Who I am and Why I decided to start a non-profit corporation/non profit
So, let me introduce myself. My name Is Ingrid, and I'm an ordinary person with a big dream. A dream to leave this world a little better than I found it. I have always cared for both people and animals very deeply. My love for people probably came from being lucky enough to be born into a wonderful, kind, close knit family, who instilled in us children, the need to have compassion and respect for others, including animals. That in spite of the fact that most members of my family were not animal oriented. I, on the other hand, was literally born loving animals. Since I was a toddler, I felt a very special connection to them, and much to my mom's dismay, every day I would find a new little being, that, in my child's mind, needed to be rescued, and thus, I just had to take it home. 🙂 Growing up in Mexico City, it wasn't hard for me to find animals in need of help, or for them to find me. Unfortunately, rescuing animals wasn't exactly considered a career choice 60+ years ago. So while I have always rescued animals, (at present, I have both domestic and farm rescued animals), I dedicated much of my younger years to teaching preschool, caring for children in my own home day care and fostering both children and animals. Later on in life, I worked assisting Seniors in their homes with the necessary daily tasks they could no longer do themselves. In doing so, I became aware that for many Seniors, as well as people with disabilities, having assistance with the chores that come from having pets is one of their biggest needs because they are no longer able to care for them properly. Sometimes even a stay in the hospital for a short time can result in them losing their pet, and the pet losing their family, because there was no one who could, or was willing to, care for their them. It is a known fact that many Seniors and people with disabilities are quite isolated and alone, and often the one thing that keeps them going is their animal companion. Pets enrich our lives. They are loving, loyal and playful. They make us smile and enjoy life more, often being a great source of emotional support. This is also true for victims of domestic violence. Having been in the position of having to flee a violent situation myself, I know how hard it is to find refuge somewhere when you not only have children but animals you are not willing to leave behind. My goal is to create a program to help the human/pet families in our community stay together. To this end I have been working on establishing a non profit corporation that will allow me to make a difference in my community.
Having said that, something like this requires both financial assistance and people willing to volunteer to take care of clients needs. If this idea touches your heart, please consider donating money or volunteering the time or services to run such a program. I know we are living in very uncertain times. Both money and time are in short supply for most of us, but I believe wholeheartedly that helping each other is the answer to many of our problems and the rewards of doing for others are great. Please don't hesitate to write me a line, ask questions or share ideas. This is not something I can do alone, so any help will be greatly appreciated.
Have a lovely day!