I'm not a fan of freeze dried shrimp (which makes Mom happy because it smells awful to her), but freeze dried duck liver might be my new favorite treat.
Thank you, Chewy!
My housemate, Gizmo, has accepted Mom's catnip offering.
With a line of catnip and treats at the ready, I have met my new housemates.
Mom was going to play her game, but I am much more concerned with what's going on in the background
2 years and a couple days ago, this human saw a picture of me on a bulletin board at a Starbucks in San Antonio. She immediately called Mystery Dog Rescue to see if I could live with her forever.
2 years ago, I went to Trader Joe's to meet her for the first time while she was at work. It was love at first sight for her.
Now, I greet her at the door of our home in Seattle and tell her all about my day. I start talking before she even gets to the door most days. (There are also days when I don't greet her because I'm busy with the important duty of keeping the bed warm.)
TL;DR It's my Gotcha Day!
I had my first visit with my new doctor. She and the nurses were very nice, but I had no interest in cooperating. Instead, I decided to show how smart I am and how I could prevent them from accomplishing any goals with me. Now that I'm back with Mom and have been given treats to reward my intelligence (rightfully so), I'm feeling much more calm.
I am incredibly upset about the next door neighbor and I feel the need to express this the only ways I know how.