Again, can't thank you enough for all the support! Here is your little boy enjoying his acupuncture!
All in the past 3 weeks", he was born, he was rejected by mom,he walked but then had spinal trauma and couldn't ""(still can't) nearly froze to death outside, travelled from Glady's Virginia to Dartmouth, Ma, went to the vet, got x rayed and yet despite ALL of that he is so gosh darn happy! I know just looking at him makes my heart also makes it very difficult to do anything else!
Pre bedtime heated/massage pad time!
Kiki and Petunia LOVE their before bed relaxation therapy!!
New Kid at the sanctuary, please help!
Just about three weeks ago now a little baby goat was born. His breeder found him and his mom outside and brought them back to the barn. The next morning they saw mom had rejoined the herd. They found the baby nearly frozen outside all alone. Although he was born able to walk, he sustained some sort of trauma overnight leaving him unable to use his hind end, a few days later one his fronts stopped working properly. When we learned of him, we reached out to be a back plan but within days it was clear, we were his only plan. He was more than 10 hours away. I put a plea out on my personal page and when I did, I didn't actually think anyone would respond. A family reached out though and offered transport. I couldn't believe it! This little baby was lovingly transported, diaper changes and bottle feeds to boot! While we owed them the world for his safe travels to us, they would take nothing, not even money for gas. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We were able to get him vetted and x rayed No fractures or dislocations were found. We do however need to start acupuncture and rehab ASAP. His acupuncture appointment is Feb 20th and we are still reaching out to rehab for a consult. Its been a busy week here as we do diaper changes, bottle feeds, stretching, stand up time etc. I hope you all don't mind but I've told him all about you! Our wonderful facebook family, no need to fret that his momma abandoned him because I know you, you are going to love him so much!!!! Please help to support his care! Every penny adds up and makes a difference. Thank you!!!
To this wee one, you have come in like a whirlwind! I wish I could tell your struggle ends now, but I can't, in fact its just beginning. I wish I could guarantee that we will "fix" you, that you will walk independently again, but I can't. I wish I could tell you life is going to be easy, but it won't be, it will be a lot of hard work. I CAN promise you this, you will never be rejected again, you will be loved, sooo
Can't help falling in love with this crew!
Love Kiki sharing her bed with Ruby at night check, love saying good morning to the wild turkeys on the way to the barn, love our little limited mobility room, the love they have for each other is so beautful and I especially love Ruby separating out part of her egg shell for Ranger to find. They are so special and I fall more in love with them everyday. <3.
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can and this little Bob White Quail did.... Snuffles is no longer with us but so often animals that have left us for Heaven pop into my thoughts, like Snuffles just did. Snuffles nostrils had seemingly been pecked out by the other chicks at his breeders. We got him just in time! The last 6 weeks have been spent wiping his nose as he was constantly blowing blood bubbles out his nostrils and mouth., clearing secretions so he could breathe. Daily treatments of vet rx(very weak solution) mixed with warm water and applied by a q tip and antibiotics.Maintaining a very clean environment,monitoring food and water intake to make sure he was able to get what he needs because at first the water just poured out his injury. In those 6 weeks this little bird has adapted a-life sustaining mouth breathing technique AND although it took hours and hours and hours of practice and try and deep breathes, that he hasto hold and build pressure in his cheeks he canfinally make noise and sing. Talk about music to my ears! Never give up on what you want!To little Snuffles, it has been the greatest pleasure watching you work so hard to overcome such obstacles, the try in your heart is about 100 times bigger than your body. Ican't wait to see all the great things you do with this life you fought so hard to stay in And the so many you will teach to "sing".
Mavie enjoying some free roaming time before bed. He is a pretty good come when called kinda guy and a pretty special boy to all of us here. He may strut around like he owns the joint now but a year ago when he arrived it was not the case! So proud of how far he has come!
Do sheep wag their tails when they are happy? They sure do...if they haven't been cut that is. Krinkle is a BIG tail wagger and as long as that tail keeps a waggin we will do anything and everything to keep him comfy in the perfectly imperfect body he was born in!!! Here he is enjoying Kiki's heated vibration mat!