C.C Grooms.

C.C Grooms. City and Guilds trained dog grooming service in the Scottish Borders


Lovely little Rollo back in for a wee tidy up. He's an anxious wee soul so I didn't do too much video of him but he's still very young and gets a wee bit better with each visit. It's massively rewarding when a nervous or fearful dog starts to have trust in you and allows you to do what you need to do. Hopefully, over time, our relationship will only get better β€πŸ•πŸΆπŸ•β€


The puppy love was strong in the salon today when adorable little Arlo the cockapoo came to visit. He's only 10 months old but took everything in his stride and did brilliantly well . As long as there was plenty of kisses and cuddles he was quite happy. Lots of positive reinforcement, a few treats and some playtime at the end hopefully made it a positive experience for him. Full marks to his owner for keeping him well brushed out, there wasn't a single knot or matt in his beautiful coat πŸ‘πŸ‘


My wee pal Archie arrived in full on Scottie mode today, grumpy and uncooperative. Luckily for both of us, I'm very well acquainted with grumpy terriers (as anyone who's met JJ knows!) So with a little patience and bribery we managed to get there in the end. . He was happy to cuddle before and after the groom but gave me the cold shoulder as soon as his mum arrived. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ love how sparky this wee dog is and I'm looking forward to seeing him again in January. Thanks for the lovely gift Alison β€πŸ•πŸΆπŸ•β€


Yesterday was 2 years to the day that my lovely dad was laid to rest. His death was sudden and unexpected but it set off a chain of events for me that changed my life forever. A few weeks after his death, my 50th birthday passed by in a blur of grief and disbelief. Less than a month later, I had the opportunity to apply for voluntary redundancy and leave the job I had done for nearly 25 years. I felt genuinely ill equipped at the time to make a decision of this magnitude and dithered relentlessly about what to do, deciding in the end to take it and train to be a dog groomer, something I had always wanted to do.

Sometimes when I look back on the last 2 years, I wonder how I got here. I feel genuinely proud of everything I have achieved so far and I'm working hard to be the best I can be.. I'm sure there are people who thought I was quite mad to change careers as a menopausal 50 year old but I got the opportunity to follow my dream and I'll never regret having the courage to go for it. Has it been difficult? At times absolutely. Plenty of "what the hell am I doing?" moments, loads of self doubt. Then I remember, I was brought up to have courage, to work hard, to have respect for myself and others. I'm my father's daughter, that's how I got here.

Thanks Dad. ❀


Getting some practice in for Christmas morning πŸ˜€


When Buddy the Jack Russell starts to shed, theres only one thing for it. A full on deshedd. Any one who's ever lived with these dogs knows they drop an astonishing amount of hair but this process removes all of the dead undercoat and allows him to regulate his body temperature. Clean dog, clean house, bonus πŸ€©β€πŸ•πŸΆπŸ•β€

I've had a message from Sott Mcleman regarding a border terrier via my website but it didn't pass on his email address (...

I've had a message from Sott Mcleman regarding a border terrier via my website but it didn't pass on his email address (I hate technology!).

If anyone knows who he is and is able to let him know I'm unable to contact him, I would be grateful.




Gorgeous brothers Gary and Freddie. This was Freddie's first visit so he was very nervous to begin with but he soon got the hang of things and was almost as professional as Gary by the end 🀩. No clipping for these beautiful coats, just some light hand stripping and a general tidy up and these two dapper chaps were looking amazing β€πŸ•πŸΆπŸ•β€


JJ having a look at the rain outside this morning and deciding that going outside is not for him β€πŸ•πŸΆπŸ•β€


Beware of Halloween doggy dangers!

It’s not just goblins, ghouls and ghosts you need to watch out for! Chocolates, sweets and decorations could harm your dog, and costumed visitors can stress them out and spook them. Find out how to keep your dog safe: thekennelclub.org.uk/halloween


Lovely little Eunice back in for a tidy today. She's an elderly wee lady at 16 so her groom is about comfort and cleanliness, humanity before vanity. She suffers quite badly from stress so the aim is to make sure she can see, her sanitary areas are clean and that she's free of mats. I then try to complete her groom as quickly as possible so she can go home , spending as little time in the salon as possible. Loves lots of kisses and cuddles and is so cute with her little tongue hanging out all the time. β€πŸ•πŸΆπŸ•β€


I shouldn't have favourites really but these two wee munchkins come pretty close. The video mainly features beautiful wee Skye as her brother Coll wasn't feeling like showing off for the camera today. It's important to realise that as dogs age, the grooming process has to be adapted to accommodate possible stiffness or pain so I've been learning new handling techniques, trying to make things as comfortable as possible for them. Increased breaks allow them to rest often and while it took a wee bit longer, it reduces stress and hopefully makes it a more comfortable experience for them β€πŸ•πŸΆπŸ•β€

With only 8 weeks to go until Christmas (eeeek!) JJ and Buddy would like to advise that places are starting to fill up a...

With only 8 weeks to go until Christmas (eeeek!) JJ and Buddy would like to advise that places are starting to fill up at CC GROOMS for December. Early booking is essential if you're looking to have a little pampering in time for the big day. πŸ•πŸΆπŸ•


This absolutely beautiful girl is Paisley the Saluki, in for her first visit today. While she was clearly nervous, she kept her cool and did really well. She did a bit of singing, a bit of melodramatic screaming and a bit of burying her head under my arm but was so good we were done before she knew it. The pictures don't really do justice to how gorgeous her coat is. Looking forward to seeing you again in December gorgeous girl β€πŸ•πŸΆπŸ•β€


Lovely to see Benji the little corgi for a bath and deshedd. I don't see many corgis and had forgotten how much hair they have! He was a lovely little character , all kisses and cuddles until nail clipping time when he screamed the place down 😁 he was so cute at the end with his little butt wiggling and sitting up to beg. Unfortunately, my phone had a meltdown and wiped out some of the cute videos I'd taken of him β€πŸΆπŸ•πŸΆβ€


Nala the German shepherd. Absolutely stunning dog and so well behaved. She was not a fan of having her front feet touched but we got round that. Had to break out the beekeepers hat for the furnado during the deshedd but she looked amazing at the end β€πŸ•πŸΆπŸ•β€

My wee old man enjoying a snooze ❀️

My wee old man enjoying a snooze ❀️


The sweetest boy Bailey the cockapoo. Was a wee bit worried about things but was an absolute superstar for the whole groom and did really well. We just took things slowly but to be honest, he was a professional! β€πŸ•πŸΆπŸ•β€


This beautiful big bundle of mischief led me a merry dance today. After dragging me round the salon for a bit I finally managed to get her in the bath only for her to leap out like a gazelle, flattening me in the process. Luckily, I broke her fall (for her maybe. Me? Not so much!) So we moved on to arguing about which dryer her ladyship would tolerate. We settled on the hand dryer in the end. Lizzie belongs to a friend so we have met before but I don't mind admitting I was in awe of her size and power . She's a lovely affectionate girl despite being a little naughty, I'm just not sure she realises how big she is! 🀩 β€πŸ•πŸΆπŸ•β€


This is little Biscuit, a miniature poodle. He's currently being fostered and is looking for his forever home so was getting a little tidy up today. He's very cute and very sweet and would be an amazing wee dog for the right owner. He's a year old and a bit anxious about things so is looking for someone who can help him develop his full poodle potential πŸ• I was very tempted to adopt this little dog but sadly my current circumstances aren't suitable for him. β€πŸΆπŸ•β€


Lovely Rory in for a trim today. The wee soul was very worried about the process but lots of kisses and cuddles and a few treats helped get the job done. His coat was absolutely beautiful, so glad the owner wanted to keep it β€πŸΆπŸ•πŸΆβ€


Little Lexi. Cute as a button (that wee face ❀) and the best behaved wee girl. She's a little bit older so I let her sit as much as she wants to throughout the groom so she's comfortable and we have lots of little cuddle breaks. See you in the spring Lexi β€πŸΆπŸ•πŸΆβ€

Both appointments now filled.  Appointments available next week πŸ‘ message or phone to book πŸ˜€πŸΆπŸ•πŸΆ

Both appointments now filled. Appointments available next week πŸ‘ message or phone to book πŸ˜€πŸΆπŸ•πŸΆ

I have appointments available this week Friday at 1pm and Saturday at 10am. Phone or message to book πŸ˜€πŸΆπŸ•πŸΆ

I have appointments available this week Friday at 1pm and Saturday at 10am. Phone or message to book πŸ˜€πŸΆπŸ•πŸΆ


A real treat having this wee munchkin in. He's transitioning from the pet trim into the breed standard Scottie cut so still growing out his eyebrows, beard and legs but even so, he still rocked the Scottie look! A sparky, confident wee dog that I fell in love with almost immediately. Can't wait to see you again Archie β€πŸΆπŸ•β€


Lovely little Magnus, recovering brilliantly from his cruciate surgery and crate rest back in for a pamper. A proper no fuss and bother kind of dog , it was lovely to see him again β€πŸΆπŸ•πŸΆ


Beautiful Harris with the film star lashes. Not a huge fan of the process but he's so well mannered he accepts it with good grace! β€πŸΆπŸ•πŸΆ

Gorgeous wee Griff the parson russell terrier.  Love this wee dog.  Happy,  confident and alert,  he loved looking out t...

Gorgeous wee Griff the parson russell terrier. Love this wee dog. Happy, confident and alert, he loved looking out the window at the building work going on across the road! β€πŸΆπŸ•πŸΆ

Check out CC GROOMS's video.


Lovely little Lola in for a tidy up. A fiesty, comical wee dog who needed an extra bit of support to help keep her standing. Loves lots of kisses and cuddles and barked the place down as she was leaving. Love her β€πŸΆπŸ•πŸΆ


Buddy enjoying a little deshedd β€πŸΆπŸ•πŸΆ


Lovely Tam the bedlington having a wee pamper today. He's a wriggler but we get there in the end . His lovely linty coat is starting to change as he ages so I'll be seeing him more regularly for a bath and brush out between grooms to keep him looking fabulous β€πŸΆπŸ•πŸΆ


Double fun this afternoon with my wee buddies Coll and Skye. Coll was a bit grumpy today and pretty spicy for nail clipping but we made up during bathtime and after lots of kisses and cuddles he was back to his usual gentlemanly self. β€πŸΆπŸ•πŸΆ Skye was the best girl as always β€πŸΆπŸ•πŸΆ


My wee pal Eunice back in today for a wee tidy up. She's almost 16 so appreciates a little bit support throughout the groom to keep her steady. I aim to complete her groom as quickly as I can to reduce stress for her so her haircut is about comfort and hygiene rather than film star looks. She's a wee star to me though ❀ πŸΆπŸ•πŸΆ


Beautiful LouLou in for a tidy up today. She's only 11 months old and did really well with lots of kisses and cuddles. Really glad her owner wanted to keep her coat, it was beautiful β€πŸΆπŸ•πŸΆ

3rd in the scruffiest dog class.  You can see how thrilled he is πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

3rd in the scruffiest dog class. You can see how thrilled he is πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Lovely boy Cody enjoying having his ears blow dried πŸ˜€πŸ•πŸ˜€

Bath,  blowdry and nail clipping time for the very grumpy and overly dramatic JJ πŸ˜€

Bath, blowdry and nail clipping time for the very grumpy and overly dramatic JJ πŸ˜€

Check out carolcazaly's video.

Gorgeous girls Abi and Amber back in to see me today.  These girls are an absolute pleasure to have in the salon.  Calm,...

Gorgeous girls Abi and Amber back in to see me today. These girls are an absolute pleasure to have in the salon. Calm, relaxed and partial to some kisses and cuddles , they are a joy to work with β€πŸΆπŸ•πŸΆ



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