Axolotls Anonymous

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Axolotls Anonymous I help Axolotls and their owners. Based out of Washington State. Happy to answer any and all questions, I’m here to help!!!

3 different kinds of lettuce grown indoors during winter off our aquaponics system. This is one month of growth that wil...

3 different kinds of lettuce grown indoors during winter off our aquaponics system. This is one month of growth that will now be fed to our two Sulcata Tortoises: DJ Armpit and Captain Beefsquatch.

25 Whole Indian Almond Leaves: $15- large/extra large individual leaves, 1 leaf per 10g replace after 2wksIAL Blackwater...

25 Whole Indian Almond Leaves: $15
- large/extra large individual leaves, 1 leaf per 10g replace after 2wks

IAL Blackwater Concentrate Kit: $15
-100g of crushed leaves in an extra large tea bag, more efficient than using whole leaves, yields 1 gallon. Dosage: 1/2oz per gallon.

shipping is $5 on all orders.

Indian Almond Leaves contain something called tannins, and tannins are proven to be antifungal when used in the aquarium setting. A must have preventative against fungal infection

Spending the morning making Holtfreters Solution and Blackwater kits. If interested in either let us know, they’ll both ...

Spending the morning making Holtfreters Solution and Blackwater kits. If interested in either let us know, they’ll both be ready by tomorrow.


Guess what?!?!?!

Come December 1st we will finally be accepting new orders for our aquaponics systems. I know a lot of you have been waiting and we appreciate your patience. All details and information are given verbally in the video, and the prices and shipping are written below in the original post. Thanks everyone, excited to make these again!

Easy like Sunday morning. Went to our local mall to visit an aquarium that just opened up and stumbled upon a store(Fueg...

Easy like Sunday morning.

Went to our local mall to visit an aquarium that just opened up and stumbled upon a store(Fuego) that was carrying a bunch of Axolotl gear. Tried to talk them out of the display poster but they weren’t haven’t it.

🥬 Don’t throw away the butt end of your lettuce greens, regrow them!!!🥬

🥬 Don’t throw away the butt end of your lettuce greens, regrow them!!!🥬


🌱 Hey there!!! Would anybody be interested if we started selling plants? We’re thinking of starting off simple with Marimo Moss Balls as well as Lucky Bamboo. Both of which I have hundreds of and they’re both extremely cheap compared to most plants. 🍃

Repurposed some salad containers to make some floating greenhouses! Currently growing the seeds from several bell pepper...

Repurposed some salad containers to make some floating greenhouses! Currently growing the seeds from several bell peppers and an Anaheim pepper which we also got at the grocery store. Plant the seeds from the vegetables and fruit that passes through your kitchen, almost all of them will sprout and eventually grow to full on plants, and the more plants in this earth the better.

Melted my phone and wallet. So unfortunately it’ll be a minute till we post videos again. Also on a side note, I’ll be g...

Melted my phone and wallet. So unfortunately it’ll be a minute till we post videos again. Also on a side note, I’ll be getting back into making products again. The aquaponics kits, Holtfreters solution, as well as black water(IAL) concentrate kits, we’re also considering selling/shipping plants but are still trying to figure that one out. Sorry for the delay but don’t worry we’re almost “back”.

*CARD IS CANCELLED, not my first rodeo.

Our Self Cloning Crayfish has been carrying eggs for a while now. Look what we found last night. Baby Marmorkrebs!!!

Our Self Cloning Crayfish has been carrying eggs for a while now. Look what we found last night. Baby Marmorkrebs!!!


Axolotl Clean Up Crew/Fry Food Alternative

One of the coolest posts we've ever made, at least I think so. When I first learned of Freshwater SCUDS I couldn't wait to get my hands on some. Great little detritus eating creatures. These amphipods will eat almost any dead/dying/rotting organic material. Bits of discarded food, plant matter, f***s itself. Also a great option for raising baby axolotls on. If populations get out of hand, introducing feeder fish(who will pick off the scuds) to the tank will solve the issue. As always we encourage you to do further research!

What plants is everyone utilizing? We currently grow all of these plants except numbers 3,5, and 7 in our Axolotl tanks....

What plants is everyone utilizing? We currently grow all of these plants except numbers 3,5, and 7 in our Axolotl tanks. We also have the other three but they don't thrive in water culture settings and are potted n soil. All of these plants are extremely cheap and easy to source and everyone should get some for their aquatic friends.


New house, new plants, same ole DIY attitude. Becca and I are finally moved into our first home. We spent all of last weekend moving the tanks and animals and transplanting our water culture plants to dirt. We're no where near done but the tanks are looking better and the lotls are happier, and in turn so are we.


Anyone in the Spokane/CDA area interested in a 50gallon LowBoy tank and 4 axolotls for a more than reasonable price?!?! A former customer of ours is unfortunately no longer able to provide the best care as she previously could and is looking to rehome them and their housing. For those that don’t know, a 50g LowBoy is the perfect tank for axolotls, and normally they’re expensive and hard to come by. If you’re interested please leave a COMMENT as our messenger still isn’t working and I won’t be able to relay your message. Thanks.



Sorry to say we will NOT be attending/vending at this years Spokane Reptile Expo this weekend. But we’ve got a pretty damn good reason, we bought our first home and we get the keys and move in this weekend!!!!

The axolotls and all the other animals we care for will finally be moving to a permanent residence. Once we’re settled in I plan on jumping head first into the axolotl hobby again, I stopped posting and taking orders so I could focus my attention on “life” but that’s almost all taken care of.

Becca and I (Wilhelm) are excited to start our next chapter and we’ve got tons of new helpful information to share and look forward to talking with everyone in the near future.

Thanks everyone, see y’all soon!



I’m currently unable to access my business page messages for whatever reason. If you’ve been reaching out to us my apologies, we’ve not been able to see any new messages for the last week almost.

If you have orders rest assured they’re on their way, I just can’t message you to send a tracking number🤨

If it’s an emergency or you’d still like to get some answers we are still able to see and respond to comments left on our posts.

Again my apologies, I don’t know when the error will be corrected but hopefully it’s sooner rather than later.


The biggest Axolotl group on Facebook has been shut down due to member misuse. Facebook strictly prohibits the sale or advertising of any living creature. “Axolotl-Aholics” was a great resource for lotls and their owners and it’s truly a shame it’s gone.

I’ve contemplated starting my own group with the simple goal/intention of providing adequate help and ideas to better the quality of life we provide our lotls. Facts and science would be a priority, cite your sources etc. Any unsubstantiated “help” would not be allowed. Hopefully it would blossom into an “open source” of information where anyone can learn, teach, help, suggest, etc. as long as the information in question is sited/proven/has substantial evidence to support it.

Thoughts? Ideas? What should we name it?

We hit 3,000 "likes" this morning! Thanks everyone, here's to 3,000 more :-)

We hit 3,000 "likes" this morning!

Thanks everyone, here's to 3,000 more :-)

I'd like to take this time to formally introduce my better half and partner Becca. She's as passionate about animals and...

I'd like to take this time to formally introduce my better half and partner Becca. She's as passionate about animals and studying plants as I am and will continue to be an integral part of the help and support we provide.

Please give her a warm welcome☺️

What kind of posts would guys like to see more of from us? Particular topics? Questions you'd like answered? We've always tried to remain educational and we'd like to continue with that model so if anyone has any ideas feel free to share them in the comments!


💦🌼💐Jasmine, possibly Lavender, and Axolotls🌸🌹🌿

Today is a crazy cool day for us here at Axolotls Anonymous, we received our first major commercial order for our aquapo...

Today is a crazy cool day for us here at Axolotls Anonymous, we received our first major commercial order for our aquaponics systems!!!

I designed and built my first aquaponics system over 6 years ago for personal use on my home aquarium, I just wanted to provide the best life possible for my animals at the time. Never crossed my mind that other people would be interested, I was just proud of my work and happy my animals were thriving.

Fast forward to December 2018, after enough requests from the general public, my girlfriend Becca(she's a keeper) convinced me to finally sell my invention to those who may be interested. Had a few hiccups along the way, but I can't thank you all enough for your patience and understanding as we ironed out all the wrinkles.

In the last 6 months we've had well over 100 orders, both residential and commercial. All the animals we've helped is worth all the time and stress. I owe a tremendous amount of this success to you guys, my followers, and I'm excited to see where this venture takes us next.

So from the bottom of my heart.....

THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sweet Potato is a cheap and easy plant to utilize in the aquarium setting. Commonly sold in almost every grocery store, I highly recommend picking some up and giving it a try.


Firecracker Plant!!! This emerged plant produces beautiful reddish-orange flowers throughout the growing season. Tolerant of sun or shade this is a great choice for the indoor planted tank.


I dropped my phone in the aquarium, so it'll be a little while till we start posting videos again.

Axolotls: Acidic or Basic/Alkaline?!?!pH stands for "power of hydronium". Water (H2O) exists in a constant equilibrium w...

Axolotls: Acidic or Basic/Alkaline?!?!

pH stands for "power of hydronium". Water (H2O) exists in a constant equilibrium with itself: H2O OH- + H+. The hydrogen ion (H+) is very small and strongly hydrated (meaning it attaches itself to another water molecule), essentially existing as the ion hydronium (H30+). pH is a convenient way of expressing the hydrogen ion concentration. In actual fact, it's the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration.

The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. A solution (i.e. water containing something else) with a pH of less than 7, is said to be acidic. A pH greater than 7 is considered basic (also known as alkaline). And a pH of exactly 7 is considered neutral, neither acidic nor basic. The further the pH is from 7, the stronger the acidity or alkalinity/basicity of the solution. You can obtain simple-to-use pH test kits from your local aquarium retailer.

Most municipalities treat their water so that it is within a few degrees of pH 7 (neutral). My local water is 7.2 after treatment. For axolotls, a pH of 6.5 to around 8.0 is acceptable, but 7.4 to 7.6 is probably ideal. pH can affect the toxicity of ammonia and this is discussed below.

Ammonia, Nitrite, & Nitrate:

These three substances are part of the biological filtration cycle in your aquarium. Ammonia, NH3, the main waste product produced by your axolotls, is very toxic in its unionised form (NH3 as opposed to NH4+). A low pH means a higher concentration of H+ ions, which in turn results in a higher degree of ionisation of NH3 to NH4+. Conversely, a high pH means that unionised ammonia, toxic NH3, is the main form of ammonia. What this means in English is that the higher the pH, the more toxic the ammonia. Ammonia can kill, and at a pH of 8 or more, it kills even more effectively. Water temperature can also affect its toxicity, a higher temperature resulting in a higher toxicity.

Unless you're extremely proficient with maintaining aquarium systems, a periodic ammonia test is advisable. Even the most experienced hobbyist should occasionally test for ammonia.
Nitrite, NO2-, is produced from ammonia by the bacterium Nitrosomonas. It is not as toxic as ammonia, but should also be tested for regularly. Again, test kits are available and should be used about as regularly as ammonia tests.

There’s plenty of information out there on this topic, this is just one source, and as always I urge you to DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH as well. 🙃


🍋 Reduce, reuse, recycle!!!! 🍊

These started out as citrus seeds taken from fruit purchased at the local grocery store. Thriving in an aquaponics environment. Eventually it will grow too tall and top heavy but that’s in several years.

Curious what everyone has named their axolotls?!?! This is our female copper “Babe-reham Lincoln”

Curious what everyone has named their axolotls?!?!

This is our female copper “Babe-reham Lincoln”

Cool info graphic, the majority of these foods can be grown in our aquaponics kits. Carrots will only regrow their folia...

Cool info graphic, the majority of these foods can be grown in our aquaponics kits. Carrots will only regrow their foliage, you won’t get another carrot. Potatoes and most other tubers won’t work in our systems. Most herbs do great, and another great one that’s mentioned is celery.

😅😂🤣The US Post Office thought our Holtfreters Solution was drugs hahah. Everyone who ordered Holtfreters in the last wee...

😅😂🤣The US Post Office thought our Holtfreters Solution was drugs hahah.

Everyone who ordered Holtfreters in the last week, your packages are on the way!!!


We started making/selling our own Holtfreter’s Solution. (again🙃)

13.5/14oz bag (makes 600gallons):$19.99 or 2 for $34.99 + free shipping!

Guaranteed Analysis:

44%: MgSO4
44%: NaCl
11%: NaHCO3
1%: KCI

Holtfreter's solution (Holtfreter's medium) is a balanced salt solution that was created by developmental biologist Johannes Holtfreter for studying amphibian embryos and to reduce bacterial infections throughout all stages of life. As a specialized aqueous solution, it finds use in aquaria to prevent infections for amphibians, where it is typically mixed with soft tap water. Amphibians such as axolotls find a hard water solution more preferable.

If interested please message us or leave a comment!🙂

🌱 💦 🙂 Hey everyone, we started another page called Aquaponics Anonymous with the intent to reach more people ou...

🌱 💦 🙂 Hey everyone, we started another page called Aquaponics Anonymous with the intent to reach more people outside of the axolotl community. The page is still new and there’s nothing really posted yet but I’d greatly appreciate it if everyone checked it out and gave us a LIKE and a SHARE.

I’ll be posting more useful tips, tricks, and ideas over there as well as selling our aquaponic systems, and some day down the line we intend to start offering live plants!!! 🌱 💦 🙂


🌳I’ve added some Willow tree cuttings to our lotl tanks. Right now they’re rooting in aquarium water, in another month or so they’ll be planted in the earth to grow to their full potential.

There’s several species of trees that grow near or in water. Almost all of them can be cloned using similar methods. However some plants have toxic compounds in varying levels that can leach into the water column and cause harm to your plants and animals so be sure to DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH🙃

Thanks to everyone who got an Aquaponics Kit in the last two weeks, we had over 25 orders! With that being said we’re no...

Thanks to everyone who got an Aquaponics Kit in the last two weeks, we had over 25 orders! With that being said we’re no longer accepting new orders until we’re caught up and figure out our new pricing. 🙂




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