Kennel Snykovet

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Kennel Snykovet Kennel etablert 2011. Eiere er Monica Alterskjær Sundset og Rune Sundset i tett samarbeid med Ida-Helene Sivertsen 🇳🇴 Siberian husky kennel in northern Norway.

Run by Monica A Sundset.

Nytt blog-innlegg med Ida-Helene sin oppsummering fra Beaskádas 11. januar! I morgen er TEAM SNYKOVET med Ida-Helene og ...

Nytt blog-innlegg med Ida-Helene sin oppsummering fra Beaskádas 11. januar! I morgen er TEAM SNYKOVET med Ida-Helene og besteste Siv (superhandler og supermentor) superklar for årets 2. løp: Bergebyløpet i Varanger!! Det er 26 påmeldte i distansen 240 km, 8-spannsklassen, så dette blir virkelig kanonspennende!!!! Go girl!!!!

Ida-Helene oppdaterer fra Beaskádas 11. januar 2025, åpen klasse 2x50 km (ca 106 km totalt), 8-spann: I spannet gikk NTCH Snykovet’s Yukon (...

Far sin lille venn! Team Tuvas DU Hauke etter NTCH Team Tuvas Daisy og Fenrisulven Ull den ärorike fra Hundekjører Håvar...

Far sin lille venn! Team Tuvas DU Hauke etter NTCH Team Tuvas Daisy og Fenrisulven Ull den ärorike fra Hundekjører Håvard Okstad / Team Tuva - Den fine storsjarmøren fra Tufsingdal har funnet seg veldig godt til rette her hos oss på Håkøya - og vi gleder oss til fortsettelsen!! For han er en skikkelig tøffing!

The sixt dog out, presenting our team, is Gråbeintunet’s Lala, born Feb 21 2016. Lala moved to us together with her sist...

The sixt dog out, presenting our team, is Gråbeintunet’s Lala, born Feb 21 2016.

Lala moved to us together with her sister Chloe from Trond and Siv Hansen / Kennel Gråbeintunet August 30 2021. Lala is a truely amazing sled dog with a long list of merits together with Trond’s Siberian husky team from sprint, middle distance and longdistance races including a gold medal from the WSA World Championship in Haidmühle 2019, Vildmarksrecet 2019, Hamar dog mushing festival 2019, and more.

She became one of our two main leaders during Finnmarksløpet and have completed all races with Ida-Helene / Team Snykovet during her three years with us including Beaskádas 300, Bergebyløpet, Finnmarksløpet FL600, TromsQuest, Herringen Trail, Huskyløpet/NSHK Vintersamling, Aurora Trail and Pasvik Trail.

Lala is always super excited to get started and lets us all know! The singing sisters are famous for their high pitch opera duets at start!

She is a beautiful, sweet, hard working, focused always happy girl - completely irreplaceable in our team. And also an amazing and patient «auntie» to our puppy Vinnu. My dream was to have off springs after Lala but sadly the results from the ECVO eye scan and gonioscopy put a stop to our breeding plans. Such is life! Not all dreams come true. But she is still a dream dog and we are so greatful to have her in our life and in our team!

The fifth dog out - presenting our team - is NTCH Framover MK Atletiske Balder aka Mr LongLegs - born March 9th in 2021 ...

The fifth dog out - presenting our team - is NTCH Framover MK Atletiske Balder aka Mr LongLegs - born March 9th in 2021 ✨

Balder moved to us 4 months old from Madeleine / Kennel Framover .no mid August 2021. And won my hearth from day one. He is a supersweet, goofy, soft, hard working boy who is really scared of fire 🔥 and loves to swap paws up 👍 for goodies! Always hunting moving objects be it mittens or birds! And consequently always working in wheel position - on the left side - where we can keep an extra eye on him 😅

He has completed all his races including Beaskádas 300 (245 km in 2023, 100 km in 2024), TromsQuest (60 km in 2023), Herringen Trail (50 km 2023), Alapmoen (21.7 km 2023), Bergebyløpet N70 (110 km 2024), and Pasvik Trail (50 km 2024) with Ida-Helene / Team Snykovet. And he has won 6 x 1st price sled dog merits.

He also secured his NTCH 🏵️🏆 when he got a very surprising red ribbon at a dog show in Tromsø last summer 💃 There I was - dreaming of a blue ribbon (VG) - but prepared for a yellow one (G) for our young, long-legged boy, who was completely ‘naked’ and therefore looking extra slim in his late summer coat - and suddenly I hear the judge conclude with an ‘Excellent’... My eyes just flooded 🥹🥹 Mostly from shock!! Balder - who had just turned 2 years old was of course very happy! One - because he finally got his champion title and - two - because he did not have to go to any more dog shows ever again 🥳🥳🥳

The fourth dog out, presenting our team, is Hera aka Hilma (born Sept 30 2019). She is from Matti Salmi and Jane Helppi ...

The fourth dog out, presenting our team, is Hera aka Hilma (born Sept 30 2019). She is from Matti Salmi and Jane Helppi / Nellim Husky in Finland 🇫🇮 and she moved to us July 2022.

Hilma has 8 x 1st price 🏆 sled dog merits with / Team Snykovet 💪 -
1st price at Beaskádas 300 (245 km); 1st price at TromsQuest (60 km); 3rd price at Herringen Trail (50 km); 1st price at Trekkhundprøve Alapmoen (21.7 km) in 2023, and
1st price at Beaskádas 300 (100 km); 1st price at TromsQuest (20 km); 1st price at Bergebyløpet N70 (110 km); 1st price at Huskyløpet/NSHK Vintersamling (2x13 km); 1st price at Pasvik Trail (50 km) in 2024

Hilma is a beautiful, sweet, intelligent female. We love her efficient running / movements, her focus and work ethics. She is fast and energetic, moves and works efficient in harness, with high endurance, and she has also proven herself to be a good lead dog who loves to take commands chasing speed.

Hilma has excellent results on her eye scan including gonioscopy (ECVO) March 13 2023.

📸 and Marit Ånes

The third dog out - presenting our team - is NTCH Nova av Viddashusky   from  and Viddas husky. Born Feb 15 2019.Nova is...

The third dog out - presenting our team - is NTCH Nova av Viddashusky from and Viddas husky. Born Feb 15 2019.

Nova is beautifully built - athletic and long legged. I love the way she moves - completely effortless and at really high speeds. She has completed all her races including the longdistance rases Finnmarksløpet 600 (2022) Beaskades (2022, 2023, 2024) and Bergebyløpet (2022, 2023, 2024) with Ida-Helene Sivertsen / Team Snykovet 💪💪

Nova proved to be an extremely robust and hard working sled dog during Finnmarksløpet - never showing any stiffness or soreness during the race. She can work at all positions in the team. And she is really good at resting! Whenever the team stops she immediately lays down to take a snow bath and power nap!

Nova is a climber! She used to live indoor with us until we finally buildt a roof above the big dog yard.

She is also the only husky that I trust with our cats. In many ways I think she IS a cat!!

She is sweet tempered, social, talkative, uncomplicated, playful, happy and everybody´s darling with the softest fur and the best husky kisses.

Nova became the second best female with res CAC and CQ at a dogshow in Tromsø June 2023. And with 3 first prices from races that secured her the well deserved NTCH title as the first champion in our team. She also has one CAC from a national dogshow 🏆

She is the mother of two year old Snykovet’s Yukon & Nahanni living with us, Tulita & Nome living with Marit and Mirabel & Jasper living with Line ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Nova selected us - and we are so grateful to have her in our life!

The second dog out - presenting our team - isNTCH Snykovet’s Nahanni born August 19 2022 ✨After  Sirius av Ulvhild and o...

The second dog out - presenting our team - is
NTCH Snykovet’s Nahanni born August 19 2022 ✨After Sirius av Ulvhild and our NTCH Nova av Viddashusky ☺️

Just like her brother Yukon, Nahanni got her Norwegian Working Sleddog Champion title (NTCH) only 19 months old after having won 3 x 1 prize merits at Siberian Husky Sleddog test trials / sleddog races + an Excellent ribbon at a dog show.

Nahanni showed great focus in lead from an early age and has developed into a good lead dog learning all the tricks in the book from Lala and Skádja 🔥🙏

She is a beatiful, hardworking, fun, loving, batsh*t crazy girl 😘

📸 photo number 4 of Ida-Helene Sivertsen and the team is taken by Line Ingebrigtsenn - the rest by Monica A Sundset

We have several races planned this winter including Beaskádas in January, Bergebyløpet in January-February, Finnmarksløp...

We have several races planned this winter including Beaskádas in January, Bergebyløpet in January-February, Finnmarksløpet 600 km limited class (8 dog class) in March and To***co Trail 🇸🇪 in April.

The first one out - presenting our team - is
NTCH Snykovet’s Yukon born August 19 2022 ✨

Yukon got his Norwegian Working Sleddog Champion title (NTCH) only 19 months old after having won 3 x 1 prize merits at Siberian Husky Sleddog test trials / sleddog races + an Excellent ribbon at a dog show on his first try 15 months old. Yukon is a sweet tempered, beautiful, strong male. And an important member of our racing team with good lead dog skills. We are looking forward to see him develop during this upcoming season.

A not very well kept secret is that we are hoping for him to sire puppies with Hilma at some point in the future 🤞 He has consequently had his eyes checked as well - and with excellent results 😁

Yukon is after (grandson of the legendary Shaytaan’s Psycho Killer) and our NTCH Nova av Viddashusky ☺️ He takes after his father Sirius in looks 😘

You can read more about Yukon on our web page

📸 Ida-Helene Sivertsen (photo 1); Monica A. Sundset (photo 2); Vill Foto (photo 3 and 4)

Fineste Vinnu (10 uker) fra Kennel Vikerkollen har funnet seg veldig godt til rette her hos oss 🤍🤍 Bilder fra gårdagens ...

Fineste Vinnu (10 uker) fra Kennel Vikerkollen har funnet seg veldig godt til rette her hos oss 🤍🤍 Bilder fra gårdagens tur på Håkøya hvor vi bor 🫶

Nå er det lenge siden sist vi gav lyd fra oss! Men denne helga skjedde det noe veldig koselig her hos oss i Kennel Snyko...

Nå er det lenge siden sist vi gav lyd fra oss! Men denne helga skjedde det noe veldig koselig her hos oss i Kennel Snykovet 🐾 Se oppdateringer på bloggen 🐺🎈

Ingrid-Helene og Vinnu (8 uker) - første kvelden i sitt nye hjem hos oss i Kennel Snykovet på Håkøya Team Snykovet har ni voksne hunder som ...

Vi har hatt en veldig fin helg sørpå på Vintersamling med Norsk Siberian Husky Klubb der Ida-Helene Sivertsen / Team Sny...

Vi har hatt en veldig fin helg sørpå på Vintersamling med Norsk Siberian Husky Klubb der Ida-Helene Sivertsen / Team Snykovet kjørte inn til 2. plass på 2x13 km sprint, sikret sesongens fjerde 1. premie på trekkhundprøve, og utvidet flokken med smellvakre Myra fra MiRo Siberian Husky

Team Snykovet står i kø frem til START dag 1: Gråbeintunets Lala - Hilma (fra Matti Salmi /Nellim husky) Snykovet’s Nahanni - Gråbein...

Denne helga fikk jeg endelig skrevet ferdig bloginlegget som jeg startet på i oktober - om LTV / overgangsvirvel hos Nom...

Denne helga fikk jeg endelig skrevet ferdig bloginlegget som jeg startet på i oktober - om LTV / overgangsvirvel hos Nome / Siberian husky 🤓 Se også egen gruppe på Facebook om LTV: Informasjonsgruppe for LTV - Lumbosacral Transitional Vertebrae.

Nome fotografert av Ida-Helene Sivertsen Snykovet’s Nome ble født 19. august 2022 her hos oss i Kennel Snykovet . Vi beholdt totalt 3 valper...

Oppdatering fra Beaskádas 300:

Oppdatering fra Beaskádas 300:

Stemningsbilde fra målgangen. En veldig fornøyd hundekjører med lederhundene Lala og Skádja. Ida-Helene og hundene vant sin klasse på Beaská...

Oppsummering fra TromsQuest :

Oppsummering fra TromsQuest :

Troms Quest 2024 i regi av Tromsø og Omegn Trekkhundklubb var sesongens andre løp for oss - der vi deltok i 20 km RNB1, 4-spannsklassen med...

Oppsummering av Bergebyløpet Ida-Helene Sivertsen / Team Snykovet 🐾

Oppsummering av Bergebyløpet Ida-Helene Sivertsen / Team Snykovet 🐾

Resultater Ida-Helene / Team Snykovet deltok i 8-spannsklassen 110 km med 7 hunder - 6 tisper og 1 hannhund på årets Bergebyløp. Spannoppset...

Bergebyløpet N70 2024 - The third race of the season for us in Team Snykovet 🤞Ida-Helene Sivertsen has arrived at the ch...

Bergebyløpet N70 2024 - The third race of the season for us in Team Snykovet 🤞

Ida-Helene Sivertsen has arrived at the checkpoint as the third team after the two Finnish mushers Pauliina Mäki and Mikko Paajanen 🇫🇮🇫🇮

She has maintained an average speed of 10.8 km/h on the first leg (62 km). Now, there is a few hours of rest for her and the dogs before heading out on the final leg, which is 42 km.

Ida-Helene is racing with 7 dogs (8-dog class):

Many thanks to Rune Sundset for updates and beautiful pictures ♥️

Follow the race online:

  was our second   this season. And once again Ida-Helene Sivertsen secured the first place 🥇🏆👏🍾🥂 It is such a luxary ha...

was our second this season. And once again Ida-Helene Sivertsen secured the first place 🥇🏆👏🍾🥂

It is such a luxary having a race so close to home, just a few hours’ drive away 🚙💨 We took of from Håkøya 4:30 this morning to get there in time for the registration.

Our little team with four female Siberian huskies (between 17 and 22 kg) was on fire and so keen to get started after several days in heavy storm and hence no training this week. I had to act as dead weight on the sled - and we had helpers upfront - to avoid mishaps in the crowded lineup before the starting line.

Lala and Hilma, both lead dogs extraordinaire, loving speed and taking commands. Chloe and Nova also did a good job as engines in the back of the team.

The musher had a secret strategy to run up all the hills, pushing the sled to help the dogs.

In an unexpected turn, a «hitchhiker» joined Ida-Helene early in the race. He had lost his team but luckily it was successfully recovered at a road crossing by the race crew.

Now, the musher will be working driving busses daily until Tuesday night. On Wednesday, Team Snykovet heads north to Alta, then Varangerbotn and 🤞🤞

Next after some more working days, we’ll head south to Femund-Engerdal (Johnsgård Turistsenter) for a fourth race only for Siberian huskies with a 6-dog sprint, and the debut race for our young dogs Yukon and Nahanni ☺️☺️



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