Don't Forget Us PET US a non profit sanctuary.

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Don't Forget Us PET US  a non profit sanctuary. Don't Forget Us strives to make our animals second chance at life truly COUNT!!! Ways to help.

We find ways to give back to our community and perhaps those places where comfort is needed most. Amazon Wish List:

HAY HERO’s desperately needed!

A little Peanut ball physical therapy before bed! This has been great to have him lay over the ball and do passive range...

A little Peanut ball physical therapy before bed! This has been great to have him lay over the ball and do passive range of motion with his hind legs AND it has been the best way to do his diaper changes too!

This morning we welcomed Derrick Campana to our little bitty sanctuary in Dartmouth, Ma   Derrick travels the world help...

This morning we welcomed Derrick Campana to our little bitty sanctuary in Dartmouth, Ma Derrick travels the world helping animals with their mobility. In fact, he just returned from Australia and India. His TV “The Wizard of Paws” show is on Disney plus and other streaming platforms. He evaluated Kiki, Kahlo, Krinkle amd Petunia the duck for custom adaptive equipment. Together we casted the animals to make molds for him to bring back home and do the builds.

Initially, we were going to try to cast Krinkle ourselves and just send the mold to him, but it became apparent as all of our extra special animals have matured, grown bigger and increased in weight that they needed devices made just for their unique, complicated bodies. How complicated can they be? Well, he reassured us that we definitely made the right call having him out as our cases are some of the most severe he has seen. What? This man travels the world and sees it all!

I have so many favorite things about our extra special animals but one of them is that it really seperates out those people with giant hearts. They have to be big, they hold more compassion, more empathy, more kindness than all the other hearts. Derrick is definitely one of them but guess what? So are all of you! Thank you for sharing your oversized hearts with us, loving these animals like we do and enabling moments like our we will never forget, life changing morning with The Wizard of Paws! ❤


Again, can't thank you enough for all the support! Here is your little boy enjoying his acupuncture!


All in the past 3 weeks", he was born, he was rejected by mom,he walked but then had spinal trauma and couldn't ""(still can't) nearly froze to death outside, travelled from Glady's Virginia to Dartmouth, Ma, went to the vet, got x rayed and yet despite ALL of that he is so gosh darn happy! I know just looking at him makes my heart also makes it very difficult to do anything else!


Wow! Just wow! The give from you all is just incredible! Donations to wish list items, just amazing!!!! Thank you!


Kiki and Petunia LOVE their before bed relaxation therapy!!


Just about three weeks ago now a little baby goat was born. His breeder found him and his mom outside and brought them back to the barn. The next morning they saw mom had rejoined the herd. They found the baby nearly frozen outside all alone. Although he was born able to walk, he sustained some sort of trauma overnight leaving him unable to use his hind end, a few days later one his fronts stopped working properly. When we learned of him, we reached out to be a back plan but within days it was clear, we were his only plan. He was more than 10 hours away. I put a plea out on my personal page and when I did, I didn't actually think anyone would respond. A family reached out though and offered transport. I couldn't believe it! This little baby was lovingly transported, diaper changes and bottle feeds to boot! While we owed them the world for his safe travels to us, they would take nothing, not even money for gas. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We were able to get him vetted and x rayed No fractures or dislocations were found. We do however need to start acupuncture and rehab ASAP. His acupuncture appointment is Feb 20th and we are still reaching out to rehab for a consult. Its been a busy week here as we do diaper changes, bottle feeds, stretching, stand up time etc. I hope you all don't mind but I've told him all about you! Our wonderful facebook family, no need to fret that his momma abandoned him because I know you, you are going to love him so much!!!! Please help to support his care! Every penny adds up and makes a difference. Thank you!!!

To this wee one, you have come in like a whirlwind! I wish I could tell your struggle ends now, but I can't, in fact its just beginning. I wish I could guarantee that we will "fix" you, that you will walk independently again, but I can't. I wish I could tell you life is going to be easy, but it won't be, it will be a lot of hard work. I CAN promise you this, you will never be rejected again, you will be loved, soooo loved and no matter where you are in your journey we will stand by you always ❤ Baby Goat wish list - Amazon Gift List - Checks can be mailed to po box 79124 North Dartmouth, Ma 02747.

We are so super excited to have connected with The Wizard of Paws Derrick Campana. He will be coming to us towards the e...

We are so super excited to have connected with The Wizard of Paws Derrick Campana. He will be coming to us towards the end of the month to customize equipment for a few of our animals.

As our animals with disabilities/deformities have matured we are finding that their perfectly imperfect bodies need custom equipment to best support their adult weight and allow them to continue to live the best life possible!
We will be doing some fundraising over the next few weeks with a goal of $6000.

If you'd like to make a life changing donation towards this special event we could use all the help we can get!
Please, please, please if you can't donate, its ok, we understand we only ask that you continue to enjoy our posts and share them!! We always appreciate when someone takes the time to share our animals on their social media platforms. A big thank you to FUN 107for doing just that. Please comment/like the post or give them a follow! AND please keep checking in, we have a new non walking baby that we will be introducing shortly.

Lastly, an incredibly heart felt thank you to Derrick Campana and Bionic Pets. We have been doing farm animal sanctuary work for 15 years, its often a struggle to find others (aside from the 10k+ of you) that find the value in the lives of farm animals never mind ones with "broken" bodies. What a special person to not only see beyond the imperfections and deformities but dedicates his life to supporting their uniqueness and improving their quality of life! He is a true gift and we can't wait to meet him!!
Donations can be made on our website
Or send checks to
PO Box 79124
North Dartmouth, Ma 02747

Derrick Campana is headed to Don’t Forget Us Pet Us in Dartmouth to improve the quality of life for a few of the special animals at the sanctuary.

Mavie was happy the snow stopped and stall doors opened up so he could go play! Feel free to post your snow baby in comm...

Mavie was happy the snow stopped and stall doors opened up so he could go play! Feel free to post your snow baby in comments!


Love Kiki sharing her bed with Ruby at night check, love saying good morning to the wild turkeys on the way to the barn, love our little limited mobility room, the love they have for each other is so beautful and I especially love Ruby separating out part of her egg shell for Ranger to find. They are so special and I fall more in love with them everyday.

Kahlo has a couple friends this morning! These two quail were used along with many others to train bird dogs prior to hu...

Kahlo has a couple friends this morning! These two quail were used along with many others to train bird dogs prior to hunting season. The state actually contracts with individuals to raise quail specifically for release for hunting season. They are raised in pens and never learn to "fend" for themselves prior to release. Many are hunted and shot others get killed off by predators and some just simply can't survive on their own. Given their experience these two are extremely flighty so it just melts my heart to see them with Kahlo like this!


I think I can, I think I can, I think I can and this little Bob White Quail did.... Snuffles is no longer with us but so often animals that have left us for Heaven pop into my thoughts, like Snuffles just did. Snuffles nostrils had seemingly been pecked out by the other chicks at his breeders. We got him just in time! The last 6 weeks have been spent wiping his nose as he was constantly blowing blood bubbles out his nostrils and mouth., clearing secretions so he could breathe. Daily treatments of vet rx(very weak solution) mixed with warm water and applied by a q tip and antibiotics.Maintaining a very clean environment,monitoring food and water intake to make sure he was able to get what he needs because at first the water just poured out his injury. In those 6 weeks this little bird has adapted a-life sustaining mouth breathing technique AND although it took hours and hours and hours of practice and try and deep breathes, that he hasto hold and build pressure in his cheeks he canfinally make noise and sing. Talk about music to my ears! Never give up on what you want!To little Snuffles, it has been the greatest pleasure watching you work so hard to overcome such obstacles, the try in your heart is about 100 times bigger than your body. Ican't wait to see all the great things you do with this life you fought so hard to stay in And the so many you will teach to "sing".

Buster was bought by a family I knew about 24 years ago.  He was 16 at the time.  He was purchased as a competition barr...

Buster was bought by a family I knew about 24 years ago. He was 16 at the time. He was purchased as a competition barrel horse at Clovis Auction in New Mexico and then brought to Ma.

In addition to his training for barrels, he was a trick horse. Buster could lay down, sit and stretch his body to lower himself for someone to dismount.

They quickly learned he was pretty ring sour and just plain fried from barrel completion. He was often referred to as a "puke". Buster would paw, spin and jig even before entering a ring.
Their prize barrel horse quickly became a family horse. He ate applejacks often and was loved by all the kids, cousins and grandchildren. He did not want to run barrels but he would position himself at the fence and let them all climb aboard. He even entertained school field trips with his tricks.

Eventually the family could no longer afford him and sold him to a gentleman wanting to dabble in barrels. He owned him a few years up until at a competition after rounding his second barrel and being encouraged to run full throttle to the next , he stopped, his rider tried to get him to move forward but guess what he did instead?? He laid down!!! Yup, this horse said no thank you, I'm done!!

Shortly after that we learned he was for sale. I was worried for him and where he would end up. I made my husband buy him. Now mind you, this was well over a decade before we became a non profit sanctuary.

We gave him to a wonderful College student who had become family to us. She was attending college near by, she lived with us here at the farm and had always wanted a horse. She was over the moon to have him and loved him fiercely. He enjoyed his loving, doting new mom who mostly just hopped on and hit the trails or maybe even a leisurely ride to get ice cream. When college was over, he went back to her hometown with her. He spent years there but things happen and eventually she was no longer in a position to keep him.

Heartbroken she placed him in what she thought would be his last home. With an elderly woman who was looking for an equally elderly horse to do some light showing. Well, that sounded great but Buster missed the memo that he was elderly. He would paw and jig in the ring and was too much horse for his new mom.
From what I recall from there he was doing pony parties. BUT Buster would stop and lay down scaring the children. They then tried to use him just for adults but again, when he was done, he would lay down mid pony ride, saddle and all.

In Jan of 2017 as I was scrolling through facebook i stopped at a horse I saw for sale for $200. I read the add, reread the add as the horse was listed as 18 years old and 15.3 hands. Buster at this point was in his 30's and only 15 hands but it was him. Again, I worried for him. It took a village but we were finally able to get this old man and bring him home for good.

We had retired old man Buster, he became a staple here at the sanctuary. Buster wasn't a puke in our eyes though his antics drove us crazy. He'd paw and bang on his fence panels when he was hungry, when he wanted to be turned out, when he wanted to be turned back in, when when you were petting the horse next to him. Geez, he'd paw those panels just because you weren't looking at him!!!

He was an escape artist, he opened gates, he could un tie any knot but he wasn't selfish about. I recall one day the vet was coming to give vaccines. I had 9 horses/ponies tied to the arena fence. I thought this is great, we are going to be so quick! I went into the barn to do a few things and when I went back to the arena Buster had un tied himself and was working on un tying his friends too! He was a picky eater with a half a molar left. We had to soak all his feed everyday and often change it up to keep him interested. He loved eating hay and even though he put it in his mouth, tried to chew it then spit out we gave it to him anyway. We decided years ago that for Buster it was about quality of life, we had already achieved quantity.

This past Friday morning, I didn't feel well, so much so i called out sick to work. I was slow moving to do morning chores and was so grateful when Jess one of our valued volunteers showed up to help. It was a beautiful, sunny almost felt warm day after a week of frigid temps. Even though they have in and outs, we turned Buster, Styx, Mavie and Hershey out in the arena where the sun was shining
Several times over the next few hours i went to my kitchen sink to rinse a cup or a plate and glanced out at them. Oh how they were basking in the sun rays. So content and relaxed.

Right before 2pm I glanced out the window. Buster was down, that in and of itself was not alarming. He often took naps, deep sleep he doesn't move and we think he is dead naps. What was alarming to me was that the other three geldings were staring at the kitchen window as if they were waiting for me and trying to get my attention. They were no longer basking peacefully in the sun. I looked at them and i just knew. I yelled for my daughter Amber to meet me in the arena. Together we got a halter and lead on him and tried to get him up. He couldn't get up. I immediately messaged the vet office. With a 40 year old horse we've had many discussions about end of life. We knew at some point he would go down and we had a choice to make. We could ride the roller coaster where we get him up using a harness and tractor and hope he stays on his feet but its just a matter of time before this happens again and we would be right back here.

Buster owed us nothing, not even a much wanted one more day. I knew the vet was on the way but was a little ways out but I needed that time. Buster had so many people who loved him. Through my tears I started making calls. People that lived close by came flying down to say goodbye, others further away or at work said their goodbyes via face-time or with the phone up to his ear. It was both heartbreaking and beautiful. The vet arrived and assessed him. His heart was ok, gut sounds were good, his body condition fantastic for his age but his breathing was rapid and erratic despite being down and resting

Buster simply had done what he always had. He pulled the oldest trick in his book and he laid down. He was letting us know he done and with that, he was laid to rest.

Buster, you were an icon here at the sanctuary. The man, the myth and OUR legend!! You will be missed. Love you Buster, go run, play, find the friends that passed before you. Open all of Heavens gates and paw on every fence panel you see until we meet again. ❤

Kalho's favorite pillow In this room:YOU belong here YOU Matter YOU are Worth It YOU are Important YOU are loved YOU hav...

Kalho's favorite pillow

In this room:
YOU belong here
YOU Matter
YOU are Worth It
YOU are Important
YOU are loved
YOU have a voice
YOU are Valued
YOU are respected.







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