MM

2 Paw Points: Andrews BA - Venetia WA - Lizandsteve M - Annette B - Anita L - Ines P

1 Paw Point: Lilian T - Jo J - Laura Jane U - Kathy M - Colin B - Cheryle H - Janice G - Fiona Jane T - Sue M - Barbara C - Mary B - Babs B - Mike G - Tayler D - Brad C - Jayne P - Trudi B - Andrews M - Nico G - Sylvia D - Pauline R - Sue G - Simon C - Jane C - Ailie W - Lester GB - Emily S - Ruby H - Siva S - Holly R - Clare S

THE BIG FRIDAY QUESTION!Of late, we've had a Ziggy encounter and we've also had a Bertie encounter, so it's about time w...


Of late, we've had a Ziggy encounter and we've also had a Bertie encounter, so it's about time we've had a Jimbo one too! So what do you think happened next?

a) I gave him a hug
b) He gave me a hug
c) We had a lovely kiss
d) He just walked away

Answer on Sat 16th September 2023



AND THE ANSWER IS...a) Yellow"Cool eh?" 😁Congratulations to Cathy M, Joanna P, Andrew C, Erin H, Nicola H, Sheila H and ...


a) Yellow

"Cool eh?" 😁

Congratulations to Cathy M, Joanna P, Andrew C, Erin H, Nicola H, Sheila H and Lindsay W who all got it right this week! 🎉

And a special well done goes to Erin H who now has a fantastic 20 Paw Points and to Lindsay W who has climbed to a awesome 40 Paw Points! 🎉

Hall Of Fame

127 Paw Points: Sheila H
125 Paw Points: Nettie H
120 Paw Points: Tracy B
118 Paw Points: Judy F
117 Paw Points: Katharine W
112 Paw Points: Tanja S
109 Paw Points: Chris S
106 Paw Points: Harriet E
105 Paw Points: Helen R
103 Paw Points: Lisa H
102 Paw Points: Angela C
101 Paw Points: Laura WW - Syd B
98 Paw Points: Rachael T
97 Paw Points: Julie F
94 Paw Points: Tracey P
91 Paw Points: Peter Y
88 Paw Points: Annwen L
85 Paw Points: Trish B
79 Paw Points: Matthew J
72 Paw Points: India M
71 Paw Points: Tracey W
70 Paw Points: Anne F
69 Paw Points: Gail M
68 Paw Points: Andrew C
66 Paw Points: Emma Y
64 Paw Points: Cathy M
62 Paw Points: Claire G
59 Paw Points: Scott G
58 Paw Points: Simone W
56 Paw Points: Claire T
55 Paw Points: Brenda M
50 Paw Points: Angeline R
47 Paw Points: Amanda W
43 Paw Points: Caroline M - Rachel CU
42 Paw Points: Caroline S
40 Paw Points: Ben M - Lindsay W
37 Paw Points: James D
34 Paw Points: Amber G - Tabea AT
31 Paw Points: Marie S - Joanna P

27 Paw Points: Nicola H
26 Paw Points: Dylan H
25 Paw Points: Claudia H
24 Paw Points: Alice M - Sabine L
21 Paw Points: Tonie P
20 Paw Points: Erin H
19 Paw Points: Owen H
18 Paw Points: Rico A
17 Paw Points: Alice B
16 Paw Points: Emily H
13 Paw Points: Sophie L
11 Paw Points: Livvi H - Margaret S
10 Paw Points: Chris C
9 Paw Points: Jo W
7 Paw Points: Karlos H
6 Paw Points: Kat M
5 Paw Points: James L - Wendy F - Samuel W - Angie C
4 Paw Points: Amy P - Rory
3 Paw Points: Steve L - Brenda C - Jacqui C - Freya - Kate MM

2 Paw Points: Andrews BA - Venetia WA - Lizandsteve M - Annette B - Anita L - Ines P

1 Paw Point: Lilian T - Jo J - Laura Jane U - Kathy M - Colin B - Cheryle H - Janice G - Fiona Jane T - Sue M - Barbara C - Mary B - Babs B - Mike G - Tayler D - Brad C - Jayne P - Trudi B - Andrews M - Nico G - Sylvia D - Pauline R - Sue G - Simon C - Jane C - Ailie W - Lester GB - Emily S - Ruby H - Siva S - Holly R - Clare S

THE BIG FRIDAY QUESTION!I was a bit poorly this week but I got this cool bandage, which made me feel really trendy! But ...


I was a bit poorly this week but I got this cool bandage, which made me feel really trendy! But what colour do you think it was?

Ps I feeling much better now 😄

a) Yellow
b) White
c) Pink
d) Purple

Answer on Saturday 9th September 2023



AND THE ANSWER IS?d) I simply got up and ate it😋Congratulations to Dylan H, Cathy M, Katharine W, Gail M, Rachel CU, Joa...


d) I simply got up and ate it😋

Congratulations to Dylan H, Cathy M, Katharine W, Gail M, Rachel CU, Joanna P, Sheila H, Harriet E, Tanja S, Andrew C and Angeline R who all got it right this week! 🎉

And a special well done goes to Joanna P who now has a fabulous 30 Paw Points and to Angeline R who has climbed to a marvelous half century with 50 Paw Points! 🎉

Hall Of Fame

126 Paw Points: Sheila H
125 Paw Points: Nettie H
120 Paw Points: Tracy B
118 Paw Points: Judy F
117 Paw Points: Katharine W
112 Paw Points: Tanja S
109 Paw Points: Chris S
106 Paw Points: Harriet E
105 Paw Points: Helen R
103 Paw Points: Lisa H
102 Paw Points: Angela C
101 Paw Points: Laura WW - Syd B
98 Paw Points: Rachael T
97 Paw Points: Julie F
94 Paw Points: Tracey P
91 Paw Points: Peter Y
88 Paw Points: Annwen L
85 Paw Points: Trish B
79 Paw Points: Matthew J
72 Paw Points: India M
71 Paw Points: Tracey W
70 Paw Points: Anne F
69 Paw Points: Gail M
67 Paw Points: Andrew C
66 Paw Points: Emma Y
63 Paw Points: Cathy M
62 Paw Points: Claire G
59 Paw Points: Scott G
58 Paw Points: Simone W
56 Paw Points: Claire T
55 Paw Points: Brenda M
50 Paw Points: Angeline R
47 Paw Points: Amanda W
43 Paw Points: Caroline M - Rachel CU
42 Paw Points: Caroline S
40 Paw Points: Ben M
39 Paw Points: Lindsay W
37 Paw Points: James D
34 Paw Points: Amber G - Tabea AT
31 Paw Points: Marie S
30 Paw Points: Joanna P
26 Paw Points: Nicola H - Dylan H
25 Paw Points: Claudia H
24 Paw Points: Alice M - Sabine L
21 Paw Points: Tonie P
19 Paw Points: Erin H - Owen H
18 Paw Points: Rico A
17 Paw Points: Alice B
16 Paw Points: Emily H
13 Paw Points: Sophie L
11 Paw Points: Livvi H - Margaret S
10 Paw Points: Chris C
9 Paw Points: Jo W
7 Paw Points: Karlos H
6 Paw Points: Kat M
5 Paw Points: James L - Wendy F - Samuel W - Angie C
4 Paw Points: Amy P - Rory
3 Paw Points: Steve L - Brenda C - Jacqui C - Freya - Kate MM
2 Paw Points: Andrews BA - Venetia WA - Lizandsteve M - Annette B - Anita L - Ines P

1 Paw Point: Lilian T - Jo J - Laura Jane U - Kathy M - Colin B - Cheryle H - Janice G - Fiona Jane T - Sue M - Barbara C - Mary B - Babs B - Mike G - Tayler D - Brad C - Jayne P - Trudi B - Andrews M - Nico G - Sylvia D - Pauline R - Sue G - Simon C - Jane C - Ailie W - Lester GB - Emily S - Ruby H - Siva S - Holly R - Clare S




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