Karen's Cat Community - Animal Rescue and Sanctuary

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Karen's Cat Community - Animal Rescue and Sanctuary Karen's Cat Community is a small cat sanctuary and rescue service in the heart of Wales. We will also offer help and advise on cat care should people need it.

Helping to rescue and re home stray cats in Rhayader, Llandrindod Wells and surrounding areas. We are a family who do this in our spare time as we realised, after moving to Mid Wales, there was a shortage of cat rescues. We have helped in situations such as controlling feral farm colonies by spaying and neutering adult cats and re homing the kittens, re homing abandoned cats, left behind when thei

r owners move on, re homing cats whose owners have passed away and re homing kittens or cats which have been dumped (literally). We have 14 rescue cats of our own and two rescue dogs so we are very experienced in cat care. We are not here to judge, tread on anyone's toes or to make money, simply to help as animals are our passion. We flea, worm and generally care for these cats out of our own pocket but rely on donations from friends and family for more expensive vet bills. We spay and neuter all our cats and all rescue cats. If cats are in our care for a while and need to be socialised to improve their chance of re homing, all cats will be tested for FIV and FeLV. Adoptions will be subject to a home visit and we now charge an adoption fee but merely to cover some of our costs. The adoption fee will be in the form of a donation and will go towards other rescue cats in our care or vet bills. We try hard to match the right cat to the right family as we feel it is extremely important for these cats to find a stable forever home after what they have been through already. We are grateful for any and all donations even in the form of beds, food, scratch posts, toys,etc. In the past, we have had people who show an interest in a particular cat but who can not adopt at the moment, sponsor that cat and pay for their food, toys, etc. This is very helpful for us at the moment due to limited funds. Thank you.

We are still seeing lots of posts for missing cats in the local area, some are even kittens. To us, a kitten is a kitten...

We are still seeing lots of posts for missing cats in the local area, some are even kittens. To us, a kitten is a kitten until it is a year old. A large number of these cats and kittens are unneutered and unchipped or their chip details are not up to date.

When these cats go missing, owners demand sympathy, empathy and compassion and if the owner has taken all responsible measures to find their cat and make sure their cat is not already adding to the thousands of unwanted cats and kittens already out there in the World, they will get it from us, we will even post on our site and make phone calls to other rescues for you.

If you are a cat owner, this is your sign to make 2025 your year to stop making excuses and get your cat or kitten neutered and chipped. Chipping is a way to help locate your cat and to go some way towards identifying that cat as yours, should you end up in an unfortunate situation where someone is claiming your cat to be theirs, (Vet bills and photos of said cat help too, we are cat owners and can provide loads of both for each cat trust me).

Some vets do take advantage with chips and yes it is about time our wonderful Government put some sort of control on them. If one vet charges £15 and five minutes down the road, the vet is charging £45, then that's extortion. But ring around, phone chip companies, ask your local rescue, some have their own people who chip. If you phone around, you can still find people to chip your cat for less than a packet of ci******es!

Most rescuers remain quiet as, as soon as they make one negative comment, they are deemed as judging. Well, that's because they have had dealings with these people before. Most people who want this compassion and understanding are repeat offenders and it's not the first time one or more rescue would have stepped in to help them. Instead of learning by this help that is tirelessly offered time and time again, when their cat goes missing, they go and get more cats, like replacing a pair of shoes. And, yet again, they do not neuter or chip that cat and the cycle starts again.

So if you are one of these people offering this endless supply of compassion and empathy, without offering, help, advice or any sort of consequence to this behaviour, then you are just as guilty when that cat is lost, pregnant, run over, etc. As, as rescuers, we are ultimately there for the cat and it's welfare. It's not that rescuers aren't hurt or offended by the constant nasty remarks, it's that, most of us, who are true animal lovers, will put a humans hurt pride to the side (especially as it's only hurt for a short space of time until the cat or dog is replaced) and we will put the Welfare of the animal infront.

Stop relying on large organisations to step in and provide neutering for YOUR pet because as we found out in 2024 it can be stopped at any time. Leaving thousands of cats unneutered and adding to the crisis. Before you go out and get a cat or dog, no matter if it's from a rescue or some unlicensed breeder in the form of a stables, farm, your neighbour (to us these are all heartless, unlicensed breeders just in different clothing), think about the cost involved. If you can't afford to neuter, chip, vaccinate and treat your pet with decent flea and worm treatment, don't get one!

We also found out in 2024 that certain, "rescuers" are moving cats on and adopting them out without neutering them. This is shameful. You are moving the problem on. We could never, ever think that one of our babies could go on to a life of having constant kittens or being responsible for adding to the current cat crisis.

Cats meet with many dangers when they live most of their lives outside. They are more likely to be run over, catch infectious diseases (especially if they are not vaccinated), meet with cruelty and abuse, including intentional dog attacks which are on the rise and of course, they are more likely to suffer the ill effects of extreme hot or cold weather.

Cats rely heavily on their sense of smell to get them back home. This sense can be hindered by bad weather, wind, rain, snow, etc can all mask or carry smells.

Cats can suffer from frost bite and hypothermia. So here is a bit of a clue to whether or not it's too cold for your warm blooded, feline friend outside. If you wouldn't lock your child outside in these freezing conditions, don't don't to your cat or dog!

If you see a stray who looks freezing, get it straight to your vet. You can help strays by providing them with shelters full of straw, a water source which isn't frozen and daily food. If your local rescue is full, ring around and continue to help the cat until a space is found.

Do not assume a cat is stray if it looks healthy and fed. Check for a chip, paper collar it, put up posters, take it to a vet, knock on doors, advertise it online. Do not remove cats from their area or home, it's the worst thing you can do for a cat. Only take action if the cat looks like it needs help or you have reason to believe it is being neglected.

Happy new year to our friends and followers! ⚠️ We are still closed until the 3rd of January and will not be responding ...

Happy new year to our friends and followers! ⚠️ We are still closed until the 3rd of January and will not be responding to messages or emails until then, especially as we are both suffering with this festiva flu. Our New Year is consisting of cats, pj's, chocolate and Dexter on the TV.

This year we managed to help rehome 65 cats and 1 dog, took in 5 more sanctuary cats and have 6 rescues remaining in our care and we weren't even technically 'open'.

This year we will definitely not be opening until we have completed the charity paperwork so we can open officially and be able to apply for funding and support to continue to help people and cats in our area.

Stay tuned to continue on this journey with us. We wish you all a happy and healthy new year.

Karen and Lauren


Happy Birthday to the better half of KCC Lauren Marie Sorry it's not been a very nice birthday with us all being ill and...

Happy Birthday to the better half of KCC Lauren Marie Sorry it's not been a very nice birthday with us all being ill and other unexpected annoyances. I promise we will make up for it in the New Year🎊😺♥️🍷


Due to the fact that we are a multi cat family and rescue, we have decided to split our Christmas into two. We are having our Christmas day today with our Grandchildren and actual Christmas Day as our Catmas. So if we do not reply to people wishing us a Merry Christmas, this is why.

We have so many special needs cats and sometimes under fives don't mix well with cats who are healing from surgery, senior cats and timid cats.

We will therefore say our Merry Christmas to everyone in this post.

Merry Christmas to everyone who has supported us through 2024. This has been the third rescue year that has been particularly hard. With the UK in a Cat Crisis, the cost of living rising, our own health issues, we've thought, like many other rescues, about closing our doors for good but this area is in such desperate need of cat rescues.

Thank you to Lynda Giller and Aldwyth Newtown Powys Animal Welfare for listening to my rants, providing us with financial assistance and becoming a friend. Thank you to Shelley Jones PurrfectlyFeral (Llangedwyn Cat Rescue) and Becky Tinson Hay Animal Rescue Team - HART for proving that cat rescues can work together in harmony for the good of the cats. Thank you also for listening to my rants (sometimes you don't have a choice 😂🤦). Thank you for taking in cats when we couldn't take them in. Cat rescues don't have to agree with each other 24/7 but having the same morals and values helps, plus a good sense of humour to get through the constant heartaches.

Thank you to all the staff at Ddole Road Veterinary Clinic Ltd who do all they can to support us with the many cats and kittens (and dogs and a rabbit lol) we bring through your doors. A special thank you to Sally for your commitment to Jess. Thank you to all of you for sharing in our wins and our heartbreaks. Thank you to the girls on reception who thankfully share our sense of humour. The front of any house staff, whether it be vets, doctors, hotel, etc, are the first face you see, so the first impression. They do so much more than book appointments and answer the phones. They are the ones who juggle all our appointments and try to calm mine and Lauren Marie s often chaotic lives and minds. Thank you to the nurses who often care for our cats as in patients, especially Ernie who isn't an easy cat to care for.
Thank you to the vets who all have different styles, ideas and training, everyone is as respected as the other (even though Gareth thinks I think it's easy to be a vet, you just go on Google right? 😂). We can't mention you all but thank you to Liz and your team😺

Thank you to our KCC Shop volunteers who keep the shop ticking over, while we are caring for the cats. Even though we aren't around as much lately, we respect and value you for giving up your time to help raise funds for our cats, Barbara Woosnam Alison Nolan Jude Donnelly Brian Fisher Joanne Elizabeth Knight and Alys, our newest member of the team, also Tracey Oakley who runs our tombola stall.

Thank you to our moderators and admins, Nicola Reed-Kingston Sue Parsons Debra Murray Cheryl Sparkes Chris Sanderson Chris Reed-Kingston Kirsty Louise Taylor Marjory Walker Jackie Tier They are so much more. They are friends, adopters, transporters. They donate and keep us out of trouble (or get us in more, depending on who it is 😂😂).

Thank you to every single follower and supporter. No matter how you have supported, each donation, like, share, kind word, etc has been noted and appreciated. We cannot do this without you.

Thank you to Gabriel Anthony for helping with the cats. At times you may feel your help is not noticed or appreciated, but it is. Each tip run, each litter tray cleaned, blade of grass cut, etc is appreciated. Thank you to Sharon Hughes-Evans who has helped us collecting emergency cases, she has gone out in all weathers without question and brings them to us. You don't just come into a family with us, you become a part of KCC, which can be tiring and demanding.

Last but not least, thank you to our adopters, especially those who have become a part of our cat family (you know who you are). The ones who have listened to us, respected our advice and kept in touch, you are absolute angels, opening up your homes and hearts to our cats, even the most challenging.

If you have adopted from us, please drop a photo in the comments. We love seeing updates and just don't get time to message all of you. Thank you.

Merry Christmas

Karen, Lauren, G Man and the four, three and two legged gang

❄️🐾CATS AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION JANUARY 2025 🐾❄️Hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas and New year. We will now be clos...


Hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas and New year. We will now be closed until 3rd January 2025. We do not re-home our cats over the Christmas period so these guys will be ready from January 2025. We have 7 cats and kittens looking for their forever homes. If you are interested please email us, [email protected]

- Princess
Female / Approx. 16 months old
Very friendly little girl, can be rehomed as a single cat, although we always encourage another cat at the property. Princess is living with Poppy's kittens. She can be rehomed with any of them, especially Azalea as he now thinks she's his mum.

- Lannon and Binx
Male / Brothers / Approx. 16 months old
Owner surrenders, will be coming into us in January to assess their health, personalities and how bonded they are.

- Azalea
Male / Approx. 14 weeks old
Semi - feral kittens, socialisation still in progress but he is definitely the most confident of his siblings. He has gained his confidence from Princess and is quite bonded with her. Would be easy to introduce him to older cats. He loves to play but is still unsure of loud noises and fast movements. Will need a patient and understanding family.
⚠️ Health disclosure: when Azalea came into us he had an extreme worm infestation which caused a re**al prolapse. It has healed and he has since had no issues but it is important that his worming treatment is maintained.

- Chrysanthemum
Male / Approx. 14 weeks old
Semi feral kitten, socialisation is still in progress. He is still quite spicy and trusting humans will be a work in progress for him. He does start to sneak up to us if we are super quiet and will let us stroke him by his food bowl. He will need a quiet and understanding home. It is advised for no under 10s in the family.

- Iris
Female / Approx 14 weeks old
Semi feral kitten, socialisation is still in progress. She is very spicy and trusting humans will be a work in progress for her. She is the most timid of all her siblings. She will need a quiet and understanding home. We advise no under 10's, sorry.

- Brutus
Male / Approx. 4 years old
Extremely friendly and vocal boy who has been living outside in a local community. He started to become a nuisance when he started to break into people's homes to steal food. He is honestly just looking for love all the time. But he does also love his food.
⚠️ Health disclosure: Brutus is FIV+ but he is only 4 years old and is in the early stages of the disease with no clinical signs. He gets on well with other cats and now spends time with our other FIV+ cats, Ernie. New owners would need to have knowledge or be willing to learn before integrating him into a multi-cat household.

All of our cats and kittens are neutered, double vaccinated and treated for fleas and worms before rehoming. Adoption fee and home checks apply.

We are now closed for adoptions until 2025. These are the handful of adorable cats and kittens who will be available in ...

We are now closed for adoptions until 2025. These are the handful of adorable cats and kittens who will be available in January 2025

We would like to thank Art4Space  for donating £74.50 which was raised by this community group who sold their lovingly h...

We would like to thank Art4Space for donating £74.50 which was raised by this community group who sold their lovingly handmade items at a Christmas craft fair recently.

Every donation goes such a long way to helping us look after, mostly the sanctuary cats, over the Christmas period. It was lovely to see photos of everyone's amazing crafts.

Thank you so much,


Jess UpdateJess had a bit of a set back after her surgery. There has been a slight breakdown of the hole that was closed...

Jess Update

Jess had a bit of a set back after her surgery. There has been a slight breakdown of the hole that was closed in her hard palate, we now have to wait 6-8 weeks while she heals before we can see if further surgery is needed or possible. Her nose will never be the same as the foreign body (piece of her own skull) was embedded for a long time, it was dead and surrounded by bacteria. It has done its own share of damage, along with damage caused by the original trauma.

This trauma was not like an rta (road traffic accident) as the impact would have killed her. It was most likely a blow, maybe even a kick, hard enough to shatter her skull and cause damage to the lining of her nose and roof of her mouth. She no longer has the protective bones and tissue in her nose to protect her from outside elements and this is why she gets so many infections. The tissue in her mouth has been described as tissue paper.

That all said, the bone has gone so she is not clawing at her face now and the sneezing has massively reduced. Her nose is like a tap constantly dripping but she is on antibiotics now which we hope will help. Her antibiotics depend on what bacteria she has. We hope her breathing will improve as she heals 🙏

To see her laying on our settee and as part of our family without snotting e coli, etc all over us and the furniture, is everything.

Thank you to everyone who has ever donated to Jess or sent her food, or even just healing wishes ♥️

New IntakePrince, Princess, Misty, Noel, Lannon and BinxWe were contacted by a young lady from South Wales who originall...

New Intake

Prince, Princess, Misty, Noel, Lannon and Binx

We were contacted by a young lady from South Wales who originally needed to rehome all of her young cats.
We had nearly rehomed every single one of our cats and kittens, inches away from the temporary closure we had been trying so desperately to take. However, with rescues in the area bursting at the seams and us, having room, we decided to postpone our break and decorating the last of our rooms until after Christmas so that we could help the lady out. Especially after we heard that she had reached out to lots of rescues in South Wales, including the big registered charities and they had not been able to help her. We even gave her advice on seeking funding but most of them told her that there was no funding left at all for people on benefits, etc. She went away, only to contact us again in a couple of weeks after she was becoming so desperate, she was trying to find them homes on social media.

We decided that because there was a mixture of male and female cats in the house ranging from 7 months to 16 months. The easiest way to assist would be to find homes for the two females. We also managed to find someone whose contact information we already held who was interested in one of the young males. Prince, one of the young males was neutered, chipped, treated for fleas and worms and blood tested for FIV/FeLV, then rehomed to one of our followers after a homecheck, etc. It was arranged that she would reimburse us for our costs incurred and arrange to have him vaccinated after a settling in period.

We also had someone interested in the two young sisters, Princess and Misty but things became complicated when our vet informed us that Misty was too heavily pregnant to spay and they did not feel comfortable. Princess was neutered and chipped and she has now had her first vaccinations. We had to seperate the sisters when Misty went into labour as Misty was very inexperienced and the labour didn't go smoothly. The problem is with owner surrenders, is they go through so much stress with all the changes. Once you move a cat who turns out to be pregnant, the damage could already be done. Cats are not great fans of change but there was not going back unfortunately. Misty was young, stressed, inexperienced and the Tom cat was almost definately one of her brothers, meaning the kittens were a result of inter breeding. Misty also came in with fleas and worms and very bad diarrhoea. She was taken to our vet for treatment but again, with a pregnant cat, you are limited to certain treatments and you want to keep the stress to a minimum.

With all the odds stacked against Misty, she gave birth to a little girl who we named Joy. Joy was left half in the sack by Misty so we had to break the cord, remove her from the sack, etc and get her breathing. We managed to do this with our vet on the phone guiding us but she didn't get to open her eyes as she passed away hours later even though we and our vet tried everything to keep her alive. Misty did give birth to another kitten, they came hours apart and the second kitten took ages. I thought it would be Lily all over again but oddly, this is the kitten who made it. Noel came out slower but stronger and bigger with a huge set of lungs from the word go. Misty started to do what she was supposed to with him and we now wonder if she knew Joy would never make it. In the wild, would she have just left her so that Noel had a better chance of survival? Cats are amazing creatures, was she telling us something?

Noel is feeding well, we think he is a boy but it's early days. He is up and walking slowly, holding his head up, his ears are unfolding and he is gaining weight so quickly, he is a little chonk but we watch him like a hawk and weigh him twice a day. His eyes are opening and Misty is such an attentive Mum now. I've never seen a Mum cat so bonded to her kitten.

Princess and Misty are adorable girls, they are very loving. Princess is currently in with Chrys and gang, hopefully teaching them to trust humans and to acquire some social skills and manners, so she does have company. It is too early to say whether she will be able to be introduced back to her sister as Misty might be to protective of Noel. Princess does get on well with Azalea, he thinks she's his surrogate Mum so they could be rehomed together in the New Year.

There are two remaining 16 month old boys waiting to come in or they can be rehomed directly into new homes once homechecks are carried out and the boys are neutered, etc. One young male will be remaining in the home, neutered, chipped and hopefully vaccinated in the future.

It's very easy to judge on this occasion (judgy comments are not helpful and won't be tolerated) but this young couple are thankful, humble and doing everything we ask them to do to make this situation as easy and stress free as possible for their cats. They absolutely love their cats and actually rescued them from a farm, something that seemed liked the right thing to do at the time, quickly got out of hand. Children came along, the cost of living went up and Cats Protection stopped their voucher scheme. Kittens grow very quickly and can breed from 4 months of age. They admit to not being very knowledgeable with cats and they are learning by their mistakes which, although done with good intention, were not in the best interests of the cats as Princess has also already had a litter.

Out of every rescue story we can learn something. We cannot bring Joy back and she didn't need to be born just to die, but we don't have a time machine and all we can do is make sure that Misty and Princess never go through this again and they find good, forever homes and that little Noel grows to be a healthy cat. Education is absolute key. The first time we make an error in judgement is a mistake, the second or third, is just laziness and an excuse.

Please think twice before you purchase a kitten or get one for free or even adopt one. Absolute best care means your kitten needs:

Good quality flea and worm treatment
Good quality food
Scratch posts

The list goes on, they should be a part of your family, not chucked out on the street. Your kitten WILL grow into a cat and he may be around for 20 plus years. He will need veterinary care, especially as he grows older.

Cats are quickly becoming a luxury. If you can't afford one and care for it then don't get one. There is absolutely no kind way of saying that but we see so much heartache, breeding needs to stop, the UK is in a cat crisis and rescues can't cope. Please, please neuter your cats.

By the way, a rehoming centre for the RSPCA in South Wales, stated,

"They should have neutered their cats"

How utterly unhelpful is this and these are the charities who are raking in all the donations. These big rescues need to start taking into account that some people need help. Some people are poverty stricken, going through DV, made homeless, they can have learning difficulties, be neuro divergent. What I found when I was ringing around on behalf of this young couple is, there doesn't seem to be much help available in the way of advice, it's just literally, we don't cover your area or we have stopped the vouchers or no, we are full. I felt hugely anxious dealing with some of these women and the cats aren't even mine, imagine how these people reaching out for help feel.

New Intakes Poppet, Azalea, Chrysanthemum and IrisAll the kittens were named after flowers as I thought Pops was named P...

New Intakes

Poppet, Azalea, Chrysanthemum and Iris

All the kittens were named after flowers as I thought Pops was named Poppy.

We were contacted by a lovely man who reached out with concerns about a lady he had carried out some work for. The lady had taken a very young, pregnant cat in who turned up at her property a while back. She decided to keep all the kittens at the property but they had now grown up and were fighting and breeding. Needless to say, they were all unneutered and the original Mum cat had gotten pregnant again and had a further three kittens. He told us that she had reached out to a large cat charity and they did not help with the situation. He had also tried closer cat rescues to the lady as she was based in Churchstoke but they were all full.

We had nearly rehomed every single one of our cats and kittens, inches away from the temporary closure we had been trying so desperately to take. However, with local rescues bursting at the seams and us, having room, we decided to postpone our break and decorating the last of our rooms until after Christmas so that we could help the lady out. Especially after we heard that she had similar health issues to me, it was hard not to feel empathetic to her situation as she seemed to be doing all she could to rectify a situation that had been left to begin to get out of hand. By the Summer of next year, we could have been looking at lots more cats, and an interbreeding situation.

What we felt might be a simple situation unfortunately turned out to be a little bit more complicated. The Mum cat, although raised around humans on an estate environment, was extremely timid and actually semi feral. The kittens weren't much better unfortunately but where there's a will there's a way and several scratches and bites later, Mum and kittens were in the carriers.

The original agreement of rehoming the three kittens and Mum cat had to be re thought as we try to explain to people time and time again, we rescue from our home. We have helped with feral cats in the past as they go back to their land or worse case scenario, if the land is not safe, they are relocated and go through 8 weeks of decompression and quaranteen at their new location. We of course can help with strays and this is a majority of our work, cats who lose their way or who are abandoned. These cats are desperate for warmth, love and attention and new homes can be found reasonably quickly, even senior cats and disabled cats find homes more quickly than the dreaded "semi feral" cat. These are the cats who have never been socialised by humans but the humans have made them dependant on them for food. They are neither feral, nor domesticated so they struggle in either situation, it is cruel to put them on farms but not many domestic homes want a cat who is so terrified, it is biting and scratching and weeing outside the litter tray. So rescues have a harder, longer job on their hands. They take more time, therefore the result is, the room is taken up for longer and they begin to cost more money as you can have them in residence for months or even years.

When we offer to help people, we always make the terms of that help clear. We made it clear we had no available pens, nor the time to work with a cat like Popette, so it was agreed that if she did not settle, she would need to return to her home. She would of course be neutered and chipped and on this occasion, we even blood tested her for FIV/FeLV. We also treated her for fleas and worms. This is the kindest thing you can do for a cat like this. She was terrified with us and hid away in a cat carrier, she made absolutely no attempts to engage with us, she trembled and scratched and bit. We could make no attempt to work with the kittens at this point as they were going off of Mum's vibe. They hid with Mum and displayed the same semi feral behaviour. The lady was nervous about Pops being returned so soon after her spay so we kept her for much longer than we intended as we had one of our Sanctuary cats going in for very important surgery, plus, it is very hard to work with cats based over an hour away as we are so busy and running backwards and forwards takes time and costs money.
Mum cat finally returned to her home and I have never seen a cat so happy to go back. She stayed around the property, immediately head bumped her older daughter and it was clear she knew her feeder and was much more comfortable with her than being with us.

As for the kittens, we stuck to our agreement and we have agreed to socialise, neuter, vaccinate and treat them for fleas and worms. Unfortunately, even this didn't go to plan as the kittens were so full of worms and constipated that Azalea had a re**al prolapse. This has taken extra time and money on a rescue we really shouldn't have gotten involved in. Mum cat was with us for so long that any progress we made with the kittens has been undone and we are kind of back to square one. Although Azalea has learnt to trust us some what due to how much time we spent with him as he was poorly. Crys is making small steps again now and Iris is taking literal, "Baby steps" but we will get there with her slowly.

The end result for these kittens is, that it will now be harder to find them homes, they will need to stay with us longer, and the older they get, the less people want them (sad fact). They will cost us more in food, litter, toys, time, electricity, heating, etc. They will most likely not be suitable for families with young children so now their chances of being rehomed have lessoned.

Did I say this to the lady, no!
Why? I mean I'm a gobby Essex bird, right? I go around deliberately making people feel worse about themselves than they do already, right? Wrong!!
I am an empath, I have my own anxieties caused by a narcissistic family. The thought of making someone feel guilty or bad, actually makes me feel physically ill. I sit up all night feeling bad about myself......for a while, but then I straigten my crown and remember what the only member of my family who I respected used to tell me.
"If you know you are right, don't let them bother you". Thanks Mum, later in life, I think she may have changed that to "If you know you are right, F them" lol

Anyways, you guessed it, I ended up telling her in the end, after we were told, we were just like, the big charity, making her feel bad and a, "nuisance". No we are not like the other rescue because we actually went out and stopped the cycle of this family of cats, even though it was a huge inconvenience to our lives. But it is never good enough. Even though, we also arranged for the two remaining Tom cats to be neutered and chipped at the expense of Newtown Powys Animal Welfare. All she had to do was make a phone call. But she later returned to ask us for more help, taking Pops back and one of the males. This is cruel, you can not mess with cats like this, but did I tell her, no, not at first because I didn't want to upset her. Instead, I clarified information I had given her which she had misconstrued and I put her back in touch with a bigger rescue who had offered to neuter the male cats and some smaller rescues with pens who were closer and may be able to help her at a later date but the may concern was to get all the cats neutered.

The morals of this story:

Do not wait until kittens are 8 or 12 weeks of age. If they are born on your land, in your garden, etc. Contact a rescue, straight away and if that one can't help, keep going until you find one who can. Or at least bring them in to socialise them and worm and flea them to give them the best start in life until a rescuer can help. The actual thing that infuriates ALL rescuers is, kittens are cute until they aren't and then, they are little problems and breeding machines.

If you can not afford to neuter cats, do not keep them. If you can not afford basic care in the form of flea and worm treatment, do not keep them and again, if you do, socialise them to give them the best chance of finding a home. There is no magic feral or semi feral land. These cats, once moved, get picked on by other cats and colonies and pick up diseases. They have a higher chance of getting run over as they don't know the area and they will try to find their way home.

When a rescue lends you a hand, don't bite it, we all talk and when we need to we will share information. We take screenshots to protect ourselves now as we are all sick and tired of mopping up messes and being other peoples fall guy. Working with rescues is in the best interests of the cats. If they tell you to keep them in, find a way. If they tell you to check a trap, check it. If they tell you to ring someone who is going to fund neutering your cats then ring them. If they get you a vet appointment urgently, then do what you can to get the cat to the appoinment. We can't hold you hands for you, you need to make some sort of effort. We even supplied food for these cats.

Diesel money, donations, thank you cards are all lovely but not if you throw them back in our faces, they mean nothing. So telling me, "I suggest if you are tired and struggling with your health Karen, you put a lid on it all" is not a respectful thing to do. Because that's what we were trying to do.

One last thing, most rescues will NOT give you an update on any cats or kittens you surrender. We are different, we feel giving updates is the decent thing to do but this is as and when we can. Not at 8, 9 or 10pm. Unfortunately, in the New Year, we will need to assess more of our policies because some people are just crossing the line of respect. We wanted to be a community of cat lovers, not a stuffy, judgemental rescue but people make this so hard.

I hope that this lady takes our advice and actually rings PAW so that they can help to arrange to neuter the male cats who are still at the property and fighting. I hope that she takes our advise regarding Mum cat and any other cats who she wants relocated. And I hope that other's reading this post will actually take notice. Spay and neuter your cats people, the situation is getting absolutely ridiculous now!


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