It's been a busy couple of weeks and I am still trying to sort everything out to figure out what I need to keep and what I can sell. I also have to find a lot of items as we put everything in storage so that I can slowly sort through things.
As I find items and can take pictures of them and animals I will post them on here, kijiji and market place. Animals will only be posted here and on kijiji as Facebook has rules about selling animals. On this page prices will be marked as a certain amount of scales. Scales = $
SOLD - Now to begin we still have our handsome Hedgehog looking for a home. He was born May 1st 2023 so he is a bit over a year. He is pretty friendly once taken out of his enclosure. I am asking 200 scales.
I also have a beautiful pastel pos. Desert ghost ball python that eats well and is quite healthy. I am asking 400 scales. As this is a rescue I do not know the age.
Lastly for now, we have this very friendly smaller ball python that also eats frozen thawed. Many of the labels for these ball pythons got mixed up, I am doing my best to properly identify the morph however some like this one are a hit harder to tell. I know it is not a normal but have not been able to identify it. I am asking 100 scales.