Levi and Lilli were abandoned by people who moved out of a house and left them in a cage in the basement.
The new tenant was moving in and heard whimpering from the basement and discovered them in the cage, which was full of excrement and had no food or water.
She cleaned them up and kept them for five years, but she recently had to take in an elderly, disabled relative and had to move to an apartment better suited for the relative’s care. So she can no longer keep Levi and Lilli.
Levi and Lilli are very bonded, as they are probably siblings. They must be adopted together.
Levi is 18 pounds and Lilli is 14 pounds. They are Cairn Terrier mixes, born in 2017.
They would probably do best in an adult household. While they get along with other dogs, they can get bossy or food-protective.
They are sweet and affectionate with people, like to play with toys, and are grateful for some TLC.
If you are interested in adopting these two cuties, please complete our adoption application on our website, lcrescue.org. Once you have completed the application, please text 219-677-2961 and let us know you have done so.