Please spread the word! Charlie is STILL MISSING as of Dec 09, 2024, last seen in Berlin, CT 06037 near Heritage Drive and area of Chamberlain Hwy.
Update: Charlie our beloved White Winged Parakeet of 10 years is missing. He was last seen on November 24, 2024 flying away from Heritage Drive Berlin, CT and toward the area of Chamberlain Highway Berlin, CT. Charlie is a mostly green small parakeet with yellow and white feathers on his wings. He had a couple tail feathers missing at the time he flew off. He is tame and loves people, he may fly to a person if he sees someone. He also responds to his name with loud calls and responds to whistling if he hears it with his own whistles. We searched for days with no luck and we doubt he survived if he was not found early on. This post is a last ditch effort in the event that someone found Charlie. We are offering a reward for the safe return of Charlie.
Description: Charlie our beloved white winged parakeet. He is green with yellow and white feathers on his wings. He will respond to whistles and may whistle back if he hears it. I'm not sure if he even survived the night as the temperature was near freezing. I'm holding on to all hope even it's false hope. He was our beloved pet for 10 years. He was last seen at 159 Heritage Drive flying toward the area of Chamberlain Highway and surrounding area. If seen please call or email, thank you so much.
For more info or to contact Charlie's owner, click here: https://www.pawboost.com/p/71013825