We are still seeing lots of posts for missing cats in the local area, some are even kittens. To us, a kitten is a kitten until it is a year old. A large number of these cats and kittens are unneutered and unchipped or their chip details are not up to date.
When these cats go missing, owners demand sympathy, empathy and compassion and if the owner has taken all responsible measures to find their cat and make sure their cat is not already adding to the thousands of unwanted cats and kittens already out there in the World, they will get it from us, we will even post on our site and make phone calls to other rescues for you.
If you are a cat owner, this is your sign to make 2025 your year to stop making excuses and get your cat or kitten neutered and chipped. Chipping is a way to help locate your cat and to go some way towards identifying that cat as yours, should you end up in an unfortunate situation where someone is claiming your cat to be theirs, (Vet bills and photos of said cat help too, we are cat owners and can provide loads of both for each cat trust me).
Some vets do take advantage with chips and yes it is about time our wonderful Government put some sort of control on them. If one vet charges £15 and five minutes down the road, the vet is charging £45, then that's extortion. But ring around, phone chip companies, ask your local rescue, some have their own people who chip. If you phone around, you can still find people to chip your cat for less than a packet of ci******es!
Most rescuers remain quiet as, as soon as they make one negative comment, they are deemed as judging. Well, that's because they have had dealings with these people before. Most people who want this compassion and understanding are repeat offenders and it's not the first time one or more rescue would have stepped in to help them. Instead of learning by this help that is tirelessly offered time and time again, when their cat goes missing, they go and get more cats, like replacing a pair of shoes. And, yet again, they do not neuter or chip that cat and the cycle starts again.
So if you are one of these people offering this endless supply of compassion and empathy, without offering, help, advice or any sort of consequence to this behaviour, then you are just as guilty when that cat is lost, pregnant, run over, etc. As, as rescuers, we are ultimately there for the cat and it's welfare. It's not that rescuers aren't hurt or offended by the constant nasty remarks, it's that, most of us, who are true animal lovers, will put a humans hurt pride to the side (especially as it's only hurt for a short space of time until the cat or dog is replaced) and we will put the Welfare of the animal infront.
Stop relying on large organisations to step in and provide neutering for YOUR pet because as we found out in 2024 it can be stopped at any time. Leaving thousands of cats unneutered and adding to the crisis. Before you go out and get a cat or dog, no matter if it's from a rescue or some unlicensed breeder in the form of a stables, farm, your neighbour (to us these are all heartless, unlicensed breeders just in different clothing), think about the cost involved. If you can't afford to neuter, chip, vaccinate and treat your pet with decent flea and worm treatment, don't get one!
We also found out in 2024 that certain, "rescuers" are moving cats on and adopting them out without neutering them. This is shameful. You are moving the problem on. We could never, ever think that one of our babies could go on to a life of having constant kittens or being responsible for adding to the current cat crisis.
Cats meet with many dangers when they live most of their lives outside. They are more likely to be run over, catch infectious diseases (especially if they are not vaccinated), meet with cruelty and abuse, including intentional dog attacks which are on the rise and of course, they are more likely to suffer the ill effects of extreme hot or cold weather.
Cats rely heavily on their sense of smell to get them back home. This sense can be hindered by bad weather, wind, rain, snow, etc can all mask or carry smells.
Cats can suffer from frost bite and hypothermia. So here is a bit of a clue to whether or not it's too cold for your warm blooded, feline friend outside. If you wouldn't lock your child outside in these freezing conditions, don't don't to your cat or dog!
If you see a stray who looks freezing, get it straight to your vet. You can help strays by providing them with shelters full of straw, a water source which isn't frozen and daily food. If your local rescue is full, ring around and continue to help the cat until a space is found.
Do not assume a cat is stray if it looks healthy and fed. Check for a chip, paper collar it, put up posters, take it to a vet, knock on doors, advertise it online. Do not remove cats from their area or home, it's the worst thing you can do for a cat. Only take action if the cat looks like it needs help or you have reason to believe it is being neglected.